Please don't post in caps; it's like being shouted at.
From what I can find the settings are port 143 port 587
Also check that you have the screen name and password correct.

Similar Messages

  • Cannot receive mail with mavericks.

    Cannot receive mail with mavericks. I have tried all the online tricks and nothing works. Any advice?
    Much appreciated

    Thank you Dom, it was however working absolutely fine before mavericks. In fact I have never in all the years had any problems and I have surely not changed the settings. First iOS7 floored my iphone 4, now this, I am not feeling the love from apple. Any other ideas at all? Thanks again

  • Can't send Mail with AOL address-out of ideas

    I can recieve mail just fine. It's only when I try to send it. I've tried changing the outgoing server to and
    changed the ports from 25 to 587 to 1024.
    I appreciate your help. thanks in advance.
    powermac g4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    My girlfriend and I are RoadRunner customers and RR allows using an SMTP server outside of their network as long as the SMTP server is authenticated.
    I set up my girlfriend's AOL account in Tiger Mail (and the only email account she uses) on my old TiBook that I loaned her until she purchases her own Mac and she sends mail with her AOL account with no problems.
    The AOL SMTP server settings are as follows:
    Outgoing Mail Server:
    Server Port: 587
    Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): Off or not selected.
    Authentication Type: Password
    User Name: Your AOL screen name or the portion of your AOL email address in front of the @ sign only.
    Password: The password for this screen name/email account - the same used for checking the account for new mail.
    If your settings are the same, try deleting and recreating the account in Mail.
    If this doesn't work and it should since it works for my girlfriend, you can select/use the RR SMTP server to send mail with your AOL account which is invisible to all recipients.

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    Yahoo and Gmail support should be able to help you.
    Not related to Firefox support, web mail doesn't use POP or SMTP protocols which is what email clients such as Thunderbird use for communicating with email servers.

  • Cannot move mail with attachments

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    Perhaps the mail server has a size limit that it allows. Might try a free web service and see if that will work for those attachments.

  • Cannot send mail with mobile mail software

    I have been trying to send mail with my mobile mail software on my AOL account and my mail won't got through,  But when I click on my mobile web and access my AOL email that way it allows me to send mail with no problem. The problem started today, I have an lg env3 and the latest software version of the mobile mail.

    From working with other customers, the best thing to do would be to remove the email account entirely from the Mobile Email program and re-add it.  If the issue persists, remove the Mobile Email application altogether and redownload it.  If it still persists even after that and all other data services are working such as the browser, My Verizon, etc. call AOL Mobile Support at 866-265-3019. 
    I hope this helps you.  Let us know if it did. 

  • Cannot send mail with mavericks

    Hi I'm using an iMac 2011 27 in. Shawcable is my ISP. I can receive mail. I cannot send mail. I get the error "cannot connect to account myaccount, enter password for user myname" If I go into accounts in mail prefs all smtp accounts show as offline.  I have been over all my settings with shaw they say problem is on my end. They say my computer isn't connecting. Anyone have any ideas?

    Without in details on what you have tried, I'll throw out some things:
    On the SMTP server settings, use a custom port number instead of using the default ports.
    Make sure you don't have any firewall, net-nanny, or other such network blockers running.
    In Mail, Open Connection Doctor from the Window menu.
    Click Show Detail, then Check Again.
    Note any message noted in the stoplight section, and any related to the account in the details.
    You may want to sanitize any of the messages from the Details so that it doesn't give away an email account or other identifying info.

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    Very weird.
    I have an iMac, mac mail 5.2. and Lion.
    Please help.

    Perhaps the mail server has a size limit that it allows. Might try a free web service and see if that will work for those attachments.

  • Cannot send mail to AOL

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    I think AOL thinks I am spam?
    Anyone have this happen or know what to do about it?
    I tried restarting and going on and offline with mail.
    This is the error message on the returned email.
    Reason: Rejection greeting returned by server.
    Diagnostic code: smtp;554 5.7.1 : (RLY:B1)
    Remote system: dns; (TCP||35354||25) (5.7.1 : [RLY:B1]

    I'm having the same **** problem!
    554 RLY:B1
    This error message is a dynamic block on our system. Dynamic blocks are placed on an IP address when the IP's statistics break our threshold. These are automated blocks that are removed by the system within 24 hours once the complaints are again below the threshold.
    I work in a small photo studio and I need to send emails to people with AOL accounts.  I sent 4 emails yesterday, one to AOL.  Today I sent 2 emails to AOL accounts and got blocked!
    What the ****?  I've already got phone calls from both of these people askink where their promissed emails are.  Who do I complain too?  I do I tell are clients that they are stupid for using a crappy email service?  Meanwhile my boss thinks I'm an idiot because I use a Mac and not a PC
    Isn't there something I can do besides waiting for a 24 hour block  by some unknown complainer???

