Can someone explain to me why this is happening

Ok I am trying to add two values in an update statement. Part of my code is as follows:
update account a
set a.total_term_births =( SELECT b.total_term_births
WHERE b.account_id = 98778
a.total_term_births )
where a.account_id = 98777
The answer I am expecting is 5244, but
SQL> select total_term_births from account where account_id = 98777
SQL> /
Now, if I change the above coorelated sub query to as follows:
update account a
set a.total_term_births = ( a.total_term_births + (
SELECT b.total_term_births
WHERE b.account_id = 98778 ))
where a.account_id = 98777
I get 5244 the correct answer. In my mind both syntaxes are correct.
Am I right in my assumptions.

You are not getting the expected results with the first version because the subquery is looking for an account_id value of (98778 + the_value_of_a.total_term_births). So, if row 1 had a total_term_births value of 123, the correlated subquery would be looking for an account_id of 98901, and if row 2 had a value of 50, the subquery would be looking for an account_id of 98828, and so on. This is not what you want at all.
The second version is the correct version of the query.

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    Lyndsay237 wrote:
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    else if "pMushroom" = string(collisionModel).char[8..16] then
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    collisionModel is most likely a property variable. So "else if "pStick" = string(collisionModel).char[8..16] then" is taking whatever is in that variable, and setting it as a string. Then it is parsing out the characters in that string from character 8 to character 16 and comparing that sub string to the string pStick.
    This works in the first example because "pMushroom" has 9 characters. "pStick" has six characters and so it will never be equal to those characters in collisionModel. You might try:
    else if "pStick" = string(collisionModel).char[8..13] then
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    > Microsoft,
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    - CF
    /* dice wager game */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
        int r = arc4random() % 6+1;
        int bet;
        int dice;
        int cash=1000;
        int total;
        int loop=1;
        while (loop<10){
        printf ("You have %i dollars, How much do you want to bet? \n", cash);
        scanf ("%d",&bet);
        printf ("What is the number you want to bet on (1 out of 6)? \n");
        scanf ("%d",&dice);
        if ( dice == r )
            printf("You guessed it right %i \n",r);
            printf("You now have %i \n",total);
        else if (r!=dice)
            printf("Your number %i was, the number is %i \n", dice,r);
            printf("You now have %i \n",total);
            if (total==0)
                printf("You have no more money, game over \n");

    Thank you!!!
    I know it seems silly to you, but it now suddenly all makes sense to me!
    Here's the revised code:
    /* dice wager game */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
        int r = arc4random() % 6+1;
        int bet;
        int dice;
        int cash=1000;
        int total;
        int loop=1;
        while (loop<10){
        printf ("You have %i dollars, How much do you want to bet? \n", cash);
        scanf ("%d",&bet);
        printf ("What is the number you want to bet on (1 out of 6)? \n");
        scanf ("%d",&dice);
        if ( dice == r )
            printf("You guessed it right %i \n",r);
            printf("You now have %i \n",cash);
        else if (r!=dice)
            printf("Your number %i was, the number is %i \n", dice,r);
            printf("You now have %i \n",cash);
            if (cash<=0)
                printf("You have no more money, game over \n");

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    Where is the option to sync FROM my phone TO my PC????
    It boggles my mind that I have to go outside of iTunes and use Windows Explorer to copy the photos from the phone to the computer.  So I go to "My Computer" and within the iphone Internal Storage there is only a DCIM folder and two sub-folders.  There are only 800 photos there!  Where are the other ones?
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    SO far, the closest thing I have been able to find is to have to buy a third party App like "Simple Transfer" to do this.  Is this really the case?  Or am I missing something?

    Photo sync is only one way, computer to iPhone.
    To get pictures from the iPhone to the computer, copy them to the computer as you would with any other device.
    Pictures saved from emails or instant messages (if done on the device) are in the camera roll.
    Pictures previously synced to the device from a computer are not available to be copied off the device.  They should already be on a computer.

  • Can someone explain, and/or justify this?

         Result: PICAS
    // so far, so good.  Just to be sure...
         Result: PICAS
    // now
         Result: 4108374726
    // huh?
        Result: 2054187363PICAS
    // and finally
        "units are "+x
        Result: units are 2054187363
    I suppose there's some explanation why the measurement units for picas is secretly associated
    with the integer 2054187363 and why it's a good idea.

