Can't hear track after it's recorded

I'm recording a bass track and can see the wave form while it's recording and after I've stopped.
I can also see the volume meter moving. When I go to play the track back, I cannot hear it. The record button on the track is turned off. I imported a previously recoded song (without bass) and have it on one track, I'm trying to add a bass track. When I play back, I can hear the first track that I imported but not the bass track. Is there a button I should be pressing or what. The volume level (green light indicator) is not showing on the bass track and the volume knob and L-R are disabled for some reason.
I'm using a XENYX502 with a USB interface to my tower.
any help would be much appreciated

eleek wrote:
The wave form is there but upon playback the level indicator doesn't move.
try toggling the ducking menuItem
I'm also noticing that under the track info where it says volume (under the input) this slider is disabled
this is not the issue:
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    B) When you create a 'normal' Instrument Channel, Logic normally assigns it to receive ALL MIDI channels. Using the Arrange:Track:New with Next MIDI Channel will create a 'dupicate' assigned to MIDI Ch 1, then 2 the next time you use  the function
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