Can't find my face time

can't find my face time

Have you checked to make sure it hasn't been disabled via Restrictions?  To check, head to Settings -> General -> Restrictions.
Also make sure the App has not been moved to a folder of Apps or to another page.
Otherwise, you may have purchased the iPod from a country that prohibits FaceTime, in which case you are out luck.  Sorry.

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    iTech, First change your apple password, than go to 'setting' and than click on 'Facetime' and make sure your facetime email is right than retry. Also calling apple support can help you or the best way is to go down to the apple store for direct help. I really hope that what i have told you have helped and try to reset your iphone.
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    That device does not have Facetime, and will never have Facetime. 
    iPhones sold in the UAE are prohibited from having Facetime pre-installed, nor can they ever have Facetime installed on them.  This is because of regulations in the UAE.
    If you need to have Facetime, you'll have to purchase an iPhone from a country or region that does not ban Facetime.

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