Can't not found Kernel Headers 3.3.8-1-ARCH

I was update my system use pacman, but after update, vmplayer prompt that it can not found kerenel header 3.3.8-1, and i found that my kernel update to to solve this problem?

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  • /initrd: 36: replace: not found = Kernel panic!

    Hi guys!
    Some days ago I updated my Archlinux...
    Pacman installs the new kernel, then reboot and... There's a wonderful Kernel Panic!
    /initrd: 36: replace: not found
    /initrd: 36: replace: not found
    export: 36: bad variable name
    Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
    Pid: 1, comm: init Not tainted 2.6.30-ARCH #1
    Call Trace:
    [<c03d0b54>] ? panic+0x5b/0xff
    [<c013f884>] ? do_exit+0x614/0x6f0
    [<c13fa70>] ? complete_and_exit+0x0/0x30
    [<c0103d54>] ? sys_call+0x7/0xb
    So I tried to find a solution to the problem chrooting to my Arch partition from Ubuntu, and then I:
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    2) reinstalled klibc (I ignored some of its dependencies some days before (pacman -Syud))
    3) reinstalled kernel26
    4) gave the command mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    These operations ended flawlessy but, when I rebooted my machine, there was the same Kernel Panic waiting for me, again...
    Please help me!!!!!
    Thank you for your support

    when you reinstall kernel26, it will generate initram. so it is not necessary to run mkinitcpio as a separate command. plus, i am not sure that that is the proper mkinitcpio command in your case. the chrooted environment probably has other kernel than for what you want the initrd generated. than the syntax is different for mkinitcpio. you can check proper options for it on wiki, or watch it on screen while installing kernel26 in chroot. so in this case with the 4th step of yours you might generate an improper initrd overwriting the proper one.

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    Edit the PKGBUILD and insert this:
    infront of the "./configure" part. So it looks like this:
    PYTHON=python2 PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 ./configure --prefix=/usr --- snip ---
    happy compiling

  • [Solved] kernel 2.6.27 - Root device not found (2.6.28 too)

    since the last kernel update, my ArchLinux won't boot anymore, as it seems to be unable to find the root partition "/dev/sda5". The exact output is:
    :: Loading root filesystem module...
    Attempting to create root device '/dev/sda5'
    ERROR: Failed to parse block device name for '/dev/sda5'
    ERROR: root fs cannot be detected. Try using the rootfstype= kernel parameter.
    Waiting for devices to settle...done.
    Root device '/dev/sda5' doesn't exist, attempting to create it
    ERROR: Failed to parse block device name for '/dev/sda5'
    ERROR: Unable to create/detect root device '/dev/sda5'
    Dropping to a recovery shell... type 'exit' to reboot
    NOTE: klibc contains no 'ls' binary, use 'echo *' instead
    If the device '/dev/sda5' gets created while you are here,
    try adding 'rootdelay=8' or higher to the kernel command-line
    What I have tried:
    1.- I have booted with an old Ubuntu LiveCD, and /dev/sda5 seems to be working and healthy, as it mounted flawlessly while in Ubuntu.
    2.- I have also found that not even /dev/sda is created from the fallback recovery shell so, obviously, there is no root device to create.
    3.- None of the suggested kernel command-line parameters worked: 'rootfstype=ext3' and/or 'rootdelay=8'(I mean, using them separately or both in the same kernel GRUB line) didn't give any positive result, or any behavior change.
    And now, two questions:
    1.- How can I fix this?
    2.- If it's not possible, how can I downgrade the kernel from a LiveCD? I suppose this is possible by booting an ArchLinux LiveCD, chrooting my '/dev/sda5' finding a 2.26.X kernel pacman package and installing, but I'm almost iliterate in kernel issues, and some help would be nice.
    Thank you all in advance!
    EDIT: Oh, I have also waited for some time to see if the hard disk gets ready after the failed booting proccess but it seems it doesn't, so 'rootdelay=8' wouldn't help anyway, just to give some more details about the problem.
    Last edited by 4s|m3tr|ko0 (2009-01-21 10:14:32)

