Cannot select videos in iOS CameraRoll.browseForImage()

Well, obviously, because it's browseFor-Image-, however I -have- to have this functionality for our software and I don't see -any way whatsoever- in the documentation, via CameraRoll or otherwise to open the CameraRoll and filter for Videos.
I can use the camera to take videos.  I can use the camera to take pictures.  I can use the CameraRoll to browse photos already on the device and select one, but I cannot see a way to locate, display, and allow the user to select (and perhaps preview) a video for my software to use.
The ironic thing is that if I use the iOS Camera app and take video (which appears as an entity in the CameraRoll in the 'Photos' app), it uses the first frame of that for the folder preview... i.e., if I browseForImage() from Flex/AIR, when it opens the CameraRoll browser, the top "Folder" in the photo browser (named "Camera Roll") shows as it's icon a thumbnail taken from the first frame of the video I just took using the Camera App.  However, if I enter that folder to see the contents, it shows only photos and not the video from which it displayed the thumbnail.
Any help greatly appreciated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<c:LightboxBase xmlns:fx=""
                                        open="openHandler(event)" xmlns:myLibrary="components.myLibrary.*">
                              import spark.components.BusyIndicator;
//                              import com.eyecu.ane.ios.videoroll.VideoRoll;
//                              import com.eyecu.ane.ios.videoroll.VideoRollEvent;
                              private var choosePrompt:String = "Choose from one of these sources";
                              private var cancelButtons:Boolean = true;                    // cancelButton/cancelSpacer
                              private var buttonsEnabled:Boolean = true;                    // All buttons disabled while timer is running.
                              private var showStatus:Boolean = true;                              // status message
                              private var videoCameraActive:Boolean = false;          // status message
                              private var acquisitionButtons:Boolean = true;          // Camera/Roll/Library buttons
                              private var busy:Boolean = false;                                        // Busy Indicator
                              private var libraryOpen:Boolean = false;                              // Show the library chooser
                              private var bmpData:BitmapData;
                              private var video:Video;
                              private var timer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);
                              private var camera:CameraUI;
                              private var roll:CameraRoll;
                              private var loader:Loader;
                              private var mediaPromise:MediaPromise;
                              private var data:Object = new Object();
                              protected function openHandler(event:Event):void
                                        // Reset state for re-entry
                                        statusText.text = choosePrompt;
                                        busy = false;
                                        showStatus = true;
                                        acquisitionButtons = true;
                                        cancelButtons = true;
                              protected function clickButton(which:String):void
                                        cancelButtons = acquisitionButtons = false;
                                        statusText.text = "";
                                        busy = true;
                                                  case "myLibrary":
                                                            busy = false;
                                                            libraryOpen = true;
                                                  case "cameraPhoto":
                                                            if (CameraUI.isSupported)
                                                                      camera = new CameraUI();
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          cameraImageEventComplete);
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                      statusText.text = "Camera not supported on this device.";
                                                  case "cameraVideo":
                                                                      camera = new CameraUI();
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          videoMediaEventComplete);
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                      camera.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                      statusText.text = "Camera not supported on this device.";
                                                  case "rollPhoto":
                                                            if (CameraRoll.supportsBrowseForImage)
                                                                      roll = new CameraRoll();
                                                                      roll.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SELECT,          cameraRollEventComplete);
                                                                      roll.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                      roll.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                      statusText.text = "Camera roll not supported on this device.";
                                                  case "rollVideo":
//                                                            showVideoRoll();
                                        } // End switch case
                              protected function showVideoRoll():void
                                        trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll()");
//                                        var videoRoll:VideoRoll = VideoRoll.instance; // Acquire an instance
                                        trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() instantiated");
//                                        videoRoll.addEventListener(VideoRollEvent.ON_VIDEO_SELECT, handleVideoSelect); // Dispatched on video select
                                        trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() addedEventListener");
//                                        videoRoll.openVideoRoll(); // Open the video roll
                                        trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() opened");
                              private function handleVideoSelect(e:VideoRollEvent):void
                                        // this will not return a thumbnail or video ByteArray
//                                        var f:File = new File(e.videoUrl); // The location is returned in the event
//                                        var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); // Create a ByteArray to load the video into
//                                        var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
//                              , FileMode.READ);
//                                        fs.readBytes(ba, 0, fs.bytesAvailable); // Read the video into the BA
//                                        fs.close();
                              protected function cameraCanceled(event:Event):void
                                        statusText.text = "Camera access canceled by user.";
                              protected function cameraError(event:ErrorEvent):void
                                        statusText.text = "There was an error while trying to use the camera.";
                              protected function onMediaPromiseLoadError(event:IOErrorEvent):void
                                        statusText.text = "There was an error while loading the media.";
                              protected function videoMediaEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                        statusText.text="Preparing captured video...";
                                        camera.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,                    videoMediaEventComplete);
                                        camera.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                        camera.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                        var media:MediaPromise =;
                                        data.MediaType = MediaType.VIDEO;
                                        data.MediaPromise = media;
                                        data.source = "camera video";
                              private function initHandler(event:Event):void
                                        var loader:Loader = Loader(;
                                        var info:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(loader.contentLoaderInfo);
                                        trace("initHandler: loaderURL=" + info.loaderURL + " url=" + info.url);
