Can't receive variables from HTML to Flash in AS3 passed via URL (not Flashvars)

hey all,
can't seem to get AS3 to recognize variables passed via URL
(not Flashvars). i can get vars passed with Flashvars in the
javascript but I don't want to use that method. i'm simply
extending the .swf call with .swf?var=123 in the embed and on the
AS3 side i'm calling loaderInfo.parameters.var
thought this would work but doesn't. what am i doing wrong?
classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"
width="1024" height="768" id="main" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="main.swf?var=123"
/><param name="quality" value="best" /><param
name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <embed
src="main.swf?var=123" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff"
width="1024" height="768" name="main" align="middle"
allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""
t = new TextField();
t.text = String(loaderInfo.parameters.var);
thx in adv.

appreciate you were going for brevity, but i think the
answer's going to be hidden either in your complete html code or
your complete AS code. without seeing this i can only keep
that said, my latest guess is that you're not passing your
variable within the AC_FL_RunContent function. there are two
properties set in this function - src and movie, which contain your
movie name, to which you can add any parameters you wish to pass.
'src', 'main?var=123',
'movie', 'main?var=123',
where main is the name of your swf and var the name of the
parameter you wish to pass.
if this function fails - if javascript isn't available in the
browser, for example, or AC_RunActiveContent.js is missing, then
the <object> tag you described is used. (this object tag is
sitting inside a <noscript> tag.)

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    if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:") {
    via the html code now used by Flash 9 which is like this:
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script language="javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
    <script language="javascript"> DetectFlashVer = 0;
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Globals
    // Major version of Flash required
    var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
    // Revision of Flash required
    var requiredRevision = 115;
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    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    Theraputic stories
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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0 || DetectFlashVer == 0) {
    alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
    } else {
    var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion,
    requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
    if(hasRightVersion) { // if we've detected an acceptable
    // embed the flash movie
    'codebase', ',0,115,0',
    'width', '120',
    'height', '600',
    'src', 'Advert_long',
    'quality', 'high',
    'pluginspage', '',
    'align', 'middle',
    'play', 'true',
    'loop', 'true',
    'scale', 'showall',
    'wmode', 'window',
    'devicefont', 'false',
    'id', 'Advert_long',
    'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
    'name', 'Advert_long',
    'menu', 'true',
    'movie', 'Advert_long',
    'salign', ''
    ); //end AC code
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    var alternateContent = 'Alternate HTML content should be
    placed here.'
    + 'This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.'
    + '<a href=>Get
    document.write(alternateContent); // insert non-flash content
    // -->
    // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not support
    // or for those that have scripting disabled.
    Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content
    requires the Adobe Flash Player.
    <a href="">Get

    You should use SWFObject to embed your Flash. Not only does
    it make
    embedding more straightforward, it makes passing query
    parameters very easy.
    Check out:
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • How to pass a variable from HTML to Flash 9

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    myButton_btn.onRelease = function() {
    if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:") {
    via the html code now used by Flash 9 which is like this:
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script language="javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
    <script language="javascript"> DetectFlashVer = 0;
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Globals
    // Major version of Flash required
    var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
    // Revision of Flash required
    var requiredRevision = 115;
    // -->
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    Theraputic stories
    for children aged
    4 to 9
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0 || DetectFlashVer == 0) {
    alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
    } else {
    var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion,
    requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
    if(hasRightVersion) { // if we've detected an acceptable
    // embed the flash movie
    'codebase', ',0,115,0',
    'width', '120',
    'height', '600',
    'src', 'Advert_long',
    'quality', 'high',
    'pluginspage', '',
    'align', 'middle',
    'play', 'true',
    'loop', 'true',
    'scale', 'showall',
    'wmode', 'window',
    'devicefont', 'false',
    'id', 'Advert_long',
    'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
    'name', 'Advert_long',
    'menu', 'true',
    'movie', 'Advert_long',
    'salign', ''
    ); //end AC code
    } else { // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
    var alternateContent = 'Alternate HTML content should be
    placed here.'
    + 'This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.'
    + '<a href=>Get
    document.write(alternateContent); // insert non-flash
    // -->
    // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not
    support scripting
    // or for those that have scripting disabled.
    Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content
    requires the Adobe Flash Player.
    <a href="">Get

