Can't enable JRE applet in Interner Explorer?

I can not enable java to run applets in internet explorer but It works fine in Firefox.
I think the problem came up when I reset IE.
-I've made sure all add-ons are enabled.
-"Scripting of Java applets" is enabled under custom security settings.
-I've reinstalled Java
When I go to advanced internet options the option to use JRE is NOT there.
Heres a pic of what should be coming up but its not:
Also when I go to the Java control pannel the "Default Java for browsers" option looks like this - Pic
(The Internet Explorer option is unavaliable)
Please let me know how to fix this.
Edited by: sk8ingten on Jan 25, 2009 12:30 PM
Edited by: sk8ingten on Jan 25, 2009 12:36 PM

-I uninstalled java
-Deleted the c:\program files\java directory file.
-Restarted PC
-Installed Java using internet explorer.

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    HEY! I saw what you're talking about! I was working on my own stuff, and my applet said it loaded and init'd, but was still blank. The only difference was I had upgraded to the Plug-In 1.4.1 this morning. So I went back to version 1.4.0 and it worked perfectly again. Maybe that's what's happening to you. So ignore the link I just posted and go to this one:
    That'll let you download version 1.4.0 instead, and I'll bet you that one works. Let me know. Good luck!

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    if [[ `ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-50` == "00000000-0000-1000-8000-" ]]; then
    MAC_UUID=`ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c51-62 | awk {'print tolower()'}`
    elif [[ `ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-50` != "00000000-0000-1000-8000-" ]]; then
    MAC_UUID=`ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep -i "UUID" | cut -c27-62`
    # Set the the "Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications" setting in the Java Preferences for the current user.
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsEnabled" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsEnabled bool true" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsLastUsed" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :GeneralByTask:Any:WebComponentsLastUsed real $(( $(date "+%s") - 978307200 ))" /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/${MAC_UU ID}.plist
    The launch agent plist content is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    I hope this is helpful to anyone wishing to keep the Java web plugin enabled.
    Message was edited by: Robert Reed2

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    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Thsi not a lot of nfo to go on, nor have you included the OSX, model of you MBP. PLease post that so that anyone reading this might be able to offer some help, as well as some more info on "I've damaged my aux port.
    That being said, all I can suggest is to go to system preferences>sound>output tab and see if you can select internal speakers.
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    i have strange problem in my landscape with webdynpro -
    >Web Dynpro Tool Applications----->Content Administrator  -
    >login as  j2ee_admin  in 
    Web Dynpro Content Administrator  page  when start click on  ceartin Jco destination  i am facing this problem  -
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    500   Internal Server Error
      SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.00/Java AS 7.00 
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system administrator.
    Error Summary
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document (e.g. email or simple text file).
    Root Cause
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
        ... 45 more
    See full exception chain for details.
    System Environment
    Web Dynpro Client Type HTML Client
    User agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    Version null
    DOM version null
    Client Type msie6
    Client Type Profile ie6
    ActiveX enabled
    Cookies enabled
    Frames enabled
    Java Applets enabled
    JavaScript enabled
    Tables enabled
    VB Script enabled
    Web Dynpro Runtime Vendor: SAP, build ID: 7.0013.20070717142021.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:13:14[UTC], changelist=455669, host=pwdfm101), build date: Sat May 24 22:16:36 PKT 2008
    J2EE Engine 7.00 patchlevel 109044.44
    Java VM IBM J9 VM, version:2.3, vendor: IBM Corporation
    Operating system AIX, version: 5.3, architecture: ppc64
    Session & Other
    Session Locale en_US
    Time of Failure Thu Jul 03 01:56:32 PKT 2008 (Java Time: 1215032192285)
    Web Dynpro Code Generation Infos
    No information available null
    No information available null
    No information available null
    Detailed Error Information
    Detailed Exception Chain
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    thanks in advance  to all the friends spending there valuable time to read this thread
    any  suggtions  are realy help for my issue
    this is very high  priorty issue in our  landscape

    thanks to all for helping

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    You are actually getting confused with server side execution and client side execution.
    Applet is something that run in client side.
    If you see your directory structure you have DBAccess.class in
    team/WEB-INF/classes/team/DBAccess.class directory
    hope you might be knowing WEB-INF is internal to app server not to the client. so applet can;t find the path for DBAccess.class file.
    You have to put that class in team/AppletClass or any other folder where the client applet can access .

