Can't move keystores between machines?

Anyone have any experience with JCE?
I'm quite new to it.
We're trying to do some encryption. We create and store the key thusly:
package keystore;
import javax.crypto.*;
import java.util.*;
public class CreateKey {
    public static void main(String args[])
        throws Exception
        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
        char[] pw = "password".toCharArray();
        String alias = "testkey";
        ks.load(null, pw);
        SecureRandom sRandom = new SecureRandom();
        KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
        kg.init (256,sRandom);
        SecretKey sk = kg.generateKey();
        ks.setKeyEntry(alias, sk, pw, null);
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("new.keystore");, pw);
}Then, you can use keytool to list the key:
$ keytool -list -keystore new.keystore  -storepass password -storetype JCEKS
Keystore type: JCEKS
Keystore provider: SunJCE
Your keystore contains 1 entry
testkey, Aug 18, 2005, keyEntry,But, if I take that file, new.keystore, and transfer it to another machine, then the file can't be read. keytool fails. We get an invalid header error, or corrupted stream error.
The goal was to make a single key file that we can use across our vast array of developers, testers, servers, etc.
So, anyway, has anyone encountered this before? Seems odd to me that they keystore would be bound to the machine (for example, what if I stored the keystore on a thumb drive or smart card). Could it be the provider I'm using?

Using your code I have just created a keystore on Fedora Core 3 with JDK1.5.0_04. I transferred it to a Windows XP machine and ran
keytool -list -keystore new.keystore -storepass password -storetype JCEKS
which gave the expected result of
Keystore type: JCEKS
Keystore provider: SunJCE
Your keystore contains 1 entry
testkey, 19-Aug-2005, keyEntry,
I ran against the 1.4.2 keytool on Fedora Core 3 with the same result.
There has to be something more! Some other difference.
How did you transfere the file? Did you user FTP and if so did you make sure you used 'binary' mode?
Are use using the same version of JDK on both machines?

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    Backup strategy
    Backing up a client computer to Time Capsule hardware with Time Machine software via the network provides ample time for contemplation, and rumination as to why the backup is taking so long. An initial 200Gb backup has an estimated time of "3 days" even on a wired network. Incremental backups following the initial backup are also beset with delays, with various message which can be viewed with the programmer's delight, the "Console" app. Otherwise the System Preference Time Machine interface is mute. The glacial pace of the Time Capsule backup process is exhaustively documented on the internet, but with no solutions - at least that I have found any after too many hours searching.
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    On the positive side, Time Machine performs quickly and provides hourly backup to external drives directly attached to the client computer. The delay appears in network backups via Time Capsule.
    Another positive is that network backups to Time Capsule are reliable when the client computer is stable, always on, and never detached from the network. In this case, the mute interface offered by system preferences->Time Machine is welcome. For example, my Apple Mac Mini web server (always on) is reliably backed up to a Time Capsule.
    The negative experience is encountered when backing up a laptop when, as laptops do, the laptop wanders from the network. As stopping a backup can take 15 minutes, backups are necessarily interrupted when dashing off to work with your laptop. In the network where I have experience, there are 5 laptops and 1 stationary (Mac Mini) clients living on an all-Apple network. Failing to complete a backup via network for days on end gives no feeling of security.
    Reading from Podini's excellent website
    and extracting a summary, files copied from a client computer using Time Machine are stored on the backup drive in one of two formats:  sparse bundle (special file type) when backing up to Time Capsule (or to a drive attached to a Time Capsule), or a folder with the client computer name when the backup drive is Firewire attached to the client. A closer examination of the sparse bundle file on the network with the Finder shows that the same folder appears with the computer name.
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    A strategy of backing up to an external drive moved between various computers and the Time Capsule might resolve some of the many delays. The strategy is simple, if delays are encountered, directly attach the backup drive to the client computer. If a backup is to be manually deleted in order to begin anew, directly attach the backup drive to the client computer before deleting the sparse bundle file.
    To begin a new backup with this strategy of "drive+TC", initiate (via TM) the backup on the network (via TC), then stop after 10 minutes (with TM), noting that a sparse bundle of zero size is created. Continue the first backup by directly connecting the external backup drive to the client then pointing Time Machine to the newly connected drive. The backups by way of direct connect will go to the existing sparse bundle. Wait three hours rather than three days for a 200Gb backup to complete. Subsequent backups will go to the sparse bundle file on the backup drive, whether the backup drive is on the network (via TC) or directly connected.
    But what of the internal drive on the TC? In this strategy, it is not used for backups unless the client computer is always attached to the network.
    With so little documentation from Apple, we are left to speculate as to the cause of TC largo. Normally, slight documentation means little to know for the user, and the user is spared the complex machinations under the hood, but when the operation is flawed the user is left without resources.
    A secure backup strategy stores a backup offsite, just in case the house burns down, or buglers make a clean sweep of computers and backup drives. Unfortunately, this means doubling the equipment, including two Time Capsules and two external drives attached to the TCs. The offsite copy is rarely mentioned in the same paragraph as the Time Capsule, likely because of the cost. It's an uncomfortable fact that a sole TC is vulnerable to local hazards, along with the local client computers.
    This is the strategy I'm testing now. I'll send an update in a few days.

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    If you want the other user to be able to see the pics, but not add to, change or alter your library, then enable Sharing in your iPhoto (Preferences -> Sharing), leave iPhoto running and use Fast User Switching to open the other account. In that account, enable 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Your Library will appear in the other source pane.
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    No, what you're doing is splitting the TM partition in half, so this will only work if you have more that 50% free space.
    See: Disk Utility - Add, Delete, and Resize Existing Volumes With Disk Utility
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    "Please use Rebuild on the Inbox -- click on Mailbox in the menubar, and choose Rebuild. Be aware that during Rebuild all messages will seem to disappear, but they will come back."
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    From things you are saying, such as "shared folder" and having both machines on, it doesn't sound to me like you truly moved the whole iTunes collection. 
    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music to a new computer [or another drive] -
    do not confuse moving your whole folder and library with moving just media files as in
    iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder -
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    Macworld - How to transfer iTunes libraries between PC and Mac -

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