    4s|m3tr|ko0 wrote:
    ballon wrote:It seems like my problems can be the same, however I haven't managed to solve it myself so if you can be more detailed that would be nice.
    Of course I can, it's quite easy.
    First of all, you have to boot from an Archlinux install CD, to have an usable environment. Once you have booted, I will assume a couple of things to make the examples, which are:
    "/dev/sda2" is the root partition where the system is currently installed but not booting.
    "/dev/sda1" is the boot partition (not needed if you don't have a separated boot partition, obviously).
    "/mnt/myarch" is the directory where sda1 will be mounted on the live session.
    The kernel version on sda2 is "2.6.27-ARCH", you can find which kernel versions are installed on sda2 by checking the directory names under "/lib/modules/"
    Next you have to mount your root partition on any directory and mount the "boot" partition if you have one too:
    mkdir /mnt/myarch #Creates the mount directory on the live session, you can use /mnt/ so this command is not neccesary
    mount -t auto /dev/sda2 /mnt/myarch #Mount the root partition on the live session
    mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/myarch/boot #Mount the boot partition, if you have to
    Now, you'll have to bind three system directories to their true locations on the root partition:
    mount -t proc proc /mnt/myarch/proc
    mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/myarch/sys
    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/myarch/dev
    Next step is to use the command "chroot <target> <consolebin>" to "move" the system root to the <target> directory, using the <consolebin> command interpreter:
    chroot /mnt/myarch/ /bin/bash
    Now, you will be using your system just like if you had actually booted from your hard disk, but running the kernel from the liveCD, so the only remaining step is to generate the initcpio image.
    In the example for this step, I will run the mkinitcpio twice, the first one to check that it's correctly generated, and the second to install it, using the parameter "-g". Another thing to keep in mind is that even before chrooting, the liveCD kernel is still running, so you will have tu use the "-k <kernelversion>" parameter to manually specify the kernel to use. Otherwise, mkinitcpio won't be able to find the correct modules to use:
    mkinitcpio -k 2.6.27-ARCH #This will simulate the generation, if it runs fine, run the next command
    mkinitcpio -g /boot/kernel26.img -k 2.6.27-ARCH #This will actually generate the image
    And that's all, this should regenerate a default image. More info about mkinitcpio:
    Hope this heps
    PS: Sweden, nice country .
    I follow this guide and I saved my Arch installation. I don't know why the HOOKS array in my mkinitcpio.conf just contains "base" :-?
    So, just before regenerate the ramdisk image I edit my /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and add all the neccessary hooks and generate. I can bring my Arch box back to life

  • [SOLVED] Device not found and kernel panic

    I'm having an issue with the kernel. I get this weird error while booting:
    Booting the kernel.
    :: running early hook [udev]
    :: running hook [udev]
    :: Triggering uevents...
    ERROR: device '' not found. Skipping fsck.
    ERROR: Unable to find root device ''.
    You are being dropped to a recovery shell
    Type 'exit' to try and continue booting
    sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
    [rootfs /]# _
    I don't have the slightest idea what to type in that shell, so I exit (^D) and get an error with its shell, another one and finally a kernel panic. Do I have to report the other two error as well? I think this might be related to a recent change in my syslinux.cfg. I wanted to add hibernation cabability to my arch, so I added "resume=/dev/sda2" (my swap) to kernel options. It should not yield such a result though. As a matter of fact, I get it even if I remove that parameter at runtime. For now, I managed to boot with Fallback Initramfs.
    Here is syslinux.cfg, as well:
    # Config file for Syslinux -
    # /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    # Comboot modules:
    # * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
    # * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
    # * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders
    # * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
    # * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
    # * - shutdown the system
    # To Use: Copy the respective files from /usr/lib/syslinux to /boot/syslinux.
    # If /usr and /boot are on the same file system, symlink the files instead
    # of copying them.
    # If you do not use a menu, a 'boot:' prompt will be shown and the system
    # will boot automatically after 5 seconds.
    # Please review the wiki:
    # The wiki provides further configuration examples
    DEFAULT arch
    PROMPT 1 # Set to 1 if you always want to display the boot: prompt
    TIMEOUT 50
    # You can create syslinux keymaps with the keytab-lilo tool
    #KBDMAP de.ktl
    # Menu Configuration
    # Either menu.c32 or vesamenu32.c32 must be copied to /boot/syslinux
    UI menu.c32
    #UI vesamenu.c32
    # Refer to
    MENU TITLE Arch Linux
    #MENU BACKGROUND splash.png
    MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all
    MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std
    # boot sections follow
    # TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
    # (0) Arch Linux
    LABEL arch
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/dc891acc-9ff7-4d95-bba4-bc2e502301e7 ro
    APPEND resume=/dev/sda2
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
    # (1) Arch Linux Fallback
    LABEL archfallback
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux Fallback
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/dc891acc-9ff7-4d95-bba4-bc2e502301e7 ro
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    # (2) Windows
    #LABEL windows
    #COM32 chain.c32
    #APPEND hd0 0
    LABEL hdt
    MENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
    COM32 hdt.c32
    LABEL reboot
    MENU LABEL Reboot
    COM32 reboot.c32
    LABEL off
    MENU LABEL Power Off
    Any ideas?
    Thank you,
    Last edited by rubik (2012-07-22 10:03:59)

