Can't play MP3 audio disk on iMac?

I borrowed an audio book from the public library marked MP3 Format. I will not play on my iMac OS 10.7.4 but it will play on a Sony DVD player. Does anyone know what to do about this?

Open the CD with DVD player application.
dbmurton wrote:
I borrowed an audio book from the public library marked MP3 Format. I will not play on my iMac OS 10.7.4
What happens?

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    AdrenalineJunky wrote:
    from everything i'm reading, it seems like that error message is normally associated with xine-ffmpeg being missing...
    phonon-xine depends on xine-lib which depends on ffmpeg, but its probably worth checking to make sure they are installed.
    I have installed xine-lib
    Rasi wrote:Since there doesnt seem to be an obvious solution, simply use the gstreamer backend.
    I have used the gstreamer backend and it not works... I can't hear the mp3 files...
    another idea?

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