Captivate Buggy Bugs in Bugland

Captivate reorders layers, discards backgrounds, refuses to
save changes, and generally fights me every step of the way. Is
there a more mature release of this product on the way?

Hi jbarker3887
Keep in mind that we have no clue as to what the code has
been through. As fellow Adobe Community Expert Steve said, it's
logically version 6 I believe. It began life (to my knowledge) as a
product called FlashCam and was sold by Nexus Concepts. Then eHelp
corporation bought the technology and rebranded it as RoboDemo.
They had the reigns from version 2 to version 5. Then Macromedia
bought the technology from eHelp corporation and rebranded it as
Macromedia RoboDemo. After this, they soon created Captivate. So
who knows how much of the original code exists? This could account
for the issues. Additionally, as this seemed to be a product with a
niche Macromedia felt they needed to purchase as opposed to create
from scratch, this could account for why it doesn't quite "fit"
with any product Macromedia ever produced.
Cheers... Rick

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    Joe C.

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    It's a shame cause there's hints of greatness in it, but if you're charging good money for something bad, you'll just leave a bad taste in many people's mouths.

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    After open Genius in AppStore, it crash !!!

    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

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    I'm having this issue too.
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    "Publish to MS Word failed. Retry after ensuring that
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    - You have installed Microsoft Word"
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    Updated to new version of Captivate with 'bug fixes' today.
    No Help
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    No fix.
    Can somebody from Adobe post a solution please.

  • Captive 6 problem, not in Captivate 5

    I recently purchased Captivate 6.  I've been a very active user of Captive 5 and did not have this problem in Captivate 5. 
    When import PowerPoint slides into Captivate 6 to develop a presentation, the published SWF file flickers between slides.  This is very distracting and I'd imagine would cause students headaches.  I don't have this problem with Captivate 6's "native" powerpoint called "Themes", but I build a lot of presentations initially in PowerPoint, so I'd prefer to import my slide into Captivate like I did in version 5. 
    I had this problem both when I converted my version 5 CPTX file to Captivate 6 and also when I started with Captivate 6 and pulled in the PowerPoint in directly. 
    It doesn't matter whether I use Flash 10 or 11 when I publish.  The "High Fidelity" checkbox also doesn't make a difference.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Hi folks
    Scott kindly sent me some content to review. The flicker is definitely there and I now totally understand the complaint. Thanks for sending
    I've looked it over and here are my findings.
    It would appear that when Captivate 6 imports from PowerPoint, the Captivate slide backgrounds become SWFs. I didn't know that previously, so I learned something in the process!
    I did test with 5.5 and while it doesn't have the flicker or flash, it also seems to import and create SWF as the background. I'm guessing it does this in order to accommodate any slide animations that may be present.
    One workaround I thought of would be to use some captured images that constitute the areas of the screen that shouldn't "flicker" and need to remain steady. Then configure these to run for the rest of the project. That seems to eliminate the annoying flicker or flash.
    Definitely should be reported to Adobe as a Captivate 6 bug!
    My own speculation here is that the flash is occurring because of the version 6 is loading in the SWF. 5 obviously handled it differently.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
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    Captivate eBooks

  • Captivate Save File size

    After removing several larger images (3300k) from Captivate
    and inserting smaller images (109k), I see that the file size is
    now larger than before. Does anyone know what this is

    Hi there
    tedpulse wrote:
    It appears that the "bloating" problem has not been fixed in Captivate 4...
    In that case I would definitely suggest you (and others) take a moment and report this to Adobe as a potential Captivate 4 bug.
    Click here to visit the Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Play/Pause button not working correctly

    I'm having the following problem when playing a .swf
    Captivate3 course:
    When I click pause, then click on a click box which jumps to
    another slide within the same course, the course starts playing
    again. But, the “play” icon at the bottom doesn’t
    change to “pause” as it should.
    This problem happens when I play the .swf in a .htm file,
    both in IE 7 and Firefox, in Windows XP.
    Is this a Captivate 3 bug? I there any way to fix this?
    Thank you in advance!

    Hi Laura
    Common issue and easily overlooked. When you edit the
    properties of the Click Box, look to the right of where you typed
    the URL. I'm guessing you already clicked the drop down arrow that
    allows the new window. What is often missed here (and is very easy
    to overlook, as it's disabled until you select New. By that point
    the dialog disappears) is that at the bottom of this list is a
    check mark beside "Continue Playing Project". DE-select this and
    you should be set.
    Cheers... Rick

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    Any ideas?

    Oddly this is a buggy bug (as I see it) with Mavs.
    a work around, at this point, is to get the dock to appear in the monitor you wish to be the "main" one.
    In reality, there is no main one anymore, unless you count login screen.
    I digress.
    anyway, you need to get the dock to appear in the monitor you wish to be the main one. I get the dock to appear by moving my cursor to the bottom of the screen and then moving it down once it's at the bottom of the display.

