Cannot use SWING Applets!

I tried to use Netscape 6.2 Browser with "Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.0" to start an swing applet. but what i got was an error in the java-Console. In the dokumentation i counld not find a hint to solve the problem.
java-Consol error message:
     at Source)
     at Source)
     at Source)
     at Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.getAccessControlContext(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.getClassLoader(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createAppletThread(Unknown Source)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.init(Unknown Source)
     at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.appletInit(Unknown Source)
     at sun.plugin.viewer.LifeCycleManager.initAppletPanel(Unknown Source)
     at sun.plugin.viewer.WNetscapePluginObject$ Source)
HTML File for applet start:
<!-- The following code is specified at the beginning of the <BODY> tag. -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
var info = navigator.userAgent; var ns = false;
var ie = (info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Win") > 0
&& _info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
<COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!--
var _ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0
&& ((_info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Win16") < 0
&& java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version").indexOf("3.5") < 0)
|| _info.indexOf("Sun") > 0));
<!-- The following code is repeated for each APPLET tag -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (_ie == true) document.writeln('
width="200" height="200" align="baseline"
else if (_ns == true) document.writeln('
type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4" width="200" height="200"
align="baseline" code="swingtest.swingtest.class" codebase="html/"
<APPLET code="swingtest.swingtest.class" codebase="html/" align="baseline"
width="200" height="200">
<PARAM NAME="java_code" VALUE="swingtest.swingtest.class">
<PARAM NAME="java_codebase" VALUE="html/">
<PARAM NAME="java_type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4">
<PARAM NAME="model" VALUE="models/">
<PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="true">
No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4 support for APPLET!!
<APPLET code="swingtest.swingtest.class" codebase="html/" align="baseline"
width="200" height="200">
<PARAM NAME="model" VALUE="models/">
No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4 support for APPLET!!

Use the search bar to the left and you will find many things...
Follow the link in the post below:

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    If you are trying to make your code workable with Microsoft's VM, then I'd say you are looking for trouble. That VM's version is 1.1.4, if I'm not mistaken.
    Better stick to the JRE 1.4 with the plugin.

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    P.S. I also posted this message on the Applet development forum, but I've received no response as of yet.

    Http servers support PUT as a mechanism to upload data to a specified URL. Get on the other hand which is what most people are familiar with is how you retrieve that data. The basic URLConnection is an abstraction of the Http connection which can be used for GET and POST operations by default based on doInput(true|false).. If you which to use any of the http methods other than GET|POST you will have to cast the URLConnection to HttpURLConnection so you can gain access to the specific Http functionaility that could not be abstracted.
    Since you are using a hosting service the chances are that you won't be able to use HTTP PUT on their server. Most servers do not support HTTP PUT without configuring them todo so. Now Apache allows localized config through the .htacess file. It might be possible (keep in mind I am not an apache expert) to configure a particular directory to allow HTTP PUT using this .htacess file it may not be possible. You will have to consult the Apache web server documentation for that answer.
    But regardless you can use the HttpURLConnection and the PUT method to send data from your applet to the server. In fact that is the preferred way to do this. If you can not configure your web server to support that method then you will have to develop a Servlet to do it. A servlet has several methods such as doGet(), doPost(), and doPut(). You would override the doPut() method get the URI path create a file and a FileOutputStream to that file, get from the request the inputstream, possibly skip the http headers, and then write byte for byte the incoming data to your OutputStream until you reach the end at which point you would close the OutputStream and send an Http Response of some sort. Typically in HTTP it would be 200 OK plus some web content. You content can be empty so long as your applet recognizes that is what it should expect...
    And away you go...

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    java -verbose appletviewer jadmin.html
    -> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: appletviewer
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    and then this is not a source-level problem, I put into source System.out.pritln(), but not printed.
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    Please Let me Know about it.
    Thank you for reading.
    p.s In Current source, several inner classes(event handling class), but appletviewer work properly with inner class prev. source that I mentioned.

    You don't have to call java to run the appletviewer. You'll onlyhave to run:
    appletviewer jadmin.html
    to make it work.

