Can you run a small network with different versions of OSX?

Snow Leopard has been freezing on me over and over, but I have hesitated to upgrade until we had a home finance program that worked on later systems. We have three Macs on wireless network (Airport Extreme)-- can I jump two versions of OSX on mine and test it out before upgrading the rest, or does it need to be all or nothing?
I have an 2007 metal iMac.

Snow Leopard has been freezing on me over and over, but I have hesitated to upgrade until we had a home finance program that worked on later systems. We have three Macs on wireless network (Airport Extreme)-- can I jump two versions of OSX on mine and test it out before upgrading the rest, or does it need to be all or nothing?
I have an 2007 metal iMac.

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  • Can you run multiple APEX listeners for different instances on the same server

    Please confirm that we can run multiple APEX listeners for different instances on the same server?  Is it an xml setup configuration or do we need to do more??
    Thank You,
    Tony Miller
    SmartDog Services
    Austin, TX

    Yes.. Just exactly what I was looking for...
    Thanks Jari!!
    Thank You,
    Tony Miller
    SmartDog Services
    Austin, TX

  • Can I run Safari 6  on an older version of OSX?

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    When Software Update is run it says all the software is up to date.
    Can I download a newer version of Safari from somewhere and run on here Mac?  Or must I update her operating system first - I don't want to do this if I can help it!
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Niel,
    I had a feeling this was going to be the case.
    If you don't mind answering another question please:
    It sounds like I need to purchase an upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard.  Then I can upgrade from that by downloading and installing further upgrade(s).
    Please can you tell me if these upgrades are easy to do?  And will they keep the existing data files and E-mail etc. or does it imply a fresh install of the machine?
    Thank you.

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    Hi Dream5,
    Please check the below forum discussion.
    Creative Cloud multiple computers
    Also, check this link for more information and errors.
    Error "Activation limit reached" or "Sign in failed" | Adobe products

  • Can't "Share my library on local network with different versions of iTunes

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    Where I work, some of us are on 9.2, some on earlier versions of 9.x, and I'm on 8.2. I downgraded because of bugs in entering metadata to WAV and AIFF files before encoding to mp3, which is mostly what I use iTunes for at work. We used to all be able to share libraries. Now I can see them in the SHARED list, but when I click on them, it doesn't load. When they click on mine in their SHARED list, they get a message that says my computer "cannot accept connections at this time."

    I'll play Little Red Hen and answer my own question. Sort of. I upgraded to 9.2.1 earlier this week and was immediately able again to share music libraries with others in the office. Barring bizarre coincidence, that would indicate that everyone needs to be on or near the same version of iTunes in order to share music libraries. FWIW.
    Haven't done any big WAV to mp3 conversion jobs since 9.2.1 but a small test went OK. Oy, I hope they got that mess ironed out.

  • I have a mid-2010 iMac and just purchased a 2TB TC, can't join existing wireless network with AC standard so attached to iMac via ethernet with TC wifi turned off.  How do i access TC now? not showing up in disk utility or on desktop. working fine with TM

    I have a mid-2010 iMac and just purchased a 2TB TC, I just found out that it can't join existing wireless network with new AC standard so attached to iMac via ethernet with TC's wifi turned off.  How do i access TC now? not showing up in disk utility or on desktop. It is working fine with TM.  My cheeper seagate drives etc kept crashing, so i didnt trust cheeper back up options anymore.  Connected those drives to TM via firewire and could see the drives and access them.
    Also, I didn't want to bridge TC with my new fios router that I paid 100 dollars for, to get N speed and also paying 10 dollars more a month for fast speed.  I heard that bridging slows down everything and then there can be port issues with mail etc.  I connect to the internet via airport only and it is pretty fast. Getting over 50mbs downloads and over 30mbs uploads.  Plus everything in my home it connected to my fios router, airport express for music streaming, two apple tvs, vuezone camer system.  I really didn't want to monkey around too much with my system.  But are there other options to connect the new TC.  Can't find info anywhere for this and called apple who gave me the info above.  after hanging up, i see that i cant access my TC and I am wondering if i would have to reset it to turn wifi on again to make changes to the drive, turn off blinking light  or repair it in disk utility if it should become corrupted.
    For other with similar issues i did solve some other problems: when i connected it to my ethernet port on my iMac wifi stopped working.  Found that I had to turn off the ethernet in the system>network screen, but then TM didn't see the TC so i restarted after changes and then it saw it.
    Now a rant.  I can't believe in this wireless age that Apple would make a product that cant join a wireless net work.  The apple rep said i could return it and look for the previous TC that would join an existing wireless network.  Are we going backwards?

    Ok... it is getting a bit clearer but there are still some questions.
    I connect to the internet via airport only and it is pretty fast.
    I was assuming airport in this statement in your first post meant the TC or the Express.. but I now realise we are still in the mass confusion stage where apple calls everything wireless an airport. So what you mean is the airport internal card of the computer??
    Also, I didn't want to bridge TC with my new fios router that I paid 100 dollars for, to get N speed and also paying 10 dollars more a month for fast speed.  I heard that bridging slows down everything and then there can be port issues with mail etc.
    I think this is mistaken.
    Putting the TC in bridge mode plugged into your FIOS will not slow the network.. nor will it cause mail or port issues.. in bridge the TC is just a fancy WAP and switch plus the network hard drive.
    If the computer is close it will be faster than the FIOS.
    You can run both wireless networks with different names.. so it is clear which is which. But you can also setup roaming so the computers themselves pick which is the best wireless.
    I tried extending the wireless net work and tried joining wireless network, but the TC kept crashing and I had to keep resetting the TC.  the Apple support person said these, extend wireless network and joint wireless network, are no longer a connection option with the new TC because of the new AC protocol.
    Thanks again!
    You cannot extend to a non-apple wireless router.
    You cannot use join a wireless network because when you do the ethernet ports will be cut off.
    But that has not changed.. I don't think Apple support is correct.. there has been no change with the AC model.. it is simply a fact that apple routers do not work in join wireless mode other than as a dumb client. The same applies to AC as to the earlier version.. but I have asked another person to check this.
    Join in the express is the only apple router that still allows an ethernet connection.
    For now you best use of the TC is bridged to the FIOS. Wireless you can sort out between several options.

