Can we change the DOCTYPE written out by the af:document component?

ADF Faces pages that use the af:document component produce (X)HTML pages with their content type set to <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">.
My style-savvy colleagues urgently request that the content-type is set to XHTML 1.0 instead: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">.
I have tried to find an tidy way of doing this, I even tried adding
<jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
              doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>to my pages, just before af:document, but all it got me is two doctype declaration. af:document stubbornly keeps stamping the pages as HTML 4.01.
My last resort would probably be to use a ServletFilter that replaces the stamped DOCTYPE with the one desired by our CSS specialists.
However, maybe someone out there knows a way of persuading the af:document tag to not state HTML 4.01 but XHTML 1.0 instead? If you do, please let me in on that secret!
best regards,

You can change the length in th eoutput by using
outputlen in fieldcat.
You can use like this
w_fieldcat-outputlen = '20'.
If you want 20 char lenght in the output.
I think it is useful for you.

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  • Template changes will not propogate out to the child web pages in the defined site.

    I have a user in my organization who regularly makes changes to a dreamweawer template in order to universally change content on pages that are internal to her office.  The site that serves her office has been defined in dreamweaver (we're running dreamweaver CS4).  Normally, after saving the template changes on her way out of the dw session, she would be asked whether or not she wanted to propagate her template changes out to all of the child web pages (.htmls) in her site.  This has stopped happening and sure enough she can see that the change doesn't exist on the child pages.  Does anyone know why this might have happened, how to restore that prompt for propagation or, most importantly, how she can get those changes propagated to the child pages?

    That may be an eventuality, particularly assuming I'm never able to work on this fulltime...which is likely. =)  Anyway, thanks so much for the link.  We'll try this again.  Hopefully, you'll be able to read it.  Even if it's clear, it may still just be clearly ugly, but please let me know what you think.  Thanks!:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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  • How can I change my Profile photo or edit the thumbnail?

    QuestionHow can I change my Profile photo or edit the thumbnail?
    AnswerThere are a couple of different ways to change your profile photo or thumbnail image on Tagged.
    Here's a quick How-to video that shows you how to change your profile photo
    If you wish to change your profile photo, follow the instructions listed below:
    Hover your mouse over 'More' in the top Nav bar and select Photos.
    To use one of your previously uploaded photos as your profile photo, place the cursor over the photo you wish to use, and click the small green “#1” box when it appears
    If you wish to use a new image as your profile photo, upload the image to your photo gallery, and then click the small green “#1” box on the photo
    If you are viewing one of your photos individually, you can also set it as your profile photo by hovering over it and clicking the same green "#1" button.  You may also edit the caption and comment on your photo in this view
    You can also change your profile photo by doing the following:
    On the Navigation bar click Profile and select the Edit Profile link to the left of your Profile picture.
    To upload a photo locally from your computer, click the “Browse” button, select the image you wish you use, and then click “Upload”.
    To upload a photo using an image URL address, click the “Add from image URL” link, paste the URL address into the field, and click “Add Photo”.
    To use a photo from your gallery, click the “Use one of my photos” link to open a thumbnail gallery of your uploaded images.  Click on a thumbnail to set that image as your profile photo.
    After selecting a photo, you can alter its thumbnail by the marquee box by dragging the “anchor” points of the box.  When you are finished, click "Save Thumbnail"

    HELP! I was fooling around with my profile pic and selected and saved a cropped thumbnail. I hate it, and I haven't been able to figure out how to return my thumbnail to just a mini-version of my full profile pic. I've even re-up-loaded a copy of the original photo, with a different file name, but Tagged automatically crops it to the same thumbnail.  Is there any way to return my thumbnail to just a mini-version of my whole pic?  Thanks for your help :~)  

  • A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file.

    We seem to get this error through SCOM every couple of weeks.  It doesn't correlate with the AV updates, so I'm not sure what's eating up the memory.  The server has been patched to the latest roll up and service pack.  The mailbox servers
    have been provisioned sufficiently with more than enough memory.  Currently they just slow down until the databases activate on another mailbox server.
    A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file.
    Any ideas?

    I've seen this with properly sized servers with very little Exchange load running. It could be a  number of different things.  Here are some items to check:
    Confirm that the server hardware has the latest BIOS, drivers, firmware, etc
    Confirm that the Windows OS is running the recommended hotfixes.  Here is an older post that might still apply to you
    Setup a perfmon to capture data from the server. Look for disk performance, excessive paging, CPU/Processor spikes, and more.  Use the PAL tool to collect and analyze the perf data -
    Include looking for other applications or processes that might be consuming system resources (AV, Backup, security, etc)
    Be sure that the disk are properly aligned -
    Check that the network is properly configured for Exchange server.  You might be surprise how the network config can cause perf & scom alerts.
    Make sure that you did not (improperly) statically set msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax and msExchESEParamCacheSizeMin attributes in Active Directory -
    Be sure that hyperthreading is NOT enabled -
    Check that there are no hardware issues on the server (RAM, CPU, etc).  You might need to run some vendor specific utilities/tools to validate.
    Proper paging file configuration should be considered for Exchange servers.  You can use the perfmon to see just how much paging is occurring.
    These will usually lead you in the right direction. Good Luck!

