Can't Convert Mov to AVI in QTPro

Does anyone know if Apple has some kind of code in their movies that would not allow you to convert a .mov file of the new iPhone features movie found on the Apple homepage to another format? My Treo software doesn't play .mov files (yeah yeah... I know... get an iPhone, can't get out of my Verizon contract:) Thanks.

Use MPEG Streamclip. It is free. 3GP format is usually for phones so you may want to try that, admittedly pretty tiny blocky video. MPEG Streamclip does export to AVI though you need to know what codec the Treo supports. The is because AVI is not a codec it is a container like MOV and can have any combo of video and audio in it. You can have an AVI with a clip with WMV video and MP3 audio or H264 video and AAC audio and the possibilities are endless.

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  • Can't convert MOV to AVI - turns black

    hi all,
    i've converted thousands of files to AVI from MOV's....suddenly, when i convert them, they turn black
    i ususally convert from Uncompressed MOV to Uncompressed (using NONE codec) AVI and no problems.
    but now, the file just turns black
    i also have Perian, and have enabled/disabled, but no luck

    Use MPEG Streamclip. It is free. 3GP format is usually for phones so you may want to try that, admittedly pretty tiny blocky video. MPEG Streamclip does export to AVI though you need to know what codec the Treo supports. The is because AVI is not a codec it is a container like MOV and can have any combo of video and audio in it. You can have an AVI with a clip with WMV video and MP3 audio or H264 video and AAC audio and the possibilities are endless.

  • How can I convert .mov files for use with other apps?

    When loading movies taken on a friend's digital camera to my PC, the video files were saved as Quicktime .mov files. I am now unable to pull those files into any other software program (I want to put them onto a CD or DVD and play on external players.) How can I convert .mov files to a .wmv or .avi or mpeg?
    Thanks - J
    RS720G   Windows XP  