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    I agree. Try upgrading your plug-in version to 1.3.1. Keep in mind though that after 1.3.0, Sun changed where the plug-in looks for the root certificate. If you're using a Verisign or Thawte certificate, you shouldn't have any problems. If you're using your own certificate, you'll probably need to import it into the cacerts file in the lib/security directory under the installation directory of your jre.
    Hope this helps,

  • Java Swing Applets in Mac Os

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    I am a student at the University of Portsmouth in the UK in my third and last year. I am doing my dissertation as a game using applets for a client at the university of which there consits four prototypes. One of the main specification points is that it should work on an apple mac, therefore I am using Swing applets. however with my first prototype it works fine on windows in windows Explorer, firefox and Netscape but i cant get it to work on Mac os 9 or X even with the latest version of java installed on the machine. Can anyone tell me why this is so, I would be very gratefull.
    As I cant post the whole applet here as a file download I will just put some code snippets of the main program classes.
    Applet ------------------------------
    * Class JugglingBalls - A sub class of JApplet that combines the GameInterface and GamePanel into a single application
    * @author (Liam Morren)
    * @version (v1.0)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class JugglingBalls extends JApplet
        // instance variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private GamePanel gamePanel; // The game panel including game and render loop
        private GameInterface gameInterface; // The swing interface to modify the game scene components
        // JApplet methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that it
         * has been loaded into the system. It is always called before the first
         * time that the start method is called.
        public void init()
            gamePanel = new GamePanel();
            gameInterface = new GameInterface(gamePanel.getGameScene());
            Container content = getContentPane(); // The container for components in the applet
            setLayout(new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
         * Returns information about this applet.
         * An applet should override this method to return a String containing
         * information about the author, version, and copyright of the JApplet.
         * @return a String representation of information about this JApplet
        public String getAppletInfo()
            // provide information about the applet
            return "Title: JugglingBalls  \nAuthor: Liam Morren  \nA simple application showing balls juggling in the air.";
    Interface -------------------------------------
    * Class GameInterface - Lets you manipulate the game components using swing components
    * @author (Liam Morren)
    * @version (v1.0)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class GameInterface extends JPanel
        // instance variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private GameScene gameScene; // Reference to the game scene
        private JTabbedPane gameTabs; // Tabs for Game, Balls and Background
        // Scene panel
        JButton pause, start, reset; // Buttons
        // Balls panel
        JRadioButton redBall, greenBall, blueBall, archBall, figureOfEightBall; // Radio buttons
        JCheckBox canSplit; // Check box
        JComboBox setAllPaths, setAllTypes, newBall, selectBall; // Drop down boxes
        JButton deleteBall; // Button
        Ball currentBall; // Current ball being changed
        // Background panel
        JRadioButton black, white, red, green, blue, hide, show, stop, move, arch, figureOfEight; // Radio buttons
        // Constructors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Constructor for objects of class GameInterface
        public GameInterface(GameScene gameSceneIn)
            gameScene = gameSceneIn; // Reference to the game scene
            gameTabs = new JTabbedPane(); // JTabbedPane to hold different toolbars
            gameTabs.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 494)); // Set the preffered size for the tabbed pane
            currentBall = gameScene.getBall(0); // First ball
            // Add the panels to the tabbed pane
            gameTabs.addTab("Scene", makeScenePanel());
            gameTabs.addTab("Balls", makeBallsPanel());
            gameTabs.addTab("Background", makeBackgroundPanel());
            add(gameTabs); // Add the tab to the game interface panel
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));
        // Other methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * makeScenePanel
         * @return JPanel - The scene panel with buttons added
        private JPanel makeScenePanel()
            // Make scene panel
            JPanel scenePanel = new JPanel();
            scenePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(scenePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); // Change layout
            pause = new JButton("Pause"); // Make buttons
            start = new JButton("Start");
            reset = new JButton("Reset");
            // Add button actions
            pause.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to pause button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    gameScene.setPaused(true); // Pause game