  • When I right click on a link "Open link in new tab" since a few days, it "jumps over" the tab to the right and opens in the tab next to that. How can I change this back to opening in the tab next to the page from which I opened as it used to be?

    When I right click on a link "Open link in new tab" since a few days, it "jumps over" the tab to the right and opens in the tab next to that. How can I change this back to opening in the tab next to the page from which I opened as it used to be?

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    * [[Troubleshooting plugins]]
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    * Use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    * Close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")

  • I have a mac os x ver. 10.5.8 2x2.8 quad. my start up disk is almost full. can i change my start up disk from the original hard drive to an additional hard drive i added in Bay 4?

    i have a mac os x ver. 10.5.8 2x2.8 quad. my start up disk is almost full. can i change my start up disk from the original hard drive to an additional hard drive i added in Bay 4?

    Always want to keep the boot drive with more free space than may seem necessary for performance and to function at its best, 30-40% free or even 50% is not excessive.
    Ideal is to separate your system from your data.
    You should always have bootable backup / clone of your system
    Don't use a green drive for system or data though.
    When you are done cloning system and/or data, remove the old original and keep as backup.
    Then move the system drive to #1 - no matter what you want to reset the default boot volume to where the system is.
    Using Cloning as a Backup Strategy
    Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4.1
    How to clone your system: ckup.html 
    How to relocate system and user data to another drive:
    By staying with 10.5.8 you are not going to receive security updates, might want to consider 10.6.8.

  • ESE - Event Log Warning: 906 - A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file...

    Hello -
    We have 3 x EX2010 SP3 RU5 nodes in a cross-site DAG.
    Multi-role servers with 18 GB RAM [increased from 16 GB in an attempt to clear this warning without success].
    We run nightly backups on both nodes at the Primary Site.
    Node 1 backup covers all mailbox databases [active & passive].
    Node 2 backup covers the Public Folders database.
    The backups for each database are timed so they do not overlap.
    During each backup we get several of these event log warnings:
     Log Name:      Application
     Source:        ESE
     Date:          23/04/2014 00:47:22
     Event ID:      906
     Task Category: Performance
     Level:         Warning
     Keywords:      Classic
     User:          N/A
     Information Store (5012) A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file.  This may result  in severe performance degradation.
     See help link for complete details of possible causes.
     Resident cache has fallen by 42523 buffers (or 27%) in the last 903 seconds.
     Current Total Percent Resident: 26% (110122 of 421303 buffers)
    We've rescheduled the backups and the warning message occurences just move with the backup schedules.
    We're not aware of perceived end-user performance degradation, overnight backups in this time zone coincide with the business day for mailbox users in SEA.
    I raised a call with the Microsoft Enterprise Support folks, they had a look at BPA output and from their diagnostics tool. We have enough RAM and no major issues detected.
    They suggested McAfee AV could be the root of our problems, but we have v8.8 with EX2010 exceptions configured.
    Backup software is Asigra V12.2 with latest hotfixes.
    We're trying to clear up these warnings as they're throwing SCOM alerts and making a mess of availability reporting.
    Any suggestions please?
    Thanks in advance

    Having said all that, a colleague has suggested we just limit the amount of RAM available for the EX2010 DB cache
    Then it won't have to start releasing RAM when the backup runs, and won't throw SCOM alerts
    This attribute should do it...
    Give me a shout if this is a bad idea

  • I took the system file out of the system folder on os 9.2 can't boot to put file back in machine also has osx 10.2 but won't let me boot to either need os 9 compatible boot disk I think?

    I took the system file out of the system folder on os 9.2 can't boot to put file back in machine also has osx 10.2 but won't let me boot to either need os 9 compatible boot disk I think?

    If the OS X 10.2 on the hard drive is/was bootable, try this -
    Restart or boot, then immediately press the X key, keep it held down until you know the machine has started to boot using OS X. This is a hardware instruction to the Mac to boot using the first usable instance of OS X it finds.
    Once booted to OS X, you should be able to move OS 9's System file into OS 9's System Folder.
    Note - in general, unless you know for sure what you are doing and that the results are desired, do not relocate or rename files in OS 9's System Folder or in OS X's System or Library folders.

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    How can I get a stripped screw out of the bottom of my iPhone?? I need help, How can I get a stripped screw out of the bottom of my iPhone?? I need help

    Try asking at The iPhone is not considered user servicable. You're not going to get much help on an Apple sponsored forum.

