Cant get on to ANY internet functions. Error 500

Hey everyone. I have the Curve 8330 through Verizon. I have had absolutely no problems with it, until 2 days ago.
Anytime I use google search, or try to access ANY of my Bookmarks, I receive the error:
"HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error".
(It goes on to just say that a problem was encountered, etc.)
I ran a diagnostics test and these were the results:
Starting Time Stamp: October 17, 2009 5:00 PM
Ending Time Stamp: October 17, 2009 5:02 PM
PIN: xxxxxxxx
MSISDN: 480 766 1033
Device Type: BlackBerry 8330
Application Version: v4.5.0.77
Platform Version:
Service Books: WAPPushConfig,MMS,WPTCP,IPPP,BBIMConfig,BrowserCon​fig,YHO,LbsConfig,BBIMConfig,BrowserConfig,BBIMCon​fig,BBIM,BBIM,BrowserConfig,OTASL,IPPP,BrowserConf​ig,PROVISIONING,CMIME,CICAL,CMIME,CICAL
Free File Space: 21521598 bytes
Radio Data Activation: Yes
Signal Level: -80 dBm
Radio Access: EVDO
Network: Verizon Wireless
IP Address:
ICMP Ping Echo: Yes
BlackBerry Registration: Yes
Connected to BlackBerry: Yes
BlackBerry PIN Email: Yes
Server Name: GBISXNAC01S07
Email Address: [email protected]
Connection to [email protected] : No
Server Name: GBISXNAC02S06
Email Address: [email protected]
Connection to [email protected] : No
(I blanked out my pin and emails for privacy)
Does anyone have any idea of what is going on? I am still receiving emails, but I cannot do anything with the web or browser. 
Go to Solution.

Hi and welcome to the forums!
A couple of places for you to visit: Blackberry 101 Tips & Tricks
Pull the battery out with the device ON. Wait about a minute and put the battery back in. Let the BB completely restart and  see if that doesn't help. Clears out the memory and refreshes the BB; like rebooting your pc.
When you have anomalous behavior in your BB a battery pull often helps to clear it up.
If that doesn'n't help, take a look at this kb article:  Http: error 500
Let us know how it goes.
Happy to have you here!
Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.

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                             a.insertItemAt(v[i], (i, ""));
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    Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Wizard Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Multimedia Version 8.0
    Acrobat SOAP 8.0
    a.insertItemAt is not a function
    4:Field:Mouse Down

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    var a = this.getField("Fund Company-Long-Name");
    a.setItems(["A", "B", "C"]);

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    I would start by checking the ULS logs, maybe there is an incorrect setting within one of the web.config files, or SQL permissions.
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    This blog post is a great guide for setting up FBA, check it through to make sure you haven't missed any steps:

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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has steps you can take for the error you're seeing:
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    alert (strText);
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    RH ExtendScript bug... Use Window.prompt() and it'll work. The same goes for confirm: Window.confirm() does work. Alert() does work however and prompt and confirm work in ExtendScript toolkit itself.
    I've never tried opening a topic in the WYSIWYG and I don't think that RoboHelp supports this. You can open a file with ExtendScript, but that just launches the file in default viewer (probably your web browser). I'll look into opening a topic in the WYSIWYG, but I can't promise anything.

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    Hi Umars,
    I had the same problem. In my case it turned out that it was caused the surrounding code. Plus the error
    message was missleading. I got the error message -90031 (unknown symbol CalcWelchCorr2) for the
    following piece of code:
    ecorr= 1;
    if setup & src== 1
       for lag= 1:50
       rho=  CalcWelchCorr2( lag, win );
       if rho > 0.001, ecorr= [ecorr; rho]; else, break; end
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    ecorr= 1;
    if setup & src== 1
       lag= 1; rho=  CalcWelchCorr2( lag, win );
       while rho > 0.001 && lag <= 50
          ecorr= [ecorr; rho];
          lag= lag+ 1; rho= CalcWelchCorr2( lag, win );
    and voila, the executable worked fine.
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    E.g. "Line xxx in MathScript node in VI xxx cannot be executed"? Currently you get the
    impression that the application was build successfully but eventually you get strange errors
    or even erroneous results. Keep in mind that tracking down bugs in the final application is
    much more difficult that in LV. Also the error message produced by the executable was not
    helpfull at all.

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    I am not certain this will fix your problem but I suggest you assign the printer a static IP address.
    Using the printer's front panel, select Menu > Network > WLAN > TCP/IP > Boot method, and change it to "static". Provide a static IP address that is on your LAN's subnet.
    For example, if you are using an AirPort Extreme, you might give it an IP address of If you are using a Netgear or Linksys router that defaults to issuing 192.168.x.x addresses, you might give it an address of That way, the printer will always "reside at the same address" on your network. If your router has the ability, you should reserve that address so that the router does not attempt to assign it to another DHCP device.
    Then, go to System Preferences > Print & Scan, and delete your existing printer with the "–" (minus) button. Add it again, using the "+" (plus) button. In the window that appears, select the IP pane, and from the Protocol menu select "Line Printer Daemon (LPD)". In the Address field type the IP address you gave your printer.
    If all goes well the "Pring Using" field will detect the printer at that address and automatically select the appropriate driver. You will see something similar to the following screenshot ("name" can be whatever you decide, and "location" is optional):
    Click Add, then you can close System Preferences.
    There are other possible reasons your printer is "not responding" which could include wireless interference from competing wireless networks, but try this "static IP" method first. It should mitigate the problem.

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    This issue is very uncommon but it has been discussed in detail dating back to 2008 on this discussion:
    Anyhow, I would try restoring your iOS since it come shortly after an update and that has been what was reported in the past and the fix for it.
    1) Back up your iPhone.
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    Location: jar:file:///C:/Users/Lisa/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/7x7db74p.default/extensions/[email protected]/chrome/speedtest.jar!/content/netError.xhtml
    Line Number 392, Column 33:

    There have been problems reported with Sync.
    They are working on it, so please try again later when those problems are fixed.

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    Try saving to disk first and then opening the file.
    It appears when trying to download anything.
    Please help!

    Take it back to the Apple store. You should not have to deal with anything on a machine that is 1 week old.

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    You can try basic steps like these in case of issues with web pages:
    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and the cookies from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window.

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