Can't see usb-stick in Finder

So I connect my usb-stick, which is also an mp3-player with SD slot, and it doesn't pop up in the finder of Leopard.
Its formatted in FAT32 and I CAN use it (read/write) with Tiger (10.4.10) and XP (VMWare Fusion), SD-slot function is working perfectly too. Other usb-sticks do not have this problem on my mbp with Leopard (10.5.1).
I admit its a very cheap-*** one, but why does Tiger see it and Leopard not
Also I CAN see the stick in System Profile, and I do not get an error while I just pull it out of the usb-port (since I cannot eject it).
Any solutions?
Message was edited by: Tomdabomb

new screenshot:
It does not appear in disk utility, and yes I have checked all boxes;
Other usb-sticks do appear immediatly, so I wonder whats so different about this one, that only Leopard can't read it :-s
But thanx for the answers yet

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    Well, I don't know what the problem actually is in the first place, it should work as is, I think something is messed up with the present driver and replacing it would perhaps get around that problem.
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    Hi, Abril_Perez17.
    This may be related to a new feature embedded in iOS7 that shows all purchased music by default.  Go to Settings > Music, then turn off Show All Music.  See if the issue ceases once the feature has been disabled.  This information is located on page 63 of the user guide below. 
    iPhone User Guide
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    Try a reset:
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    Ok, thanks for clarifying. You don't need to change any settings within the AirPort Utility, but let's double-check your Mac Mini's settings to make sure that it is both sharing the disk properly and that it's OS X firewall is not blocking the requests.
    For File Sharing: System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing
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    Could you please check the following newsgroup posts for your answer. The posts lists different scenarios that might work for you.
    Best Regards,
    Kim Zhou
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
    Thanks for sending me these links and I will check them out. I think I came across most of the answer on the following link although doubts are raised:
    Basically, I should have had three files on the external drive as follows:
    a.      A file named: MediaID.bin
    b.      A file that has the same named as your computer name (this is where the .zip files are located).
    c.      The 'System Image' folder named 'WindowsImageBackup'.
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    it be possible to store more than one backup of hard drives on an external disk? The only way I know is by moving backups in and out of a folder which will take ages to do. Maybe I can rename the unused backups but this will get confusing
    because there are thee files to a backup and I think files are overwritten when doing backups if left in the route of the external drive. I is too easy to overwrite a backup of another drive by accident.

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    Disk images will not solve your problem, they are not related at all.
    100MB seems TINY for any modern disk! That isn't right.
    Tim is correct that the disk may need repairing. Shutdown the Mac. Poweroff the disk and check your connections are all good.
    Power up and go back to Disk Utility. Do you see the disk? It's possible you erased the partition, in which case you will not see a disk on the Desktop but you should see the external disk in the sidebar of Disk Utility.
    Is this a USB or Firewire disk? These should show an orange icon in Disk Utility. If it isn't there poweroff the disk & try other USB ports & leads if possible.
    If you are unsure take a screenshot of Disk Utility & post it here. It's cmd+shift+4 then drag the crosshairs over the window to select the area. It appears on your Desktop, the camera icon will allow you to add images here (on a desktop browser).

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    My laptop is Windows 7.
    I read somewhere that I may need to reformat my WD Passport but how do I do that in windows 7 and will I lose my files on the drive if I do this?
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me!

    There are a number of posts related to issues between Windows 7 and AirPort Disks. Two potential solutions being forwarded are: 1) Changing the LAN Manager authentication level, and/or 2) Disabling the Windows Search feature.
    To change the LAN Manager authentication level:
    o From the Vista desktop, click Start
    o Search for: security
    o Click 'Local Security Policy'
    o Goto Local Policies > Security Options
    o Under Policy, double-click 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level'
    o Change level to: Send LM & NTLM responses
    o Under Policy, double-click 'Network security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based (including RPC) clients'
    o De-select 'Require 128-bit encryption'
    o Click OK
    To disable Windows Search:
    o Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features
    o On the right-hand side, click "Turn Windows features on/off"
    o Scroll down, and de-select "Windows Search".
    o Press OK, close all windows and restart.
    A third "solution," that has worked for me, is verify that both the AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS) and the Win7 PC are using the exact same Workgroup Name. In my case, I use "WORKGROUP" (without the quote marks) for this name.
    On the AEBS, you would enter this value on the Disks > File Sharing tab.
    On Win7, Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Change Settings > Change > Workgroup

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    Both are running Tiger.
    Both are configured with IP on the same subnet and can ping each other
    Both are using wifi as their network interface
    Both can get to the internet, iMac, iDisk fine...
    I turned on sharing on both systems.
    When I go to finder and browse under Network i can only see my local machine.
    This is true on both systems..
    Any ideas about how to fix or troubleshoot?

    Rebooting usually makes the machines show up in rhe network browser.
    The reliable way, of course, is to connect using Finder's "Connect to server" window. The address you enter looks like this:
    Once you type it in you can save them in a list. It's very professional. You can also remount servers using the "Recent Items" list in the Apple menu, but if the server is not online it makes your Finder spin wheels for a few minutes.
      Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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