            start.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to start button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    gameScene.setPaused(false); // Unpause game
            reset.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to reset button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    gameScene.reset(); // Reset game
            scenePanel.add(pause); // Add buttons to scene panel
            return scenePanel;
         * makeBackgroundPanel
         * @return JPanel - The background panel with buttons added
        private JPanel makeBackgroundPanel()
            // Make scene panel
            JPanel backgroundPanel = new JPanel();
            backgroundPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1, 2, 2)); // Change layout
            // Make buttons
            // background colour buttons
            JPanel backgroundcolour = new JPanel(); // Change backgroundcolour panel
            black = new JRadioButton("Black"); // Radio buttons to change colour
            white = new JRadioButton("white");
            black.setSelected(true); // Set black as already selected
            ButtonGroup backColourGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // Group buttons so only one can be pressed at a time
            backColourGroup.add(black); // Add buttons to group
            backgroundcolour.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 0, 0)); // Change layout
            backgroundcolour.add(new JLabel("Background colour")); // Add label
            backgroundcolour.add(black); // Add buttons to colours panel
            // Add radio button actions
            black.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to black button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    gameScene.setBackgroundColour(false); // Background colour = black
            white.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to white button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    gameScene.setBackgroundColour(true); // Background colour = white
            // colour buttons
            JPanel colours = new JPanel(); // Change colours panel
            red = new JRadioButton("Red"); // Radio buttons to change colour
            green = new JRadioButton("Green");
            green.setSelected(true); // Set green as already selected
            blue = new JRadioButton("Blue");
            ButtonGroup colourGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // Group buttons so only one can be pressed at a time
            colourGroup.add(red); // Add buttons to group
            colours.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 0, 0)); // Change layout
            colours.add(new JLabel("Change colours")); // Add label
            colours.add(red); // Add buttons to colours panel
            // Add radio button actions
            red.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to red button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().getColour() != 0)
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setColour(0); // Background effect colour = red
            green.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to green button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().getColour() != 1)
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setColour(1); // Background effect colour = green
            blue.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to blue button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().getColour() != 2)
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setColour(2); // Background effect colour = blue
            // hide buttons
            JPanel hideShow = new JPanel(); // Change hideShow panel
            hide = new JRadioButton("Hide"); // Radio buttons to hide show
            show = new JRadioButton("Show");
            show.setSelected(true); // Set show as already selected
            ButtonGroup hideShowGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // Group buttons so only one can be pressed at a time
            hideShowGroup.add(hide); // Add buttons to group
            hideShow.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 0, 0)); // Change layout
            hideShow.add(new JLabel("Hide / Show")); // Add label
            hideShow.add(hide); // Add buttons to hideShow panel
            // Add radio button actions
            hide.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to hide button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().hide(); // Hide
            show.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to show button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().unHide(); // Unhide
            // stopMove buttons
            JPanel stopMove = new JPanel(); // Change StopMove panel
            stop = new JRadioButton("Stop"); // Radio buttons to stop move
            move = new JRadioButton("Move");
            stop.setSelected(true); // Set stop as already selected
            ButtonGroup stopMoveGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // Group buttons so only one can be pressed at a time
            stopMoveGroup.add(stop); // Add buttons to group
            stopMove.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 0, 0)); // Change layout
            stopMove.add(new JLabel("Stop / Move")); // Add label
            stopMove.add(stop); // Add buttons to stopMove panel
            // Add radio button actions
            stop.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to stop button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setMove(false); // stop
