Can't seem to run SketchUp calculations without stalling.

I've recentely freed up some disk space, about 38 of the 74,2G is available now. And things have been running more smoothly.
It puzzles me though why SketchUp stalls with practically every calculation, while Photoshop (which i thought requires quite some computing space) runs as smooth as silk.
Any suggestions as to how i can resolve this?

never mind people, just found out that my video card is horribly outdated. gdmn.

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    Hi doveag,
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    Last edited by ngoonee (2012-08-27 00:52:26)

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    Description=Virtualbox Headless VM
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/VBoxHeadless --startvm 4decf7c1-7eda-461c-92aa-835d2405a22e
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/VBoxManage controlvm 4decf7c1-7eda-461c-92aa-835d2405a22e poweroff
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    sudo systemctl start vbox and sudo systemctl stop vbox, everything works fine
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    sudo systemctl enable vbox, but it wont start at boot
    Here is the output
    sudo systemctl status vbox
    vbox.service - Virtualbox Headless VM
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vbox.service; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    CGroup: name=systemd:/system/vbox.service
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    Jan 05 02:42:02 exia VBoxHeadless[1375]: (C) 2008-2012 Oracle Corporation
    Jan 05 02:42:02 exia VBoxHeadless[1375]: All rights reserved.
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    You might want to search over at for some information on this subject.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

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    Hello -
    Are you using an HP GPIB card? If so, National Instruments does not support it. You will have to contact HP for assistance.
    Or is the HP82341A an instrument that you are connecting via GPIB? If so, please expand upon the type of instrument and the problem you are having communicating with it.
    Thanks and have a great day!
    Becky B.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Becky Linton
    National Instruments
    Field Engineer
    Office: 734-464-2463
    Cell: 248-709-2822
    Email: [email protected]

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    3. I have a lot of documents where I have "*" or "†" used next to a word to trigger a legal disclosure at the bottom of the document. Would the proper way to use these be to make them a hyperlink to the disclosures at the bottom? I was initially going to cross-reference them to the disclosures, but since the cross-reference places new text (ex, See below, or See Section Title), I would then have to re-submit all my text to legal to have them approve it all over again.
    4. I have created metadata information for a logo used in my files but I notice it has the tag name "pathpathpathpathpath". Any clue why?
    5. Sometimes words are broken into two or three tags instead of one fluid word tag, such as c or poration, instead of just corporation.
    6. Everytime I run the accessiblity checker I get the notification that "tab order failed". I know I can right click and hit fix, is that ok?
    7. I sometimes have empty tags where a space is, do I need to delete these?
    8. I can't seem to get the whole document to read aloud to test it. I can get it to read the copy I've selected but I can't really test the reading order on this.
    Sorry for all these questions!

    1. I am not an Indesign user, so I cannot help you there. Table tagging in Acrobat can be complex, especially if the table is not regular (same number of cells in every row). Please post any specific questions regarding table tagging.
    2. I do not know of an easier way of tagging form fields. With practice, it is not too burdensome. After all the work of creating, positioning, and configuring the form fields, I find tagging the fields to be the easiest step.
    3. I would tag the  "*" or "†" as an in-line Reference, tag the disclosure as a Note, then position the Note as close as practical to the Reference in the document structure without disrupting the reading flow. Usually this is right after the paragraph that includes the Reference.
    4. This is normal. “path” is the word Acrobat uses for a some graphical elements. If the metadata is alt text you will find it in the tag properties.
    5. I would retag the paragraph (or header, or whatever it is) using the Touchup Reading Order tool.
    6. In the Acrobat Page Thumbnails pane, select all the pages then right-click, Page Properties, and select Use Document Structure on the Tab Order pane.
    7. The tags are probably not empty, but rather contain the space character. These do not seem to cause any problems but to me they clutter up the tag tree so I tag the spaces as background artifacts.
    8. An easier way to check the reading order is to use a tool that lets you see the document in the way an AT user would hear it. PDFgoHTML from Callas Software (, and the screen-reader preview feature in PAC 1.3 ( are my favorites.
    Hope some of this helps. Please post any follow-up questions (for best results – one at a time with as much detail as practical on the problem :-) ).
    a 'C' student

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    How can I check to see if my version of QuickTime Pro 7.6.6 already has ProApps QuickTime Codecs installed? I also have Final Cut Pro 6. I'm asking because my computer can't seem to play ProRes 422 codec video without stuttering or skipping?
    If you can view a ProRes 4-2-2 video at all, then you either have the independent ProRes422 Playback component installed or the FCP "Pro" video components installed.
    I have a fairly capable MacBook Pro (2.93 GHzIntel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 memory and a 1TB HD -5400 rpm, so I am hoping it's not that my computer that can't support it and it's something more simple like not have ProApps QuickTime codecs installed.
    Check your "~/Library/QuickTime" folder for your various "Pro" components. If in doubt that you have them all, re-run the FCP installer and it should add any missing components, apps, or utilities.

  • HT1632 I can view a workout on my ipod touch history, but not in itunes or on nike+ website.  I can't seem to upload this run and it's really annoying as I'm loosing about 12k of runs.  It seems to happen when I program in a custom run.  Can you help?

    Hi there,
    I have just done a custom run on my Ipod touch 2nd Gen of 12k.  When I finished the run is appearing in my run history on my iPod touch, however it is not appearing in my itunes 'Nike+' tab, or on the Nike + website.  I can't seem to get this run to sync and it is really annoying because I'll be loosing 12k.  Can anyone help or has experienced this before?  I know there are solutions to add runs to iPod nano's and older iPods using the 'Enable disk' and iPod_control function however from what I'm aware you cannot do this on an iPod touch.  Can anyone please help?
    Many thanks

    You should really read the manual.
    "How do you restore from backup? "
    Restore.  When given the choice, choose to use backup.
    "And how can I check to see if the pics and videos are on my computer somewhere first??"
    They would only be where you put them.  What program did you use to import them?  Pics/vids taken with ipod are not part of the sync process at all.  You should be importing them just as you would with any digital camera.
    If you did not import them, then they are not on your computer.

  • Why isn't my iTunes store loading properly? It lists everything in text without images, and I can't seem to access the store when I try to search for music or movies etc.

    Why isn't my iTunes store loading properly? It lists everything in text without images, and I can't seem to access the store when I try to search for music or movies etc.

    1) The best way to relocate the iTunes library folder is to move the entire iTunes folder with all subfolders to the new path, then press and hold down shift as start iTunes and keep holding until prompted to choose a library, then browse to the relocated folder and open the file iTunes Library.itl inside it.
    If you've done something different then provide some more details about what is where and I should be able to help.
    2) Purchases on the device should automatically transfer to a Purchased on <DeviceName> playlist, but it my depend a bit on whether automatic iCloud downloads are enabled. If there is a cloudy link then the transfer might not happen. You can use File > Devices > Transfer Purchases. In iTunes you should also check out iTunes Store > Quick Links > Purchased > Music > Not on this computer.
    3) Backup the device, then immediately restore it. In some cases you need to add a restore as new device into that equation. Obbviously not to be attempted until you're sure all your media is in your library. See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device should it be needed.
    4) I believe there is complimentary 1 incident 90-day support with hardware purchases, but no free software support for iTunes itself. AppleCare gets you a different level of support.

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