Can't start up anymore!

My internal hard drive is partitioned into two equal parts, with Panther installed on one, and Tiger on the other (for convienience, long story). Anyway, I was using Panther, and when I selected Tiger as the startup disk, and clicked restart, it proceeded to close all programs, show the blue screen and the grey spinner, but it never shut down. I had to force it to shut down, and when I started, it would start panther. To fix this, (and because I have no use for the Panther partition anymore), I decided that I would rename the System folder to System1, so that it would not be recognized as a startup volume and would automatically go to tiger. However, that did not happen. I get a grey screen when I startup now telling me that I have to restart the computer (kernel panic?).
Is there a keycode that I can press so that it goes to the other partition? It is still intact, and works perfectly, I just can't access it. Also, would it be better to us a USB keyboard as opposed to my bluetooth one?
Help please!!

1. You wrote: "(would you happen to know the windows keyboard equivalent to the option key?)."No: only Macs here at the moment. Try the key in the same physical space as on an Apple keyboard (second key from the left in the bottom row of keys). I'm not sure how the Startup Manager will work with a Windows keyboard.
2. You wrote: "It is the darker grey film that comes over the "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button" . . .
Then there is 26 lines of writing, starting with :
"panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0030a500(: Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerMac7,2".
and ending with "panic: We are hanging here. . ."You are describing the following message:
That indicates a kernel panic, specifically caused by the fact that there's no System folder on the Panther volume as I stated earlier: you wrote earlier that you had renamed the System folder on the Panther volume to System1. Bad idea.
See "Mac OS X: "No Driver for this platform" Message".
See also my "Resolving Kernel Panics" FAQ.
Good luck!
Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Just read another thread where basically the same thing happened. No keyboard access.
    It is because of a Firmware password. Not sure if you have the same or similar problem or if you ever set a Boot firmware password.
    Here is that thread.
    You could try the steps of taking the RAM out, power on, replace One RAM chip then you may have access to the keyboard.
    Good Luck.

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    Hello Ezettera
    Check out the article below on troubleshooting iTunes start up issues. You may need to start up in Safe Mode or even remove iTunes and its associated software and reinstall iTunes.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    -Norm G.

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    This has to be reset.. you have no choice if the setup was join a wireless network, because it is completely locked out from wifi and from ethernet.
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    [email protected]
    Op 16 apr. 2014, om 00:02 heeft sarika02 <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    Re: I purchased CS6 less than a year ago; my serial number is known, but i can't use it anymore?
    created by sarika02 in Creative Suites - View the full discussion
    Hi tomaatje,
    Try the steps suggested in given link:-
    Do let us know if it helps.
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    [ Edited by Host ]
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    # Question
    Why can't I minimize more than 2 notepads in FF? I used to be able to minimize as many notepads as I wanted. When I do research on a topic I keep many notepads open until I am finished. FF must have done an update & now I can't do that anymore. Is there a setting I can change that will enable me to do that again?
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    Please help. I am not very techy & don't understand Computerese.
    Please explain in everyday English.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Prabhuti,
    Thank you so much for all your suggestions & helpful links to get help. I am not very computer literate. I have taken many classes over the years I've had a computer but I am still only a beginner.
    I want to tell you that I found a solution to my problem. I finally realized that maybe FF was not the problem but Wind. 7 on my new comp. I went on the 7 Forums & found another person who had the same problem & the answer was simple all I had to do was to right click on the Notepad icon & it would bring up a new Notepad & I could open & minimize as many as I want. I had moved the Notepad icon to my taskbar from the Start menu when I got my new computer.
    I have one more question for you. The notepad 2 program was mentioned there along with several others. I think it was about that prog. that someone said that it could open many notepads & when you closed the comp. the notepads would not disappear. Do you know if it was that program? Also is it possible to use that program the same way as I used the original Notepad? There are so many technical options on that program that I didn't understand. All I want to do is open the Notepad & copy & paste my notes in it & minimize them. Not losing them if I shut down the comp. would be real benefit to me. I believe that is the same prog. you recommended to me. Since you seem to understand tech things I thought maybe you could tell me if that is possible?
    Thank you so much for all your help.