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    "Copy" is normally used when connecting a camera or card reader.
    Simply copy or move folders from your external drive to your computer hard drive, then from the Organizer menu click:
    File >> Get Photos & Videos >> From Files & Folders
    Then navigate to the new location on your internal hard drive.

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    can you tell my your HTML code?
    if you use<applet> tag,then your applet will not run,
    beacause the iE or NS don't not support the jdk1.0 up!
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    compile your code: javac -target 1.1
    you can use the jre plug-in
    first, edit your HTML code use <applet> tag
    second,use the HTMLconverter(java_home/bin) tool convert the HTML code

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    Anyone else have this?
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    hi,how can i hnow the applet had load complet by javascript?
    my applet load by <object> tag,
    i add a "onload" event listener to the html page's <body> tag,but the event listener is call by the page load,
    but ,the applet sometime has not loaded complet,so how can i know the applet had loaded complet!
    the <OBJECT>has some method to check the applet load status??

    You can have your applet call some javascript to inform that it is loaded. Make the call from your
    applet's start method
    Suppose you have a javascript function called "appletReady()"
    which sets a ready variable to true or whatever.
    Now in your start method of your applet you can do the following:
           JSObject win = null;
                win = (JSObject)JSObject.getWindow((Applet)this);
                if (win == null)
                    System.err.println("JSObject window was null");
            catch (Exception jse)
                System.err.println("Exception: " + jse);
            }Make sure you import netscape.javascript.
    And when you compile use the appropriate jaws.jar in your classpath
    It should be found under jre/lib of your JDK installation.
    I hope this helps.

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    I'm a Photoshop Elements 7 newbie... I can't drag and drop images (jpeg, tiff, Olympus RAW) from  Windows Explorer (file explorer and not IE) to Photoshop Elements like I  can in Corel Paint Shop Pro X2? It also works in Corel Painter IX.5 & ArtRage 3 (except for RAW)... My operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.... I've uninstalled and re-installed Elements but to no avail. I've also tried to run Elements under various compatability modes but still no luck....
    Any ideas?
    It's driving me nuts...
    Thanks kindly

    "I just remembered: If the Editor or Organizer are "running as administrator", then you can't drag and drop from Windows Explorer.  To see if you're running the program as administrator right click the desktop icon or Start Menu item you use to launch PS and select Properties.  On the Compatibility tab, is Run This Program As Administrator checked?  (Note that in Vista and Windows 7, running a program as administrator is different than running it in an account that's a member of the Administrator's group.)"
    I wasn't running the program as administrator so I enabled that compatibility property applied it then disabled it. It seems to work now. I thought I'd add this to flesh out the previous answer. I didn't open the program in between the enable and disable, so it is a quick process. Also, I am using windows 8.1 and had to open the file location in order to do this. Right click on the tile then choose 'open file location'

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    Can we change the setting of Internet Explorer by java script?.
    For e.g: I need to make the "Initialize and script control not marked as safe" as enabled by using java script code.
    Please suggest me is it possible?

    Thanks everybody.
    My requirement is to push data of a grid to Excel by clicking a button. I have written code in javascript. But if the option in Internet Explorer "Initialize and script controls not marked as safe" is disabled , i am not able to push data to Excel.
    It is possible only this option is enabled.
    So tried to push data by write code: document.appletname.saveAsCSVFile();
    But i am not getting data in Excel in correct format.
    It is coming as : first row: Column name1, " column name 2",...
                             2nd row: value1, "value2",.....
    Any ideas on this?

Maybe you are looking for