  • Cannot send mails with second Account

    I have 2 Mail-Accounts.
    Account_A(mobileme) and
    In the Account settings I have associated both Accounts to use there own SMTP. If I try now to send a mail with Account_B i directly become an error that the mail cannot be send over the server_B. If I hit "check connections" everything wents green, which implicates, that everything should be fine.
    Now comes the funny part: In the same error Window there is a message: Send from: Account_A!
    Any idea to get this working?
    Yes. The settings in "Compose message" are right
    Yes. Both Accounts are setup correct and work fine with iPhone and iPad
    Thanks, Michael

    What error message do you receive when try to send from Account_B?

  • In Exchange 2013 i cannot open mails with attachments greater than 19.6 MB in EWS or OWA

    i have in Exchange 2013 CU3 on Windows 2012 the following problem :
    When backup mails using EWS i get the message " EWS Error Code : ErrorMessageSizeExceeded." in mails with attachments greater than 20.137 KB ( 19.6 MB).
    Then I checked all the settings of the EWS , but the defaults are already significantly higher than these 19.6 MB (Base64 approximately 26.5 MB)
    web.config ( maxAllowedContentLength = " 85000000 ").
    Settings of the MaxSendSize and ReceiveSize are 300MB .
    All requestfiltering settings in IIS are set to 85MB.
    When i access via EMS or OWA , file attachments over 19.6 MB can not be opened .
    However, the preview shows in OWA the correct mail including attachment and it can be saved from the preview up to the set maximum size.
    By double clicking on an email in OWA bigger than 19.6 MB i get the following error message:
    "Error : Your request can not be completed right now Please try again later . . "
    Send and receive mail can also be up to maxsize .
    When accessing via Outlook , this problem does not occur.
    i hope anyone here can help me
    Thanks in advance

    To change the maximum message size for Outlook Web App clients, you need to change the value of
    maxAllowedContentLength, maxRequestLength and both instances of
    maxReceivedMessageSize by editing %ExchangeInstallPath%ClientAccess\Owa\web.config in notepad.
    To change the maximum message size for Exchange Web Services clients, you need to change the value of
    maxAllowedContentLength and all instances of maxReceivedMessageSize="67108864" in %ExchangeInstallPath%ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\web.config.
    When you are finished, save and close the Web.config file. Also need to restart IIS by running the following command:
    IISReset /noforce
    For more information about Configure Client-Specific Message Size Limits on Client Access Servers, please refer to:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cannot send mail with .mac

    I can receive mail with .mac account, but not send mail. I can send and receive mail using another account. Has something changed with .mac?

    This issue is most probably related to your Internet Service Provider.
    Several Internet Service Providers are blocking the use of smtp servers (like by their customer for secury purpose allowing only their own smtp server.
    First, you should check with your ISP if he his blocking smtp servers. If he do, just use the smtp server of your ISP. That's what I need to do from my home.

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    Just read another post and it suggested deleting the entire account, which resolved my issue.
    It also suggested turning off wi-fi or powering off. Neither of those worked but they were steps to do in case anyone else has this issue.

  • Cannot forward mail with photos to pc user

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    some pics show up as mime'
    jpg photos just show up as filename.jpg -- user cannot view

    The key factor here is "Forward" -- the exact nature of message, and status of any images it contains must be known to advise you about this. If sent to you from an email client embedding the images in HTML, then that can be problematic.
    If the images are properly attached files in the message you receive, but that message is in Rich Text, then Mail may convert it to HTML and mess things up for certain recipient email clients. In this case, after composing the Forward, click on Format in the menubar, and choose Make Plain Text -- that should help, and this is not dealt with by Windows Friendly.

  • Cannot check mail with mail application

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    There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Check the settings for account ".Mac Account" or try again.
    The server error encountered was: The connection to the server "" on port 993 timed out.
    My password is correct and I can check my mail from the wireless connection at the cafe down the road. I am thinking it has to do with my connection to the internet in my student housing. I am using a dial-up connection with which I have to change the proxy settings in the network preferences. I had to change my proxies to get my iChat to work, but I cannot find where to change them for the Mail application.
    Again, it could be a different problem.

    It sounds like a proxy issue. My guess is the on-campus proxy server does not use port 993 for mail. You'll either have to contact you computer help desk to find out what the correct port is, or see if the info is available online line at your university's help site. The campuses I've worked at locked down certain ports to try and keep viruses, trojans, etc., from getting into the system. Whereas Internet cafes usually leave everything open and let the user deal with any problems that occur.

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