Cannot burn discs

Can anyone suggest a fix for a superdrive that will not burn discs?
It plays DVDs and CDs fine but just does not recognise blank discs.
Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks in advance.
Further info:
Firmware Revision: AP09
Interconnect: ATAPI
Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipping Drive)
Cache: 2048 KB
Reads DVD: Yes
CD-Write: -R, -RW
DVD-Write: -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
Media: Insert media and refresh to show available burn speeds

Who is the manufacturer of HL-DT-ST DVDRW GSA-S10N? Is there any firmware updates to look for maybe? It seems that many people have the same problem with this drive. I wonder if Apple have any notes about this?

Similar Messages

  • Cannot Burn Discs / Error 4450

    My iTunes will not burn my selected playlist. I insert a disc, it initializes, begins writing my songs however stops and ejects the disk. An error message pops up,
    "attempt to burn disc failed. unknown error occurred 4450"
    Once this happens to the disc, the disc is no longer considered blank even though the attempt was cancelled per the computer. I am wasting discs and very frustrated since I was told itunes is very user-friendly. Please help.
    Here are the details about my computer:
    Pavilion HP Slimline s7500y PC
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 2002
    Intel R Celerom RM Processor 1.70 GHz, .99 GB of RAM
    I need very specific instructions. I am not a technology savvy person; minimal knowledge of computers. Thanks.

    I am having the same problem! I have tried everything that has been suggested and nothing has worked. I've downloaded the new version of iTunes, checked for updates on my drivers, reducted the speed and the playback gap, and nothing is working. The CD burns to about the 3rd song, then gives the error message and now that CD is no longer read as empty (I can no longer use it have been forced to throw many away). I'm wasting CDs here! Any help would be greatly appereciated.
    HP Media Center m377n   Windows XP  

  • IDVD 3 cannot burn disc

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    When ready to burn the disc I inserted a blank DVD-R purchased the same day.
    Manufacturer " IMATION" , it was ejected after a moment (Waiting for device to become ready) with the following message " The disc you inserted cannot be used for burning" !
    In another shop I bought two blank DVD-R from "VERBATIM" 8.5GB dual layer, wich got ejected as well with following message " No disc was found in the drive. Please insert DVD-R disc. " !?
    This is the first time I use iMovie and iDVD (no movies to burn before ! )
    Can someone help on this ?
    Thank you in advance
    I have read many posts on this forum , so here are the technical figures:
    iMac G4 "Flat Screen" , Mac OS 10.4.8, iMovie 3.0.3, iDVD 3.0.1
    ATA Bus:
    Model: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-106D
    Revision: A606
    Serial Number: CHDL004366WL
    Detachable Drive: No
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Firmware Revision: A606
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2000 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
    Media: No

    When ready to burn the disc I inserted a blank DVD-R
    purchased the same day.
    Manufacturer " IMATION" , it was ejected after a
    moment (Waiting for device to become ready) with the
    following message " The disc you inserted cannot be
    used for burning" !
    Imation discs don't have a good reputation.
    In another shop I bought two blank DVD-R from
    "VERBATIM" 8.5GB dual layer, wich got ejected as well
    with following message " No disc was found in the
    drive. Please insert DVD-R disc. " !?
    Verbatim discs have a good reputation - HOWEVER, you purchased double layer discs and your drive only supports single layer discs.
    Get some Verbatim or Maxel single layer, DVD-R discs. Sorry.
    F Shippey

  • Inconvenient: Cannot burn disc of selected songs from playlist

    with former versions of iTunes there was a context menu that could be used with any selection of songs of a playlist to burn an audiodisc of only these songs. You did not have to create a new playlist with just these songs but could simply burn a disc from any selection that you chose.
    With the new udpate I suddenly find that this option is gone. Instead you now have only two optons:
    a) Have iTunes "burn the playlist to several discs" which only works if you actually want all songs burned (and is also flawed because the first of these discs did not show the titles and other infos, while the second one was OK).
    b) Or create a new playlist just with the songs you want to burn and have iTunes burn the entire list.
    Compared to the previous flexibilty with the context menu I cannot help but find these new restrictions cumbersome. Why not simply leave the option of burning only selected songs? I would really appreciate if this option could be reintegrated into the next update.