                              private function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void
                                        trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
                              protected function cameraImageEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                        data.MediaType = MediaType.IMAGE;
                                        data.source = "camera image";
                                        camera.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,                    cameraImageEventComplete);
                                        camera.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                        camera.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                        statusText.text = "Loading selected image...";
                                        mediaPromise =;
                                        loader = new Loader();
                                        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                        loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                              } // End FUNCTION mediaEventComplete
                              protected function cameraRollEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                        data.MediaType = MediaType.IMAGE;
                                        data.source = "roll image";
                                        roll.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          cameraRollEventComplete);
                                        roll.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                        roll.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                        statusText.text = "Loading selected image...";
                                        mediaPromise =;
                                        loader = new Loader();
                                        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                        loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                              } // End FUNCTION mediaEventComplete
                              protected function imageLoaderCompleted(event:Event):void
                                        var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
                                        loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                        loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                                        bmpData = new BitmapData(loaderInfo.width, loaderInfo.height);
                                        data.bmpData = bmpData as BitmapData;
                                        data.event = event as Event;
                              } // End FUNCTION imageLoaderComplete
                              private function startTimer():void
                                        buttonsEnabled = false;
                                        busy = false;
                                        timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerComplete);
                              private function timerComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
                                        statusText.text = choosePrompt;
                                        acquisitionButtons = true;
                                        cancelButtons = true;
                                        buttonsEnabled = true;
                              private function clickLibraryCancelButton(event:Event):void
                                        statusText.text="Library access cancelled by user.";
          <s:VGroup id="vg" creationComplete="insertIntoContainer(vg)" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" width="100%" height="100%">
                    <s:Label id="statusText" width="100%" color="#ff3333" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="40" textAlign="center" paddingTop="20" paddingBottom="20" text="{choosePrompt}" visible="{showStatus}" includeInLayout="{showStatus}"/>
                    <s:VGroup id="myLibraryVGroup" visible="{libraryOpen}" includeInLayout="{libraryOpen}" height="85%" width="90%" horizontalAlign="center">
                              <myLibrary:ChooseFromMyLibrary id="myLibraryPanelGroup" visible="{libraryOpen}" includeInLayout="{libraryOpen}" height="90%" width="{myLibraryVGroup.width}"/>
                              <s:Button label="Cancel" click="clickLibraryCancelButton(event)" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                    <s:TileGroup id="acquisitionGroup" requestedColumnCount="4" visible="{acquisitionButtons}" includeInLayout="{acquisitionButtons}">
                              <s:Button id="takePhotoButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="Take Photo"                    click="clickButton('cameraPhoto')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/Digicam.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                              <s:Button id="cameraRollPhotoButton"          width="220" height="160"          label="Choose Photo"                    click="clickButton('rollPhoto')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/Photos.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                              <!--s:Button id="cameraRollVideoButton"          width="220" height="160"          label="Choose Video"                    click="clickButton('rollVideo')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/FilmStrip.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/-->
                              <s:Button id="takeVideoButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="Take Video"                    click="clickButton('cameraVideo')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/movie-camera-th.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                              <s:Button id="myLibraryButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="My Library"                    click="clickButton('myLibrary')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/folder_images_64.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                    <s:Group id="videoGroup" visible="{videoCameraActive}" includeInLayout="{videoCameraActive}"/>
                    <s:BusyIndicator rotationInterval="50" symbolColor="#cd0000" id="busyIndicator" visible="{busy}" includeInLayout="{busy}"/>
                    <s:Spacer id="cancelSpacer" height="10"          visible="{cancelButtons}" includeInLayout="{cancelButtons}"/>
                    <s:Button id="cancelButton" label="Cancel" click="close(false)" visible="{cancelButtons}" includeInLayout="{cancelButtons}" enabled="{cancelButtons}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx=""
                    <s:Fade id="imageButtonsFadeIn"                                                            target="{imageButtonsGroup}"          duration="500"          alphaTo="1"   />
                    <s:Fade id="imageButtonsFadeOut"                                                  target="{imageButtonsGroup}"          duration="500"          alphaTo="0"   />
                    <s:BevelFilter id="bevelFilterUp" distance="4" blurX="4" blurY="4" quality="{BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH}"/>
                              import flash.display.BitmapData;
                              import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;
                              import spark.components.Image;
                              import classes.CustomVideoClient;
                              import classes.ImageResizer;
                              import classes.ResizeMath;
                              private var buttonScale:Number = 1;
                              private var imageButtonsActive:Boolean = false;
                              private var data:Object;
                              private var selection:Boolean = false;
                              private var thumbBmpData:BitmapData;
                              private var bmpData:BitmapData;
                              private var busy:Boolean = false;
                              private var timer:Timer;
                              private var delaySaveTimer:Timer;
                              private var choosePictureLightbox:ChoosePictureLightbox;
                              private var fileStreamXML:FileStream;
                              private var fileStreamImage:FileStream;
                              private var fileStreamThumb:FileStream;
                              private var libraryThumbBmpData:BitmapData;
                              private var xmlFilename:String = "";
                              private var mediaType:String = "";
                              private var netConnection:NetConnection;
                              private var videoFile:File;
                              private var video:Video;
                              public function getXmlFilename():String
                                        return xmlFilename;