    Kodak Digital Camera QuickTime MOV Problems
    After battling a number of serious problems with the videos taken by my new Kodak Digital Camera, I decided to write up this page so that anyone searching the web would find out the true answers without as much grief!
    I’ve also made some other comments about my experience with the camera, in case anyone was considering buying a Kodak camera in the near future.
    I bought the camera just before Christmas 2004 in the US. At the time of writing, it is a pretty good model for domestic use—about 5.2 megapixels, costing about US$400 (or AU$600 back here in Australia). From a company as reputable as Kodak, I expected no problems.
    The first disappointing thing was that the spring inside the spring-loaded battery clip, inside the camera, came loose within days. It proved impossible to reattach it without completely dismantling the camera, which (despite my engineering qualifications) I was not willing to do. This would usually have been a warranty item, but Kodak’s warranty does not extend to other countries. I’ve since had to jam cardboard in to keep the battery clip engaged, and have taped the battery bay shut to avoid it opening accidentally when taking the camera out of the case. This works fine with the docking station (an extra AU$100!), but it means I can no longer charge the battery without the docking station (since you need to take it out to charge it). I was not impressed!
    The camera takes good photos, and I have no complaint with that. The controls and camera menus are well-designed. The large display is excellent.
    The EasyShare software is not as easy to use as it looks, has a habit of crashing, has a web update program that is always running in the background of Windows, and transferring images is nowhere as easy or quick as it should be. I’ve now uninstalled it completely, and simply copy the photos directly from the device. (If the camera memory is nearly full, and you just want to transfer the last few photos, then it’s impossible to use the EasyShare software to browse the camera’s photos without it actually downloading the whole lot through the USB cable—and it takes forever! Copying from the device directly doesn’t hit this bug.)
    The capability to take video using the camera was a great attraction when I selected it, and, if it worked properly, it would make it quite a handy little camcorder in its own right. With a 512 MB memory card in it, over an hour of video can be recorded at Video-CD quality (320 x 240 24fps video, 8 kHz audio). It’s not full digital video, but it would still be a pretty good feature for a US$400 camera. If it worked.
    The first disappointing thing about taking videos is that the optical zoom cannot be adjusted while the camera is recording. It can only be adjusted between video sequences. I don’t know why this restriction was made in the design.
    The real problems, however, start when you try to do anything with the video clips captured by the camera. Kodak has chosen to capture the videos in QuickTime format. This is fine—QuickTime is, technically, excellent—except that there is no simple way to convert QuickTime MOV files to AVI or MPEG or VCD. The Kodak software comes with a QuickTime player, so you can see the video clips on the computer you installed the software on—and they look good. Problem is that you can’t just dump those MOV files onto your Video-CD creator (it will usually want AVI or MPEG files).
    It takes some time to realise that Kodak have not even bothered to include any software with the camera that can convert these MOV files to a more useful format. This is a serious PR blunder, and anyone bitten by this is unlikely to go near the Kodak brand ever again.
    After some web searching, owners of these cameras generally find that the best (only?) freeware solution to convert MOV to AVI is Bink and Smacker’s RADtools program.
    RADtools is amazingly powerful for the price (i.e. free), but it hits two fundamental problems with Kodak Digital Camera MOV video files, that are the fault of the Kodak camera, not RADtools. (I know this because every other MOV converter hits the same problems—except one, as you will see below.)
    The first problem is that the sound cannot be converted properly. When you convert any Kodak MOV files, there is an “aliasing” of the sound at the upper frequencies. This is a technical description—you get a whispery, tinny, C3PO type of echo to everything. It really destroys the quality of the video clips (especially bad when I am trying to capture priceless memories of my 4- and 7-year-old sons—I don’t want their voices destroyed for all time).
    Every conversion program I tried ended up with the same audio problem. I concluded that it is something strange in the way the Kodak cameras store the MOV files.
    Strangely enough, I noticed that the QuickTime player didn’t distort the audio like this. The audio sounds just fine through QuickTime. More on this shortly.
    The second, more serious problem is that RADtools could not properly convert some of the video clips at all. (This problem only affected less than 10% of the clips I originally filmed, but most of those clips were very short—less than 20 seconds. It seems that the probability of this problem gets worse, the longer the clip.) RADtools would misreport the number of frames in the clip, and would stretch out a small number of frames of video (in slow motion) to match the length of the audio.
    Again, I confirmed that this is a property of some of the MOV files stored by the camera. Other conversion tools also had problems with the same MOV clips.
    After more angst, I found a number of websites in which frustrated owners of these Kodak cameras have reported the exact same problems.
    It was only then that I discovered that QuickTime itself can convert MOV files to AVI. Believe it or not, it’s built into the QuickTime Player that Kodak supplies, or that you can download free from The problem is that you can’t use it unless you pay Apple to upgrade to QuickTime Pro.
    After realising that this would probably be the only way to get decent audio for these clips, I paid the AU$59 to Apple Australia to get the licence key that enables the extra “Pro” menu options in QuickTime.
    Sure enough, you can “Export” any MOV file to a number of formats, including AVI. And guess what? The audio comes out fine!
    So, the first piece of advice I can give is: pay Apple the US$29 (or whatever amount it is in your country) to upgrade QuickTime to QuickTime Pro.
    From here, however, there are still a few snags to untangle.
    The first is that the default settings for Exporting to AVI don’t give a great result. It defaults to the Cinepak codec, medium quality. This looks terrible compared to the original QuickTime movie. Even on maximum quality, that codec just doesn’t give good results.
    I finally found that the best option is to use the Intel Indeo Video 4.4 codec, set on maximum quality. This creates AVI files that are 10 to 20 times larger than the original MOV files, but the quality is there. If (like me) you only want the AVI files so you can dump them into your Video-CD program, then you want to keep the quality as high as possible in this first step. The extra hard disk space is not really a concern. When your VCD program converts the AVI files to MPEG, it will compress them to the usual VCD size.
    Now for the biggest snag: those problem MOV files are still a problem, even for QuickTime Pro. Unbelievably, these Kodak cameras are spitting out MOV files which have some sort of technical flaw in their data specifications. QuickTime is able to play them back fine—and that seems to be all that the Kodak engineers really checked. However, if QuickTime Pro tries to export them, then when the progress bar gets to the end, it never finishes. It just keeps going. If you check the output folder with Explorer, and keep hitting F5 to update the file listing, you can see the file getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. It never stops.
    That this happens even for QuickTime itself (the native format for these files) confirms that the problem is with the software built into these Kodak cameras. It would be nice it they issued a patch or a fix. I couldn’t find one.
    Fortunately, there is a “workaround” for this problem. I found it when trolling the net trying to find solutions to all these problems. The workaround is to use QuickTime Pro’s cut and paste facility. Open the problem MOV file, then press Ctrl-A (the standard key combination for “select all”—in this case it selects the entire film clip, as you can see by the grey selection of frames at the bottom of the player). Then hit Ctrl-C (i.e. copy, which in this case copies all the frames, but not the incorrect data structure in the original MOV file). Now hit Ctrl-N (i.e. new, in this case a new MOV file or player). In this new player, press Ctrl-V (i.e. paste). Now you have a new version of the MOV file with the bad data structure exorcised. You can save this under a new name, but make sure you specify “Make movie self-contained”—otherwise, it will simply be a link to the original (bad) MOV file, which you are probably going to delete once you save the exorcised version. (You also cannot overwrite the original file, because it needs to access that to make the “self-contained” movie. You need to give it a slightly different name, save it “self-contained”, then delete the original and rename the new copy back to what you wanted it to be. A pain, I agree, but at least the **** thing works—finally!)
    The exorcised MOV file can now be used to Export to AVI format. (I also keep all the MOV files on a separate CD, in case I want to reconvert them to a different format in the future. I figure it’s better keeping the exorcised ones than the haunted ones.)
    So I hope that all this answers a few of your questions. No, you weren’t being incredibly stupid.