    Since about iTunes 8, the support of burning has been diminishing. Both Apple and its customers seem to be losing interest. However, if you would like to give feedback directly to Apple, you can use this page:

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    I recentrly updated my macbook to Lion but after that I just cant burn any disc on itunes. Just when the disc is writting the fourth song i hear the disc stopping and after 30 seconds i get this message>  "the attempt to burn a disc failed the burn failed because os a medium write error". I tried this 10 times having the same result.
    I need help! I havent had this problem before updating to Lion. With Snow Leopard everything was OK.
    Thank you.
    I currently have the 10.7.3

    Either take it into your local Apple Store or if you really believe it is lion causing it and not a faulty DVD drive then reinstall Snow Leopard from your last SL backup and see if it works again. Personally I would go with the first one as updating an OS can excenuate a problem that was underlying in the previous OS,
    Good luck

  • IDVD 7.0.2 - motion menus too large, cannot burn disc

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    Can someone help me out with this. I'm burning a dvd I made for christmas presents, and I need to figure this out before the weekend when I need to hand out the gifts ahh!
    I finished the dvd, tried to burn it and get the error that reads basically, "motion menus are too large, adjust and try burning again". All menus have photos only - there are no videos in my menus, this is why I'm confused. Could this mean the songs are too big? - I've already reduced the songs to be 2 min for each menu. I really don't want to create the entire thing again, as I'm really close to deadline and the project is completed. Any ideas?
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    FYI it is a widescreen project, but may have been started as standard, i can't remember.
    Please help!

    a. try to do a DiskImage and see if it works OK
    b. You could try to see what happens if You turn off animation/motion menu
    Else it can be a problem needing to be trouble shooted and cured. See list.
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows:*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Hard disk is untidy: Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Delete iDVD pref file - *or rather start a new user/account* - log into this and re-try
    • Program miss-match: iDVD 5.0.2, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK - DON’T work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match: iDVD 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match: iDVD’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • iDVD (08) v7 Locate theme folder. Move out iDVD1, iDVD 2 and eventually iDVD4 folders to desktop - re-try
    • Try a Cleaning CD/DVD that cleans the laser lens on the DVD burner/player
    iDVD 6.0.4 and iDVD 7.0.1 are compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    iDVD pref file resides: Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences and is named:
    While iDVD is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iDVD.
    Last resort: from Craig: Solved the problem!! Finally!!
    I deleted every iDVD application and folder from my boot drive,
    emptied the trash and then installed iDVD 08 using the customize option
    and I am up and running.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Help!  the new itunes update is awful.  So many problems with burning discs.  How do I revert to itunes 10.4?

    itunes is awful.  Cannot burn discs.  How do I revert back to 10.4?

    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard installation system requirements
    Leopard is no longer available at the Apple Store but may be available by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753).
    If you can't obtain a retail install DVD from Apple, look on eBay or Google the installer part numbers to possibly find at an on-line store. Here's what to look for:
    MB427Z/A  Leopard 10.5.1 install DVD
    MB576Z/A  Leopard 10.5.4 install DVD
    MB021Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (single user)
    MB022Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (5-user family pack)
    Installing Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Installation and Setup Guide
    After you install the base 10.5, download & install the 10.5.8 combo update at
     Cheers, Tom

  • Can't burn discs. Error message: The disc can't be burned because the device failed to calibrate the laser level for this media     can't be burned because the device

    Cannot burn discs. Error message: "The disc can't be burned because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media". Then the blank disc is ejected.

    Two main possible causes:
    1. Poor media. Verbatim DVD-R work best, burned at only 2x or 4x.
    2. Dirty lens. Try cleaning the superdrive with a proprietary CD/DVD lens cleaner that uses tiny brushes.

  • Even when I select a playlist I cannot find the burn disc option under file. How do I find it?

    Even when I select a playlist, I cannot find the burn disc option under the file tab.  How do I go about finding it?  It has always worked previously, or at least until the latest version of Itunes installed. 

    Hi Hatethecloud
    Have you tried to make a control+clic on the playlist name ?...

  • Updated itunes to 12.1 and can't burn playlist. Error "attempt to burn disc failed, disc cannot be read or written to" have tried every troubleshooting solution to no avail. please help!

    Updated itunes to 12.1 and can't burn playlist. Error "attempt to burn disc failed, disc cannot be read or written to" have tried every troubleshooting solution to no avail. please help!