                              public function getSelection():Boolean
                                        return selection;
                              public function getMediaType():String
                                        return mediaType;
                              private function creationCompleteHandler():void
                                        buttonScale = (width-(5*10)) / (64+64+48);
                                        if(buttonScale > 2)
                                                  buttonScale = 2;
                              private function fullscreenImageLightboxClosed(event:PopUpEvent):void
                                        busy = false;
                                        imageButtonsActive = false;
                              private function choosePictureLightboxClosed(event:PopUpEvent):void
                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed("")");
                                        imageButtonsActive = false;
                                         = as Object;
                                                  filters = new Array();
                                                  selection = true;
                                                            case MediaType.VIDEO:
                                                                      trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() CASE VIDEO");
                                                                      busy = true;
                                                                      mediaType = "video";
                                                                      var timestamp:String = new Date().getTime().toString();
                                                                      statusMessage.text = "Saving Video to Library...";
                                                                      var sourceFile:File = new File(data.MediaPromise.file.url);
                                                                      var destinationPath:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("User" +parentApplication.userid);
                                                                      if(destinationPath.exists && !destinationPath.isDirectory)
                                                                      destinationPath = destinationPath.resolvePath("Videos");
                                                                      if(destinationPath.exists && !destinationPath.isDirectory)
                                                                      videoFile = destinationPath.resolvePath(parentApplication.userid+"Video"+timestamp+".mov");
                                                                      trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() "+sourceFile.url);
                                                                      trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() MOVE VIDEO TO APPSPACE");
                                                                      trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() "+videoFile.url);
                                                                      // testing w/o moving
                                                                      //videoFile = sourceFile;
                                                                      xmlFilename = parentApplication.userid+"VideoInfo"+timestamp+".xml";
                                                                      var videoXML:XML =
                                                                                          <videoFilename>{}</videoFilena me>
                                                                      var destinationXMLFile:File  = destinationPath.resolvePath(xmlFilename);
                                                                      statusMessage.text = "Saving Video to Library: Info...";
                                                                      var fileStreamXML:FileStream = new FileStream();
                                                            , FileMode.WRITE);
                                                                      statusMessage.text = "";
                                                                      busy = false;
                                                            case MediaType.IMAGE:
                                                                      mediaType = "image";
                                                                      this.bmpData = data.bmpData as BitmapData;
                                                                      var canvas:BitmapData;
                                                                      var rect:Rectangle;
                                                                      var pt:Point;
                                                                      // Correct non 4:3 proportions by letterboxing if too wide, and pillarboxing if too narrow.
                                                                      if(.75* bmpData.width != bmpData.height)
                                                                                if(.75*bmpData.width > bmpData.height) // Letterbox
                                                                                          canvas = new BitmapData(bmpData.width, .75*bmpData.width, false, 0xff000000);
                                                                                          rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpData.width, bmpData.height);
                                                                                          pt = new Point(0, ((canvas.height-bmpData.height)/2));
                                                                                else // Pillarbox
                                                                                          canvas = new BitmapData( ((4*bmpData.height)/3), bmpData.height, false, 0xff000000);
                                                                                          rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpData.width, bmpData.height);
                                                                                          pt = new Point( ((canvas.width-bmpData.width)/2), 0);
                                                                                canvas.copyPixels(bmpData, rect, pt);
                                                                                bmpData = ImageResizer.bilinearIterative(canvas, 1024, 768, ResizeMath.METHOD_LETTERBOX , true, 3);
                                                                                //var pngEncoder:PngEncoder = new PngEncoder(bmpData,png,true);
                                                  filters = new Array(bevelFilterUp);
                                        busy = false;
                              private function playVideoFile():void
                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION playVideoFile");
                                        netConnection = new NetConnection();
                                        netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
                                        netConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
                              private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION netStatusHandler code: ";
                                        switch (
                                                  case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                                                  case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
                                                            trace("Stream not found: "); // + videoURL);
                              private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void
                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION sercurityErrorHandler");
                                        trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
                              //                              private function onStageVideoState(event:StageVideoAvailabilityEvent):void      
                              //                                        var available:Boolean = (event.availability == StageVideoAvailability.AVAILABLE);      
                              //                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION onStageVideoState "+available);
                              private function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void
                                        // ignore AsyncErrorEvent events.
                              private function connectStream():void
                                        // stage.addEventListener(StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, onStageVideoState);
                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION connectStream");
                                        //          You can get metadata using a function, instead of creating a custom class. The following suggestion, provided by Bill Sander

