Can't find Brush Spacing

Hi, I can't fint the brush spacing option in the brushes panel. All I get is this:
Can anyone tell me how to get the spacing option to appear?
I appreciate any help.

Click where it says brush tip shape.

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    Chris, I just ckecked and realized that the problem is only with CS5 64bit, I'm on windows 7. CS5 32bit works as you described.
    However even if it worked this doesn't help me anyway. I constantly change the size of the brush because I mostly paint but still need to know which brush preset I selected last. Please make  a feature that highlights the last brush  preset used - may be in a different way (color) if it doesn't match the current brush. It is real pain to find the needed brush. I have hundreds of brushes showing on my 30 inch monitor and I need them all. I spend a lot of times looking for recently used brushes. You can also implement recently used sorting order. I hope this is not very difficult to implement. Im sure that a lot of artists use many brushes like me, just look at all Photoshop painting  instructions videos, even the tutorials are boring when watching how long it takes to find and select the needed brush.

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    The top brush (+) is the foreground brush. It should be active when the window opens. Click it in the toolbox if it isn't.
    If you mean you don't see the toolbox, are you running with a screen resolution of at least 1024 x768, millions of colors? are you using an administrative account?

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    sina_golesorkhi wrote:
    Where can I find the a downloaded file by Software update?
    In ~/Downloads
    For example is there any way to find a package which is downloaded but is not installed(because the installation failed) (in this case 10.5.5)
    Failed installs usually remove the package, just as a proper install removes the package
    All that remains for a proper installation is a Receipt in on of the following directories:
    ~/Library/Receipts (for user-specific installs)
    Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts
    for system-wide installations, including OS-X updates.
    and I don't want to download it once again neither manually nor with software update.
    If it did not install, there is no Receipt and the downloaded file is not on your system
    If you don't want to see it again in automatic updates, put it on ignore.

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    Many things can only be gray.  Grayscale images, Channels including Alpha Channels and Layer mask. Posy a screen capture of your problem.
    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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    It sounds like you are talking about the cloning tool?
    Tool looks like this:
    Then when selected you can change the size of the brush and using Alt (windows) and Command (Mac) to select your region you want to copy then start to create you cloned image.
    Hope this helps?

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      I just got off the phone with a new case manager named Jamie 1-877-917-4380 ext 93 regarding new case number 7501359724, and of course just what I expected he would say, HP has no known issue with the tx series and no issue with the Nvidia 6150 chip.  He said that its just a coincidence that 1000's and 1000's of owners have experienced overheating motherboards.  That despite the same symptoms of other hp laptops and their recall proceding a huge lawsuit with Nvidia admitting they had sold hp defective chips, the tx/ 6150 nvidia was not one of the defective chips.  After reading the lawsuit details I found that Nvidia never released a list of the exact defective chips just that there were some, and then settled with hp.  Hp for some reason or another made a list of the so called defective ones and left many of the additional defective ones including the tx series/ Nvidia 6 series chips off the list.  Maybe there are not as many of us that own it, so as a business move they felt they could get away with this, or maybe because the failure typically hits a month or two after warranty expires.  I even looked up the chip by itself and found that the same Nvidia 6150 chip was used in certain Dell notebooks and had an issued recall relating to its defect.  Yet Jamie from Hp clearly stated that there is no known defect and that I would need to pay 400.00 USD and get the mother board replaced. I told him that I wasn't going to do that, why would I spend 400 dollars to have a new defective mother board intsalled to fail again.  He assured me that it wouldn't be an issue because the new mother boards have a different set of chips due to the issue with the old chip.  What is that about?  Does he think I am stupid, they say there is no defect in that chip, so they wont take responsability but they admit there is an issue with the chip, what is the difference?  They change the word defect with issue and that excuses them from any liability in providing a product capable of delivering expectations and quality of its class.  I personally wont settle for this. I wont settle for less than a refund or a new equall value notebook free from defect with an extended warranty.  To all of you others with this model of notebook i suggest you do the same, don't give up on your right to defend your hard earned money.  Look up Nvidia 6 series chips and you will find many companies that have disclosed its defect and taken responsability to their product owners.  Hp needs to do the same. Shame on HP  I had to edit this because they keep deleting my posts to cover up there secret, you can try and follow the trouble shooting tips, but it wont work, the graphics card has burned up and is killing your mother board.  A company invested a lot of money only to realize they can either lose a lot more money or they can brush it under the rug at the expense of their customers, and so they try to sustain profitability, by hiding the truth.  I suggest you buy a msi netbook, it has no frills but I promiss it will last, msi knows how to make a strong motherboard and stand by their products, no use in buying a fancy computer when it will only tease you with 13mons of life.  I am sorry that myself and all of you put your hard money and trust into a product that was probably knowingly doomed before it was even sold to us. Just remember that in this economy even a large company that you think you can trust can't be trusted, MONEY trumps the consumer!!

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    You will need to download or make some dust like brushes similar to the on I used which has an 11 underneath. You want just a single speck of dust.
    Then turn on scattering and shape dynamics to bay the rotation and scale, so you can spray some down. If you have about 3 speck of dust brushes, you can make this really look organic and random.
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