    Also, don't use "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/...", that's just wrong. Udev kicks in after the bootloader phase. … nux_Config
    Here's mine:
    LABEL arch
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=UUID=978e3e81-8048-4ae1-8a06-aa727458e8ff ro quiet vga=current
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
    And don't forget to mark it as solved.

  • Kernel sources not found on Scientific Linux 6

    I am having trouble installing NI-VISA on Scientific Linux 6. The installer can not find kernel source despite the fact the kernel-headers and kernel-devel packages are installed. How to point the NI-VISA installer to the kernel source location?

    It looks like there's some information about this listed in the installation instructions and installation FAQs of the readme file for NI-VISA here.  Have you looked through this before your attempted install?
    Jon F.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • [SOLVED] Can't boot computer (device not found)

    On boot (both Normal and Fallback) I get:
    Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/d3c4f22d-65c6-4e06-bcc1-752db552061
    ERROR: device '/dev/disk/by-uuid/d3c4f22d-65c6-4e06-bcc1-752db552061' not found
    Skipping fsck
    And then it drops to a shell, and I need to use "exit" to run, but it requires me to choose a boot partition (I tried exit /dev/sda1 and others but it says invalid number).
    I know there are many posts on that, but since I believe this is a specific issue (I updated kernel last night with -Syyu'd), I decided to make my own.
    Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by ephan (2012-06-01 18:46:28)

    edit: I'm way too slow
    ephan wrote:
    # mkdir /mnt/arch
    # mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/arch (your root partition)
    # cd /mnt/arch
    # mount -t proc proc proc/
    # mount -t sysfs sys sys/
    # mount -o bind /dev dev/
    # mount /dev/sdaX boot/ (your /boot partition) #This step is not needed if you do not have a separate boot partition
    # chroot .
    # pacman -Syu udev mkinitcpio
    # mkinitcpio -p linux
    About that, I have some questions...
    1. How long can it take?
    2. How dangerous is it?
    3. Is it really what I need?
    4. Can I lose files? Since I can't boot, is there a way to save them?
    5. In order to find out what my root partition is, can I use Gparted?
    5.1. Can I not use an Arch Live CD and use Ubuntu for example? It's much easier to do it.
    6. How do I know if I have a separate boot partition? I have all /dev/sda's, and one of them is boot I think. Don't we all have?
    Sorry and thank you!
    Also, and I want to make this clear, I did *not* use force on pacman, I never do.
    So, what caused?
    I just updated it normally, like I always do, was it some arch error everybody else experienced?
    1) The time to boot the live cd, type the commands and like 30 seconds for mkinitcpio.
    2) lol, not dangerous
    3) Since it's in the Q&A: most probably.
    4) You can always lose files. Just boot a live cd, mount the partitions you want to save and the partition you want to save it to and copy (or rsync).
    5) I don't think so, unless you gave your partitions a descriptive label. Just mount partitions until you find the root.
    5.1) I don't think so.
    6) If you find your root partition: if /boot is empty, you have a separate boot partition. You can check your fstab to see which one.
    What caused? dunno
    Was it something everybody experienced: no
    Good luck! Just follow the instructions, it's not that hard.
    Last edited by Terminator (2012-05-29 21:47:43)

  • After kernel upgrade "file not found"

