Cant turn off iCloud

(Really bad at wording things haha, sorry!), but....
I recently just upgraded from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 5 and I'm trying to erase all content and settings from the 4. I rang up my network to activate my new phone and they have cut off the service from my iPhone 4. So, when I put in my iCloud password to erase everything, it comes up with 'Verification Failed - The Internet connection appears to be offline.'
Is there any way i can turn off my iCloud without having internet connection?

Nope. It says no service as my network have cutt off the connection because I now use another phone...

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    KendraEmory wrote:
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    You can access on a computer to turn it off.

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    <Edited by Host>

    Sorry for taking so long to get back.  But the thing was none of the instruction where able to get the iCloud turned off. If anything it is for someone who moves between the Local and the iCloud than turnng off iCloud.
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    Current Firefox versions remember the download directory based upon the URL, so if the URL changes then the default folder may be chosen if there hasn't been selected a download folder before for that server.
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    If you are refering to documents such as Pages and Numbers files....
    The only way around this is to "save as" you icloud documents using the associated app to a local folder on your mac.  Then turn off icloud.
    Of course, when you sign off of icloud, the docs are removed from the mac, but remain in icloud.  In the future when you sign back in, the documents are available to you again.
    Oh, and the icloud documents are also stored locally in ...
    ~/Library/Mobile Documents
    Note that Library in the user's home folder is now hidden, so you'll have to set Finder to view hidden files.
    The Mobile Documents folder has subfolder where copies of the doc/data files are stored.
    You can move these files to another folder to save them.

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    the iCloud webserver wont accept my password for a .mac login, nor will it allow me to change it
    See if you can change your password >  Apple - My Apple ID
    If that doesn't help, launch iTunes on your computer.
    From the iTunes menu bar click iTunes / Preferences then select the Advanced tab.
    Click: Reset warnings and Reset cache
    Click OK.
    Restart your computer.
    If that that doesn't help...
    Moreover, when I try to go into my .mac account on the web,
    Delete all apple cookies and empty your browser cache.
    See if  you can access your account at

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    You have to have iCloud enabled and Find My iPhone set to On on your iPhone in order to find it.  If you're saying you turned this off before losing it I'm afraid you're out of luck.

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    Can I still use Find My Phone?

    You cannot use Find My iPhone without iCloud.
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    I install iOS5 on iPhone and Lion on the iMac which unbekownence to me have iCloud syncing on and doing stuff that has totally corupted my iMac Home Calendar.
    My home calendar has my work calander mixed in with my home calendar and reminders popup every few minutes that I have already dissmissed.  They won't stop popping up.  The same one over and over and they go back a month or more.
    Additionally, when I try to add an event it sometimes puts it in very day instead of a monthly re-ocurring event and then it won't delete the event when I try to fix it. 
    I've tried to turn off iCloud, and it does all the right things and appears to turn off but then when I go back in it is on again.
    The Work Calendar (Windows 7 Office 2010) doesn't show any symptoms and has kept working as it should on my work computer as on the iPhone. Neither appear to be effected
    I've tried all the delete files and reinsralls but iCal seems to just get more confused. It renames calendars and is totally out of control to the point of no return.
    I can't find any where which shows how to delete iCal and do a fresh install of iCal and not have iCloud sync.   I have searched Google for months and months with no joy.
    What I need is to stop iCloud and **** it off permently as it appears to be a problem for how I use my apps.  I do not want to use iCloud for calander or anything just yet.   I need to get my original .ics backup in iCal that I have and working on it's own and with out the cloud or syncing.
    Help anyone ... 
    P.S.   I have only one profile, Admin.
              I've tried another profile and it replicates and operated worse than the Admin account with iCal.
              Also I have time machine back to August 2011.  I've tried all the Google fixes and none have worked

    Sorry for taking so long to get back.  But the thing was none of the instruction where able to get the iCloud turned off. If anything it is for someone who moves between the Local and the iCloud than turnng off iCloud.
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    Is it possible to un-sync and turn off all iCloud activities on my iMac with Lion 10.7.3?   
    I think I made up a word (Un-Sync) to re-turn back to the original state before the first sync

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