  • Functions from Module Scoping Question

    I have the following case:
    I`m using module that contains several functions, some of them are executing commends in remote sessions. These functions are used from Powershell Script.
    The issue is that when function refers to variable from the local computer using the “$Using:var” syntax, it does not tries to access the variables that is defined in Script scope.
    The exception is:
    “Invoke-Command : The value of the using variable ‘$using:var’ cannot be retrieved because it has not been set in the local session.”
    This behavior is not reproduced when the functions are defined in the Script. I`m aware that Modules have their own “Scope”(or Context or whatever…), so I suppose the behavior is by design
    I`m able to workaround it in two ways:
    Using the “$Using:global:var” syntax in the script block or dot source the script.
    However it`s not so appropriate for my purpose.
    My Question is:
    Can I force the Functions that comes from Module to behave the same way as if they are defined in the Script.
    Any other suggestions are welcome.
    Some examples:
    Module content:
    function Main
    $ses = New-PSSession -ComputerName sof-srv01
    Execute -ses $ses -sb $sb2
    function Execute
    param (
    Invoke-Command -Session $ses -ScriptBlock $sb
    Export-ModuleMember Execute,Main
    Script content:
    $var = ‘winrm’
    $scr = {Get-Service $using:var}
    Main -sb2 $scr

    You're wrong as always: there's such a thing as DOT SOURCING MODE when using Import-Module.
    Finally, you must know by now, that your post above is plain RUBBISH. 
    In other words, you are a complete PowerShell ignorant ( probably, you are a good rubbishellian ). 
    Surely, you re-read your BUGGY bug report
    Now, someone posted how-to-do-it ...
    I have no idea WHERE and WHY you got these three letters: m, v and p...
    P.S.: How do you dare to post your rubbishell concepts in my reports? Leave my posts
    Well, at least you finally had the guts to post what you meant by "Import-Module in DOT SOURCING MODE".  As expected, it's garbage.
    As you've pointed out, when you pass a path to a .ps1 file to Import-Module, it recognizes that a .ps1 file is not a module, and just dot-sources the script to load its contents instead.  (And as you pointed out in your report on connect, this behavior
    is buggy.  Microsoft probably shouldn't have included it at all, and just had Import-Module produce an error if you try to point it as a non-module file, but whatever.  The functionality is there now.)
    Any discussion of Script Modules has nothing do with dot-sourcing a ps1 file, regardless of whether you did it yourself, or called Import-Module.  Script Modules are psm1 files, and when they are imported, it happens in a very different way than when
    a script is dot-sourced.  Modules get their own session state which is separate from the main PowerShell session (except for the Global scope, which is shared by everything).  That separation of session state is what leads to the types
    of problems the OP posted here.
    Now that you've finally owned up to what you were talking about, it would appear that your proposed solution is to stop using Script Modules, and just dot-source ps1 files instead.  Have fun with that.

  • Remediation - 'Return to Quiz' button?

    Hi folks,
    I've just watched an excellent course on Captivate 8 (Essential Training). However, one issue has confused me and this is on remediation.  I've used remediation in the past, and sometimes the slide movement become a bit 'sticky' and I don't really like to use the 'Next' navigation button for the 'Return to Quiz' action.
    The course says that if you have a quiz question that returns to an earlier slide (i.e. via remediation) you can create a new button that states 'Return to Quiz' (i.e. in addition to any existing navigation buttons), make the action for this new button 'Return to Quiz' and this button will not appear in the normal flow of the course, but will appear if the slide is visited via the remediation route in the end quiz.
    To quote 'This is a special action that's going to keep the button hidden unless they navigate to the slide straight from the quiz'.  However, when I have tried this, the new button appears in the normal flow of viewing the course?
    I have watched this part of the course a number of times and it appears they are definitely saying that the new 'Return to Quiz' button should only appear when visited via the quiz. 
    Are they wrong?  Captivate 8 bug?

    I didn't watch the CP8 course on Lynda, but I found the previous course of very low quality, totally different from what they normally offer for the 'big' Adobe applications. Just FYI I'm an almost daily user of Lynda. Again you prove here that there are quite a lot of 'bugs' in that course, half-explained or even wrongly explained work flows and bad practice tell me that the creator is certainly not an expert Captivate user. Sorry for that ranting but I have spent so many hours in trying to clarify work flows to Captivate users that took that course and got stuck very quickly when they tried to use the acquired knowledge.
    Remediation is not hiding the button. You need a Next button and have to trigger the action 'Return to Quiz' with that button. When the content slide is visited from another content slide, the Next button will automatically execute the action 'Go to Next Slide', but when the slide is visited from a Question slide, the Next button will get the user back to the Question slide. Only when the question will be answered correctly, will he be able to continue with the Quiz.
    Again, this is NOT a Captivate bug, this is a bug in your 'excellent' course.

