Can't add JPEGs to timeline

Our charity just purchased the Adobe Premier Elements program.  I am familiar with Photoshop, but Premier is new to me.  So far, I cannot get hardly ANYTHING to work right.
I imported photos from an event to try and just make a sample movie so I can get my feet wet within the program but I keep getting the message: GENERIC FAILURE - This type of file is not supported, or the required codex is not installed. This is becoming QUITE FRUSTRATING.
I have viewed a few of the threads regarding this issue and have checked the photos that I am attempting to use.  They are all RGB, 8-bit images in JPEG format.  If I cannot make even a simple slideshow, how is this suposedly "superior" progam going to do videos?  If anyone can help, please do!  I do not want our Non-Profit having to go and buy another program all becasue a    Adobe can't get their act otgether.  I thought the Elements programs were supposed to be the "simplified" versions of the professional versions of the programs and thus easier for laymen to use.  but when you have experience in Adobe and you are pulling your hair out trying to get the dang this to work, well guess what didn't do your job!
Someone...Anyone...PLEASE HELP!

RMHCCarolinas wrote:
 well guess what didn't do your job!
This is a user to user forum so Adobe won't hear you. If you want to contact them directly use their links at the top of the page.
For a quick start check out the free tutorials at
and at Adobe:
The Adobe "Classroom in a Book" line is generally good to teach you the basics as is Steve Grisettis' "Muvipix Guide to Premiere Elements 9" (available from muvipix and Amazon).
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

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    Also, do these JPEGs come directly from a camera?
    In addition to the size issue Neale brings up, Premiere Elements can only work with photos that use standard 24-bit (8-bits per channel) RGB or black & white. (If your photo is coming from a camera or Photoshop Elements, this will not be a problem. But some more advanced photo editors can save in CMYK and more advanced color modes.)

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    Click on the V1 in the first column.
    You can have no tracks selected, or one track selected, but you can't have a track with V1 that isn't selected.
    Edit: Watch this:
    Editing in the Timeline with source patching & track targeting | Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV

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    You cannot use a jpeg image for signing.  The written signature must be within a PDF document.  Get a blank sheet of white paper (the brighter the better), and write the signature anywhere on the page.  Scan and save the page as a PDF.  Now, when you click on Use an Image and select this PDF, you'll see the signature appear in the small preview box.  Adobe Acrobat will find the signature on the page and automatically crop it out.

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    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Yes you can. But you need to flatten it as jpeg doesn't support layers.
    While the final JPEG can't have layers, it is not necessary to flatten the original Photoshop file to create a JPEG. There are two ways to make a JPEG while not losing the flexibility of preserving layers, and they both flatten on the fly while saving.
    I just tried this in Photoshop CS3 myself. When I add a text layer, and choose Save, the Save As dialog box comes up and defaults to PSD as was described. But... that is just the default! Go ahead and choose JPEG from the Format pop-up menu down below the file list. JPEG is in there. So what happens to the layers? Notice when you choose JPEG, the Layers box grays out and the "As A Copy" box grays out and is checked (i.e. you cannot uncheck it). What is going on here is Photoshop will gladly make a JPEG of your layered file, but it will force the JPEG to be a copy, so as to not overwrite the original layered file. This is good, because your Photoshop file with its editable text layer is preserved, and you get a JPEG copy to put in iPhoto.
    The second way is, instead of doing Save or Save As, choose File/Save for Web and Devices. This will also give you a JPEG choice, and also create an exported copy. Because this way makes files for the Web, they will be smaller than JPEGs from Save As because they will lack built-in previews (which you don't really need these days) and other extra metadata that take up space.
    Either way you get a JPEG you can toss back into iPhoto.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Only by exporting.
    The Export menu in Photoshop CS3 does not have any direct choices for JPEG.

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    Try this:

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    CA Forum: Performance Management and Dashboards
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    Post Author: saravkumar
    CA Forum: Performance Management and Dashboards
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    In GarageBand 10 it will look like it is not working, it is a bit confusing, but try this:
    Cut the region you want to turn into a loop exactly at the bar line.
    Show the loop browser pane.
    Select the region, grab it with the mouse and drag it over to the loop browser.
    It will look, like you were shifting the loop in the track - simply ignore this.
    Release the mouse, when it is over the loop browser and the panel to add the loop should open.
    Name the loop and set the attributs to index it.

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    You can have quite a few motion tweens on a timeline.  You can even have them happening simultaneously (I don't know of a specific limit), as long as they are all on their own layers.  Though the more you add simultaneously the more they can weigh down the speed of things running.
    If you need to prove this to someone, the easiest way is to create it and demonstrate it.  But you may want to check the exact wording of the question... it would not be beyond an examiner to throw a trick question in.

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    Thank you

    The Movies are M2V formated, and have AC3 Audio (Have an AC3 Plugin' and Have Apples MPEG 2 component). So please can anyone help me get Artwork to my Movie in iTunes?
    Sorry to say, it is not possible in this case. The ability to add/contain graphic "artwork" in iTunes is a property of the file container here. M4V and MP4 containers, for instance, can contain one such independent graphic. On the other hand, an MOV (assume you saved your M2V/AC3 data as an MOV) file cannot. On the other hand, your MOV file can have a "poster frame." If you are not a "purist," you can get around this problem by simply adding/drag 'n dropping your graphic to an appropriate point in your MOV file (I would recommend the end of the file), setting it as your "poster frame," and saving the file. In iTunes, this "poster frame" will now show up in your "artwork" display locations. (PS -- this is on a separate track as you attempted to do. In QT Pro, pre-position playhead to end of file and add JPEG track last so its layer is above main movie layer.)

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    Thank you.

    If you add a background or water mark, as opposed to a footer/header, you can specify an image to use.
    You can also use JavaScript to add a custom toolbar button or menu item so that you can easily add the images to a documant, or even in a batch process, using a variety of methods. Post again if you'd like more information.

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    It used to work fine, dragging clips to the storyline or using Insert or Append.
    Now I can't add any clips to the storyline, dragging doesn't seem to drag any clips, Append and Insert don't react.
    I create a new project, and I see the storyline, but can't add anything to it.
    Using FCPX 10.1.1
    on MacBook Air 2012.
    OSX Mavericks.

    Post screen shots of what's happening in FCP, timeline, browser.

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