    > it still doesn't make sense that "picas" and friends should have these
    > I'm-also-a-number behaviors that do make sense for special characters
    The I'm-also-a-number behavior does not actually make sense whatever the enum you consider, it's just the way those objects work.
    Note, however, that Enumerator instances do not have the cast Number (the typeof operator does return 'object'). What has been done when introducing these objects in CS5 is:
    1. Making myEnum.valueOf() return a Number.
    2. Overriding == and === so that myEnum can match a Number in both equal and strict-equal comparisons.
    The reason for this, IMHO, was to preserve compatibility with previous versions (CS4 and before) where Enumerations—the collection of enums—were just pointing out to numeric values, that is, Numbers.
    Thus, a syntax like (myUnit===MeasurementUnits.INCHES), or (myUnit===2053729891), or even (MeasurementUnits.INCHES===2053729891), still works from CS4 to CS5 without breaking existing code.
    Now, about the meaning of these numbers, we know they are nothing but unique identifiers. Technically—and this is an old tradition in Adobe architecture—such identifiers are all built based on 4-character sequences.
    In the case of measurement units, identifiers are formed using the prefix 'z' and 3 relevant letters from the unit name, usually the leading letters, e.g. 'zinc' for inches, 'zpic' for picas, and so on.
    Then, ASCII codes of these characters are taken to build a number:
    INCHES => z i n c => 7A 69 6E 63 => 0x7A696E63 (=2053729891 in decimal)
    PICAS => z p i c => 7A 70 69 63 => 0x7A706963 (=2054187363 in decimal)
    And you will check that +MeasurementUnits.INCHES is 0x7A696E63.
    Anyway, your comment #5 highlights something else, based on the code:
    var x = MeasurementUnits.picas;
    var y = 2054187363;
    var z = "2054187363";
    We have checked, indeed, that x===y is true (see reason 2 above).
    But we also can check, as you mention, that x===z is true!!! Which is not CS4-backwards-compatible at all and sounds highly irrelevant since x.toString()==='PICAS'.
    I suspect that this strange case is a side effect of how the === operator has been overloaded. In my opinion, the hidden function Enumerator['==='](arg) mutely coerces the argument into a Number whatever it actually is. So the string z is simply taken as +z and that's why x===z also returns true. What Adobe should have done instead is:
    // JS pseudo code
    Enumerator['==='] = function(arg){ return 'string'==typeof arg ? this.toString()==arg : this.valueOf()==+arg };
    …and then x===z would have been false, and x==='PICAS' would have been true ;-)

  • Can someone explain the structure behind this common practice in most flash websites?

    I'm kind of a newbie with flash. I havent used it in a long long time and when I was using it, I wasnt really fully understanding what I was doing at the time. Anyways, it's been like 10 years now and I have to use it to make a website, but I can't figure out how others are doing this specific thing. I understand the basic concept of how flash works with making a website, and I've even built a very basic website with audio/video and mouse interaction, but now I want to step it up. I've seen many flash websites before and some have a lot of things going on at once and I'm wondering how you implement that smoothly while still allowing mouse interaction and navigation. I know this sounds confusing but basically, what I mean is:
    let's say I have a website and on the website I have buttons that lead to different pages(frames) when clicked. On the main page I have something like a bird that flies from left to right. Let's say that the bird is in the middle of the screen and a user clicks a button. How do I make it so that the bird continues to fly off screen before switching pages? Obviously, I cant tell what the location of the bird will be when the button is clicked since it will vary from user to user so I am completely confused on how to structurally set this up. Would the bird be it's own swf embedded in the main swf? Or is this feature a massive keyframing project for every frame of animation that bird has?
    Also, how do have multiple animations that run on different clocks looping simultaneously? What I mean by this is, lets say the previously mentioned bird has a 25 frame animation loop and a second element, like a sunrise/sunset has a 30 frame animation loop... how do I loop both of them so that they loop seemlessly at the same time? Will I have to animate both of them in a loop until both reach a common frame (150 frames from 6x 25frame bird loops and 5x 30frame sunrise/sunset loops)?

    You will have to experiment to see what works well and what doesn't.   You can have things animating along a timeline in parallel, but you can also have them be their own movieclips and animated when commanded to play().
    In the case of your bird flying off before a button click is processed, you could manage that as follows.  Have the button set a variable that is defaulted at false to be true.  At the end of the bird's flight, you test that variable ( as in ... if(variable == true)...) to see if it is true, and if so, you process whatever command that button is intended for.  If you used a timeline animtion for the bird, then that test would occur at the last frame of the animation.  If you used a coded tween to move the bird across the scene, then you could use an event listener to detect the animation completed and do the test then.
    There are almost always a variety of choices for achieving the same design goal.  The key to determining a solution is knowing what tools you have to work with... and coming to know what those tools are and how to use them is where learning comes in.

  • Styling Rules, can anyone explain to me why this will not work?

