Cannot deselect podcast in iTunes 12

I cannot select or deselects podasts with iTunes 12. I am using Windows 7 and have installed and uninstalled iTunes multiple times to no effect. Both Apple and Microsoft have worked on this problem, but nothing they have tried has worked yet. Any ideas out there?

There is only the App sstore and iTunes U in the Brazilian store.
There are no podcasts.

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    I have had this trouble in the past and I can't remember how I got around before (if I ever did consciously), but the problem has arised again. I cannot add podcasts to my iPod manually. I drag and drop, the little green circle with the plus sign shows, but nothing is added to the iPod. It is possible to manually add podcats once i haved it synced, but I don't want to sync because it stuffs up pattern (which isn't really a pattern at all, so I can't syn it to fit one).
    Future Thanx!
    Message was edited by: liwymi

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    "...was not copied to the IPOD because it cannot be played on this IPOD."
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    does any one have a solution?!?
    HELP! (i'm an ipod newbie-and this is driving me absolutely MAD!!)

    OMG-i just figured it out!!
    *first of all, i came across this in the itunes store help area-->
    "Why won't some video podcasts play on my iPod?
    Some video podcasts, while playable in iTunes, are encoded in formats that are not compatible with iPods. To convert those videos so that they are iPod-compatible, highlight the video in iTunes, right-click on the selection, and choose "Convert Selection for iPod". iTunes will automatically re-encode the video for playback on iPod. Go to the Movies section of your Library to find and play the converted episodes.
    *i had converted the podcast previously, but i had just continued to try and transfer it from the podcast section rather than going to the movie's section, and dragging it from there. once i did that, it worked!
    hope this helps anyone else out there, as i did come across a few other queries...

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    However, I am able to download the same podcast on my iPhone.
    Has anyone seen this before?

    One of the podcasts is Sarcastic Gamer Radio, and another one is Max Lucado Daily devotional.
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    I've done some research, error 403 appears to mean that you do not have permission to download due to regional restrictions, both these podcasts are based in the US, however, I have downloaded them for weeks without any problems. I have tried removing and resubscribing to them, but still get the problem.

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    hello guys,kindly help

    Permissions Repair is still slow in 10.5.2, but faster than before and with no error messages. On my MBP 160Gb with >1mil files and only 12Gb of free space, it took approximately 4 minutes instead of the 10+ minutes it took just prior to the upgrade. It still hangs on 1 Minute but then gets on with it quite a bit faster after the initial hang. Still much slower than in Tiger 'though.

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    I am getting the error message that an unknown error 310 has appeared.
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    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • Cannot download or watch old or new video podcasts after iTunes directory reorg

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    How can I restore all video podcasts previously downloaded and view them on itunes or an ipod?
    Can I create a video podcast option in itunes?
    Please help.

    Issue solved - It turns out that the QuickTime version on my PC was 6.5 and I needed to update to version 7.6 or higher to allow videos to play in iTunes. I updated to QuickTime version 7.7 and then added the old podcast folder to iTunes while in podcasts. This found all video podcast content and then the auto reorg moved all folders to the new podcast directory. For the videos I manually moved earlier, I had to move (not copy) them back to the old directory or folder then add that old folder and they were now in the right directory and viewable in iTunes. Thanks for the reply.

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    Err 3259 means that the download has taken too long to respond. Are you sure your internet connection is okay? Have you tried powering your router off and then on again?

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    How did the photos/albums get onto the phone ?
    Only photos taken with the iPhone or saved from emails/websites etc can be deleted directly on the phone - either via the trashcan icon at the bottom right corner if viewing the photo in full screen, or via the icon of the box with the arrow coming out of it top right in thumbnail view. Albums that you've created directly on the phone can be deleted via the Edit button at the top right of the album selection screen.
    Photos/albums that were synced from your computer are deleted by moving/removing/de-selecting them from where they were synced from on your computer and then re-syncing

  • Cannot Subscribe to Current iTunes Podcast??

    I cannot subscribe to the following podcast:
    Each time I click the View in iTunes botton, I get the following.
    Firefox can't find the file at itms://
    * Check the file name for capitalization or other typing errors.
    * Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.
    I use the latest versions of Windows7, Foxfire and iTunes.
    Any idea what the problem can be?

    I'm not sure I totally understand what your problem is, but a couple of things to note...
    1. To get Podcasts to show in your Source list, go to iTunes Preferences, General and put a check next to Podcasts.
    2. Did you download the podcasts from the iTunes Store or from NPR's Web site? Podcasts downloaded from sources other iTunes will usually go into your Music library along with all your music tracks.
    Does that help at all? Not sure what you mean when you say: "When I double click on the podcast at the bottom, it won't play." What window are you in? The bottom of what? Please explain further.

