Canonical Tag in Blogs

Hi Everyone,
We are looking to set up the canonical tag (rel="canonical") in the business catalyst blog. However, if we put the tag in the blog post it does not get picked up. We then tried to put it in the blog layout or blog detail using the {tag_itemurl_withhost}. This works in BC but does not give the correct url and instead goes to arketing&PostName=The_Convergence_of_Advertising_and_Social_Media
I do not believe this is ideal.
How do we implement the canonical tag dynamically in BC using one of the BC tags.

Google hate the missunderstanding of their own missinformation, it is why they setup the google channel answering questions.
Google does not “penalise” duplicate content - it will just show one page over another.  If there are 3 pages of duplicate content on your website it generally will only show 1 result on a Google results page, (unless the search is incredibly longtail and specific – but of course we now get the “omitted results” link displayed). Google just shows the content that it feels is most relevant to the users search. New algorithms take into account things like content age (so original content is more likely to rank higher). (Greg gives the best explanation, not Matt)
You will have a proudct that is in multiple catalogs and thus multiple urls. If Google treated those as duplicant content then thats bad. You can also find out information via Google blog more on the language and same IP information as well. AS you can see above the language thing is very similar and you wont get punished in that regard.
This is why cononical exists, it is not a directive and not as good as a 301 redirect, a 301 has some bleed off but is minute, cononical has knowledge of any of that relevence. All it is is for google to tell them which is your prefered URL.
And as I mentioned they can choose to ignore it.
Is rel="canonical" a suggestion or a directive?
This new option lets site owners suggest the version of a page that Google should treat as canonical. Google will take this into account, in conjunction with other signals, when determining which URL sets contain identical content, and calculating the most relevant of these pages to display in search results.
Missinterpretation of the google information happens a lot. So its great Matt spends a lot of time correcting this and more of the team now take active part in this as well now and their youtube channel is feature rich of the right information.

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    Hi Thomas,
    My suggestion would be to use the SCN wiki
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    I suspect that blogging may be low on the priority
    scale for Apple. Otherwise they would have enabled
    .Mac to be usable for this without resort to things
    like Haloscan ages ago. Most effort will probably be
    devoted to further enhancing the ability to share
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    Best regards

    hi all,
    I got the answer from dev guide, seems should use:
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    <blobservice:getidcolumn varname="idColumn"/>
    <blobservice:geturlcolumn varname="uColumn"/>
    and render:satelliteblob
    some complicated then I expected.
    Best regards

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            <xsl:template match="context/entryMeta">
                <div class="metadata" id="entry_metadata">
                    <div class="start startmetadata"><span></span></div>
                        <div class="contents contentsmetadata">
                            <div id="entry_date" class="entry_date">
                                            <a href="{../contentEntry/historyURL}" id="history_link" title="{../../jsstrings/tooltips_history_link}" onclick="return false"><xsl:value-of select="../../strings/
                                            <span id="history_time_author"><xsl:value-of select="historyTimeAuthor" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></span>
                        <div class="end endmetadata"><span></span></div>

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       Located at
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    The code you provided is not meta code. You don't paste in the head of the webpage.
    Well, you can paste it there and the browser will render it.
    It's code that should be in the body of a webpage.
    And if you paste it there, make sure the info is correct.
    This :
    <a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
    should be :
    <a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
    And I wonder if SEO is so good.
    If I search for Noosa Therapy Studio Doonan
    I do find your post in this forum. And also your Google+ page. But no pages from you website.
    But if I search with :
    I find two events from May last year :
    Noosa Therapy Studio Events
    Noosa Therapy Studio, Doonan opens for business
    Note that .nl is from the other side of the globe.
    No wonder I wasn't at the event.
    Also note that I used the words from your webpage: Noosa Therapy Studio Doonan
    It means I know about you. Because you advertised your business in the forum.
    Also, if I want to find one who does The Therapy in Doonan Queensland, I still do not find you :
    Perhaps your business name and domainname is not very unique. With 72,700 hits it looks like everybody is doing it in your area.

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    <adf-js-features xmlns="">
    <features xmlns="">
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    <f:view xmlns:f="" xmlns:af=""
    <af:document title="testAdfExtTaglib" id="d1">
    <!-- af:resource type="javascript" source="/resources/js/common.js" / -->
    <af:form id="f1">
    <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1">
    <adfext:setWatermarkBehavior value="CHR-Nr"/>
    Doing some debugging, I can confirm that the "getScript" method of the setWatermarkBehavior class is called. I can also find the javascript produced by the "getScript" method in the DOM. But I cannot find anywhere in the DOM, where the javascript file from the tag library is loaded.
    Please, help me out?
    Edited by: wmjaboj on 2012-09-23 23:58

    The Javascript source URI has the value "RES_NOT_FOUND".
    If I try to access it using ".../faces/javax.faces.resource/javascript.js?ln=js" I get a blank page (contains a Html and Body only).
    If I try to access it using ".../faces/resources/js/javascript.js" I can download the javascript file from the taglib.
    If I manually copy the javascript.js file from the taglib into the enclosing project and save it in "resource/js", then the javascript source URI is resolved correctly to ".../faces/javax.faces.resource/javascript.js?ln=js" and I can downloaded it, but then it is the local copy and not the one from the taglib jar.
    Do I need some specific configuration in web.xml or other deployment descriptors, to be able to use "javax.faces.resource"?
    The only configurations whoch smells like "javax.faces.resource" is this context param:
    In web.xml various "resource" servlets is defined (I'm not sure whether I need them, JDeveloper has created them automatically):
    a) resources = org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.ResourceServlet, maps to: /adf/*, /afr/*, /bi/*
    b) adflibResources = oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet, maps to: /adflib/*
    I appreciate your help.

