Capture-image hangs on "create wim"

i am capturing a new Windows 8-image.
I have created a seperate task-sequence for Windows 8-capture with the DVD of windows 8 as setup-files.
After rebooting to Winpe my deployment this is hanging op "create wim"
What to do?

Hi, I am also getting stuck in the wim creation. I am using a virtual machine (VirtualBox) so I am able to take snapshots and so I have tried many times the same procedure. After the SysPrep, my virtual machine boots into the LiteTouch Installation and everything
seems fine, the Capturing Process is slowly moving and I can see in my Captures-folder on my MDT-server that the wim-image is steadily growing. But, after some time it stops, and it can be after 1% or 6% or 9%, it is random, and I can see every time the size
of the wim-file is different as well. Sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller, but I haven't been able to go beyond 9% of the capturing process, neither over 1 GB of the captured wim file. And please note that the machine completely freezes/hangs, mouse cursor
not moving, it just sits there for unlimited time, no change in the size of the wim-file either on the MDT-server (in the Captures folder). Anyone has any ideas? 
I am using Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64), MDT2013, ADK and the OS I am trying to capture is Win7Prox86.
The Task Sequence is standard SysPrep and Capture, although I have disabled the Inject drivers for WinXP and WinServer2003.
Would be great to know the answer to this problem, so if anyone knows or have any suggestions, please let us know!

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    Ok so i upgraded my server to 2012r2 and i am using the boot.wim from windows8.1 pro iso.  I create a deploy image and it boots up on my fujitsu stylistic machine.  It also boots on my lenovo thinkpad yoga. 
    I go and create a capture image and at first fails so i added the usb3.0 lenovo dongle driver.  It then shows me the windows logo and just hangs at black screen.   I have downloaded the entire sccm driver package off lenovo site and nothing has
    helped.  It also does not load on the fujitsu machine either.  
    I have been going nuts any help is much appreciated

    Where did you get the original image? If you download it from MSDN or technet, can you provide the link?
    And is update 1 integrated with the original image or you install it manually after installation?
    In order to address the issue, we need collect some more informaiton.
    Thank you.

  • The capture-image option is unknown

    I'm trying to capture the C drive to a Image.
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
    Booted OS: WinPE 3
    Command: Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:R:\WinRE\restore.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:"Win 7 Home Premium Restore"
    But I get the following error:
    The capture-image option is unknown
    Although this is the EXACT way as described in the Documentation from Microsoft.
    What's going on here?

