Can't burn DVD on imac

My work iMac (27-inch 2.7GHz running OSX Lion) has a problem writing DVDs. It's only a couple of weeks old.
I insert blank DVD, it appears on the desktop, drop a folder on icon ready to burn, then nothing.
Tried dragging it to wastebasket, control clicking and just using burn on the icon but nothing's working.
I'm trying to backup a month's worth of artwork so there are many sub folders (30+) in that month titled with client's name and invoice no.
Inside each folder is indesign files, links, pdfs etc.
Is it something to do with filenames in folder?
There was one sub folder inside the main folder with a red circle and a minus sign through it bottom right so removed it but didn't help.
Any suggestions please?

If there is a problem with filenames etc. you could try to compress the folder you are burning befor dropping it in the burnfolder. That way you can rule out hardware error. Or try burning some other file.
If other files and compressed folder burns ok, then you have to look for the error in the files you are trying to burn.
And, you are using a supported media right ?

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    My Matshusita DVD unit can read it without problems but when I insert a blank DVD to burn it, Finder doesn't open and I can't do it.
    My Imac seems to recognize it because I could see DVD characteristics at discs utility.
    Please, could you give me some advice?

    Hi Damien,
    I have "Use finder" when I insert a blank Cd or DVD in "CD's & DVD's" System profile.
    My Imac is:
    Nombre del modelo: iMac
    Identificador del modelo: iMac8,1
    Nombre del procesador: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Velocidad del procesador: 2,66 GHz
    Número de procesadores: 1
    Número total de núcleos: 2
    Caché de nivel 2: 6 MB
    Memoria: 2 GB
    Velocidad del bus: 1,07 GHz
    Versión de la ROM de arranque: IM81.00C1.B00
    Versión SMC (sistema): 1.29f1
    Número de serie (sistema): VM848RXSZE6
    UUID de hardware: 31403C7F-317E-5A1A-97D4-CE0525E36892
    My DVD Unit is:
    Revisión del firmware: DB09
    Interconexión: ATAPI
    Soporte de grabación: Sí (unidad enviada por Apple)
    Caché: 2048 KB
    Leer DVD: Sí
    Grabar CD: -R, -RW
    Grabar DVD: -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
    Estrategias de escritura: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, DVD-DAO
    Soporte: Para mostrar las velocidades de grabación disponibles, introduzca un disco y seleccione Visualización > Actualizar.
    I am using Snow Leopard.
    Thanks in advance.

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    If you want to create a video DVD you'll need iDVD.  If you Mac didn't come with iDVD preinstalled then you'll have to purchase it by purchasing a copy of the iLife 09 disk from a 3rd party retailier like ilife 09: Software or  Why, because iDVD (and iWeb) was discontinued by Apple over a year ago. 
    Why iLife 09 instead of 11?
    If you have to purchase an iLife disc in order to obtain the iDVD application remember that the iLife 11 disc only provides  themes from iDVD 5-7.  The Software Update no longer installs the earlier themes when starting from the iLIfe 11 disk nor do any of the iDVD 7 updaters available from the Apple Downloads website contain them. 
    Currently the only sure fire way to get all themes is to start with the iLife 09 disc:
    This shows the iDVD contents in the iLife 09 disc via Pacifist:
    You then can upgrade from iDVD 7.0.3 to iDVD 7.1.2 via the updaters at the Apple Downloads webpage.

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    This is an older post from the Roxio Community (; but seems like similar problem - maybe worth a try:
    Either something is preventing the data from being sent to the drive's DVD-writing laser or the drive's laser is failing to start writing the disc. The only thing you can do with Toast is trash the plist and prefs files in the User>Library>Preferences folder and relaunch Toast. You might get a laser-cleaning disc for your drive. (A different laser is used to write CDs than is used to write DVDs). Also try choosing Save as Disc Image with Toast and burn the resulting disc image using the Image File setting in the Toast Copy window.
    Note that the laser cleaning idea was also mentioned in the previous link provided. Have you tied that? - would be nice if a simple solution worked.

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    Did you also upgrade DVD Studio Pro?