  • Have problem to convert MOV to AVI in QuickTime Pro 6.1

    Have problem to convert MOV to AVI in QuickTime Pro 6.1 - I tried export (convert) MOV(18MB) to AVI format, and got just 253KB AVI file in output. I even can no play it. What is wrong? What Export options(quality) should be selected? I used default (medium), should I use 'high' or 'best'?

    I am assuming you already are able to open the movie
    in QT Player. Use Export in the File menu, choose
    Movie to Avi in the drop-down Export Menu and then
    click on Options to choose one of the pre-loaded avi
    codecs for the compression. You may also want to
    search for and install one of the newer codecs, such
    as 3ivx or divx since the preinstalled codecs are all
    rather old.
    eMac 700
    mhz   Mac OS 9.2.x  
    Thanks for the help. It worked, but the quality of the video is poor. Is there anything I can do about this?

  • HT5409 can i convert movies from iPad to mac laptop

    Ihave  download a movie from ipad but it will not play on my mac air laptop with quicktime installed..??

    Ihave  download a movie from ipad but it will not play on my mac air laptop with quicktime installed..??
    Are you going to give us any additional clues as to what you are really asking here?
    1) The "HT5409" in your subject title reference implies you are dealing with AVCHD content. If true, then how did you transfer them to your iPad and how did you transfer them from your iPad to your your MacBook Air platform? As the HT409 topic clearly stated, this can be very important. In addition, how are the files stored? For instance , have you extracted the MPEG-4 AVC content as transport streams or is the content still in the device recorded file form? Are you trying to edit the content or convert it to M4V, MP4, or MOV files directly?
    2) The "can i convert movies from iPad to mac laptop" part of your subject title is confusing. Yes, AVCHD files can be converted to simpler MPEG-4 AVC content that is compatible with all current and most older Mac computers and Apple mobile devices in MOV, MP4, and/or M4V file formats. However, how you do this will depend on the current form of the data and the target settings you wish to employ to ensure compatibility with the various target device possibilities. Further, non-AVCHD content (e.g., HD iPad video recordings) can also be downconverted to simpler settings in a similar manner if needed or required if that is your questing.
    3) Depending on your operating system, both AVCHD and MPEG-4 AVC content should already be compatible with QT X v10.2 and v10.3 players if properly transferred to your laptop from the recording device. And, even if improperly transferred, may still be converted to useable/compatible formats as long as the file itself has not been corrupted by your, as yet, unspecified workflow.
    4) What does "will not play on my mac air laptop with quicktime installed" mean here? Are you trying to play an AVCHD movie in the QT 7 player or one of the QT X players? If the latter, which one? Are you getting any error message? If so, what are they? If not playing in your main user account on the computer, does it play useing a different account? Do the files play in other, third-party multimedia players?
    Basically, your question is the equivalent of my saying my car won't start but failing to mention whether or not I am out of gas, my battery is dead, or that I have removoed the distributor cap, wires, or spark plugs from the engine. To properly solve the issue we need all possible information that you can provide describing exactly what you are doing, how you are doing it, what is not working as your expect it should, and what your goals are. In cases where you cannot answer such questions, it is often helpful to simply post/upload a sample "problem" file and let other users here examine it to determine the problem and/or suggest a specific solution for your particular system/configuration combination.