    I upgraded to kernel version 3 and I rebooted but I didn't do anything in menu.lst, because I thought symlinks would work, so I rebooted but it didn't work. I tried to boot changing names in grub menu but I'm always getting same error "file not found" and I don't know what else to do. I can see the vmlinuz-linux but I can't see initramfs-linux file in /boot from a Live CD. Can you share your menu.lst to try them please.

    tbuitenh wrote:
    I ran into the same problem. I bookmarked this thread earlier, sorry if the problem has been solved in another one and I didn't notice it.
    After putting back the kernel and ramdisk from a backup (using different filenames) and downgrading the kernel (mkinitcpio doesn't work, that's why I had to take the ramdisk from a backup), I was able to get back into my system.
    I found a mkinitcpio.conf.pacnew, but no significant changes in there. Applied them anyway.
    So let's try that again...
    sudo pacman -Syu
    (3/5) installing linux [######################] 100%
    >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    /tmp/alpm_kwQ6VA/.INSTALL: line 10: depmod: command not found
    >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    /tmp/alpm_kwQ6VA/.INSTALL: line 12: mkinitcpio: command not found
    Optional dependencies for linux
    crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country
    That doesn't look healthy. Perhaps a path problem?
    [tb@progress ~]$ su -
    [root@progress ~]# pacman -S linux
    warning: linux-3.0.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (1): linux-3.0.1-1
    Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
    Total Installed Size: 54.55 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    (1/1) checking package integrity [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [######################] 100%
    (1/1) upgrading linux [######################] 100%
    >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    ==> Building image from preset: 'default'
    -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    ==> Starting build: 3.0-ARCH
    -> Parsing hook: [base]
    -> Parsing hook: [udev]
    -> Parsing hook: [autodetect]
    -> Parsing hook: [sata]
    -> Parsing hook: [resume]
    -> Parsing hook: [filesystems]
    -> Parsing hook: [consolefont]
    ==> Generating module dependencies
    ==> Creating xz initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    6472 blocks
    ==> Image generation successful
    ==> Building image from preset: 'fallback'
    -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    ==> Starting build: 3.0-ARCH
    -> Parsing hook: [base]
    -> Parsing hook: [udev]
    -> Parsing hook: [sata]
    -> Parsing hook: [resume]
    -> Parsing hook: [filesystems]
    -> Parsing hook: [consolefont]
    ==> Generating module dependencies
    ==> Creating xz initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    13946 blocks
    ==> Image generation successful
    [root@progress ~]# ls -l /boot
    total 12484
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 15 12:18 grub
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5216044 Aug 15 12:41 initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1460104 Aug 15 12:41 initramfs-linux.img
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 26 2011 memtest86+
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1453292 Jul 11 19:22 offmylawn.img
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2333056 Aug 6 16:22 vmlinuz-linux
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2305152 Jul 9 15:00 vmlinuz-offmylawn
    That's better. I'll reboot now and see what happens.
    @tbuitenh: I encountered this same situation today when I tried to update linux-ck-corei7 from 3.0.4-1 to 3.0.4-2. Like you, running pacman after "su -" (instead of "su") permitted me to complete the update.
    I figure this has to do with default login path, right? What exactly is going on here, and how can I fix it? I don't normally run pacman this way.
    Last edited by dhave (2011-09-22 23:07:53)

  • Kernel Panic ACIP drivers not found installing OS X (10.4.9) on External HD

    , my internal HD on the Macbook ( Macbook White 13" Core2Duo , 2007 Edition) died a couple of days ago ( Seagate HD started to make noises and was not recognice by the Macbook ).
    So i wanted to install the OS X on a External HD (Transcend Storejet 25D3 640Gig, so that i could boot the mac from the External.
    The Format and Partition of the HD and so the installation of the first DvD runs without any Problem, but when its finish and wants to re-boot, i got the Kernel Panic on the drivers not found for the ACIP.
    Its not possible at all to install and Boot a Macbook using OS X from a External HD ? Or, what i'm doing wrong here ? Any Ideas ?
    Thanks a lot

    Hi Lissa
    , thanks for your help, but i replace the external HD with the "broken" internal HD and was able to continue with the installation without any problems. It seems that for some reason its not working to get some drivers for the USB connection of the HD, maybe by firewire would have work, but i dont have one =) .
    Now lets hope that the Seagate Momentus 5400.3 ST9120822AS its not badly damage so that some Data can be restored.

