Can't Join Clips

I have a long clip from a voice over session with pauses that need to be removed. I use the blade or split function and shift-delete the pauses. Then I select adjacent clips, on either side of each cut and try to join them but no joy as the mighty join is greyed out. The only circumstance where join seems to work is when I split or blade a clip and then immediately join it again, as in no time code abridgements and nothing accomplished. The documentation seems to acknowledge this shortcoming by suggesting that one apply time stretch to clips before cutting them instead of trying to apply time stretch to multiple pieces of the same file. However, if you are timing voice over to a finished animation, it's much easier to make time stretch the final step.
Is join just a replacement for a command-Z when you make a cut in the wrong place or am I missing something?
Message was edited by: mountainvideo

You shouldn't use the Join-function. Just slide a slice to where you want it. When the in- & outpoints of a clip overlap, STP automatically creates a volume crossfade. (when in Preferences > Project > Overlap is set to Crossfade). But even when you leave gaps, there's no problem:
The result should be exported, the newly created file will have a new continuous timecode. The 'Join-function' is only possible on files with succeeding timecode. When you cut out parts and move them on the timeline, their timecode is changed. So they can't be joined.
Timestretching is something completely different, and shouldn't be used here. With this function you can change the length of a piece of audio. It can only be done per clip, not on a selection of clips. But I don't think you want to use this, as you only want to cut out time.

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    If you have part of a clip selected, you can break that clip into pieces using Split clip. So, if you have a section in the middle of a clip selected, it will create three clips. One clip for the part of the clip before your selection, one for the actual video segment you selected, and one for the part of the clip following your selection.
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    Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings, then try joining again and you should get the password prompt.

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    dmag101 wrote:
    .. t I'm not sure where this "orange" line comes in.
    just to mention: vers 8.0.3 (aka 'iM09') in use here, 'Advanced' options checked..
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    -- Brad

    Welcome to the Discussions.
    If I'm not mistaken, the Join Clips command can only be used to join clips back together that you've split apart.

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    Ok... it is getting a bit clearer but there are still some questions.
    I connect to the internet via airport only and it is pretty fast.
    I was assuming airport in this statement in your first post meant the TC or the Express.. but I now realise we are still in the mass confusion stage where apple calls everything wireless an airport. So what you mean is the airport internal card of the computer??
    Also, I didn't want to bridge TC with my new fios router that I paid 100 dollars for, to get N speed and also paying 10 dollars more a month for fast speed.  I heard that bridging slows down everything and then there can be port issues with mail etc.
    I think this is mistaken.
    Putting the TC in bridge mode plugged into your FIOS will not slow the network.. nor will it cause mail or port issues.. in bridge the TC is just a fancy WAP and switch plus the network hard drive.
    If the computer is close it will be faster than the FIOS.
    You can run both wireless networks with different names.. so it is clear which is which. But you can also setup roaming so the computers themselves pick which is the best wireless.
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    Thanks again!
    You cannot extend to a non-apple wireless router.
    You cannot use join a wireless network because when you do the ethernet ports will be cut off.
    But that has not changed.. I don't think Apple support is correct.. there has been no change with the AC model.. it is simply a fact that apple routers do not work in join wireless mode other than as a dumb client. The same applies to AC as to the earlier version.. but I have asked another person to check this.
    Join in the express is the only apple router that still allows an ethernet connection.
    For now you best use of the TC is bridged to the FIOS. Wireless you can sort out between several options.

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    It is not possible to downgrade to an earlier version.
    Have you tried the tips on this help page? iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    And you dont need iTunes to update you're device. You can update it OTA in Settings > General > Software Update

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    It is not possible to downgrade to an earlier version.
    Have you tried the tips on this help page? iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    And you dont need iTunes to update you're device. You can update it OTA in Settings > General > Software Update

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    The Join Clip command is meant to restore a clip that you split and then decide you want to "undo" the split.
    It's really not particularly useful or necessary for editing.
    The clips you use in your Project will all be effectively joined together when you export (Share) your finished project.
    As you're editing your Project it appears as a bunch of separate clips but the finished project will playback as a seamless whole.

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