Can't create protection groups on the Azure Portal with on-premise hyper-v to Azure

I’m trying to setup Azure Site Recovery on-premise hyper-v to Azure. I have successfully configured the Hyper-V Sites and installed the provider with the registration key. Both servers
show green. I see my hyper-v server on the server tab.
The issue occurred when I’m moving to the next step “creating a Protection Group”. When click on the “create new protection group” I’m getting the error saying "An error
occurred while retrieving the list of servers".
I had this error also yesterday and I tried to delete the sites, vault and create everything again. I used the unregister scripted
Still I got the error today again.
I really don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.
Ps. I followed this guide

Your welcome, glade I could help you out. I'm kind of stuck myself with site-to site vpn part. I made the posted here with all the details.
I want to make a planned failover and connect the network with the virtual machines. Somehow the vpn connection fails on phase 2.

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    I have looked up the PowerShell commands to try to find how to create the protection group from PowerShell but no luck finding specific command. 
    For now I am going to try to delete the sites, vault, and create everything from scratch. 
    <button aria-label="Replication Settings" class="fx-balloonicon-button" type="button"></button>

    Please can you share the following detail with me
    1) Go to the Jobs view of the ASR Vault & find the jobs which were run during the Registration of both your servers.
    2) Drill into the job and from the properties page please send us the JobId.
    We will need this information to understand what could have potentially gone wrong with the Vault.
    Anoop KV

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    .Adam Langdon

    Disk defrag is initiated when a volume shrink is attempted. See if there is any problem defragging a volume and correct any problems doing that.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Unable to modify or create Protection Groups in DPM 2012 R2 - Error: 31220

    "DPM failed to apply the required policies to this protection group since the recovery point limit for this DPM server has been exceeded. (ID: 31220)"
    I am trying to add new data sources to our DPM server and continually run into the above message. I get the same error whether I attempt to create a new Protection Group and add the data sources to it... or if I attempt to modify an existing Protection Group
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    Other than the stock answer from Microsoft that I am truly exceeding some limit, is there any other underlying issue that can cause this to be mis-reported to me?  I hope that SOMEONE has an answer or guidance for me.

