Can't read second HDD

I just installed a SSD(via a enclosure which replaces the optical drive) into my 2009 iMac in addition to the 3TB drive I already have. I've install 10.8 onto the new SSD and am using it as my boot drive.  I want to now use my existing 3TB drive(which I have not formatted and still has OSX loaded on it) as a storage drive, however, I cannot see the drive in Finder when running off my SSD but I can see it if I run Disk Utility.  If I boot off my old 3TB drive I can see the new SSD in Finder without a issue.
Any ideas what's stopping Finder from seeing the existing 3TB drive when booting from the SSD?
Thanks in advance.

Are you runnig from a new install of OS X? Where are you looking for it, are you only looking on the Desktop?
Open /Volumes by entering it into the Finder 'Go menu > Go to Folder…' dialog.
Can you see it there? Also look in the 'Computer' item in that menu.
Disks are hidden on the Desktop by default, so perhaps it is just a preference that needs tweaking. 'Finder Preferences > General' should allow you to enable the showing of disks.
Disk Utility also has a blue link for mounted volumes, select the volume in the list & see if the link exists at the bottom of the window, that should open the disk too.

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    diskutil list
    /dev/disk0 => 500 GB
    /dev/disk1 => 500 GB
    Please see screenshots here:
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    /dev/disk2 => 1.3 GB
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    And partition "2" in this disk has the label "Apple_HFS Mac OS X Base System"
    Shouldn't partition disk0s2 have the label "Apple_HFS Mac OS X Base System" instead?
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    diskutil list
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     Apple_partition_scheme                        *596.2 Gi   disk0
       1:        Apple_partition_map                         31.5 Ki    disk0s1
       2:                 Apple_Boot Boot OSX                128.0 Mi   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_RAID                         596.0 Gi   disk0s3
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     Apple_partition_scheme                        *596.2 Gi   disk1
       1:        Apple_partition_map                         31.5 Ki    disk1s1
       2:                 Apple_Boot Boot OSX                128.0 Mi   disk1s2
       3:                 Apple_RAID                         596.0 Gi   disk1s3
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     Apple_partition_scheme                        *1.8 Ti     disk2
       1:        Apple_partition_map                         31.5 Ki    disk2s1
       2:             Apple_Driver43                         28.0 Ki    disk2s2
       3:             Apple_Driver43                         28.0 Ki    disk2s3
       4:           Apple_Driver_ATA                         28.0 Ki    disk2s4
       5:           Apple_Driver_ATA                         28.0 Ki    disk2s5
       6:             Apple_FWDriver                         256.0 Ki   disk2s6
       7:         Apple_Driver_IOKit                         256.0 Ki   disk2s7
       8:              Apple_Patches                         256.0 Ki   disk2s8
       9:                  Apple_HFS Mac OS X Install DVD    16.0 Gi    disk2s10
      10:                  Apple_HFS Tiger                   825.0 Gi   disk2s12
      11:                  Apple_HFS Leopard                 1021.6 Gi  disk2s14
    Have you tried Repairing that drive with Disk Utility?

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    Really appreciate your continued support - OK, here's detailed response/update:
    1. Both disks are the originals and I've checked both with another PC in external caddy and both seem A1.
    2. Have tried doing as you suggested with the BIOS, but no can do. The BIOS seems to be very limited - it is as follows:
    ACPI version 1.2
    Disks are listed as follows : Current State Built-in HDD1 = 2RAID-0
    Built-in HDD2 = 2RAID-0
    Create State Built-in HDD1 = 2RAID-0
    Built-in HDD2 = 2RAID-0
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    +Can you confirm this?+
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    Installed SP2 (successfully)
    Tried install SP3 - was not successful and machine shut itself down.
    After unsuccessfully trying to get it back up, re-installed XP
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    Again removed the D: disk and checked it in external caddy on other PC - no probs works aok
    And that's where I'm left.
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    Is there any utility I can download that could help sort ??
    Again, many TIA

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    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system>    <dir>    <type>    <options>    <dump>    <pass>
    tmpfs        /tmp    tmpfs    nodev,nosuid    0    0
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    UUID=aff2d22f-e381-4148-8052-e8a9ee638182 / ext4 defaults 0 1
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    total 4
    dr--r--r-- 11 root root 4096 Mar 24 01:55 Media
    fdisk -l
    WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.
    Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders, total 234441648 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00000000
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 1 234441647 117220823+ ee GPT
    Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x9782cd93
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdb1 * 63 417689 208813+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdb2 417690 4514264 2048287+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sdb3 4514265 106928639 51207187+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdb4 106928640 976768064 434919712+ 83 Linux

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        File: \windows\system32\winload.exe
        Status: 0xc000000f
        Info: The selected entry could not be loaded into memory because the application is missing or corrupt."
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    Maybe someone is trying to turn. Thanks in advance.
    PS: Sorry for English - interpreter)

    There are different A300D on the market with different motherboards and different hardware specifications. But the cover and the bottom is always the same.
    Therefore you can find an second HDD bay but not all A300D models would support the second HDD.
    You can try to remove the cover which secures the second HDD bay to check the HDD connectors. If there are no connectors, then the second HDD is not possible!

  • Re: Satellite P775-11P and upgrade with second HDD

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    I agree with Macius
    If the connectors are missing, the second HDD is not possible.
    The point is that all the notebooks use the same plastic covers but the motherboards might be different and this is the reason why the second bay is available but the 2nd HDD is not possible.