            move.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to move button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setMove(true); // move
            // changePath buttons
            JPanel changePath = new JPanel(); // Change changePath panel
            arch = new JRadioButton("Arch"); // Radio buttons to change path
            figureOfEight = new JRadioButton("Figure of eight");
            arch.setSelected(true); // Set stop as already selected
            ButtonGroup changePathGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // Group buttons so only one can be pressed at a time
            changePathGroup.add(arch); // Add buttons to group
            changePath.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 0, 0)); // Change layout
            changePath.add(new JLabel("Change Path")); // Add label
            changePath.add(arch); // Add buttons to changePath panel
            // Add radio button actions
            arch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to arch button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setPath(new Arch()); // Arch
            figureOfEight.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to figureOfEight button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        gameScene.getBackgroundEffect().setPath(new FigureOfEight()); // Figure of eight
            // Add components to background panel
            return backgroundPanel;
         * makeBallsPanel
         * @return JPanel - The ball panel with buttons added
        private JPanel makeBallsPanel()
            // Make balls panel
            JPanel ballsPanel = new JPanel();
            ballsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ballsPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); // Change layout
            // Make buttons
            // set all drop down boxes
            JPanel setAll = new JPanel(); // Set all panel
            String[] setAllPathsChoices = {"Arch", "Figure of eight"}; // Selections for set all paths
            setAllPaths = new JComboBox(setAllPathsChoices); // Add selections to combo box
            String[] setAllTypesChoices = {"Primary ball", "Pastel ball", "3D ball", "Image ball"}; // Selections for set all types
            setAllTypes = new JComboBox(setAllTypesChoices); // Add selections to combo box
            setAll.add(new JLabel("Set all paths")); // Add combo boxes to set all panel
            setAll.add(new JLabel("Set all types"));
            // Add combo box actions
            setAllPaths.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add selection listener to set all paths combo box
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (setAllPaths.getSelectedItem() == "Arch")
            setAllTypes.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add selection listener to set all types combo box
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (setAllTypes.getSelectedItem() == "Primary ball")
                    else if (setAllTypes.getSelectedItem() == "Pastel ball")
                    else if (setAllTypes.getSelectedItem() == "Image ball")
            // new ball drop down box
            JPanel newBallPanel = new JPanel(); // new ball panel
            String[] newType = {"Primary ball", "Pastel ball", "3D ball", "Image ball"}; // Selections for new ball
            newBall = new JComboBox(newType); // Add selections to combo box
            newBallPanel.add(new JLabel("New ball")); // Add combo boxes to new ball panel
            // Add combo box actions
            newBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add selection listener to newBall combo box
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    String ballType = (String) newBall.getSelectedItem();
                    if (ballType == "Primary ball")
                        gameScene.addBall(new PrimaryBall(gameScene));
                    else if (ballType == "Pastel ball")
                        gameScene.addBall(new PastelBall(gameScene));
                    else if (ballType == "Image ball")
                        gameScene.addBall(new ImageBall(gameScene));
                        gameScene.addBall(new Ball3D(gameScene));
                    changeSelectedBall(gameScene.getBalls().size() - 1); // Update interface to show new ball
            // selected ball panel
            JPanel selectedBallPanel = new JPanel(); // selected ball panel
            // Select ball
            selectBall = new JComboBox(gameScene.getBallList()); // Add ball list to the select drop down box
            deleteBall = new JButton("DeleteBall"); // Delete button
            // Ball colour
            redBall = new JRadioButton("Red"); // Red choice
            redBall.setSelected(true); // Start as selected
            greenBall = new JRadioButton("Green"); // Green choice
            blueBall = new JRadioButton("Blue"); // Blue choice
            ButtonGroup ballColour = new ButtonGroup(); // So only one colour can be selected at a tim
            // Path
            archBall = new JRadioButton("Arch"); // Arch path choice
            archBall.setSelected(true); // Start as selected
            figureOfEightBall = new JRadioButton("Figure of eight"); // Figure of eight path choice
            ButtonGroup ballPath = new ButtonGroup(); // So only one path can be selected at a tim
            // Can split
            canSplit = new JCheckBox("Can split", false); // Initialy not selected
            selectedBallPanel.add(new JLabel("Select ball")); // Add components to selected ball panel
            selectedBallPanel.add(new JLabel("Ball colour"));