    The error "The capture-image option is unknown" may be due to you not using a absolute path to DISM.EXE in your batch file. DISM is the replacement for IMAGEX (I use it all of the time). It will capture and apply an image along with all of the other
    IMAGEX functionality. Since it is already installed in Windows 8 and on the Install media, you can run it and image a folder or your entire drive directly from the Windows 8 install media without having to create your own WinPE CD (from the Windows 8 install
    media:   REPAIR - TROUBLESHOOTING - ADVANCED - COMMAND PROMPT). Below is the batch file I use. You just need it on a logical drive which isn't in the folder path you are capturing, preferably a different logical drive than the target. It
    is pretty generic and it will prompt you for your selections. It will format your target drive during an APPLY if you select yes. It names the WIM image based on the current date and time. DISM needs a scratch directory to write to and it is created in
    the folder you save your image to. Use at your own risk (I am not entirely sure the formatting in this thread left things alone, but it does appear to have). Let me know if you have any questions.
    Enter the imaging action you want to execute
    (Capture, Apply). . . . . . . . . capture
    Enter the target location (drive\directory) where you want to CAPTURE your
    backup image. . . . . . . . . . . d:\images\a780lw800
    Enter the path (drive\directory) you want to backup (CAPTURE)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c:\
    Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
    IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . capture
    LOCATION WHERE IMAGE WILL BE SAVED . . . d:\images\a780lw800
    IMAGE NAME OF BACKUP (CAPTURE) . . . . . 20121122_0819.wim
    Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
    @echo off
    ::    This batch file was created by Curtis Tittle Sr.
    ::    Last updated on 11-22-2012 at 6:20am
    set today=
    set now=
    set now2kf4=
    set now2kl1=
    set newnow=
    set newnowf2=
    set newnowl2=
    set newnow=
    set now1=
    set now12=
    set now2=
    set now3=
    set mltryhour=13
    set mltryhour=14
    set mltryhour=15
    set mltryhour=16
    set mltryhour=17
    set mltryhour=18
    set mltryhour=19
    set mltryhour=20
    set mltryhour=21
    set mltryhour=22
    set mltryhour=23
    set mltryhour=12
    set mltryhour=
    set mltrytime=
    set currentdaytime=
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET today=%%L%%J%%K
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:-. " %%G IN ('time /t') DO SET now=%%G%%H%%I
    ::  Last 1 characters of the time
    set now2kck=%now:~-1%
    if /I "%now2kck%"=="a" goto w2k
    if /I "%now2kck%"=="p" goto w2k
    goto wxp
    ::  First 4 characters of the time
    set now2kf4=%now:~0,4%
    ::  Last 1 characters of the time
    set now2kl1=%now2kf4:~-1%
    if /I "%now2kl1%"=="a" goto add0
    if /I "%now2kl1%"=="p" goto add0
    goto noadd0
    set newnow=0%now:~0,3%
    set newnowf2=%newnow:~0,2%
    set newnowl2=%newnow:~-2%
    set newnow=%newnowf2%:%newnowl2% %now2kck%m
    set now=%newnowf2%%newnowl2%%now2kck%m
    goto noww2k
    set newnow=%now:~0,4%
    set newnowf2=%newnow:~0,2%
    set newnowl2=%newnow:~-2%
    set newnow=%newnowf2%:%newnowl2% %now2kck%m
    set now=%newnowf2%%newnowl2%%now2kck%m
    goto noww2k
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:-. " %%G IN ('time /t') DO SET now=%%G%%H%%I
    FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET today=%%L%%J%%K
    ::  First 2 characters of the time
    set now1=%now:~0,2%
    ::  First 4 characters of the time
    set now12=%now:~0,4%
    ::  Middle 2 characters of the time
    set now2=%now12:~-2%
    ::  Last 2 characters of the time
    set now3=%now:~-2%
    if /I not "%now3%"=="pm" goto skpmltryhour
    ::  Setting the military hour
    if "%now1%"=="01" set mltryhour=13
    if "%now1%"=="02" set mltryhour=14
    if "%now1%"=="03" set mltryhour=15
    if "%now1%"=="04" set mltryhour=16
    if "%now1%"=="05" set mltryhour=17
    if "%now1%"=="06" set mltryhour=18
    if "%now1%"=="07" set mltryhour=19
    if "%now1%"=="08" set mltryhour=20
    if "%now1%"=="09" set mltryhour=21
    if "%now1%"=="10" set mltryhour=22
    if "%now1%"=="11" set mltryhour=23
    if "%now1%"=="12" set mltryhour=12
    goto setmltrytime
    ::  Setting the military hour
    set mltryhour=%now1%
    if "%now1%"=="12" set mltryhour=00
    goto setmltrytime
    ::  Setting the military time
    set mltrytime=%mltryhour%%now2%
    goto setcurrentdaytime
    ::  Setting the current day with the military time
    set currentdaytime=%today%_%mltrytime%
    set dismaction=
    set scrtchdir=
    set captureimgloc=
    set capturepath=
    set vercptrinput=
    set sourcepath=
    set sourcewim=
    set applypath=
    set frmtdrv=
    set verapplinput=
    echo=Enter the imaging action you want to execute
    SET /P dismaction=(Capture, Apply). . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%dismaction%"=="capture" goto capture
    if /i "%dismaction%"=="apply" goto apply
    if /i "%dismaction%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter an imaging action & goto end