  • Portal application can't read request info

    hi all,
    i use  portal application for change portal user's infos.but when i sent request info,
    request.getServletRequest().getInputStream() method is cutting my sending line after 90. character.
    in R3 side i use HTTP_POST function and fill request info (table paramater).
    i tried to send 2 line(less than 90 character) in request info, but i can't read second line in java code.
    Is IPortalComponentRequest accept only 90 character ?
    how can i solve this problem , any idea ?
    my code is below, variable "str" is filling only first 90 character;
         protected void doOnNodeReady(
                   IPortalComponentRequest request,
                   IEvent event) {
         String str = "";
         try {
              InputStream is = request.getServletRequest().getInputStream();
              InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
              int c;
              while ((c = > -1) {
              str = str + (char) c;
                } catch ( ex) {
                 str = "Error accessing input stream";

    New discovery...If I shut down all instances of IE on my machine, then reopen my test form, it works. Once. The second time I try it I get the same peculiar behavior again, until I again shut down all instances of IE.

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    As far as I know this is not possible with Portege A600 series.
    From my knowledge some other Portege series like Portege M400 or Portege M7xx series supports an Ultra Slim Bay HDD adaptor in order to insert an second HDD in place of the CD/DVD drive but A600 does not support this

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    I own a SatelliteA300-15M. I bought the laptop 2 years ago. I have already 250GB hard drive which came with the laptop. Recently I got my laptop serviced from local shop. I noticed that it has an additional slot for another hard drive. I saw a post that some of the A300/A305 laptops have the space for second hard drive but not the connectors.
    If anyone owns A300-15M can they please tell me if i can install a second internal hard drive in my model? Is there a sure way to find if I can really install a second hard drive?

    > but not the connectors.
    So the case is claer: If you dont have a second SATA connector, you cant install a second HDD.
    Check also the forum regarding such questions. The point is that one notebook series (e. g. Satellite A300) is always equipped with the same case but the hardware is different. So not all models have the same features. ;)

  • Can I use the second HDD in a Mini for Time Machine?

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    I don't have a Mini at the moment and so don't know how OS X treats the existing setup, is the HD treated as one, or are the two clearly separate? It's a mystery to me why there are two in the first place, I summise that it was an attempt by Apple to create the illusion of a fater computer by adding in a small amount of SSD to complement the larger (and cheaper) HDD?
    Anyway, would splitting the two work and would it be easily achievable with existing tools in OS X?

    Hamper wrote:
    I was wondering then, as I don't have a Time Capsule, whether it would be possible to dedicate the second HDD for exclusive use of Time Machine, backing everything up?
    Anyway, would splitting the two work and would it be easily achievable with existing tools in OS X?
    Yes, you can use the 2nd HDD with Time Machine as your TM back up drive.
    As long as you are able to format your new SSD and the HDD, you can use them independently. I would advise using Terminal and the diskutil commands to do this as Mountain Lion 10.8.3's GUI Disk Utility will see the SSD and HDD as needing to be "fixed" (drives marked in RED) and if you choose to FIX the drives your two drives will automatically be setup as a Fusion drive and all data on the drives will be lost.

  • Can I build in second HDD on Satellite P200-1I4?

    First of all sorry for my bad English. =((
    I have a toshiba SATELLITE P200-1I4 and question is: can I install one more (additional) HDD. Or there is only one SATA slot in this laptop? Unfortunately laptop is not near me now, and I can't remove back panel and see it.
    On Toshiba web site I can not find information about it.
    Some more information:
    SATELLITE P200-1I4
    S/N: z7269306k - M/N: PSPB3E-0J601MRU
    Thanks, and i am hope all written above is understandable. =)

    I agree with the user above. Please have a look under the cover for second HDD slot to check if there is a second HDD connector or not. This takes only few minutes.
    If yes you can ask your favorite computer store to get an additional HDD.

  • Can i put in second HDD into Satellite A300-1EG

    The question is can i put in second HDD to Toshiba A300-1EG notebook, there is a place for one as I found, and what HDD should it be, i mean 2,5" and etc?
    As I read, there can be no connection for HDD, all depends on model, how can I found out?

    You can check this yourself.
    Remove the plastic cover which secures the second HDD bay.
    If there are some HDD connectors then you could install an second HDD.
    If the connectors are missing, then you will not be able to use second HDD.
    I know its a little but confusing because of the second HDD bay but the point is that different A300 models supports different motherboards and not all motherboards are equipped with two HDD controllers.

  • Satellite X200-245 can i install a second HDD

    on satellite X200-245 : can i install a second hard drive ?
    is it possible ?
    There is a place for it but no sata connection on the mother board where can i find this connector

    No you cannot install the second HDD because there is no HDD connector which would allows to connect the HDD to the mobo.
    And No, its not possible to upgrade the mobo with such connector.
    The X200 has the two HDD bays because some X200 support 2 HDDs and some dont support it.
    Your X200 doesnt support 2 HDD

  • Satellite Pro A300D - How can I add a second HDD?

    Hi there guys/gals,
    I noticed that my Satellite Pro A300D has an extra HDD slot on the right hand side but no hard drive case and no screws and the cover has pointy things on this
    How can I get hold of these so I can add an extra HDD .
    Many thanks.

    No. It has its sata connection.
    I just need to know where I can find the part numbers or buy the parts from such as the hard drive cradle and cover piece.

Maybe you are looking for