            selectedBallPanel.add(new JLabel("Path"));
            // Add select ball drop down box action
            selectBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add selection listener to selectBall combo box
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    changeSelectedBall(selectBall.getSelectedIndex()); // Change the selected ball using the index from the select ball drop down box
            // Add delete button action
            deleteBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add selection listener to deleteBall button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    int tempIndex = selectBall.getSelectedIndex(); // Temp index
                    if (gameScene.getBalls().size() > 1) // If there is more than 1 ball left
                        gameScene.removeBall(tempIndex); // Remove ball
                        updateSelectBallComboBox(); // Update with new ball list
                        changeSelectedBall(tempIndex - 1); // Update interface with new current selected ball
            // Add radio button colour actions
            redBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to redBall button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (currentBall.getColour() != 0)
                        currentBall.setColour(0); // currentBall colour = red
            greenBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to greenBall button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                    if (currentBall.getColour() != 1)
                        currentBall.setColour(1); // currentBall colour = green
            blueBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to blueBall button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Background colour = blue
                    if (currentBall.getColour() != 2)
                        currentBall.setColour(2); // currentBall colour = blue
            // Add path radio button actions
            archBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to arch button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        currentBall.setPath(new Arch()); // Arch
            figureOfEightBall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to figureOfEight button
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        currentBall.setPath(new FigureOfEight()); // Figure of eight
            // Add can split check button actions
            canSplit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() // Add button listener to can split
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) // Overide actionPerformed() method
                        currentBall.setCanGiveBirth(canSplit.isSelected()); // Ball can split if can split check button is selected
            // Add components to ball panel
            return ballsPanel;
         * changeSelectedBall
         * @param  ballIndexIn - The numbered index of the ball in the game scene list of balls. If less than 0 then equals 0. If more than ball list size then equals last ball
        public void changeSelectedBall(int ballIndexIn)
            if (ballIndexIn < 0) // Make sure index is within bounds
                ballIndexIn = 0;
            else if (ballIndexIn >= gameScene.getBalls().size())
                ballIndexIn = gameScene.getBalls().size() - 1; // Else put within bounds at either end
            currentBall.highlight(false); // Unhighlight current ball
            currentBall = gameScene.getBall(ballIndexIn); // Get new current ball
            currentBall.highlight(true); // Highlight new current ball
            // Update controls to new ball
            switch (currentBall.getColour()) // Update colour controls
                case 0: redBall.setSelected(true); break;
                case 1: greenBall.setSelected(true); break;
                default: blueBall.setSelected(true); break;
            if (currentBall.getPath() instanceof Arch) // If path is arch
                archBall.setSelected(true); // Update controls as arch
                figureOfEightBall.setSelected(true); // Else figure of eight
            canSplit.setSelected(currentBall.canGiveBirth()); // Set if the ball can split or not
         * updateSelectBallComboBox
         * This method updates the combo box selection model with a new one made from the updated balls arraylist from the game scene
        public void updateSelectBallComboBox()
            DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(gameScene.getBallList());
    }Kind regards
    Liam morren
    This link states Mac OS X 10.4 now supports Java 5.0. It does mention nothing about Mac OS 9 or previous version of OS X. The problem you may be facing is that your Mac is running only 1.4.2 or less. The class files compiled for Java 5.0 can't run in non 5.0 versions of the Java Virtual Machine. Java 5.0 was a major release for the Java language and thus the change in numbering (though it took a little bit for this to change).
    Anyway you should confirm what version of Java you have installed on your Mac.
    At a command prompt:
    java -version
    The above URL states that the previous 1.4.2 Java version is not uninstalled, and this could still be the preferred version to use for Java applications even after installing Java 5.0.
    The URL above states there is a utility to set your apps to use Java 5.0 as the perferred Java version. Who knows maybe this is all you need to do. I hope this is the case, then it probably is an easy fix, otherwise you may need to rewrite your app in Java 1.4.2 to get it to run on your version of Mac.