  • Please help- problems converting .mov to .avi

    I'm using QuickTime Pro to convert my .mov to .avi and when I view the .avi movie, the first couple seconds is in fast-forward mode, then a couple seconds of slow motion, then it's normal for the rest of the movie.
    To see my steps, I used this link to help me convert:
    I'd appreciate any help on this.

    quicktime Pro will do it, get it from the apple store (its just a key, cost $30), also ffmpegX (shareware) will do it
    sometimes you can find an application that will do it by using the quicktime libraries for free, just search a site like versiontracker

  • Converting .mov to .avi, .wmv etc

    Does anyone know of any mac software that can convert .mov files to .avi, .wmv etc..

    yes agree with previous., go purchase FFMac from telestream either the standard SDPRO or the HDPRO version for your needs.
    Once in as a QT components, you can SELECT the mode for transode of the type of object you want transcoded in the INSPECTOR/ENCODER listbox as:
    select .wmv etc...
    works ok but the FFpro encoding for WMx etc is not as good as .H264 ...(imho) and I was not too satisfied with the results for HDV 1080i recently..
    hope that helps.
    G5 QUAD 8GB ram w/3.5TB + 2 x 15in MBPCore   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  
    G5 QUAD 8GB ram w/3.5TB + 2 x 15in MBPCore   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Convert .mov to .avi

    How can I convert my .mov file to .avi for pc users?

    I got some MOV videos from my friend and want to play it with PS3. But I was told that the MOV files were not supported by the device. Hence I use Video Converter software to convert MOV videos to AVI which is well supported by PS3.


    I tried converting .mov files to .avi files so I could use them in Windows Media Maker. Is there something I should be doing properly in the Settings Option?
    No matter what I do, it is always very staticy, and not comming out properly. I want an exact replica of the movie, just change it to .mov to .avi so I can use it in Windows Media Maker.
    Please help!!

    Export to AVI.
    Click the "Options" button to open a new dialog window.
    Click the "Settings" button to change the video codec.
    Use DV codec for best file quality.

  • How can i convert .mov to .mp4?

    Hello again
    I have made a large promo dvd for an upcoming seminar and the national organization would like to put it on its website.
    I broke it down into chapters so that it is not one long cumbersome piece, and visitors can watch just the parts they need.
    On our local website, I was able to share to media and then use iweb to upload them in an album.
    However, the national webmaster uses a different web program so I need to create the chapters as self-contained movies for her to download first from our downlload site. She says that the .mov files hang up when she's downloading and wants them as mp4.
    How can I convert them?
    Thank you

    hello .... sorry it's taken me so long to return here ....
    To separate it into chapters, I brought it into Final Cut pro, and marked the In and Out for one chapter, then exported just that selection.... as an mpeg4 (Quicktime conversion) . As one chapter was finished and exported (Self-contained movie) i moved the In and Out points to the next chapter, and continued along this way.
    If you don't have Final Cut, then you should be able to do the same in iMovie: import the whole movie, then select the portion of the movie that belongs in one chapter, drag it to the timeline, edit as necessary (fades, etc) then export (Share) that chapter. Repeat for each portion of the movie you want to isolate. When you export/share, you can choose the option of size that you want it to be.
    Hope this helps and that I'm not too late for you  !!