    I am creating a Custom Theme, for some reason Mapviewer generates the first two rules of this and then ignore the last two rules. It does not matter if the 2nd rules is any of the last 3, it will generate the markers associates with the query, but after it does that it ignore the last two styles. In the code below, the state labels all work fine. M.Green is displayed but not M.Amber or M.Red, if I was to put M.Red or M.Amber in the place of M.Green it will only display that style. So I know the queries are correct. I their some sort of limit on the amount of Rules I can have? In the MapDef tool it all looks correct but I can't edit the queries as I reach the character limit of the tool so I have to do this in SQL.
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_themes VALUES(
    'FORSCOM Sites',
    '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <styling_rules asis="true">
    <features style="RESOURCES:C.SEQ6_02" ASIS="TRUE"> (US_ID IN(''AR'',''AZ'',''CA'',''LA'',''NM'',''NV'',''OK'',''TX'',''AL'',''FL'',''GA'',''KY'',''MS'',''NC'',''PR'',''SC'',''TN'',''MA'',''ME'',''NH'',''MD'',''RI'',''CT'',''NY'',''PA'',''DC'',''WV'',''DE'',''NJ'',''VA'',''VT'',''CO'',''IA'',''ID'',''IL'',''IN'',''KS'',''MI'',''MN'',''MO'',''MT'',''ND'',''NE'',''OH'',''OR'',''SD'',''UT'',''WA'',''WY'',''WI''))</features>
    <label column="US_ID" style="RESOURCES:T.STATE NAME">1</label>
    <features style="RESOURCES:M.GREEN" asis="true">
    SELECT location,
    FROM resources.map_data ml
    WHERE ml.location_id IN (SELECT d_loc_id
    FROM cii.devices
    WHERE d_loc_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT l.location_id
    FROM resources.locations l,
    resources.activity_locations al,
    resources.activities a,
    resources.sub_commands sc,
    resources.commands c
    WHERE l.location_id = al.location_id
    AND al.activity_id = a.activity_id
    AND a.ac_sc_id = sc.sc_id
    AND sc.sc_cmd_id = c.command_id
    AND c.acronym = ''FORSCOM''))
    <features style="RESOURCES:M.RED">
    SELECT location,
    d_dev_name device,
    DECODE(d_ops_status,2,'Red') status,
    et_type type,
    ev_down_gmt down,
    ev_etr_gmt etr,
    ev_description description,
    FROM resources.map_data ml,
    cii.devices d, e,
    cii.event_types et
    WHERE ml.location_id = d.d_loc_id
    AND d.d_dev_id = e.ev_dev_id
    AND e.ev_type = et.et_id
    AND e.ev_os_id IN (2)
    AND d.d_loc_id IN (SELECT l.location_id
    FROM resources.locations l,
    resources.activity_locations al,
    resources.activities a,
    resources.sub_commands sc,
    resources.commands c
    WHERE l.location_id = al.location_id
    AND al.activity_id = a.activity_id
    AND a.ac_sc_id = sc.sc_id
    AND sc.sc_cmd_id = c.command_id
    AND c.acronym = 'FORSCOM')
    <features style="RESOURCES:M.AMBER">
    SELECT location,
    d_dev_name device,
    DECODE(d_ops_status,1,''Amber'') status,
    et_type type,
    ev_down_gmt down,
    ev_etr_gmt etr,
    ev_description description,
    FROM resources.map_data ml,
    cii.devices d, e,
    cii.event_types et
    WHERE ml.location_id = d.d_loc_id
    AND d.d_dev_id = e.ev_dev_id
    AND e.ev_type = et.et_id
    AND e.ev_os_id IN (1)
    AND d.d_loc_id IN (SELECT l.location_id
    FROM resources.locations l,
    resources.activity_locations al,
    resources.activities a,
    resources.sub_commands sc,
    resources.commands c
    WHERE l.location_id = al.location_id
    AND al.activity_id = a.activity_id
    AND a.ac_sc_id = sc.sc_id
    AND sc.sc_cmd_id = c.command_id
    AND c.acronym = ''FORSCOM'')