  • Swing Applet in JSP: problem with fetching data from database

    i am facing a problem while fetching data from database using Swing Applet plugged in a JSP page.
    // necessary import statements
    public class NewJApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet {
    private JLabel jlblNewTitle;
    private Vector vec;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    NewJApplet inst = new NewJApplet();
    public NewJApplet() {
    private void initGUI() {
    try {
    this.setSize(542, 701);
    jlblTitle = new JLabel();
    jlblTitle.setBounds(197, 16, 117, 30);
    jlblTitle.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",1,20));
    jlblNewTitle = new JLabel();
    Vector vecTemp = getDBDatum(); // data fetched fm DB r stored here.
    jlblNewTitle.setBounds(350, 16, 117, 30);
    jlblNewTitle.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",1,20));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    }//end of initGUI()
    private Vector getDBDatum() {
    // fetches datum from oracle database and stores it in a vector
    return lvecData;
    }//end of getDBDatum()
    }//end of class
    in index.jsp page i have included the following code for calling this applet:
    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="NewJApplet.class" codebase="applets"
    width="600" height="300">
    <jsp:fallback>Could not load applet...</jsp:fallback>
    if i view it in using AppletViewer it runs perfectly and display the data in JLabel. (ie, both jlblTitle and jlblNewTitle).(ie, DATA FETCHES FROM db AND DISPLAYS PROPERLY)
    BUT IF I CLICK ON INDEX.JSP, ONLY jlblTitle APPEARS. jlblnNewTitle WILL BE BLANK(this label name is supposed to fetch from database)
    i signed the applet as follows :
    grant {
    Can any body help me to figure out the problem?

    This is the Swing Applet java code
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    public class HaiApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet {
         private JLabel     jlblTitle;
         private JLabel     jlblNewTitle;
         private Vector     vec;
         * main method to display this
         * JApplet inside a new JFrame.
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              NewJApplet inst = new NewJApplet();
         public HaiApplet() {
         private void initGUI() {
              try {               
                   this.setSize(542, 701);
                        jlblTitle = new JLabel();
                        jlblTitle.setBounds(197, 16, 117, 30);
                        jlblTitle.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",1,20));
                        jlblTitle.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,128,192));
                        jlblNewTitle = new JLabel();
                        Vector vecTemp = getDBDatum();
                        jlblNewTitle.setBounds(350, 16, 117, 30);
                        jlblNewTitle.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",1,20));     
              } catch (Exception e) {
         }//end of initGUI()
         private Vector getDBDatum() {
              Vector lvecData = new Vector(10,5);
              Connection lcon = null;
              Statement lstmt = null;
              ResultSet lrsResults = null;
              String lstrSQL = null;
              String lstrOut = null;
              try {
                   OmmsDBConnect db = new OmmsDBConnect();
                   lcon = db.connectDb();
                   lstmt = lcon.createStatement(lrsResults.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                   lstrSQL = "select DT_ID from P_DATATABLES";
                   lrsResults = lstmt.executeQuery(lstrSQL);        
                   int i = 0;
                   int length = lrsResults.getRow();
                   int recCount = 0;
                   while ( {
                        lvecData.addElement(new String(lrsResults.getString("DT_ID")));
                   //     System.out.println("ID :  " + lrsResults.getString(1));
                   }System.out.println("here 3 out fm while");
              catch(SQLException e) {
                   System.out.print("SQLException: ");
              catch(Exception ex) {
                   lstrOut = "Exception Occured " + ex.getMessage();
              finally {
                   try {
                   catch(Exception e) {
             }//end of finally
              return lvecData;
         }//end of getDBDatum()
    }//end of classOfcourse the above code compiles and runs well. in Applet Viewer
    I plugged the above Swing Applet in a JSP page index.jsp
    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="NewJApplet.class" codebase="applets"
                   width="600" height="300">
         <jsp:fallback>Could not load applet...</jsp:fallback>
    </jsp:plugin>Every thing is working fine in AppletViewer...But if i view this in any browser, then only the jlblTitle is displaying. jlblNewTitle is not displaying(this label name is actually fetching from thedatabase)
    can any body help me regarding this matter.? Thx in Advance.

