Can't submit job in Compressor 4

Hi guys.  Compressor decided to stop working on me.  I can't even submit a batch, much less get any clusters to work.  I've tried resetting the background processes, trashed preferences, restarted... did it all again... removed Compressor using FCS Remover, re-installed, did it all again.  And still, nothing.  I click the submit button and it takes me to the screen to choose a cluster.  Not only can I not get my clusters to work, but I can't even submit a batch (despite setting up my cluster as usual).  I posted a screenshot here.  Any help is appreciated.  I have to get some DVD's out before EOB Tuesday.  Otherwise, I'm doomed.

Hey Russ... I did originally try resetting background processing as elluded to in my original post... forgot to mention I also tried Compressor Repair.  Both didn't work.  I didn't know about trashing the Qmaster folder to the trash... tried it... didn't work either.  I finally resorted to removing anything and everything related to Compressor/FCPX/Motion and the old FCS (which I haven't touched in over a year... think I'm done with the older suite).  Then, I reinstalled Motion, FCPX and Compressor... and that worked! 
I guess trashing all pro apps and re-installing is the way to go in the future.  The whole process takes less than 20 minutes and would have saved me a day of headache had I just done that to begin with.  Thanks for the suggestions though!

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    Hi Prasenjit,
    Thanks for your reply.
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    When FCP/FCS begins to act unexpectedly, the usual first step is to trash your preferences:

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    Thanks for the reply,  I actually used the FCS Remover and reinstalled compressor and Qmaster and everything seems to be working properly again.
    Thanks again for your reply

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    lornalily wrote:
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    Yes. Or you can continue to use C3.5, which is what I typically do. There's not a lot of difference between C4 and C3.5. Is there some capability you're looking for specifically?
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    Hi there,
    My first post. I had the same problem - when I clicked on submit in Compressor the drop down box appeared and in the Cluster box it said "none" and the submit button was greyed out. I've fixed mine and it works perfectly now. Here's how:
    Go to System Preferences and select Sharing. A box appears with your computer's name at the top and a list of things you can share. Select File Sharing and to the right, it will say something like: FTP Access:On with a message underneath which contains your computer's IP address e.g Make a note of this number.
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    Next time you start a job in Compressor and click on submit the drop down box will now say This computer in the Cluster box and the submit button will no longer be greyed out - BINGO
    this is what I did and it worked for me. Good luck.
    Fingers Lee


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    Hi everybody!
    Compressor don't works! I can't use the submit function because it doesn't work. Help me!
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    I'm sorry, I'm italian and my english is very bad!

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    Command used to schedule the job.
    ( job => X
    ,what => 'TESTJOB(20,20302);'
    ,next_date => to_date('10/08/2011 02:30:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)+2/24'
    ,no_parse => FALSE
    SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Name is TEST JOB ' || to_char(x));
    I came to know this when i queried the dba_jobs view last_date column,
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    Edited by: 879545 on Aug 16, 2011 2:22 AM

    879545 wrote:
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)+2/24'Use 2.5 :
    SQL> select trunc(sysdate+1)+2/24
      2  from   dual;
    17-aug-2011 02:00:00
    SQL> select trunc(sysdate+1)+2.5/24
      2  from   dual;
    17-aug-2011 02:30:00Nicolas.

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    Call Function 'JOB_OPEN'
    via background Job <Job info>
    With QIE = <QID Returned by BDC_OPEN_Group FM>
    Call Function 'JOB_CLOSE'
    2) Also go through this
    DATA: lv_job_name LIKE tbtco-jobname,
    lv_job_nr LIKE tbtco-jobcount,
    lv_job_released TYPE c,
    lv_job_start_sofort TYPE c,
    lv_print_parameters TYPE pri_params.
    lv_job_name = 'Z_BGPROGRAM'.
    jobname = lv_job_name
    jobcount = lv_job_nr
    cant_create_job = 1
    invalid_job_data = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    OTHERS = 4.
    IF syst-subrc = 0.
    " submit job with all the selection screen params...
    SUBMIT (lv_job_name)
    WITH applfile = applfile " these are the parameters of the background program
    WITH p_lines = p_lines
    USER syst-uname " you must use this
    VIA JOB lv_job_name NUMBER lv_job_nr AND RETURN.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    jobcount = lv_job_nr
    jobname = lv_job_name
    strtimmed = 'X'
    job_was_released = lv_job_released
    cant_start_immediate = 1
    invalid_startdate = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    job_close_failed = 4
    job_nosteps = 5
    job_notex = 6
    lock_failed = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    IF syst-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE i162(00) WITH
    'An error occured while closing the background job.'.
    SKIP 1.
    WRITE: / 'Background process', lv_job_name , 'called successfully' NO-GAP.
    WRITE: / 'You can check the job in transaction SM37'.

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