Canceling data plan after returning IPAD

I am posting this hoping to save time for the next person who runs into this.
I purchased and IPAD2 on the IPAD2 launch day. I wanted an ATT because I travel internationally, but it was sold out. Apple employees were recommending that we buy whatever was in stock (Verizon sold out the last). I used the verizon IPAD and activated the Verizon service on it using the IPAD and used it for the time I had the IPAD.
Then later I went back to the Apple store (early morning) They luckily had a 64 GB white ATT IPAD (what I wanted). I returned the Verizon. The apple employee made sure that he wiped out the device in front of me. I thought it was all done.
But today, I got an email from Verizon saying that my automated billing was done and it only gave the last 4 digits of my SIM card on the IPAD I had returned. 
This is where the really painful interaction with Verizon started. This saga took about an hour on Sunday April 10th starting around 11:30 PST.
I searched on the Internet and called the Verizon wireless customer service. I specifically told her about IPAD 2 and my situation. She said she located my account (but it was for an old wireless service we had with Verizon 2 years ago. We were loyal verizon customers for 10 years before we switched to ATT for iPhone). She kept asking me more info and after about 5 minutes, she said she would have to transfer me. Then she simply dropped the call on me.
I called again. This time the person (Debbie) asked me the same set of questions again, and told me I would have to call my bank and put a stop payment on the credit card. She was unable to help me. 
I asked to talk to a manager. His name was Dave. This was a smart guy. He told me that IPAD2 was not handled by their department (they are postpaid only). And gave me a phone number for the IPAD2 data plan department.
The right number to call for IPAD2 data questions is 1 800 786 8419
I called the IPAD2 data plan number. It asked me for the 10 digit phone number (which I did not have because I had returned the phone and the verizon billing email only mentioned the last 4 digits - there was no other information in the billing email). I was then connected to a live person.
The person was completely clueless  and kept giving me false information. First she said there was no way to look me up if I did not have the device. When I asked to connect to a manager, she said she will look me up by name. She did. I was the only person with that name (I have a unique enough last name). She said she would need the MEID number for the device for her to help me. I said I did not have it because I returned the device. She said I was out of luck. She even suggested I contact Apple and find it out.
I told her this did not sound right. She should be able to look me up by name, or by email ID or by credit card number which I had supplied when I activated the plan from the device. She said she will check with a manager. Came back a couple minutes later and said she cannot help me without the MEID.  She was so sure about it.
  I asked her if she could at least provide me the phone number for the phone. Which she did. 
So I searched on the web again. Turns out that apple has a good article on the web site
You can get your serial number, phone number, MEID etc from itunes if you have ever backed up the ipad. Fortunately I had.
I then called the verizon 800 786 8419 number again.
This time it told me it connected me to the Colorado department of verizon. 
I was able to enter the 10 digit phone number I had now.
This time I got connected to a customer rep who knew what she was doing. The whole transaction took a minute to finish. This is how it should have been.
She asked me the last 4 digits of my credit card number. Told me that she would refund the data plan and cancel automatic reactivation for future.
I wish they can train customer service employees better at Verizon. As much as I was loyal to Verizon for 10 years, I have to say ATT customer service is far superior after being with ATT for less than a couple years.

Great description of the problem, told without rancor.   I am glad that you finally received an appropriate resolution.  I, too, have just completed a needlessly complicated encounter  with Verizon over the iPad 2 and, thankfully, also had an appropriate resolution.   I work with the public and understand how easy it is to have a misunderstanding on both sides of the fence.   While I communicated my frustration over the situation, I didn't make any personal attacks and suspect that helped to get the deal done.   There were a few times I wanted to threaten Verizon with a switch to ATT but I was able to control myself with a few well timed "goosfraba". 

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    I can understand how this can be a troubling situation. The best way to get your information would be to review the original paper work that you received when you bought the iPad. If that information is not available I would suggest visiting the closest Verizon Wireless store near you. Make sure that you bring proper photo identification and they will be able to verify and assist you. I am certain that this will resolve your issue.
    Here is a link for our store locator:
    I hope this helps.
    VZW Support
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Jim i think she want to go to My Verizon and Take care of it there at which you have to have a User Name and Password like you got the Come on here).  But this is the the Customer Forum on the My Verizon as i mentioned you can set up a User Name or you can use your Cell Phone Number..
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    You are correct, this is a case of duplicate purchase as you can only activate the CC two times regardless of the number of CC purchased under the same Email ID.
    Please contact Adobe Support:
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues) (
    Current Plan:
    Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year)
    Account Activated:
    Oct 25, 2014
    The above plan will be cancelled as well as the charge that you have been charged till now will be refunded too. Please let us know in case of any issue.

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