  • Swing Applet - Internet Explorer - Focus issue - tool tips

    Hi ,
    We are using Swing applet in IE Browser , except this swing component rest of the components in the browser are HTML/DHTML components.
    and we are having issue focus issue with this swing components ,
    once immediately after launching the swing applet , the UI components are having some focus issue , if I bring the mouse on top of the swing UI components , we couldn't able to see the tooltips(flyover text) of those Swing UI components.
    However if we click some where on the Swing applet frame , we are able to see these tooltips(flyover text) .
    It looks like a kind of compatibility issue between swing and IE browser .
    I am trying to find a solution for this issue , so that once after launching the applet , tooltips will work without need to click on the applet bar.
    Can somebody share some thoughts on this issue??

    As a wild guess you are mixing Swing and awt components which is a big no-no and among other things can cause repainting, refreshing issues.
    If you want more help then that you need to post some code that shows us what you are doing.

  • Flickering in swing Applet

    I'm using swing applet.My applet is getting flickering only when i embed it in html
    I heard that,swing 'll handle flickering on its own.But i see it in appeltviewer it okie..My
    panel's size is also very big its,17040 pixel...what should i have to do avoid flickering

    My crystalball tells me that you are painting the entire screen with each call to paint and your are also making a call to super.paintComponent(g) when you do so... hence much flickering exists with your application even though it's double buffered.
    To avoid this problem do the following:
    take 3 whole slottered chickens, put them in a bag and ... oh that was for array problems... let me see for flickering....
    Well, you need to do offscreen rendering to an image and call repaint when done, but in your paintComponent(Graphics g) do this:
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
      drawImage(myOffscreenImage4Rendering, 0, 0, this); //notice 1 liner--no other code needed or wanted here.
    }I do this with 1600x1200 on an AMD 2GHz with 500+ objects being drawn and no flicker. I've had up to 10,000 objects with no flicker, but yes, the animation speed was severely impacted due to the number of objects being rendered each cycle.

  • I can't use swing components in my applets

    When I write an applet without any swing components, my browser never has any trouble finding the classes it needs, whether they're classes I've written or classes that came with Java. However, when I try to use swing components it cannot find them, because it is looking in the wrong place:
    On my computer I have a directory called C:\Java, into which I installed my Java Development Kit (so Sun's classes are stored in the default location within that directory, wherever that is), and I store my classes in C:\Java\Files\[path depends on package]. My browser gives an error message along the lines of "Cannot find class JFrame at C:\Java\Files\javax\swing\JFrame.class"; it shouldn't be looking for this non-existent directory, it should find the swing components where it finds, for example, the Applet class and the Graphics class.
    Is there any way I can set the classpath on my browser? Are the swing components stored separately from other classes (I'm using the J2SE v1.3)?
    Thanks in advance.

    Without having complete information, it appears that you are running your applets using the browser's VM. Further, I assume you are using either IE or Netscape Navigator pre-v6. In that case, your browser only supports Java 1.1, and Swing was implemented in Java 1.2. You need to use the Java plug-in in order to use the Swing classes (see the Plug-in forum for more information), or else download the Swing classes from Sun and include them in your CLASSPATH.
    Carl Rapson

  • How can i connect multiple forms using swings or applets(AWT) & with D-Base

    Hello Friends,
    I am Sreedhar from Hyderabad. working as a java developer in a small organization. I got a challenge to work on java stand alone (desktop) application. Basically our company is based on SCM(Supply Chain Management), I never work before using swings and AWT. now my present challenge is to develope an application on swings and AWT using Net Beans IDE. but i am unble find the code to connect one form to another form, i want to develop similar application like a web application , suppose if i click on OK button it has to connect next form. in the next for it has to take user name and password should allow me to access main form. please help me about this topic, if anybody interested i can send u the screen shots and i can post to ur mail. please help me as soon as possible,