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  • Cannot play selected videos on Firefox

    cannot play videos from homepage or make the motion feature work. Looks like they are just looping or searching and not loading.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • Cannot select iTunes videos for sync with Sony Bridge for Mac version 3.6

    I have a Sony xperia T.
    I am running Sony Bridge for Mac version 3.6 (the latest I think)
    I would like to sync a couple of movies to my phone so I can take them with me when travelling, but the itunes library movies are "greyed out" and I cannot select them to enable them to sync.
    I cannot see why.
    Also some of my music is the same - some albums are "greyed out" and cannot be selected.
    Anyone else seen this and worled out the solution ?
    if so - please advise !

    They are probably DRM protected, if so, you wont be able to transfer them 
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • I'm using iTunes 9 and I recently just bought AirPort Express. I have used it before in the past put the problem I have now is that I cannot select the Express network for my speakers. Does Airport Express only work with iTunes 10 or 11?

    I'm using iTunes 9 and I recently just bought AirPort Express. I have used it before in the past put the problem I have now is that I cannot select the Express network for my speakers. Does Airport Express only work with iTunes 10 or 11?

    Hello Hornet12,
    Indeed, iTunes 10.2 or later will be required to utilize AirPlay.
    Using AirPlay
    AirPlay requirements and capabilities
    To get full AirPlay features, make sure your AirPlay-enabled devices are running the latest software updates. The table below identifies minimum AirPlay requirements and capabilities:
    Stream content from
    iOS 4.3 or later.1
    From the Videos, iPod, Photos, Music, and YouTube apps on iOS devices, stream videos, music, and photos to an Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), or stream music to an AirPort Express or compatible third-party device.
    With iOS 4.3 and later, you can also stream video and audio from a website or a third-party app installed on your iOS device if the developer for the app or website has added AirPlay functionality.
    iPhone (3GS or later)
    iPod touch
    (2nd generation or later)
    iTunes 10.2 or later.
    Stream videos and music from your iTunes library to an Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), or music to an AirPort Express or compatible third-party device.
    Apple TV
    Apple TV software version 5.1 or later.
    Stream music from your Apple TV to another Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), to an AirPort Express or compatible third-party device.