    You should use SWFObject to embed your Flash. Not only does
    it make
    embedding more straightforward, it makes passing query
    parameters very easy.
    Check out:
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

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    var NewLessonCompleteArray:String = LessonCompleteArray.toString();
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest("two/index.html?CurrentLessonInfo=<NewLessonCompleteArray>"), "_blank");
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    // Getting the parameters passed
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    Any suggestions? This has got to be pretty simple... I think.

    What you are trying to do is not extremely difficult to do, but it is not something I would consider as being simple.  With Andrei's approach you should be able to take the url String and dissect the parameters from it using String methods, like split().
    As for the loaderInfo end of things, you are not passing the parameters to the swf file, you are passing them to the html page.  So the loaderInfo won't have any info for you regarding the url parameters.  The loadInfo would typically get parameters via the FlashVars parameters passed in in the html's swf embedding code.
    Here are some other solutions that you might consider.  I have not dealt with these myself, they are merely in my collection of useful info, so you might have to experiment to get them working.  One is a link to a class-based approach and the other is an approach that use swfObject embedding to dynamically add the parameters as FlashVars to the embedding code....
    In your HTML:
    var flashvars = {};
    if (swfobject.getQueryParamValue("aParameter")) {
      flashvars.param = swfobject.getQueryParamValue("aParameter"); 
    swfobject.embedSWF("myMovie.swf", "myContent", "550", "400", "9.0.0", "", flashvars);
    And the param variable will be available as a FlashVar to your movie:
    var theParam = loaderInfo.parameters.param;

  • Passing variable from html to flash

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    How can i do this?
    thank you in advance

    well, between the post to forum and this link below i got
    this to work for me
    Just needed to know about the javascript....along with
    putting the value/variable in url as posted..thanks
    thanks for replying with suggestions!

  • Best way to pass vars from html into flash?

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    I was wondering if someone could spell out the proper way to pass in a variable from HTML so that flash can see it in such a way that works even if javascript is disabled, in all browsers, etc., etc.
    I've attached the HTML generated by the Flash IDE to this topic.  Any help would be much appreciated.

    You'll have to search for that concise and thorough list of steps or figure it out using the information you now have, which is sufficient to get it done.  It's not that hard--add the FlashVars in the embedding code in the three places and use the various examples you have links to to add the code in the Flash file to access and use the FlashVars.
    Your Flash will be embedded in a web page depending on the visitors settings... if they allow javascript then the javascript portion will be used.  If they don't, then either the object or embed sections will be used depending on their browser.
    As far as javascript changes go, don't sweat 'em until you have a problem... use whatever code your Flash-created html page creates to embed the file in the page.

  • Send data from html to flash action script

    I would like my flash to act differently depending on what
    html page it is on. Can I send information from html code to action

    Yes you can, by using FLASHVARS. Refer the attached code for
    example. Also you can use Javascript setVariable method of Flash
    object to set values in between i.e. after the page has loaded, as
    in case of FLASHVARS these are sent to flash just at the begining
    i.e. once SWF loads. In the attached exmple i've sent 2 variables
    to Flash one is 'username' and other is 'userId', thse will be
    fetched inside flash movie as _root.username and _root.userId.
    Note: I've added flashvars as PARAM and also as an attribute
    for EMBED tag (used by Mozilla, NS etc)
    Hope this helps.

