Can't Burn to Dell 600m DVD+RW

iTunes 6.0.2 won't burn Audio, MP3,or Data disks to a Dell DVD+RW drive (Philips SDVD6004). I get a message shortly after the burn initializes that says:
"Attempt to Burn Disk Failed. An unkown error has occurred (2122)" I was told by Apple support that I needed to update my firmware for the DVD Burner. I downloaded new firmware from the Dell website, ran the .exe, rebooted. Tried again, same error.
I am out of my mind on this one. I tried to revert to iTunes 5.0 and the same error occurred. Reinstalled 6.0.2 and am still stuck. Help!

I need more information about your hardware configuration. Run the iTunes Help menu -> Run CD Diagnostics... command and post the results here.

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    Hi Fabrizio!
    I am particularly interested in your problem because I was about to buy some of those very disks!
    In fact, I started this thread some time ago:
    I have been googling the error code, and from a variety of Mac related forums it appears that, as Templeton suggests, it is an incompatibility between the burner and the media.
    Some have had the problem with Matshita, some with Pioneer superdrives. Some have had success with exchanging one superdrive for another, some with using different media.
    What is strange is that Verbatim DVD-R of the 'regular' kind are the preferred brand here. I have read that F Shippey, who I hope will chip in here if he sees this thread, has tried the Verbatim Archival grade DVDs.
    We need a bigger user sample!
    Have you tried burning them at only 2x or 4x in Toast?
    Do you have any problems burning 'normal' Verbatim DVDs?

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    The DVD recorder I'm referring to is one I've use for years. It is not attached to my aging iMac in any way. I simply play the video from my camcorder (mini-dv tape based Canon HV20)  into the DVD recorder and create a DVD that can be played in any DVD player. I can only do minimum editing so what goes in is what I get. This has been fine for creating dupes of the various things I shoot.
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    My advice, keep iDVD on your Apple Mac as it is a great software and let's hope Apple will introduce it again in imovie 10.  Since you may have imovie 10.0 (2013) up-dated from imvovie 9.0 (which included iDVD for burning your home made films on imvoie 9.0,)  you can proceed as follows to burn it on a DVD:
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    First if you slideshow requires more than one audio track go to iTunes and create a new playlist with the music you want.  You can take the total time of the playlist and divide by the number of slides to get the approximate playing time for each slide. 
    In iDVD go into the slideshow window and then click on the Audio button at the right.  Locate the playlist and drag it into the music bin at the bottom of the window.
    Click to view full size
    Be sure that non of the audio tracks are DRM protected tracks from the iTunes store.  You won't be able to use them if they are.  And remember this is only for slideshows created by iDVD from still photos imported from iPhoto.

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    (The burn to the MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-825 DRIVE failed. The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.)
    Has anyone had this problem?????
    20inch 1.8GHz Power PC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I had the same problem attempting to burn 4.4GB (3800) of photographs onto a DVD using 10.4.5, iPhoto 6 and a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-106D.
    Same error.
    I had the same error with an external LaCie D2 burner as well.
    However when I tried burning 800MB of photos it worked fine.
    I then tried 3.8GB (3100) of photos and it worked fine.
    How many photos (number and size) were you trying to burn.
    What happens if you try and burn under 4GB of photos to a DVD?

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    I have managed to get it to work consistently now. I just burned 20 DVD's without a problem.
    I tried everything you suggested except the imageburn software. I didn't like that site, I was too anxious to try and figure out where to download that software in the midst of all the advertisements on that site.
    After clearing out everything in startup and services except what I needed I still wasn't able to burn successfully. Finally I went and purchased some Verbatim DVD-R discs and wahlah! Actually, after the first try with the verbatim I had an error code when trying to burn with Encore. So, I created and image file as you suggested and then I used Cyberlink's Power2Go to burn the image file and from there on it seems everything is solid.
    I think the biggest problem was using TDK discs. I came to the realization a few years ago that certain disks are not as predictable as others and that verbatim and maxell seem to be the best. I did get one bad batch of verbatim though one time and that's when I switched to Maxell. My friend gave me 200 of the TDK's and I've been having problems ever since. But, I wasn't sure what it was exactly because he gave me those around the same time I rebuilt my system.
    I had also found the Plextor seems to be the best bet for burners. But, I had been using an HP one lately and thought maybe that was the problem. However, now it seems to be fine.
    I really don't know what fixed it. I mean, nothing definitely worked until I started using the Verbatim today. But, that first verbatim erroring perplexed me. I had done some other things too, like removed some programs, like a bunch of HP printer crap. I even removed my virus software, Window Security Essentials. I just reinstalled it so now I'm wondering if I can burn as consistently. I had seen somewhere where someone said they removed Windows' Defender to get theirs working.
    Anyways, I guess what I need to do is format my main hard drive, only put adobe stuff on it, and then take my old computer set it up for everything else. That'll probably be the best thing to do... If I have anymore problems like this I'm doing that right away!

  • Can't burn more than 1 DVD

    So I finally got iDVD to work - I can't use a theme or anything, I'm just burning "one Step DVD from Movie..." I'll deal with the theme problem later but I really need these DVDs burned by tomorrow... so here's the problem: I burn the DVD just fine, the disk ejects and then iDVD says "done" and it is stuck 'thinking'. Then have to force quit and open iDVD back up to burn another disk. Anyone have any idea what the problem is?

    Can you save your DVD project as a disk image? It will go through all the encoding, but instead of burning a disk, you get a disk image that is the exact copy of the DVD. You can use the disk image to burn further DVDs through Disk Utility. If you go this route whenever you make a DVD project, you can save yourself wasted disks if there is a problem with burning.
    Since you already have a disk that burned, you can use it to make a disk image and do the burning of the rest of the disks from the disk image created from that.
    See these for the 'how-to' :

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    Yes; a basic dvd without the complex menu options of say, iDVD or DVDSP.

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    The random transitions can only be random when played in iPhoto.
    If you are in the slideshow mode and use the Share ➙ iDVD menu option a quictime movie will be created of the slideshow with the first random set of transitions and imported into iDVD.  The transitions, however,  will be fixed permanently and will not be changed again.
    There is no way to get any sort of random behavior in an iDVD.  When it's burned to disk it's locked permanently.

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