    Another DPM PowerShell script - this one allows you to delete older recovery points for a selected datasource without having to modify the PG.
    #Author : Ruud Baars
    #Date : 11/09/2008
    #Edited : 11/15/2012 By: Wilson S.
    #edited : 11/27/2012 By: Mike J.
    # NOTE: Update script to only remove recovery points on Disk. Recovery points removed will be from the oldest one up to the date
    # entered by the user while the script is running
    #deletes all recovery points before 'now' on selected data source.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    $wait=10 #seconds
    $confirmpreference = "None"
    function Show_help
    $l="=" * 79
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host -nonewline "`t<<<" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host -nonewline " DANGEROUS :: MAY DELETE MANY RECOVERY POINTS " -foregroundcolor red
    write-host ">>>" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host "Version: $version" -foregroundcolor cyan
    write-host "A: User Selects data source to remove recovery points for" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "B: User enters date / time (using 24hr clock) to Delete recovery points" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "C: User Confirms deletion after list of recovery points to be deleted is displayed." -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "Appending to log file $logfile`n" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host "User Accepts all responsibilities by entering a data source or just pressing [Enter] " -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    "**********************************" >> $logfile
    "Version $version" >> $logfile
    get-date >> $logfile
    "Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nConnnecting to DPM server retrieving data source list...`n" -foregroundcolor green
    $pglist = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMservername) # WILSON - Created PGlist as array in case we have a single protection group.
    $count = 0
    $dscount = 0
    foreach ($count in 0..($pglist.count - 1))
    # write-host $pglist[$count].friendlyname
    $ds += @(get-datasource $pglist[$count]) # WILSON - Created DS as array in case we have a single protection group.
    # write-host $ds
    # write-host $count -foreground yellow
    if ( Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive) {$ds += Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive}
    write-host "Index Protection Group Computer Path"
    write-host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    foreach ($l in $ds)
    "[{0,3}] {1,-20} {2,-20} {3}" -f $i, $l.ProtectionGroupName, $l.psinfo.netbiosname, $l.logicalpath
    $DSname=read-host "`nEnter a data source index from list above - Note co-located datasources on same replica will be effected"
    if (!$DSname)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    if (!$DSselected)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DS[$dsname]
    # $DoTape=read-host "`nDo you want to remove when recovery points are on tape ? [y/N]"
    # "Remove tape recovery point = $DoTape" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nCollecting recoverypoint information for datasource $" -foregroundcolor green
    if ($DSselected.ShadowCopyUsedspace -gt 0)
    while ($DSSelected.TotalRecoveryPoints -eq 0)
    { # "still 0"
    #this is on disk
    $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on DISK in {1} recovery points" -f $oldShadowUsage ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #this is on tape
    #$tp= Get-RecoveryPoint($dsselected) | where {($_.Datalocation -eq "Media")}
    #foreach ($trp in $tp) {$trptot += $trp.size }
    #if ($trptot -gt 0 )
    # $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on TAPE in {1} recovery points" -f ($trptot/$MB) ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    # $line >> $logfile
    # write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #$answer=read-host "`nDo you want to delete recovery points from the beginning [Y/n]"
    #if ($answer -eq "n" )
    # [datetime]$afterdate=read-host "Delete recovery points AFTER date [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    [datetime]$enddate=read-host "Delete ALL Disk based recovery points BEFORE and Including date/time entered [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    "Deleting recovery points until $enddate" >>$logfile
    write-host "Deleting recovery points until and $enddate" -foregroundcolor yellow
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DSselected
    if ($DoTape -ne "y" )
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE) -and ($_.DataLocation -eq "Disk")}
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)}
    if (!$RPselected)
    write-host "No recovery points found!" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "No recovery points found, aborting...!" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $reselect = $enddate
    $adjustflag = $false
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    $line= "Found {0}, RP size= {1} MB (If 0 MB, co-located datasource cannot be computed), Incremental={2} "-f $rtime, $rsize,$onerp.Isincremental
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Get dependent rp's for data source
    foreach ($oneDrp in $allRPtbd)
    if ($oneDrp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE) {continue}
    $line= ("` dependancy for {0} size {1} `tIncremental={2}" -f $rtime, $rsize, $oneDrp.Isincremental)
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($oneDrp.representedpointintime -ge $enddate)
    #stick to latest full ($oneDrp = dependents, $onerp = full)
    $adjustflag = $true
    $reselect = $onerp.representedpointintime
    "<< Dependents newer than BEFORE date >>>" >> $logfile
    Write-Host -nonewline "`t <<< later than BEFORE date >>>" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor red
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Ok, include current latest incremental
    $reselect = $oneDrp.representedpointintime
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    if ($reselect -lt $oneDrp.representedpointintime)
    #we adjusted further backward than latest incremental within selection
    $reselect = $rtime
    $line = "Adjusted BEFORE date to be $reselect to include dependents to $enddate"
    $line >> $logfile
    Write-Host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Above recovery points within adjusted range will be permanently deleted !!!"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="These RP's include dependent recovery points and may contain co-located datasource(s)"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Data source activity = " + $DSselected.Activity
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    while (($DoDelete -ne "N" ) -and ($DoDelete -ne "Y"))
    $line="Continue with deletion (must answer) Y/N? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $DoDelete
    $line >> $logfile
    if (!$DSselected.Activity -eq "Idle")
    $line="Data source not idle, do you want to wait Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor yellow
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Write-Host "Waiting for data source to become idle..." -foregroundcolor green
    while ($DSselected.Activity -ne "Idle")
    ("Waiting {0} seconds" -f $wait) >>$logfile
    Write-Host -NoNewline "..." -ForegroundColor blue
    start-sleep -s $wait
    if ($DoDelete -eq "Y")
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    #reselect is adjusted to safe range relative to what was requested
    #--- if adjustflag not set then all up to including else only older because we must keep the full
    if ((($onerp.representedpointintime -le $reselect) -and ($adjustflag -eq $false)) -or ($onerp.representedpointintime -lt $reselect))
    write-host `n$line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >>$logfile
    if (($onerp ) -and ($onerp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE)) { remove-recoverypoint -RecoveryPoint $onerp -confirm:$True} # >> $logfile}
    $line =("---`nDeleting recoverypoint -> " + $rtime)
    $line >>$logfile
    "All Done!" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nAll Done!`n`n" -foregroundcolor white
    $line="Do you want to View DPMdeleteRP.LOG file Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Notepad DPMdeleteRP.LOG
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • DPM 2012 R2 Unable to create protection groups after Cluster Migration

    Hi Team
    we have an issue relating to DPM 2012 R2. In our environment we have a Hyper-V Cluster and we recently did a Cluster Migration since Hyper-V Cluster was upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Before the upgrade, Windows Server 2008 R2 Cluster was protected by DPM Environment. After we upgraded we are unable to Create new protection Groups existing the new cluster and when we select VMs it's not showing up any members.
    Please let us know how we can solve this issue since the Cluster Nodes and the Cluster Name is different from previous Cluster, we were expecting that DPM would allow us to create new Protection Groups while preserving old protection groups for recovery later
    if needed. 