  • Can i set up my drive as encrypted with different partitions for different versions of osx?

    i have some questions about setting up an encrypted drive with different versions of osx installed on separate partitions, and how this choice effects time-machine and the emergency recovery disk.
    I have a new/refurbished macbook pro with a SSD.  it already has mavericks installed.  i want to fully wipe the drive and reinstall everything my self because I'm odd like that.
    first wiping the current drive
    Does the recovery partition get wiped if i use disk-utility to reformat the drive. Even thought the recovery partition does not show up as a partition, when i look at it with disk-utility? i would like to know I've wiped all partitions so that no little bugger gets left with out me knowing. Disk-utility does not show the recovery partition and this makes me concerned it might not wipe it.
    Does mavericks automatically make a recovery partition during the installation process? Or do i need to make a new 1gb partition for the recovery disk?
    Can i have two different partitions on my drive with separate installations of OSX on it? (one for work that i don't update the system os till my current project is done, and the other for experimenting with new software.)
    will time machine back up both of the partitions or just one?
    can i accomplish all this from a bootable usb drive or do i need to do this in target disk mode? 
    do i need to use a more capable utility than the stock apple "disk-utility"?
    when reformatting the drive should i format it as encrypted or let file vault do this after i install mavericks?
    how much does encryption slow down performance for things like photo/video/music production?

    Do a backup before you do anything.
    Does the recovery partition get wiped if i use disk-utility to reformat the drive
    It shouldn't
    Does mavericks automatically make a recovery partition during the installation process?
    Can i have two different partitions on my drive with separate installations of OSX on it?
    will time machine back up both of the partitions or just one?
    It will as long as one partition is not excluded in the Time Machine/Options.
    do i need to use a more capable utility than the stock apple "disk-utility"?
    No, just boot into the Recovery Volume (command  - R on a restart).
    file vault do this after i install mavericks?
    I would let File Vault do that.

  • Can You make a wireless network.....?

    Can You make a wireless network with just a router and the Airport extreme?

    You can make a wireless network with just the AirPort Extreme or any other wireless router.

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    No. the replacement is always the same as the item being replaced.

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    Yes if its the Microsoft office for Mac version
    Check the Microsoft packaging
    see thread

  • I want to connect to a network printer hp cp1518ni with different versions of windows (win7& winxp)

    I want to connect to a network printer hp cp1518ni with different versions of windows (win7 & winxp) . My pc with win 7 work ok but the pc with win xp not "see" the printer on the network. What is the additional driver should I install?
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    I see by your post that you are unable to network the printer to the Windows XP computer, but the Windows 7 computer is connected. I can help you with this.
    Make sure the Windows XP computer is connected to the correct network name, not a Guest network either.
    Print a configuration page to get the printer's IP address.
    Printing a Configuration Page.
    Try and access the printer's Embedded Web Server on the Windows XP computer.
    Type the IP address into your web browser's address bar. (Internet Explorer)
    Did it load the webpage?
    If you can't access the printer's EWS, then check the IP address on the computer to see if the first 3 sets of numbers match the printer's IP. They have to match to be on the same network.
    Go to start, type run in the search box, type in cmd, then type ipconfig.
    Check the IPV4 address.
    Now check the IPV4 address for the printer.
    Do the first 3 sets of numbers match?
    Try and ping the printer.
    In the same window, type ping printers IP address (space between ping and IP address)
    What are the results?
    Run the add printer wizard through printers and faxes, if you were able to access the printer's EWS.
    Please provide in detail the results if you are still having issues.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • How can I share the home folder with different accounts on the same mac?

    Hi, here's a question:
    How can I share the home folder with different accounts on the same mac?
    The whole point being not to have to install all my apps, and move all my files each time between users.
    The second thing would be to be able to modify one document on one account, and have it changed on the other account without having to copy it.
    I would like to have a pro and a private account on my mac.
    Thanks for you answers,

    Your apps should not be installed in your home folder--they should be in /Applications where every user can access them.
    If you want to share things between users on the same Mac, use the /Users/Shared folder. Keep your home folder private. Trying to defeat the protections on the home folder subfolders just gets messy. I've never bothered to figure out all of the problems associated with it so I can't explain how to do it.
    Even with using Shared, you would need to alter the ACLs on the shared folder in order to allow both users to modify the documents.
    You must create a Group in Users & Groups and put each user in that group. Then create a folder inside /Users/Shared where you want to share the various files.
    Then, add an ACL to the shared folder that gives the group special permissions. on that folder.
    sudo chmod -R +a "<sharinggroup> allow delete,chown,list,search,add_file,add_subdirectory,delete_child,file_inherit,directory_inherit" /Users/Shared/<sharing folder>
    Replace <sharinggroup> and <sharingfolder> with the name of your group and your folder. Then, run the command in the Terminal.
    With that ACL, each user in <sharinggroup> will be able to alter the files created by any user in the group in that <sharingfolder>.
    Essentially, the client OS is not designed for true file sharing among the individual users. It is designed to isolate each user account from the others.

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