    Greetings akite2high,
    If you are having an issue with being unable to burn a CD using iTunes on your Windows computer, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    Can't burn a CD in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Be well,
    Brett L 

  • After downloading lion does not recognize blank discs or dvd´s cannot burn anything

    I downloaded Lion and now my mac does not recognize any blank cd or dvd and I cannot burn anything, not with Toast 10, or with iDvd still not recognized.  Can someone help me??

    I have been trying to fix a similar issue on my wife's PowerBookG4. I cannot pin point when it started, but she noticed it a couple weeks ago when she tried burning a disc. We have come to discover that her drive will no longer mount any discs at all (blank or otherwise burned discs or software). If I had to make a guess it had to have started in the last month or so after some recent update. Maybe 10.5.2? I am not sure.
    I am getting extremely frustrated with Apple though on this matter because I have been browsing multiple forums and seeing this exact issue over and over again and nobody seems to have a solution or correct diagnostic for it.
    I have tried zapping PRAM, I have tried many types of discs, brands, etc. and nothing works. I know this is a Software issue, it has to be. There are a LOT of people reporting this issue. If necessary I will start linking to all the different posts that I found in the last few days.
    Please post some help, ASAP. This has been a major inconvenience and I cannot believe that Apple hasn't discovered the problem with how many people have been reporting it.

  • I still cannot burn a cd even when I updated my software to 10.6.8  keep getting same message disc burner or software not found pls help

    I still cannot burn a cd even when I updated my software to 10.6.8  keep getting same message disc burner or software not found pls help

    Have you tried to restart the Mac?
    Another program may be blocking the drive.
    If restarting does not help, check out the questions here:
              Re: Disc Burner or Software not found...

  • Cannot burn cd from my itunes library reinstalled itunes and still not working.  the disc pops out saying please load a blank dic/the disc i am loading is blank need help!!!

    cannot burn cd from i tunes library  tried many things but still does not work

    If iTunes still isn't burning after the repair install, bob, could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

  • Cannot Burn CDs, Disc recording not found

    Pretty straight forward issue here. I am not able to burn CDs.  I have tried the UpperFilter reg fixes that are out there with no luck.  When i do a complete reinstall and go into the diag tools i can see the drive is listed. If i apply the UpperFilter reg fix and try the diag tools again there is no drive listed. I am able to use the burner drive with other applications to burn ISOs without any problem but iTunes seems to be pretty useless when it comes to burning discs.  Also on start up I get the classic "iTunes was not properly installed. If you wish to import or burn CDs you need to reinstall iTunes." and when i reinstall obviously no luck.
    Any thoughts?
    Here is the diag info:
    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Business Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    System manufacturer System Product Name
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 2.4.14
    Apple Application Support 2.3.4
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver Not Available
    CD Driver DLL Not Available
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
      iTunes Serial Number 00E7B7C00AB64E18
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2013-05-22 16:51:10.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    No drivers in UpperFilters.
    Failed loading CD / DVD drives, error -43. Try doing a repair install on iTunes from the “Add or Remove Programs” control panel.

    davidfromsaint charles wrote:
    Failed loading CD / DVD drives, error -43. Try doing a repair install on iTunes from the “Add or Remove Programs” control panel.
    That is the key statement out of the whole error message you posted.
    It looks like it's having trouble loading the CD/DVD drives.  Try doing a repair install as it notes there, and also check to see what other burning software you have installed on your system as some of it can conflict with iTunes.  You may need to uninstall the other CD Burning software.

  • Cannot Burn Playlist off iPod to a DIsc

    I recently transferred files from a Creative mp3 to my iPod using my old Dell, then got a new Mac. However, I never stored any music on my Dell, as it didn't have enough hard drive space.
    Therefore I don't have any music on my Mac hard drive OR on my Dell Hard Drive - it's all on the iPod (65 GB at that!).
    Here's the problem - I created a playlist on my iPod, but would like to burn it to a CD, but there is obviously no burn button or way to do it on the menus (the choice is greyed out).
    Am I screwed and now have to re-burn all my physical CDs (1100+) to the iTunes library on my physical hard drive?

    You cannot burn from the iPod to a CD.
    Am I screwed and now have to re-burn all my physical CDs (1100+) to the iTunes library on my physical hard drive?
    Burning is creating a CD. RIPping is getting from CD into the computer.
    What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Maybe you are looking for