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    For example, run the following
    <cffeed action="read"
    <cfdump var="#rssQuery#">

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    What to do?
    Kind regards
    Thomas (Denmark)

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    Thanks in advance for your help!

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    One possibility is to use Exiftool that can read Canon tags and transform it to keywords or captions that LR can understand. Check out this list from
    Canon CameraSettings Tags
    Tag Name
    Values / Notes
    1 = Macro
    2 = Normal
    1 = Economy
    2 = Normal
    3 = Fine
    4 = RAW
    5 = Superfine
    130 = Normal Movie
    0 = Off
    1 = Auto
    2 = On
    3 = Red-eye reduction
    4 = Slow-sync
    5 = Red-eye reduction (Auto)
    6 = Red-eye reduction (On)
    16 = External flash
    0 = Single
    1 = Continuous
    2 = Movie
    3 = Continuous, Speed Priority
    4 = Continuous, Low
    5 = Continuous, High
    0 = One-shot AF
    1 = AI Servo AF
    2 = AI Focus AF
    3 = Manual Focus (3)
    4 = Single
    5 = Continuous
    6 = Manual Focus (6)
    16 = Pan Focus
    1 = JPEG
    2 = CRW+THM
    3 = AVI+THM
    4 = TIF
    5 = TIF+JPEG
    6 = CR2
    7 = CR2+JPEG
    0 = Large
    1 = Medium
    2 = Small
    5 = Medium 1
    6 = Medium 2
    7 = Medium 3
    8 = Postcard
    9 = Widescreen
    129 = Medium Movie
    130 = Small Movie
    0 = Full auto
    1 = Manual
    2 = Landscape
    3 = Fast shutter
    4 = Slow shutter
    5 = Night
    6 = Gray Scale
    7 = Sepia
    8 = Portrait
    9 = Sports
    10 = Macro
    11 = Black & White
    12 = Pan focus
    13 = Vivid
    14 = Neutral
    15 = Flash Off
    16 = Long Shutter
    17 = Super Macro
    18 = Foliage
    19 = Indoor
    20 = Fireworks
    21 = Beach
    22 = Underwater
    23 = Snow
    24 = Kids & Pets
    25 = Night Snapshot
    26 = Digital Macro
    27 = My Colors
    28 = Still Image
    30 = Color Accent
    31 = Color Swap
    32 = Aquarium
    33 = ISO 3200
    38 = Creative Auto
    261 = Sunset
    0 = None
    1 = 2x
    2 = 4x
    3 = Other
    0 = Normal
    0 = Normal
    (some models use a range of -2 to +2 where 0 is normal sharpening, and others use a range of 0 to 7 where 0 is no sharpening)
    0 = Default
    1 = Spot
    2 = Average
    3 = Evaluative
    4 = Partial
    5 = Center-weighted average
    0 = Manual
    1 = Auto
    2 = Not Known
    3 = Macro
    4 = Very Close
    5 = Close
    6 = Middle Range
    7 = Far Range
    8 = Pan Focus
    9 = Super Macro
    10 = Infinity
    0x2005 = Manual AF point selection
    0x3000 = None (MF)
    0x3001 = Auto AF point selection
    0x3002 = Right
    0x3003 = Center
    0x3004 = Left
    0x4001 = Auto AF point selection
    0x4006 = Face Detect
    0 = Easy
    1 = Program AE
    2 = Shutter speed priority AE
    3 = Aperture-priority AE
    4 = Manual
    5 = Depth-of-field AE
    6 = M-Dep
    7 = Bulb
    --> Canon LensType Values
    (this value is incorrect for EOS 7D images with lenses of type 256 or greater)
    Bit 0 = Manual
    Bit 1 = TTL
    Bit 2 = A-TTL
    Bit 3 = E-TTL
    Bit 4 = FP sync enabled
    Bit 7 = 2nd-curtain sync used
    Bit 11 = FP sync used
    Bit 13 = Built-in
    Bit 14 = External
    0 = Single
    1 = Continuous
    8 = Manual
    0 = Normal AE
    1 = Exposure Compensation
    2 = AE Lock
    3 = AE Lock + Exposure Comp.
    4 = No AE
    0 = Off
    1 = On
    2 = On, Shot Only
    3 = On, Panning
    0 = Center
    1 = AF Point
    0 = Off
    1 = Vivid
    2 = Neutral
    3 = Smooth
    4 = Sepia
    5 = B&W
    6 = Custom
    100 = My Color Data
    0x0 = n/a
    0x500 = Full
    0x502 = Medium
    0x504 = Low
    0x7fff = n/a
    0 = Normal
    0 = n/a
    1 = sRAW1 (mRAW)
    2 = sRAW2 (sRAW)

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    Hi Chris, I use C300 footage all the time, FCPx loves it, all you have to do is install the plugin :
    after that you should be good to go

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    to easily locate the product of your preference or visit the home page to see what’s going on for the different Microsoft Enterprise and developer products. As a blog you can also subscribe to post and comments using the RSS feeds.
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    Qiao Wei !!!
    good support...
    Vote me, if its helps you. Regards, Tamilarasi.

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