Cannot open some files

I can open downloaded pdf files but not those attached to an email, why?

Jill and Brian wrote:
What more information can I give?
What is your operating system?
What is your email client?
What does "can not" mean; what happens when you try?
Can you download these attachments to your local disk and open them from there?

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    What is your operating system?
    What exactly means "cannot"?

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    Try a reset: Simultaneously hold down the Home and On buttons until the device shuts down. Ignore the off slider if it appears. Once shut down is complete, if it doesn't restart on it own, turn the device back on using the On button. In some cases it also helps to double click the Home button and close all apps BEFORE doing the reset.
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    I found two suspect programs that were installed within the last 48-hrs that may have caused the problem
    1) - Libre Office - latest update.  This is a fork of Open Office.  (unlikely)
    2) - ManyCam video manipulation software  (likely)
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    I uninstalled ManyCam but left Libre Office's update in place, then I ran a system restore from a point 24-hrs before the installations.
    This resolved the problem 100%.
    So, the suggestion here is that there may be one or more program in the wild that is interupting the ActiveX or DirectX systems.  They may be running or installing an older version.  In this case it appears the handlers were broken.
    Once the system restore had completed I was able to open Adobe PDF files within my IE10 browser from the Internet as well as open PDF files from my hard drive.
    Note that this same issue also clearned up a problem I was having with the Comodo Dragon web browser, which is a fork of the Chrome project.  Once I eliminated the suspect program and ran the system restore all was well.  In the instance of the Comodo browser it was unable to open or reach anything - dead white screen below the menu bar.
    So my suggestion would be to take an inventory of recent program installations, remove/uninstall them, run system restore from a date before the suspect programs were added, and see what happens.  In my case that fixed the problem.

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    Manonabike wrote:
    Good point/question (Does Lion have some function I need/want?). It seems, from the blurb, that the move to iCloud requires, or will be best supported by, Lion. Certainly they're saying that iOS5 on iPhone will be needed, and it's implied that iOS5 and Lion are designed for compatibility. So yes, perhaps, not sure.
    At this exact moment in time, yes, Lion is required. There are "rumors" of a 10.6.9 SL release for iCloud, but that type of discussion is not allowed here, so I won't discuss it.
    However, your idea, and from the other replies, to run SL on another partition – yes I did backup before installing Lion – sounds like a way forward. I'll try it – thanks!
    I do think that's the best plan at present. You're welcome, and good luck.

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    Below is the error message:
    Line: 1 ->  photoshop.notifyLightroomDocClosed ('lightroom-2.0', 'B53AFA39-A49B-4709-A9BD-0B6467C175C3', 'Macintosh HD:Users:BPexposures:Desktop:_DSC5962 as Smart Object-1.psd');

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    Since you've shown us the folder contents it's a good bet it isn't in use (no lock file). And it doesn't look like the file is mis-named as there doesn't seem to be anything else there that would be the .indd file (but just in case, open it in TextEdit and paste the first few lines here so we can see what the file header says), so the most likely case is the file is damaged. Is that on a removable device of some sort?
    You can try the tool at Repair corrupt InDesign Adobe files on Mac OS X  or send me a link to the file by private message and I'll try the recovery tool I have for Windows.

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                             This is the error for CS6.
                             This is the error for CS 5.5.
    If you got some suggestions scream out! Will try it all that have worked before.. (If someone have had this same problem atleast!)

    First, a tip: Try manually breaking the links to the file by moving that document you want to open to your desktop or another directory or such and then try opening them... (corrupt image previews and/or images can then be largely elminated as a potential cause)
    As @Peter mentioned, we (Markzware - link here to how that works) can likely fix this file. Interesting notes from @jongware above. Without having seen this file, our research shows there are various reasons an InDesign file can head south and corrupt or crash on you. Just like a doctor can not always say what caused the problem, there are some basic steps we all should take. For instance, OS up to date, InDesign using the latest update available, enough disk space and scartch disk space for heavy Adobe design operations. Here is a list of some of the most common issues with bad INDD documents:
    * Corrupt Font(s) (or corrupt font caches - see below)
    * Corrupt Image(s)
    * Power Failure
    * Placing images via drag-and-drop from an Internet page
    * Working on an InDesign file over a network or on a remote server
    Here is a video on how to tackle the font caches of InDesign, which is good to do once and a while anyway:
    For checking individual font files (fonts are like mini apps really), we recommend either FontExplorer XPro or Extensis Suitcase Fusion 4, with the later perhaps the more popular of the two.
    You can contact me on [email protected] if you need assistance with us trying to recover your bad InDesign CS file further. We also have a PDF to InDesign conversion tool called PDF2DTP if you have a PDF.
    Friendly Regards,
    David Dilling of Markzware

  • Cannot open pdf files in pdf complete

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    Okay, try this instead:
    Launch Adobe Reader and go to Preferences (Command-K).
    Select the Internet category and look for a checkbox on the right that says: Display PDF in browser using:… and uncheck the box if it's checked.
    Close Preferences window and Quit Adobe Reader.
    Now, Quit Safari if it's running.
    Open your HD and go to HD/Applications/Safari.
    Control-click on Safari and choose Show Package Contents.
    Double-click on the Contents folder; inside is a group of other folders. If you see one labeled Frameworks, send it to the Trash and then close the window.
    Also, go to ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins and look through the list to see if you have one labeled "PDF Browser Plugin"; if not, that's good, so don't install one. If you do have one, remove it to your Desktop or the Trash, but don't empty the Trash yet.
    Relaunch Safari and try to view a PDF again; post again with results.