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    Do you have one, two or more entries in the left colum of for your mail server(s)?  That is, do you have your set up with either a btinternet entry, with a btyahoo entry, or both?  Or more?
    I'm guessing that you might have one account (btyahoo?) listed for incoming (IMAP server) mail, and with the outbound (SMTP server) mail is configured and named btinternet.
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    "Some actions taken while the account “Joe's Email” was offline could not be completed online."
    "Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox “On My Mac” in “On My Mac” so that you can complete the actions while online.
    Additional information: The connection to the server “” on port 143 timed out."
    Now my airport connection has been on and off with this machine (my old powerbook has been rock solid on the same network) so the "timed out" portion is probably true...but why can't I just get ride of this email message?
    Thanks for the help

    I think I've got it fixed....I "reset" my mail program, I deleted my mailbox then re-created it and I'm all set for now.


    Hi Using iPad,
    Can I receive message from my cellular service provider in my iPad mini cellular?

    I Picked This Username wrote:
    Be aware though..
    If you send an iMessage to an iPhone that isn't using WiFi, they will be charged for receiving the message..
    The same goes with the iPad sending the message: if you are not using WiFi..
    That is incorrect. No cell carrier charges for a message sent by and received by iMessage other than any relevant data charges. The carrier doesn't even know the message is any different from an email message or any other standard Internet traffic. Only if the iPhone was not set up to iMessage and hence receives the message via SMS would there perhaps be a charge, and that will depend on the cell plan. The iPad cannot receive messages via SMS at all so there will never be a charge.

  • Hi, my iPhone was stolen and now i can't receive messages from people with iPhones. What do i do to fix this problem, and get my old messages? This has been a problem for 3 weeks!

    Hi, my iPhone was stolen and now i can't receive messages from people with iPhones. What do i do to fix this problem, and get my old messages? This has been a problem for 3 weeks!

    This won't get your old messages back but will help with new ones:

  • I can send messages however i can't receive messages from everyone. only some contacts

    i can send messages however i can't receive messages from everyone. only some contacts

    Yes, I already talked about this to my carrier. Do you think it doesn't have any problem with the phone?

  • TS5185 i have turned off my Imessage but I still can't receive text from anyone using an Iphone

    I switched from iPhone 4s to a galaxy note 2 but I can't receive messages from other iPhone users. . I turned off my Imessage but I still can't receive any

    Hi there.
    Had exactly the same issue, and i've sorted this out now. It IS Apple's responsibility to deactivate this function, and simply switching their imessage off on a handset will NOT work.
    Whatever apple did, they effectively released my number (read: t-mobile's number) from their messaging / OS framework's grip.
    Please read my explanation here:
    You will need to contact apple support according to my solution.
    Whatever it was they did, and i can guarantee that they did SOMETHING to release my (t-mobile's) number from their ecosystem, even though they did not specify step two (whatever they did after instructing me to deactivate imessage on their handset - which i explained i had already done), it has now returned my SMS delivery and receipt status to normal, and i can send and receive to everyone and anyone in my Contact List.

  • Can I receive messages from Skype when my ipad is in sleep mode and the app is closed?

    Ok, can I receive messages from Skype when my ipad and iPod touch are off, and the app is closed? Becuase my mom sent me a message and I did nott receive it. I have to have the app running or running in the background to receive messages. Is there a way to recieve messages when my ipad and ipod do NOT have the app running?

    The ipad may keep a connection alive in sleep mode.. but it should only use local connection AFAIK, and no internet content.
    I have a similar setup with iPad and although it has an IP it is not actually reachable on the network. I will track usage and see if it is actually using anything but I would doubt it.
    Now of course it may depend on what apps you have running. I really doubt the ipad will be using that much of your download unless you are watching movies on it.

  • Eversince installed Mountain Lion, i can't receive emails from my Microsoft Exchange account!! Why is this so?

    Eversince installed Mountain Lion, i can't receive emails from my Microsoft Exchange account!!
    Why is this so? I don't have this problem prior to installing the Mountain Lion OS X

    Have you tried 10.8.1?  It includes fixes in this area.  Usually the problem is if Active Directory is returning incorrect Exchange information in response to an Autodiscover request.  In 10.8.1 you can manually edit this information.

Maybe you are looking for