    echo. & echo You entered an invalid choice. You must enter Capture or Apply & goto end
    goto %dismaction%
    echo=Enter the target location (drive\directory) where you want to CAPTURE your
    SET /P captureimgloc=backup image. . . . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%captureimgloc%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a target location where you want to CAPTURE your backup image & goto end
    if not exist %captureimgloc% echo. & echo You entered an invalid target location & goto end
    ::  First 2 characters of SCRATCHDIR
    set scrtchdir=%captureimgloc:~0,2%
    if not exist %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir md %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
    echo=Enter the path (drive\directory) you want to backup (CAPTURE)
    SET /P capturepath=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%capturepath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a drive\directory to backup (CAPTURE) & goto end
    if not exist %capturepath% echo. & echo You entered an invalid drive\directory to backup (CAPTURE) & goto end
    echo Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
    echo IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . %dismaction%
    echo LOCATION WHERE IMAGE WILL BE SAVED . . . %captureimgloc%
    echo DRIVE\DIRECTORY TO BACKUP (CAPTURE). . . %capturepath%
    echo IMAGE NAME OF BACKUP (CAPTURE) . . . . . %currentdaytime%.wim
    SET /P vercptrinput=Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
    if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
    if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="yes" goto startcapture
    if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="no" goto end
    goto end
    @echo on
    %systemroot%\system32\Dism.exe /capture-image /ImageFile:%captureimgloc%\%currentdaytime%.wim /CaptureDir:%capturepath% /LogLevel:3 /LogPath:%captureimgloc%\%currentdaytime%.log /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity /Verify /ScratchDir:%scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
    /Name:"DISM WIM image of %capturepath%"
    @echo off
    goto end
    echo=Enter the path to the drive\directory where the image is you want to APPLY
    SET /P sourcepath=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%sourcepath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a path where there is a valid WIM image file & goto end
    if not exist %sourcepath%\*.wim echo. & echo You entered an invalid path & goto end
    dir %sourcepath%\*.wim /b /on
    echo Enter a WIM image filename from the above available captured images to APPLY
    SET /P sourcewim=(exclude the WIM file ext.) . . .
    if /i "%sourcewim%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a WIM image filename to APPLY & goto end
    if not exist %sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.wim echo. & echo You entered an invalid WIM image file [%sourcewim%.wim] & goto end
    ::  First 2 characters of SCRATCHDIR
    set scrtchdir=%sourcepath:~0,2%
    if not exist %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir md %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
    echo Enter the target restore path (drive\directory) where you want to APPLY
    SET /P applypath=the image . . . . . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%applypath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a path where you want to APPLY the image & goto end
    if not exist %applypath% echo. & echo You entered an invalid path to APPLY the image & goto end
    echo Do you want to FORMAT the target drive where you will APPLY the image?
    SET /P frmtdrv=(yes, no) . . . . . . . . . . . .
    if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
    if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="yes" goto applyverify
    if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="no" goto applyverify
    echo Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
    echo IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . %dismaction%
    echo SOURCE IMAGE LOCATION. . . . . . . . . . %sourcepath%
    echo IMAGE FILENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . %sourcewim%.wim
    echo IMAGE RESTORE PATH . . . . . . . . . . . %applypath%
    echo FORMATTING TARGET DRIVE. . . . . . . . . %frmtdrv%
    set /p verapplinput=Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
    if /i "%verapplinput%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
    if /i "%verapplinput%"=="no" goto end
    if /i "%verapplinput%"=="yes" echo. & goto formatdrive
    goto end
    if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="no" goto startapply
    ::  First 2 characters of APPLYPATH
    set frmtpath=%applypath:~0,2%
    if not exist %frmtpath%\bootmgr echo The folder selected is not a SYSTEM folder & goto end
    echo The SYSTEM drive has been verified for FORMATTING & echo.
    %systemroot%\system32\ %frmtpath% /fs:ntfs /q /v:SYSTEM /x /y
    @echo on
    %systemroot%\system32\Dism.exe /apply-image /imagefile:%sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.wim /index:1 /ApplyDir:%applypath% /LogLevel:3 /LogPath:%sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.log /ScratchDir:%scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
    @echo off
    goto end