    Hi LJ,
    I should have all this figured out. I have created my advanced theme, and it seems to be working fine. The problem I am running into is when I try and get the data for my mouseover infotip window the Mapviewer is failing saying that the decription string I am trying to display in my infotip window is failing whenever it is trying to display any text string:
    05/05/05 11:14:27 Thu May 05 11:14:27 GMT-07:00 2005 ERROR [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.RealWorker] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "DEVENS RESERVE FORCES TRAINING AREA"
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
    at java.lang.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(
    at java.lang.Double.valueOf(
    My query is as follows:
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_themes VALUES(
    'All Forscom',
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <styling_rules >
    <rule >
    <features style="RESOURCES:A.STATUS">
         SELECT md.map_loc_data, me.LOCATION, me.DEVICE, me.STATUS, me.TYPE, me.DOWN, me.ETR, me.TITLE, cl.location_id
         FROM resources.MAP_LOCATION_EVENTS_VIEW me, resources.MAP_DATA md, command_locations_view cl
    WHERE cl.location_id = md.location_id AND md.location = me.location(+) AND acronym = 'FORSCOM'
    If I just have the following SQL this works fine and the infotip window will show me the status of the locations, but of course I need to have the descrition, and title, etc.. Any strings that are called seem to fail.
    SELECT cl.location,
    FROM command_locations_view cl,
    map_data md,
    map_location_events_view mle
    WHERE cl.location_id = md.location_id
    AND md.location = mle.location(+)
    AND acronym = 'FORSCOM'
    My 2 views are as follows:
    SELECT cl.location,
    FROM command_locations_view cl,
    map_data md,
    map_location_events_view mle
    WHERE cl.location_id = md.location_id
    AND md.location = mle.location(+)
    AND acronym = 'FORSCOM'
    SELECT location,
    d_dev_name device,
    2,'Red') status,
    et_type type,
    ev_short_desc title,
    ev_down_gmt down,
    ev_etr_gmt etr,
    ev_description description,
    FROM resources.map_data ml,
    cii.devices d, e,
    cii.event_types et
    WHERE ml.location_id = d.d_loc_id
    AND d.d_dev_id = e.ev_dev_id
    AND e.ev_type = et.et_id
    AND e.ev_os_id IN (1,2)
    Any ideas??

  • Can someone explain this difference in Mac vs Win policy ?

    I can download a MathScript module for evaluation with the Windows evaluation version, but for the Mac, I have to first buy LabVIEW (the module is free, just can't be evaluated). Can someone explain the logic behind this nonsense ?

    NI's activation platform doesn't work on the Mac or Linux operating systems. We created a "special" evaluation version of LabVIEW for the Mac, but after the 30 days, it requires you to uninstall it and install the regular version of LabVIEW, which doesn't have activation.
    VISA is offered as a free download because it a device driver, and by practice, all of NI's device drivers are free. However, the MathScript RT Module is an add-on for LabVIEW. The reason that the Mac and Linux versions are free is because we don't have LabVIEW Real-Time for Mac or Linux, and the real-time capabilities for the LabVIEW MathScript RT Module are the primary reason for the cost of the Module in the first place. This ability to deploy custom .m files to embedded hardware, and run them deterministically, as well as the plug-in tools to do profiling and testing, is a huge differentiator for MathScript on the Windows platform. However, that functionality doesn't exist on the Mac or Linux platform.
    The reason you can't download the Module is because we need to be able to track who the users are. Each new release of LabVIEW brings a new version of the MathScript RT Module, and we physically mail the new media to all of the users who have "purchased" the free Module, just like with any purchased Module. If we simply said go download it, then each person would have to go re-download it with each release.
    "Go stuff yourself" is certainly not the intention. You will be able to use the Mac version of MathScript (free) on the evaluation version of LabVIEW for Mac. To find this version, navigate to and choose to "See Download Options". The mac version is linked within this page.
    I hope you find this information both helpful and satisfactory.
    Jeffrey P.
    LabVIEW Product Management
    National Instruments


    I have just purchased a new macbook pro 15" 2.4ghz. Im a designer, i havent even created my appleid, im on my sisters... i made a sacrifice to buy this $2700 laptop.
    and Im so dissapointed...
    I CANT SEE SMOOTH GRADIENTS.. all i see are ugly lines... i dont get it, for such a high class LAPTOP.
    Apple support please help me solve this. ive been reading forums about 6bit screens for this laptop.. i dont want to believe that. can someone explain? im returning this...

    I can verify that all of Apple's laptops use 18 bit (6 bits per Red, Green Blue) color, which is about 260,000 colors. The OS then using dithering to fake the missing colors. Despite what you have read, they are incapable of 24 bit 'millions of colors'.
    The problem with this argument is that, when it comes down to it, the color displays are made up of dithered red, green, and blue elements anyway. We accept that this form of display gives us "full color", so it's difficult to argue that millions of colors can't be represented using the same mechanism. It's not quite 16.7 million (more like 16.3 or something) but Apple's text has always taken care to read "millions of colors" rather than 16.7 million (which you'll still see on the specifications for the Cinema displays).
    Just for informational sakes though, these kinds of 6-bit displays don't rely on OS spatial dithering; they actually make use of their very fast switching to perform temporal dithering, switching a pixel between two shades very quickly to generate an in-between shade. That's why for most people the result is usually visually indistinguishable from true 8-bit color, and doesn't look like what you'd see with traditional dithering.
    If the OP is noticing severe banding on gradients, it's more likely to be an issue with color profiles than with the display being 6-bit.

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