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    Can you explain better what do you want to do ? please my friend
    [email protected]
    Joel P�rez

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    Laptop Dell Latitude
    No matter what system/Administrator user I try to use I can't start the WLserver
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    A system user name and password. WebLogic Server user names and passwords can
    contain any character from the JDK supported character sets, including international
    Thank You
    David L. Wasler
    [email protected]
    ERROR MEssage
    <Feb 10, 2003 1:37:51 PM CST> <Notice> <Management> <140005> <Loading configuration
    <Feb 10, 2003 1:38:15 PM CST> <Notice> <Security> <090093> <No configuration data
    was found on server myserver_wli for r
    ealm CompatibilityRealm.>
    <Feb 10, 2003 1:38:16 PM CST> <Notice> <Security> <090082> <Security initializing
    using realm CompatibilityRealm.>
    <Feb 10, 2003 1:38:16 PM CST> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <000364> <Server failed
    during initialization. Exception:java.
    lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user administrator denied
    java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user administrator denied
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(

    Igore this message please. my machine was not having IPC resources that
    is why this problem was comming. I removed some of the IPC keys and it
    started to work.
    Abhishek Srivastava wrote:
    Hello All,
    I was successfully using tuxedo on my Red hat linux machine.
    Now I changed my linux to Mandrake. Now I cannot start tuxedo
    anymore. my ULOG is showing the following error
    110622.nt10172!BBL.3682.1024.0: LIBTUX_CAT:756: ERROR: Cannot get status
    for server files /apps/Tuxedo/bin/BBL and /apps/tuxedo/bin/BBL
    110622.nt10172!BBL.3682.1024.0: LIBTUX_CAT:248: ERROR: System init
    function failed, Uunixerr = : stat: No such file or directory
    110622.nt10172!tmboot.3681.1024.-2: 06-21-2002: Tuxedo Version 7.1
    110622.nt10172!tmboot.3681.1024.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:825: ERROR: Process BBL
    at hello failed with /T tperrno (TPEOS - operating system error)
    110622.nt10172!tmboot.3681.1024.-2: WARN: No BBL available on site hello.
    Will not attempt to boot server processes on that site.
    110622.nt10172!BBL.3682.1024.0: CMDTUX_CAT:26: INFO: The BBL is exiting

  • Can't start UCSM after java upgrade

    After I have been recommended to upgrade to newest java, I can't start UCS Manager anymore.
    I try from a Windows 7 64 Bits computer and a Windows 8 64 Bits computer.
    Same error.
    As you see, I have java 1.7.0_07. It is higher than the reguirement.
    UCSM version is 2.0(2q)
    Because there is some security issues with earlier java versions, I don't want to downgrade.
    Do anyone have any solution on this problem?
    I have uninstalled every version of Java, and just installed the newest, but it didn't help
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Sting,
    For you to use 1.7 you need to have UCSM version 2.0.3a and above.
    (check the system requirement section).
    At this point, the only option for you is to downgrade back to a 1.6 version.

  • Can't run Itunes anymore...

    I have been using Itunes for 3 months. I had 2 hard drives, the C being for the softwares (that's where Itunes was installed) and the D for the data (that's where I put Itunes folder : my music). However, I had to remove the D hard drive and now, I can't open Itunes anymore, I can't uninstall Itunes and I can't even re-install it. Always the same error message : can't find the D drive. Although I have a My mucic with my Itunes librairy on the C drive, it's not working... please help me!

    First make backup copies of these four files:
    1) The Library database file: ‘iTunes Library.itl’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    2) The Library XML file: ‘iTunes Music Library.xml’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    3 & 4) The two iTunes.pref files
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes.pref
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer Inc\iTunes.pref
    Then delete them all from their original locations. Reboot the PC and start iTunes. Do not allow iTunes to re-scan your PC for music files. You should end up with a 'blank' Library. Close iTunes. Then proceed to uninstall iTunes as described below.
    Perform a Thorough & Complete Uninstall and Reinstall of iTunes/QuickTime
    (Compiled from the collective wisdom of toonz and Da Gopha)
    If you want to guarantee a successful upgrade and be proactive about minimizing potential install issues, do the following:
    1. Completely Backup your music and iTunes library files.
    2. Virus check / spyware scan your machine. Use several quality programs to completely scan your PC – all drives. EWIDO seems to be one used by many here. Free at:
    3. Completely remove / uninstall the current version of iTunes and QuickTime from your system.....
    3a. - Turn off all security software such as Norton, McAfee, SpySweepers, any TSRs, etc. (exit via the system tray)
    3b. - Do a Stepwise clean uninstallation of iTunes
    3c. - Then download and install the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility
    .....And make sure iTunes is really gone.
    4. Delete the contents of your temp folder: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp
    5. Reboot the PC
    6. Turn off all security software such as Norton, McAfee, SpySweepers, any TSRs, etc. (exit via the system tray)
    7. Start with the QuickTime standalone installer. Download it and save it to your hard drive. Then run it from the PC (not directly from on-line)
    8. Reboot the PC
    9. Turn off all security software such as Norton, McAfee, SpySweepers, any TSRs, etc. (exit via the system tray)
    10. Completely download the latest iTunes Installer. Save it to your PC. Then run it from the saved location of your PC
    11. Reboot the PC
    12. Open iTunes and enjoy
    The majority of problems out there on the discussion boards are caused by viruses or other system corruption — sometimes self-inflicted by the user (i.e. - people who turn off necessary Windows services) — or out of date drivers. You may want to consider this if your PC falls into one of these categories.

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