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    I haven't tried to convert DVDs to iPod yet (had it for a week) but in the past I tried to convert DVDs to my PocketPC handheld using many tools and found that there is no quick, easy and trouble-free way to do it. The fact that Apple chose to use specific (proprietary) video codecs does not help. You have to get your hands dirty, learn a lot about video, codecs, bitrates and so on. It was more time and energy than I was willing to spend. I may give it another try though. I bought the Apple AV cable to view video on TV and it'd be a shame to not use it.
    You may find some tutorials and other conversion tools at this website:, they also have discussion forums. (hope it's ok to post this link)

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    Sense Key = Medium Error sense Code = 0x73, 0x03
    Kind regards,

    I don't burn dvd's very often, so the challenge is to remember when I do.
    Just remember that a disk image is like a "virtual disc", so you want to make Copy using the Image File.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    See my FAQ*:

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    See my FAQ*:

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    Configuration: MacPro Early 2008, MacOSX 10.6.8
    I can not burn dvds anymore and do not know why. I can play dvds and cds though!
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    I have run Disk Utility from the Install cd of Snow Leopard and the small things which needed repairs have been repaired.
    I have reset the PRAM and the SMC (System Management Controller). Nothing.
    I have set up a new user account with admin privileges but it did not work.
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    Any piece of advice ?
    Thank you !

    Hi everyone. I already posted this message in another thread but got no useful replies.
    Configuration: MacPro Early 2008, MacOSX 10.6.8
    I can not burn dvds anymore and do not know why. I can play dvds and cds though!
    The following is the usual error message displaying after clicking the button burn :
    I have run Disk Utility from the Install cd of Snow Leopard and the small things which needed repairs have been repaired.
    I have reset the PRAM and the SMC (System Management Controller). Nothing.
    I have set up a new user account with admin privileges but it did not work.
    Please, note that I am trying to burn the same Kodak Pro dvds for photo and data archival that I burned in the past in the same MacPro.
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    Any piece of advice ?
    Thank you !

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    NStrange wrote:
    ... confused about which video format(s) to use (e.g.: SWF, MPEG4, etc.), and whether or not I should use 3rd party compression software (e.g.: Sorenson Squeeze, Compression Master, etc.) along with / in addition to Final Cut Express (among other similar issues)...
    FC/e is based upon the Quicktime-engine; so, on 'Export using QT', you'll get all codecs & settings.
    but which one..
    due to sheer popularity, YouTube became a 'standard' - I'm happy with the convenience, YT and the 'embed'-code offers - excellent quality, automatic adjusted to the watchers connection&hardware.
    my export settings are 720p, h264, 6MBit/sec - gives a - imho! - superb quality.
    (example of a 'screen-test' from my latest project CLICK )
    for creating so-called 'flash video'/.flv, you need 3rd party apps.
    Sorenson Squeeze is more of an pro-tool, .. you need some background knowledge to get noticeable 'better' quality.
    .. and the question is: are you willing to pay $.$$$ for that 0.x% more quality .. ? does your source offers such a 101% quality, which needs such affords?
    if bandwidth is an issue, because you're hosting on your own servers, consider the free codec xh264, you can install as a free QT-plug-in.. with low or super-low bitrates, it offers a superior quality compared to h264 ...

  • Can't burn DVD, reinstall pkg?

    Dear Friends,
    I have read several other posts with the same problem (can't burn DVD's). I could previously. There were no real solutions just the usual diagnostic suggestions. How about reinstalling whatever package burns DVD'? I have Pacifist. What package would that be? Thanks for your help.

    Dear Baltwo
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried all the usual "voodoo" fixes. The ones you try when you haven't a clue about what might be wrong(disk utility,disk warrior,etc.)
    I tried various versions of Toast, I've tried the built-in burning utilies. This same set-up burned DVD's fine before. I can read them, I can burn CDs, but not burn DVDs. I have been to the apple forums and found similar posts. I am guessing that whatever burns them has been corrupted. Is possible to reinstall just that part with Pacifist? I using OS X4.10 so my original install disk is old(4.3)I'd like to avoid reinstalling that whole old system. Thanks for your help.

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    My guess is your Pioneer drive is connected via Firewire or USB 2. The OS 10.4 install or updates may have caused some problem with the Firewire or USB 2 communication with the drive. Oftentimes these problems are fixed by applying Apple's Combined System Updater. In your case that is the 10.4.4 combined update. It doesn't matter if you are already running 10.4.4.
    Otherwise you may need to do an archive and reinstall of 10.4 to get the link working properly.

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    can you burn dvds or cds on a make mini without buying other devices

    Mac Mini yes
    Mac Mini Server no
    So your answer is yes

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    Hi Dean:
    iMovie 4 did not natively support an external burner without the help of this free downloadable script:
    Or Patchburn
    PS You may want to burn the soundtrack to an audio CD and import that to iMovie if it was purchased from itunes.

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