    you need to stop the Protection of the old HyperV Datasources
    Clear the Cache of the Protectiongroup,
    and read the new VM to Protectiongroup
    Seidl Michael | | | |

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    I need your feedback urgent please,
    Can we create Mobility Group between WISM2 and WLC 5500
    Firmware for WISM2 >
    Firmware for WLC5500 >
    I created Mobility Group with (IP address , MAC Address and Mobility group name) for Foreign Controller. if any configuration required from my side.
    Wait your feedback urgent please

    Controllers do not have to be of the same model to be a member of a mobility group. Mobility groups can be comprised of any combination of controller platforms.
    Thats enough :)
    Dont forget to rate helpful posts

  • How can I create an element in the model node?

    Hi, Experts,
    I create a model node that name is containerNode in the contxt. Cadinility is: 1..n
    I write the code in the method:
      private String getDataForOutputTable( IWDNode wageTypePayslip, IWDNode containerNode ){
           String betrgSumStr = "";
         int index = 0;
         Vector containerVector = new Vector();
         int size = wageTypePayslip.size();
         IWDNodeElement element = containerNode.createElement();// The system report error when I run the application.
         BigDecimal betrgSum = new BigDecimal( 0 );
    I try to create a element in the containerNode, But the system report error when I run the application.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: model object must not be null
    How can I create an element in the model node ?
    Best regards,

    You need to execute the model before creating the element.

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    How can I create a group Calendar in iCal, Mountain Lion?

  • How to create a group on the iPhone 4S?

    How to create a group on the iPhone 4S?

    yes  By using this group will it use the cell phone numbers?



    Olga, this is not a default feature in iPhone. You need a 3rd party application. I have created a free one, Easy Group, for group texting and group emailing.
    Note: I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise,from my recommendation or link.

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    Hi ,
    can we create materialized view on the top of another materialized view.

    Welcome , Just remember is not good apporch to do that since performance when MV refresh
    Please mark this thread as answered .

  • Can we create two POs for the same 3rd party Sales Order?

    Hi MM experts,
    Issue: Can we create two POs for the same 3rd party Sales Order
    In Third party purchase process, first sales order created with a spl. item category  and it creates the PR automatically with the Sales order material and Qty and this PR converted PO.
    They got a pur.req. for sale order on same item for same delevery date. They did not get any warning msg. saying that a PO was prviously placed against this sale order.
    How it is possible that we were able to place another PO? concern is that second PO was palced against SO which was already used & completed. they were able to place 2 POs for the same customer same delevery date. How it is possible?
    If anyone face the same issue, please let me know if you have any answer to this questions.
    Thanks in advance.

    It is hard for me to give you a definitive answer since you have created a customized solution.
    How it is possible that we were able to place another PO? concern is that second PO was palced against SO which was already used & completed. they were able to place 2 POs for the same customer same delevery date. How it is possible?
    Normally, the system will not do this.  A third party PR or PO will be 'account assigned' to the Sales order.  SAP standard 3rd party will not create additional purchase reqs unless there has been manual intervention.  Try searching for changes in the Sales order and changes in the original purchase order.  They may give you a clue.
    I believe the normal Item category for third party SO is TAS (I am working from memory here, I am not in front of a system).  I don't know what ZTAG does.  I confess I am not an SD expert.  You might also want to post your question in an SD forum.
    You mention two custom applications, ZMMPLAN and ZSTPMP.  These somehow have functionality that is used to help you convert your PRs to POs.  If I were in your position, I believe I would also look at these applications for clues to how they might be contributing to your problem.  And please don't send me details about these apps.  I will not comment on custom code in this forum.
    Sorry I can't be of more help.

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    It's your content, under your control.
    If you output as an .ibooks file, and you want to sell it, the store is the only outlet, otherwise, you can do as you wish.

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    OK, you are getting closer. Now, use your result, and place a Layer above that. Use the Pen Tool to create the "pen strokes" basically tracing over your background image. Then, when you have created each Path (or Sub-Path), choose Stroke Path, with probably the Pencil Tool and a Brush size that is small enough.
    Not sure which versions of PS these are good for, but here are some plug-ins, that might be helpful.
    AKVIS Sketch
    Sketch Effects
    Sketch Master
    I see that one of my old favorites, Flaming Pear's India Ink is not around any more.
    Good luck,

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    Each email address can only be on one iTunes account, and all purchases are tied to the account that buys them. If you want to have separate iTunes accounts on each then you will need separate email accounts for each iTunes account

Maybe you are looking for