  • SCOM reports "A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file. This may result in severe performance degradation"

    This was discussed here, with no resolution
    I have the same issue.  This is a single-purpose physical mailbox server with 320 users and 72GB of RAM.  That should be plenty.  I've checked and there are no manual settings for the database cache.  There are no other problems with
    the server, nothing reported in the logs, except for the aforementioned error (see below).
    The server is sluggish.  A reboot will clear up the problem temporarily.  The only processes using any significant amount of memory are store.exe (using 53GB), regsvc (using 5) and W3 and Monitoringhost.exe using 1 GB each.  Does anyone have
    any ideas on this?
    Warning ESE Event ID 906. 
    Information Store (1497076) A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file.  This may result in severe performance degradation. See help link for complete details of possible causes. Resident cache
    has fallen by 213107 buffers (or 11%) in the last 207168 seconds. Current Total Percent Resident: 79% (1574197 of 1969409 buffers)

    We had this event log entry as well which SCOM picked up on, and 10 seconds before it the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange updated all of its engines.
    We are running Exchange 2010 SP2 RU3 with no file system antivirus (the boxes are restricted and have UAC turned on as mitigations). We are running the servers primarily as Hub Transport servers with 16GB of RAM, but they do have the mailbox role installed
    for the sole purpose of serving as our public folder servers.
    So we theroized the STORE process was just grabbing a ton of RAM, and occasionally it was told to dump the memory so the other processes could grab some - thus generating the alert. Up until last night we thought nothing of it, but ~25 seconds after the
    cache flush to paging file, we got the following alert:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeTransport
    Date:          8/2/2012 2:08:14 AM
    Event ID:      17012
    Task Category: Storage
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Transport Mail Database: The database could not allocate memory. Please close some applications to make sure you have enough memory for Exchange Server. The exception is Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.IsamOutOfMemoryException: Out of Memory (-1011)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.JetInterop.CallW(Int32 errFn)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.JetInterop.MJetOpenDatabase(MJET_SESID sesid, String file, String connect, MJET_GRBIT grbit, MJET_WRN& wrn)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.JetInterop.MJetOpenDatabase(MJET_SESID sesid, String file, MJET_GRBIT grbit)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.JetInterop.MJetOpenDatabase(MJET_SESID sesid, String file)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.Interop.MJetOpenDatabase(MJET_SESID sesid, String file)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Storage.DataConnection..ctor(MJET_INSTANCE instance, DataSource source).
    Followed by:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeTransport
    Date:          8/2/2012 2:08:15 AM
    Event ID:      17106
    Task Category: Storage
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Transport Mail Database: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error, updated the registry key (SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Transport\QueueDatabase) and as a result, will attempt self-healing after process restart.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeTransport
    Date:          8/2/2012 2:13:50 AM
    Event ID:      17102
    Task Category: Storage
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Transport Mail Database: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action.  This recovery action will not be repeated until the target folders are renamed or deleted. Directory path:E:\EXCHSRVR\TransportRoles\Data\Queue
    is moved to directory path:E:\EXCHSRVR\TransportRoles\Data\Queue\Queue.old.
    So it seems as if the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange inadvertently trigger the cache flush which didn't appear to happen quick or thuroughly enough for the transport service to do what it needed to do, so it freaked out and performed the subsequent
    Do you have any ideas on how to prevent this 906 warning, which cascaded into a transport service outage?

  • I have iphone 5 can i change it from apple and pay the difference bettween both value

    i have iphone 5 can i change it from apple and pay the difference bettween both value

    Ask your retailer.  At worst, you can sell your iPhone 5 independently (of Apple and your retailer) and separately purchase the later model.

  • I have a problem. I take photos with camera of my iPod touch 5 with the effects that comes in the iPod and now when I look to my photos I see that the effects go out and the photos looks like I didn´t put the effects. What is that? How can I solve it?

    I have a problem. I take photos with camera of my iPod touch 5 with the effects that comes in the iPod and now when I look to my photos I see that the effects go out and the photos looks like I didn´t put the effects. What is that? How can I solve it?

    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                                     
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             

  • Security Question - i can not change it - and i have forget the anwser what can i do please help me i'm new in iPhone

    Security Question - i can not change it - and i have forget the anwser what can i do please help me i'm new in iPhone

    There should be a blue link to your rescue e-mail there. If not, you will need to contact iTunes support. See this article:

  • I can't change my Desktop Background anymore, Used The Diptic app to create a collage and now i cannot change my desktop picture,  on Mac Book pro

    I can't change my Desktop Background anymore, Used The Diptic app to create a collage and now i cannot change my desktop picture,  on Mac Book pro

    You can't go to System Preferences>Desktop&Screen Savers and change the display? Try it and see. I've never seen that problem.

  • I am currently using final cut pro 6 and i have a problem that i can not to do a play out to the dvcam but i can record from the dvcam, can you help please?

    i am currently using final cut pro 6 and i have a problem that i can not to do a play out to the dvcam but i can record from the dvcam, can you help please?

    I believe there is no  "Export to Tape"  feature as appeared in legacy FCP.
    SORRY! Just noticed you are using FCP 6.
    You need to ask this question in the Final Cut Studio forum.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

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