  • End of headers not found

    I am using Oracle Portal 10g and I have reports created by WEBDB whit generate options HTML, EXCEL and ACSII, the first and last options is ok, by Excel option show the message 404 - Page Not found and the apache log show End of headers not found. How I can correct this problem??

    I had this problem the other day but I don't remember exactly how I resolved it. There's a note in Metalink (118157.1) that got me going in the right direction though. Hope this helps.<br><br>

  • I was updating Firefox from version 6 to version 7, after updating I tried to open Firefox and the message I got is this: This application has failed to start because xul.dll was not found. How can I fix this?

    I was updating Firefox to the newest version 7.0.1 from version 6.0.2 I think it was, I clicked the restart Firefox button that always comes up after updating. It started updating and then Firefox never restarted like it was supposed to after it was done updating. I then tried to open Firefox and it told me "This application has failed to start because xul.dll was not found." I did have Firefox crash on maybe about 30 minutes or so earlier which bothered me because I have been using Firefox for years and never had it crash on me before but I didn't think much of it at the time it happened because I was able to go back onto Firefox and finish what I had been working on. A while later I checked for updates and updated. The first time I tried to update it didn't work though so I had to shutdown Firefox and reopen Firefox and start the update a second time. It was after the second time that when I tried to open Firefox I got that message about failing to start because xul.dll can't be found. I filed a crash report when my Firefox crashed. This would have been around 1am-2am in the morning that Firefox first crashed and then wouldn't allow me to open it after updating. I have a DELL laptop running the Windows XP operating system but the laptop is probably at least 6 or 7 years old. The laptop will no longer charge so I always have to have it plugged into an outlet. Both my laptop hard drive and my external hard drive give me messages that I am running out of disk space on my hard drive. I bought this laptop 6 or 7 years ago second hand so it could be even older. In short it's a piece of crap and it gives me all kinds of issues but I currently can't afford a new one, but I have never had any problems with Firefox and I use Firefox more than any other aspect of my laptop so it's really really bothering me. May you please help me fix it?

    Unfortunately I tried that and it didn't work. Thanks for the help though. I tried to uninstall and it said I couldn't because the file is corrupt or something, but I think I finally got it uninstalled and/or deleted or whatever, but now I try to reinstall/download it again from the beginning and I can't. No matter what I do I can not get Firefox working again. No matter how many times I try to redownload it. Any other suggestions?

  • View attributes can not be retrieved. View instance not found or undefined

    I am creating a simple master detail OAF page. For this I have done following steps:
    1. Created ParentEO and ChildEO
    2. Created ParentVO with a transient attribute called "SelectFlag" with default value "Y" .
    3. Created ChildVO
    4. Created a UserViewLink.
    5. Created Application module (UserAM).
    6. New Page UserPG
    7. In the main region I have defined Application Module.
    8. Under the main region, I have created a new advanced table region with following properties:
    View Instance : ParentVO1
    Detail View Attribute : SelectFlag
    View Link Instance: UserViewLink.
    Now when I click to select the "Child View Attribute", it gives a pop up saying "View attributes can not be retrieved. View instance not found or undefined".
    Please help, I am not able to proceed on this.

    I do not see in your steps where you associated the VO with the AM. In order to select an attribute, the AM must have an instance of the VO associated with it. Double click the AM in the navigator. Click Data Model and shuttle the VO's you want to be available from the left to the right.
    Hope this helps.

  • I recently tried to burn some photos to a disc.  It did not work, but then I ended up with a .fpbf folder on my desktop.  Can't trash it, and when trying to burn again, I get this "... can't be burned because the original items can't be found". Help???

    I recently tried to burn some photos on a CD. For some reason, It did not work.  Now I have a .fpbf folder on my desktop. I can't seem to get rid of it.  I tried dragging it to the trash, but then I get a box asking my to type my password it, so Finder can make the changes.  Doing so, does nothing at all.  And when I try to burn another CD from the same .fpbf file, I get a the following message: "There are 35 items that can’t be burned because the original items can’t be found. Skip the items and continue burning?".   When I skip and continue burning, nothing shows up on the CD.  In the meantime, the .fpbf folder is still in my desktop.  I tried changing the aliases on each pic, but it still doesn't work.  Any ideas of how I can remove this folder from my desktop?
    Thank you.