  • Cannot Download Podcasts - iTunes 10.5.1 x64

    Good Morning All -
      For the past few days, I've been unable to download Podcasts in iTunes. 
    What Happens
    I can subscribe to Podcasts via the iTunes Store and they show up in my Podcasts section, but are greyed out. (below)
    When I try to click on "Get", an exclamation point is displayed to the left of the Podcast.  When I click on it, I get an error message:  "There was a problem downloading..." It then says "Authorization is needed to access..." (below)
    Machine Specs
    Lenovo Thinkpad T510
    Windows 7 SP1 x64
    iTunes x64 (The issue was there before upgrading, though)
    Administrator / Local Administrator rights. (Computer is joined to a domain, but I log into it as a local user which has local admin rights)
    What I've Tried to Resolve the Issue - None of them worked:
    Delete / Unsubscribe from all Podcasts, then Subscribe to them again
    Deauthorize iTunes (My Computer), then Authorize it again
    Reinstalled iTunes (Uninstall / Delete any leftover files from Profile & App Path (except library) / Reinstall
    Windows Event Logs show nothing
    Other Notes
    About a month ago, I did create a new Library in a different folder & even on a different partition.  I used it to migrate only the things I wanted to keep.  I did it this way so I could take my time doing it without loosing any current data.  Could this have something to do with it?  I'd rather not recreate a new library again from scratch - perhaps there's a way to "reset" just the Podcasts section.
    I use iTunes to sync the following devices which I own:  iPhone 4 (5.0), iPad 2 Wifi (5.0), iPod Classic (~60gb), AppleTV Classic (4.x?)
    I use iTunes Match
    Previously, I've installed and used "TuneUp" which runs alongside iTunes to clean my library of 3500+ songs.
    The combined size of my Library on disk is ~90gb and is held on a seperate drive & partition than iTunes & OS and uses the D: drive letter (Seems stupid to say, but know different drive letters can cause issues in some apps)
    So what may I do to resolve this issue?  I've tried to include any information that may have a role in the error.  Just in case, I ran the iTunes diagnostics and included them below.  I tried to include everything, but guess there's a limit of screenshots you can apply to a post.
    Thank You! - Ben K.
    Diagnostics - Results Below in Screenshots
    Note:  Was unable to run CD Drive test due to using a 2nd hard drive in CD slot - Wouldn't think it would be issue anyways.

    Disable any Anti-Virus and Firewall software on the computer then try again.

  • How do i update my podcast on iTunes?

    I submitted a podcast to iTunes and I need to update my image file, but cannot find where to do so. Anyone know where update podcast can be found?

    There is no 'update podcast' button.
    I had a similar wish... first I posted a 'Concern' relating to a subject like 'downloads'. But I also reviewed my whole feed file etc and re-checked the format - jpeg, min 300x300 pixels. Then I uploaded the image into my feed file directory and re-checked my image url. I did this in part to make sure the directory had the right 'read' properties etc - since my podcast was OK I could assume it did so decided my image was better off in the same directory.
    Then, I even posted a similar remark to yours on this BB in case anyone from Apple was looking. Then I sat back and waited... after about 48 hours the image was replaced.
    My conclusion: Until we really know what procedures there are and whether some things are manual or automatic we have to try every avenue. However, checking that all the parameters are correct is the priority. e.g. use a feed validator etc. I don't know whether re-checking the validation of my feed (There were a couple of probs) etc was the main or only reason why my image was updated or whether it was some kind soul at Apple.
    Good luck!

  • Cannot delete podcast on iPod

    I need to add me into this AD, I cannot delete Podcast from my iPOD, using different computer and manually sync, deleted Podcast on my computer (all), but older Podcast still appear in my iPOD and even if I re-subscribe to the Podcast, the Podcast will not be visible in iTunes or even is able to be deleted. Please get a workaround done.

    By accident (I have read the manual), and I have found a solution.
    You've saved some Podcast on your iPod but these Podcast doen't appear in your iTunes Libary so you're not able to delete them from your iPod.
    Just opoen the Folder Movies/Podcast on your iPOD
    The Podcast will be shown on your iPod
    Swipe with your finger from left to right or rigth to left over the podcast; you will see that your iPod will open the "Edit" menue were you're able to delete selected Podcast.
    Have fun.

  • How can I see my podcast in itunes when I download directly from my iphone Podcast App

    Hi cannot see the podcast download in my mac.
    However I can see in the summary that I have capacity space took that audio.
    How can I manage my podcast via itunes?
    I am sure that it is so simple that I don´t know how itunes work.

    Delete the app from your device.  Restart your device once or twice.  After that, the device will realize you want to manage your podcasts using iTunes and will let you manage them from iTunes again.

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