  • Cannot open jpg files in Preview? Error message "may be damaged or use a file format that preview does not recognize".

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    I don't have an answer as to why Preview doesn't want to cooperate, but if you only need to view the jpeg's and do nothing else to them, you can use two FREE applications that come already pre-installed on your Mac... Those are iPhoto and Safari. Just drag and drop over the application icon.
    You can also find several FREE photo viewers in the APP STORE.

  • Cannot open PDF files on internet with Acrobat 7.0

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    Only for reading files there are some other (newer but small) viewing tools. remember that.
    Also I wouldn't use the in-browser function of any tool you use. It's not necessary.
    The file will be also downloaded to your machine, there is no on the fly reading or anything else you expect.
    so why will you waste screen size caused by the second menu bar.
    Set your browser to open .pdf files outside, so you get more control where files are saved and you get a better screen size.
    In my opinion in-browser-pdf is senseless, just a confusing gimmick.
    Message was edited by: frameissuer

  • I cannot open PDF files even though I have installed Adobe Reader

    I cannot open PDF files even though I have installed Adobe Reader

    I cannot open PDF files online
    You seem to have missed some of our questions
    What is your operating system? (e.g. Windows Vista, Mac OS Lion)
    What happens when you try to open PDF files?
    Do you get any error message?
    and I will add one more
    What web browser are you using?

  • XML Report output giving error "word cannot open the file because....

    Hi All,
    I have a standard report, 'Payables Posted Invoice Register".
    The report was going in to warning beacuse of some Invalid characters in the Data.
    I corrected the invalid characters and then ran the report ; it completed fine.
    But now when I try to open the report output, the output is not getting open but its allowing me to save the file.
    When I save it on my local machine and try to open it, I am getting an error as "word cannot open the file because it is larger than 512 megabytes".
    The document size showing is 664MB when I saved it on my machine. And the output type of the report is RTF and not PDF.
    Can anybody please help?

    not sure, if the Microsoft word has limitation of file size.

  • Cannot open some PDFs on Macbooks

    Hi folks! I have Macbook (2008) and Macbook Pro (2010) and both cannot open some PDFs. I got an error message 'there was an error opening this document. the file is damaged and could not be repaired'. I tried to use Mac's Preview, Adobe's Acrobat (9 and 10, with latest updates) and Adobe's Photoshop CS5 - none did work. Both laptops have OSX 10.6.7 with all latest updates. The funny thing is that files work fine in old Adobe Acrobat 6 Pro on Windows XP though before opening it shows a message that the file was created in newer version of software and you should update yours but then it opens the file.
    The problem is completely random and I cannot find any correlations with Acrobat's options/settings. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Since you say that the file opens in Acrobat 6, why don't you do a Save As in that version to rewrite the file. Then it may work. (Basically, the file sounds corrupted.)

  • Cannot open inlcude file carbon/carbon.h

    Hey guys,
      This is my first plug-in, and I'm running into this problem where visual studio 2013 is complaining about an inactive preprocessing block that is trying to call <Carbon/Carbon.h>.  Aside from having trouble with some of the additional include files not being found (which I crudely got around), this seems to be its only complaint.  I can't find a carbon.h anywhere. But more importantly, carbon.h shouldn't be getting called in the first place, as far as I can tell. The error is:
    error RC2188: ...\pluginsdk\\photoshopapi\\photoshop\\PIActions.h(54) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'Carbon/Carbon.h'.   ...\pluginsdk\samplecode\automation\isiauto\\photoshopapi\\photoshop\\pica_sp\\SPConfig.h
    in PIActions.h, the chunk of code it seems to not like is:
    #ifdef Rezinactive
        #if !MSWindows && !qiOS
        #include <Carbon/Carbon.r>
    #if !MSWindows && !qiOS
        #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
    Has anyone run into something similar?

    Ok, since you're using VS2013 I'll assume you're on a PC...if not, ignore all after.
    (Pseudo-)grepping on the SDK shows that MSWindows gets set true two places, PIActions (line 34) and PITypes (line 35), assuming in both cases that you left the WIN32 default define alone and it isn't defined already somewhere upstream.
    It gets set false in PIRezMachO and PIRezPEF, both of which are (I think) Mac-only files. (There's another one but it includes carbon.h itself, so that's not in play.) And since your error comes from the Resource Compiler, they're reasonable suspects.
    Maybe you picked up something from one of the 'Mac' subdirectories under samplecode instead of 'Win' when you were looking for code to steal. :-) At any rate it thinks you're on a Mac, so that gives you something to look for.
    If you get bored, you can join the cricket chorus of people looking at (and not answering) my newbie SDK questions...

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