  • Installing Netweaver and mySap

    Hello Everybody,
    I need to install mySap, but the problem is that after installing SolMan 4.0 and using many features to configure the MaxDB database.
    => I can't configure Solman(do I need FrontEnd)
    I don't really knows how I could install Netweaver 2004s and mySap ECC 6.0.
    I checked the huge quantity of ínformation(seeing all the Guides that Sap could offer)
    The problem is that every Guide links you to another.
    It's like every road goes to Rom but which one is the short one?  
    Please Guys help me,
    I have spend three Months installing Solman4.0 because of many buggy Bugs.
    And I really don't want to spend this Summer doing that.
    I used Vmware and the only version that works Java 1.4.2_09.
    Database is MaxDB.
    The Installation is on Central Server.
    I'll be greatfull if you have a good tutorial for the first Step of Installation.
    Please tell me how should I start.
    Best Regards,
    Message was edited by:
            Kais El Kara

    Use the below link, there are only 2 guides max you should closely follow -
    <a href="">for Planning & Inst. docs</a>
    1. Planning - This First Steps document helps you get started when you install or upgrade to mySAP ERP 2005.
    2. The Master Guide - mySAP ERP 2005 provides important information about the installation sequence and the components to be installed.
    Now go to this link
    <a href="">SAP ERP 2005 - Installation Documentation</a><a href="">SAP ERP 2005 Inst docs.</a>[
    for docs, choose the o/s (AIX/ Windows/ Linux) you want to use and just follow the guide.
    Btw, if you are using VMWare you must have sufficiently large RAM in order to be sucessfull installation.
    Hopefully SOlMan 4.0 will have no issues with recent SR 2, revert for queries
    Hope this helps, good luck

  • Multiple Audio on the same slide

    I am creating a LMS course in Captivate 3 that will be audio
    and text. The entire course will consist of approx 30 different
    scenarios (quiz questions). I have 1 audio file describing the
    scenario and another audio file answering the scenario.
    What I need to happen – When the question is answered I
    need the first audio file to stop playing and the 2nd audio file to
    start playing for both right and wrong answers.
    What is happening – The audio from the question does
    not stop if the question is answered early, and the audio for the
    answer will start which over laps the first audio file that is
    being played.
    Is there a way around this? If not is there another program
    that someone could recommend that will do exactly what I need?

    I stumbled across this thread, as I am having the same issue.
    I'm going to write it off as another @#(%#@ Captivate 4 bug to go along with the numerous others I work around every day.
    I have two click boxes set up staggered on timeline, and it's the EXACT same issue.  If the user clicks outside the box on the first one, it works perfectly, but on the second it does not work at all.  The click boxes themselves are set up to show/hide various assets on the screen.
    I'll just have to put hte second set on another slide.  What a pain.
    Did you manage to find a solution?

  • Why does CC keep on breaking?

    Couldn't install CC and a half hour remote desktop with support! CC desktop won't sign in........"You've been signed out" buggy bug (delete folders, register again). Photoshop CC opens then closes with PS CC has stopped working dialog..................20 minute chat with support, didn't fix it, please call back when our Product experts will be able to fix it (delete folders, register again)....................Already installed CS6 suite has been hijacked by CC and keeps telling me my trials ended (I've got a serial key ansd I used it when I installed it last year!!!!) No time or tools to be creative as it needs fixing all the time. Delete the 3 same prog folders over and over results in some small time in getting up and running, until it probably occurs again? What's going on Adobe, I was looking forward to it all and am now soooo disappointed.

    Try the solutions, here:

  • Audio publishing to incorrect slides

    I'm creating an online orientation course that includes voice. The problem I am running into is that there are a few slides that are publishing with the audio from other slides in the module. For example, slide 34 plays the audio from slide 89 when published. When I check the audio component in Edit mode it plays the correct audio. Am I doing something incorrect or is this just another bug, of the many, in Captivate (v3)?

    Hi there
    Abu_Luke wrote:
    I'm creating an online orientation course that includes voice. The problem I am running into is that there are a few slides that are publishing with the audio from other slides in the module. For example, slide 34 plays the audio from slide 89 when published. When I check the audio component in Edit mode it plays the correct audio. Am I doing something incorrect or is this just another bug, of the many, in Captivate (v3)?
    While I won't deny that Captivate has bugs, I'm not sure there are all that many.
    I've seen others report issues with mismatched audio. I believe I've also seen that the following steps will typically correct it.
    To correct mismatched audio:
    Edit the offending slide where the first mismatch is happening.
    Note the name of the audio clip.
    Export the audio clip as a .MP3 file.
    Visit the folder where you exported the clip.
    Rename the audio clip.
    Return to Captivate and replace the audio by importing the renamed clip.
    Hopefully this helps some... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

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