  • How can we convert .mov ( implemented by quicktime APi)  to .WAV file

    How can we convert one .MOV audio file (generated by quicktime API) to .WAV audio file ( need LINER - encoding format).
    Here I dont know the encoding format of .MOV audio input file.

    mfrasyid1 wrote:
    I wonder why this happens? The "unable to handle.." really does come out twice. Is it because the which I wanna convert comes from the merging oftwo wave files? If so, then how can I convert this into single wave file? Thank you.That is a weird message, but yes, the .mov file probably stored the 2 original WAV files as 2 tracks of data, rather than 1 track. So whenever it's trying to transcode to a WAV file, it fails to transcode both tracks.
    As for fixing it... I dunno. I know that JavaSound can mix two WAV files at the sample-level, so it actually mixes the sound instead of adding 2 tracks to a file...but I don't know why that's giving you those error messages, unless perhaps it's trying to transcode the video track into an audio track (perhaps the code isn't smart enough to handle transcoding a video file into an audio file? You'd have to check the code to see if that's the case...)

  • Error converting .mov to .avi using MPEG Streamclip

    Hi folks,
    I'm trying to convert an .mov to an .avi for a client using MPEG Streamclip.  I have exported a high res master copy of the video from Final Cut (it's a .mov format is Pro Res 422 1920x1080 50i). 
    So when I bring this file into MPEG Streamclip, I select File > Export to Avi.... and then the following settings:
    DivX Codec
    Quality 75%
    The compression starts and I instantly get the error "Compression Error"
    When this started I installed the lastest version of DivX however since I am new to exporting as .avi I am completely lost.  I was able to get MPEG Streamclip to export using Apple Cinepak however the quality is awful so I am looking for another solution. I have also tried converting from my highest resolution MPEG-4 export, however I get the same result.
    I am thinking that maybe my DivX codec isn't installed, or there is some problem with it? However I thought a new installation of DivX would fix this.
    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    I would suggest exporting three small test files using H264 codec at three different rezolutions.
    Play them back and if satisfied send them to your client to evaluate so they can decide what will work for them.
    1280x720 H264  files are what we give to our clients these days as  "high quality' video.
    Smaller files might be recommended for faster download and smoother playback on their system.

  • How to convert mov to avi or wmv

    I just caught a short 30 second clip of my son crawling for the first time with my Canon camera. I want to send the video to my Mom via email however the file is too big. Her computer does not play mp4, which is the only conversion option I found, and walking her through installing a compatible player is useless. So I would like to find out how to convert the mov file to avi or wmv, small enough to email. I just purchased Premiere Elements 10 and never used it. I could not figure out how to do it, so if anybody knows, that would be great.

    >just purchased Premiere Elements 10 and never used it
    Online User Guide
    Importing Video
    -and project settings
    Saving & Sharing
    -Sharing to DVD or BluRay
    -Sharing for Movies
    -Sharing for Computer
    Steve's Basic Training Tutorials... steps are the same for several versions

  • How can I convert 720p 30fps AVI to h.264?

    Appreciate any guidance on this matter.
    I have almost stopped using my DV Cam once I purchased the Canon Powershot TX1 which records video in 720p 30fps in AVI container. For me to import these clips to my iTunes library so that I can view them thru Front Row, Apple TV and download into my iPhone and iPod Touch, I need to convert them to h.264 format.
    What is the best way to do that? And the software should support batch conversion of multiple clips. Is Quicktime Pro the right choice for this?

    Hi Eric,
    I have used Handbrake to rip my DVDs and then put them on my Mac Mini as a media server for the Apple TV. I love that tool. However, it doesn't work on .avi files from my camera (at least that is my understanding and I maybe wrong). I have used the trial version of VisualHub, but as you said the full version is no longer available. However, now that I can do my editing and retaining the 720p format using iMovie'08, I don't need any other tool. I am looking forward to iMovie'09 for chapter marking within the same tool. The current workaround of sharing it with Garageband for chapter marking is too cumbersome a process.

  • Converting .mov to .avi

    Hi folks,
    I'm looking for an option to output a batch of .mov files to .avi files for playback on a windows based media server.
    I don't have any third party Quicktime Components installed.
    When I try to set up my entry in compressor to save as a preset. There is no .avi under options.
    The only way I can export .avi's on my machine is to open up each one in QT Player and export the movie using the "Quicktime to AVI" pulldown.
    Any hints to be able to use Compressor to batch my .mov files to .avi files?

    Create your own presset in Compressor.
    Take a look at your settings. Change the codec to Cinepak and the extension to avi.
    That's what Apple uses in the QT export.
    Do test encode and determine first if the files can be viewed

Maybe you are looking for