    sreedharkommuru wrote:
    Hello Friends,
    I am Sreedhar from Hyderabad. working as a java developer in a small organization. I got a challenge to work on java stand alone (desktop) application. Basically our company is based on SCM(Supply Chain Management), I never work before using swings and AWT. now my present challenge is to develope an application on swings and AWT using Net Beans IDE. but i am unble find the code to connect one form to another form, i want to develop similar application like a web application , suppose if i click on OK button it has to connect next form. in the next for it has to take user name and password should allow me to access main form. please help me about this topic, if anybody interested i can send u the screen shots and i can post to ur mail. please help me as soon as possible,There is no magic, you need to spend a good amount of time in tutorials, here is a good one to start off with:
    [The Really Big Index|]
    Here are a few tips:
    1 - Do not mix AWT and SWING: it'll just cause you headaches in the long run that you cannot fix without refactoring to properly not mix the 2 together.
    2 - You use JDBC to access the database
    3 - You make accessors/constructors to pass parameters that you need from one form to another.
    Have fun.

  • How to use Flash buttons/animation in a Swing/Applet?

    I want to use flash button as like as JButton that we use in Swing/ Applet. How can I do So?
    Please help me.

    Or maybe just...
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Blinky {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
                    URL url = null;
                    try {
                        url = new URL("");
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                    JFrame f = new JFrame("Blinky");
                    f.getContentPane().add(new JButton(new ImageIcon(url)));

  • How to use mousedown applet function in swing?

    i need to use the applet mousedown function in swing..
    is there any way to use it or any other alternative is available for this?
    if can provide me a sample code.

    i need to use the applet mousedown function in swing..>There is no such class as 'applet' in the JRE, Swing has an upper case 1st letter, functions in Java are generally referred to as methods, and there is no 'mousedown' method in the JRE.
    OTOH a Swing JApplet inherits the mouseDown method from Component, and it was deprecated in Java 1.1. The documentation (JavaDocs) provides instructions on what to use instead.
    is there any way to use it or any other alternative is available for this?
    if can provide me a sample code.>If can provide me cash. Short of that, you might actually need to do some research/coding of your own.
    As an aside. What does any of this have to do with Java 2D?

  • Which command i use to run SWING APPLET

    Hi friends,
    i m a new in swing technology i got and problem when i run swing applet .
    i make a file and complie it with -deprecation it work and make a .class file but how can i run this applet [i use jview command , appletviewer command but it can't work]
    i hope that someone hellp me.

    Just as a matter of interest and i know its a stupid question, but did you create a html file to access the class file/jar
    Here is some example code of an applet html page
    Hope it helps...
    Also have you put it in a Jar file?
    <title>(Whatever title youu want)</title>
    <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000">
    <APPLET CODE = "ClassName.class" ARCHIVE = "JarName.jar" WIDTH = "800" HEIGHT = "600"></XMP>
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "ClassName.class" >
    <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "JarName.jar" >
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3">
    <PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false">
    <dont worry about this>(they just variables for my applet)
    </dont worry about this>

  • Shall i use Swing or AWT for creating a chessboard applet??

    I need to build an applet which should dislpay a chessboard where i should
    be able to move the pieces around, read in a game analysis, etc...
    I am a beginner and i would like some advice on if i should use swing or awt?
    Which one is it easier to work with in terms of dispaying the pieces, moving the pieces and achieving other more challenging functionalities?
    Is it good idea to mix both of them? i.e have a japplet and use a canvas for displaying the board??
    Any advice would be much obliged.

    I used to think AWT
    And someone told me Swing was better..and that all of the Drag-n-Drop stuff doesn't work well with AWT.
    I have to admit that I used AWT up until a project about 3 months ago--I liked it better, but Swing does seem to have more builtins for handling the things you would need to for the Chess Board. Not that you CAN'T do them with AWT, but that they are harder to do with AWT.
    As far as reading in game analysis, etc..that really is independent of Swing/AWT

Maybe you are looking for

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  • SendMail Bean access error.

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  • Had to down grade from OS 10.4.7 to 10.4.6

    Had to down grade from OS 10.4.7 to 10.4.6 so AVID will work, don't hold that against me. Now compressor 2.0.1 is not opening. Also grayed out in Final Cut Pro. How do I get Compressor to work again?