  • "Cannot play video - The Connected display is not supported" error message using Netflix 5.0.2 on my iPad

    I'm running iOS 7.0.3 on my iPhone 4S and iPad (3rd gen) and have just upgraded to the current version of the Neflix app available in the Canadian App Store (5.0.2).
    Although all other apps I've tried (e.g. Podcast, VLC) are able to properly output video & audio directly to my TV using the HDMI adapter (i.e. NOT via an Apple TV), the Netflix app pops up the error message "Cannot play video - The connected display is not supported".  If I start a video and then plug the HDMI cable in, it will play for a few seconds and then halt with the same error message.
    Netflix & Apple were supposed to have been working together to fix the previous issue with this scenario which was causing audio to be output but no video.  The current Netflix app update was released yesterday and seems to have taken a step backward.
    When I contacted Netflix support, they indicated that they have done whatever can be done from their side and this is now Apple's issue.
    Any ideas?

    Hello all,
    I have an iPad 2 16GB with iOS 7.0.3 and Netflix version 5.0.2. I cannot watch netflix on an External LCD monitor that I have through VGA out. I use bluetooth speakers, so the AirPlay is going to that for Audio. Before this update, this combo worked without an issue.
    So as of Friday Nov. 8/2013, I contacted Netflix support, and they said they fixed the problem on their end, and the fix is on the Apple side of things, and to contact Apple support.
    So, I contacted Apple support, and the first person I spoke to said I would have to agree to pay a $35 fee for 30 days of support to this problem since my unit is out of warranty. I said this isn't a hardware issue, it's a software issue, and I'm not willing to pay to fix a problem you created. So I got a Senior Level advisor on the line, and she was helpful, and she's looking into the issue for me and said she'll contact me sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday (Nov. 12 or 13) to let me know of the issue.
    Here's the thing: this is a combination of Netflix and iOS not working correctly with any of the Apple Authorized Dongles. This is truly a code error that some hot shot programmer had major oversight on, and their management didn't catch it either. There was no reason for Netflix to rush to get this Netflix update going until Apple sorted out the bugs in iOS 7.
    Anyway, if I hear anything from Donna (the advisor), I'll post it and let you guys know. In the mean time, good luck!

  • Running itunes did reorg of lib to new struct. reorg left all video podcasts in old folder. I cannot view video podcasts itunes or download. help please.

    I just installed itunes on a new PC connected an external hard drive containing my itunes library and pointed to my library on an external hard drive.
    I also did reorganization of my library structure via "organize library" menu option. The reorg left all video podcasts in the old podcast folder and will not let me copy them to the new podcast folder.
    From the itunes store I cannot select a new video podcast and download and view it in itunes. The podcast will show up but the file or episode has a "GET" button next to it and never shows it as available to view in itunes. I have attempted to download many time with no success.
    I have podcasts that are all video podcasts and some that are mixed audio podcasts and video podcasts. in both cases the video podcasts remained in the original folder location.
    The video podcasts are not in movies or in tv shows. All music is present and accounted for that I know.
    How can I restore all video podcasts previously downloaded and view them on itunes or an ipod?
    Can I create a video podcast option in itunes?
    Please help.

    Issue solved - It turns out that the QuickTime version on my PC was 6.5 and I needed to update to version 7.6 or higher to allow videos to play in iTunes. I updated to QuickTime version 7.7 and then added the old podcast folder to iTunes while in podcasts. This found all video podcast content and then the auto reorg moved all folders to the new podcast directory. For the videos I manually moved earlier, I had to move (not copy) them back to the old directory or folder then add that old folder and they were now in the right directory and viewable in iTunes. 

  • I cannot select my phone number in my appleID for imessages!

    i cannot select my phone number in my appleID for imessages, and i dont know why! its there but will only let me pick my email address.   and when i try and change the phone numbers in my appleID settings, it says i have invalid phone number, when i KNOW it is valid.
    please help!!

    Hi Tia8,
    If you are having issues with iMessage and your phone number, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    - Brenden

  • I have ipad 4 with ios7 and cannot take videos. can someone help please

    i have ipad 4 with ios7 and cannot take videos. can someone help please

    Try sliding the words left or right to select as opposed to tapping them.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Freetype - once and for all

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  • Burning DVD-RL discs

    Anyone successfully burned DVD-RL discs with the iMac? I'm using Toast 8.0.1 and running Leopard and so far my failure rate has been 100%. The discs fail at different places with different errors with both hardware and verify errors.

  • IPhoto photos come up black

    When I import photos from my camera or phone to iPhoto, some of the photos come up black and I am only able to view them if I look at them through the editing feature. Please help!!

  • Safari held hostage by MacKeeper

    Suddenly and randomly, my Safari browsing sessions are getting hijacked by a MacKeeper screen that is impossible to close or navigate away from. It is impossible for me to do anything else in Safari, other than close it completely. There is a button