    Thank you for your detailed explanation but something is seriously wrong with my computer. Although the method you have described is very similar to the one I tried in step 2 from my second post, I have since "done things" which may have complicated matters—or suggests that my computer has a more serious problem.
    Here's what I did:
    1). Installed Onyx and discovered that I had a .plist file ( that was causing a Syntax error: "Conversion of data failed. The file is not UTF-8, or in the encoding specified in XML header, if XML." After doing some research online, I was given the understanding that downloading the iLife update 9.0.3 (I installed the more recent version, 9.0.4) would solve this problem because it would also fix some system issues. So, I downloaded it...and when it didn't solve the problem, I decided to just deleted that .plist file.
    2). I read your knew post and decided to follow your directions, even though I realized they were basically the same steps I followed in the 2nd method I mentioned earlier. I say "basically" because, for some reason, after inserting a blank disc, my computer does not open the disc in the Finder. Instead, it places the blank disc's image on the Desktop, even though the Finder's Preferences and the System's Preferences are set to have it open in the Finder—nothing should be on my Desktop! (Note: When transferring the items (all folders) I want to burn to the blank disc, I did not use the Option-Click-Drag method as before, I used the Click-Drag method, which created the curved arrow in the lower left corner of each item.)
    Now, for the result of "method 2," the method we basically have in common, the computer goes through the burn stage but, in the verify stage, tells me that it is unable to verify the disk, suggests that my DVD may be unreliable and that I should try another disc, and then tells me about some "fork" (?) error (-43).
    I don't know what to do anymore...

  • Can some one help me with diagnostic test result " apple mobile device driver not found"?

    I bought an iPhone 4gs 32gb from Singapore. iso 4. I'm living in Chennai, India. To connect it to my computer (windows XP,), I have downloaded iTunes Unfortunately iTunes is not recognizing my iPhone.  I had tried to troubleshoot it by reinstalling iTunes (2 times). I have restarted the apple mobile device from control panel. I try connecting my iphone in another usb port. but no use. I don't know what am I missing?.  iTunes opens on my computer. but doesn't recognize my device. when I click on help. it says an "unknown error has occurred. your computer is not connected to internet. please check your internet connection and try again later". I don't know what to do? could you please help me? thank you so much for your help and time.
    when I update the usb driver (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.Double-click the usbaapl file.) I followed the procedure from this site. when I finished, it says "the specified location does not contain information about your software"
    I did the apple's diagnostics test on my computer. I'm pasting the result for your info.
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
    System manufacturer System Product Name
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 1.14.43
    Apple Application Support 2.1.9
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver not found.
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0013AC2C08548378
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2012-06-28 15:23:45.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is not supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:        {D85300A1-330D-41ED-AC5A-EC032B22FBF0}
    Description:            Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:   
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:      Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:     Thu Jun 28 15:17:19 2012
    Lease Expires:       Fri Jun 29 03:17:19 2012
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected:             Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:        No
    Using LAN:             Yes
    Using Proxy:           No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Basic connection to the store failed.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    The network connection timed out.
    iTunes has never successfully accessed the iTunes Store.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    G: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7220A, Rev 1.01
    Drive is empty.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Intel(R) N10/ICH7 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) N10/ICH7 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) N10/ICH7 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) N10/ICH7 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) N10/ICH7 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC.  Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found.

    I have the same problem. I think that someone tried my iphone before me because when I want to reset it, I'm invited to enter a password that I didn't set. Also, when I go the Map application, the iphone indicate that I'm locateded in China while I'm in Tunisia. Now, I can't connect to my iphone to itunes, and I can't reset it because it ask me to enter a password that I didn't set.
    This is my post:
    Please, we need your help.

  • HT1657 I rented movies on my iPad, they all downloaded, but when I click 'play' it says 'The requested URL was not found on this server'. What does it mean and how can I restore my rented movies?

    I rented movies on my iPad, they all downloaded, but when I click 'play' it says 'The requested URL was not found on this server'. What does it mean and how can I restore my rented movies?

    See this previous discussion:

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