Can we apply labview for automobile applications?

can we use the labview for automobile simulation like simuation of battery, motor etc..

chandhu wrote:
can we use the labview for automobile simulation like simuation of battery, motor etc..
Yes! See the following link...
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    In both LabVIEW 6 and 7, you connect to modbus using Lookout Protocol Drivers (LPD) and then communicate to LPD using the tag engine of LabVIEW DSC or through DataSocket.

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    I don't found, what you mean...
    So i have this site first.
    Here i can click just LabVIEW Evaluation  (Download LabVIEW or request a LabVIEW evaluation DVD.)
    Then i arrive here.
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    Download LabVIEW (847 MB)  ->this take me here
    Download the exercises
    Download LabVIEW -> this too...
    In that site i can click in theStart Download (847 MB)
    ->then i can donwload a windows version (exe)
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    LabVIEW for 64-bit systems (891 MB)
    LabVIEW for Mac OS X (565 MB)
    And these are not linux ones...
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    Hi, thanks for using the National Instruments' Forums,
    I would recommend you to contact your technical representative in order to give you detailed information about the Linux version. From what country are you? I can help you contacting you and your technical representative.
    Thanks again for using the Forum
    NI Applications Engineer Latin America
    Para Soporte entra aquí

  • How can i use labview for notebook

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    thank you vermuch.

    here you can find the system requirements for installing the LabVIEW development environment.
    Please post merely LabVIEW related questions to the LabVIEW board. The LabVIEW community is much bigger than the motion control community, so you will get answers quicker there.
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments

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    Which labview version do you have. Up to labview 7.1 it was no USB raw communication options. I have heard it did not work well in 7.1, but from 8.x most of the errors were fixed.
    Here is a link it should be useful
    Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
    (Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)

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    The device is below our minimum specifications for RAM. You can install a test build from you'll want the "Android (ARMv6)" link.

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    Well i don't think there is easier way of bring your VC++ app with graphics into labview unless you create an ActiveX control (which would be laborious) out of it using ATL/MFC. Then calling that ActiveX control in ActiveX container in labview and use the exported properties and method of that control.
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    I believe there is only one program (besides getting a capture card) that does this, it does however cost money (It's called DXtory, not sure on it's reliability as I have never used it myself.. It may also not work with everything..
    Only way of doing this guaranteed to work is through capture cards, but if you want decent resolutions with that then you gotta be prepared to shell out quite a bit of money unfortunately.
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    edit2: ok seems like there is a trial for the program, and it also does allow you to output it into a virtual webcam (trial has a watermark) so you Can use it for FME.. You should check it out, it costs 3600 yen so that's like $45

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    This may help:

  • Labview for agricultural application RPM

    I am looking for some one who will create a complete hardware/software system from Labview that will monitor analog inputs for RPM and display on a dedicated screen having an intuitive output that will make it easy for unskilled operators to monitor system performance and make manual control inputs to the power source to make any necessary changes

    We do a lot of work for Agricultural Companies and would like to have a chance at it as well.  And this would be in California, right?
    Bob Young
    1 (319) 859-3618
    Message Edited by Bob Y. on 06-27-2007 09:15 AM
    Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
    DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
    mailto:[email protected]

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    We can create the jar files for this and deploy. But other then this ...
    Is it possible to create ?? If anybody have idea then plz give me steps how to do this ??
    welcome in advance for reply...

    MukeshSinghRathaur wrote:
    when we create any desktop application using swing. Use [Java Web Start|] *(<- link)*
    ..If anybody have idea then plz give me steps how to do this ??Please take the effort to type all 6 letter of the word 'please'. Also - one '?' indicates a question, whereas 2 or more often indicates a bozo.
    Do some research, ask a specific question. These forums are not designed as a 'help-desk' where people will hold your hand and tutor you as to how to do things.

  • How can i use this color for my Application Background ?? Screen Shot Attached

    Hi ,
    I can find only plain colors on to Color Picker , but this is line mixed color
    How can use this attached Color for my Applications Background Color .
    Please find the Screen Shot attached .
    please see the background  color

    Are you trying to apply a gradient background?
    In Flex 3 in Application tag:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
      backgroundGradientColors="[#333333, #666666]">
    In Flex 4 you need to set the backgroundColor and apply a skin for the gradient:
    -------------- mySkins/MyAppSkin.mxml -------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- containers\application\mySkins\MyAppSkin.mxml -->
    <s:Skin xmlns:fx=""
        <s:State name="normal" />
        <s:State name="disabled" />
      <!-- fill -->
      <s:Rect id="backgroundRect" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
          <s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
              <s:GradientEntry color="0x333333" ratio="0" alpha="1"/>
              <s:GradientEntry color="0x666666" ratio=".66" alpha="1"/>
      <s:Group id="contentGroup" left="10" right="10" top="10" bottom="10">
    -------------- test.mxml -------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- controls\button\PopUpButtonMenu.mxml -->
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   height="100%" width="100%">
      <s:SkinnableContainer skinClass="mySkins.MyAppSkin"
        width="100%" height="100%"/>
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such. Thanks!
    Adobe Flex Development and Support Services

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