  • How do I use copyprofile, image manager and create a wim file to Sysprep a reference Windows 8 computer.

    Im trying to deploy a reference machine (configured) to other machines (exact or close image) with different hardware.
    I have successfully used sysprep in out of the box, generalise, shutdown mode although i havent tried to deploy this to another device.  Unfortunately it doesnt copy the profile to default.
    I understand that I have to create an answer file using image manager based on that image, save it to a usb drive and attach this in the sysprep command line when sysprepping it.
    My problem is I dont know how to easily capture an image of windows 8 into a wim file so that i can add this into image manager to create a answer file.  Im also not sure what I have to do in image manager, is it a simple matter of creating and saving
    the answer file or do i have to configure it to copy the profile specifically (theres only one account anyhow).
    I also want to know if i have to attach the drivers or are all the standard drivers put into the sysprep image as standard.  I would like the machine to be an exactly replica, same as doing a clone (but with the drivers for the new machine installed
    so it will boot) same as doing a clone and then repair? If thats possible.
    Any specific instructions on this would be helpful.  I have read the microsft links but they are somewhat confusing.

    I know this is a very late response but I thought I'd post for others who search.
    The easiest way to create the .wim file is via WinPE, this guy's two YouTube videos explain the entire process in detail - 
    Windows 8 ADK Part 1: Capture an OS image -
    Windows 8 ADK Part 2: Windows Image Deployment -
    Here's a quick rundown from my notes:
    Create WinPE via imaging tools command prompt
    copype amd64 c:\winpe
    makewinpemedia /iso "c:\winpe" "c:\winpe\winpe64.iso"
    Open Windows System Image Manager
    Configure unattend.xml
    Save unattend.xml to sysprep folder
    Create script and save it to sysprep folder to launch sysprep with unattend
    @echo off
    cd C:\Windows\System32\sysprep
    Sysprep /oob /generalize /unattend:C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\unattend.xml
    Run as administrator
    Set IP - netsh int ip set address "Local Area Connection" static
    Set DNS - netsh int ip set dns name = "Local Area Connection" source = static addr = validate = no
    Map Network Name - net use z:
    \\WindowsADK\reflex\images password /USER:domain.local\username
    list disk
    select disk zero
    list partition
    select partition 2 (OS partition #)
    Assign letter=S (assigns drive letter to partition)
    dism /capture-image /imagefile:z:\image.wim /capturedir:s:\ /name:"Windows 8.1 Custom"
    Verify image is saved in the image share (z:)

  • Windows 7 Professional PC hangs at "Loading files" when trying to boot with custom capture image on Windows Deployment Services.

    I have created a custom capture image in WDS. Now when I try to boot my reference PC into this image the PC hangs at "Loading files". The reference PC is running Windows 7 and I am using Windows Server 2012 Standard on my server.
    I have followed the instructions on how to create the custom capture image on the server to a fault. I PXE boot the PC and it shows the capture images after I hit F12. The problem is that it starts to boot and then hangs about 2/3 way through the progress
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Derrick Logan,
    We need know the detail phases your client hang, if it is irregular status, please collect the WDS log then post it. You can refer the following similar thread solution first.
    How to enable logging in Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and in Windows Server 2012
    Windows is loading files... Hangs on WDS
    WDS hangs at "Windows is loading files..." on a LAM jhl91 laptop
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Capture image with .wim and unattend.xml?

    We captured an image with the default wim of windows 7 + an unattend.xml. Now it seems this unattend.xml was not correctly applied (media center was removed but is still there, some components were installed
    but are not etc). Question: when capturing an image, you CAN use a default .wim right? Or should you use “apply operating system from original installation source” to have it applied correctly?
    Our problem is that our original task sequence had to many Windows updates and crashed. That’s why we are using offline updates which we include in the capture task sequence.
    If we would need to use the "apply operating system from original ..." then we'd need to:
    1.capture without updates
    2.import this wim into sccm
    3.offline update this wim
    4.use this for capture WITH updates
    Please advise. J.
    Jan Hoedt

    Have you tried making a package of your unattended.xml and pointing to it in your Apply Operating system step?
    If I remember correctly SCCM will make it's own unattended.xml even if one exists in the wim file, using the package of the unattended.xml that you have already created will make it use that one. Looks something like this in the task sequence with the highlighted
    yellow parts filled out by your package of the unattended.xml:

  • Import Images into slide show - Creating Thumbnail images -Hang

    I am using iDVD 7. I imported my images into a slideshow. The pictures were not in iPhoto but just a folder that I created and edited in Photoshop. Once I import the images, the window shows all the file names as expected but all the Image Thumbnails are blank and the top of the window there is a message "+Creating thumbnail images... (32 remaining)+" with a spinning wheel next to the message. This message stays there forever. The 32 is the number of images in the slideshow. I can do most things in iDVD while this is going on, but I cannot add the audio I want.
    What is causing this and can I get it to stop?

    To add to this I decided to remove the slideshow and now import the pictures from iPhoto. I can only get ride of the message by closing iDVD down. When I relaunch iDVD the message is gone. When I now import the pictures from iPhoto the same thing happens where it hangs on creating thumbnail images.

  • WDS - Server 2008 R2 Create an Capture Image Error

    I'm trying to create a capture image, and when I do that I receive an error stating "The operation completed with errors. A required privilege is not held by the client".
    I've logged in with multiple domain admins, I've "run as administrator" for WDS, I've uninstalled/reinstalled the role and reconfigured it. I cant find any group policies that would be affecting this in a negative way. This is installed on a DC
    which does not have DHCP.
    I'm pretty much at the end of my rope here, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
    Thank you all in advance!

    Add the user to local administrator group and try again.
    If the issue persists, you can enable logging and tracing WDS component.
    For more information you can refer to:
    How to enable logging in Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and in Windows Server 2012
    This article contains information about how to modify the registry. Make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it. Make
    sure that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.

  • Unable to capture image using MDT 2012

    After running my Sysprep and Capture task using MDT 2012, MDT begins to capture the image and makes it all the way to ~94% and then stops and returns several errors. Any idea as to what may be causing this? Below are the errors returned during the capture
    task and the ZTIBackup.log:
    Error creating an image of drive C:, re=2
    ZTI ERROR - Non-zero return code by ZTIBackup, rc = 2
    Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005
    Failed to run the action: Create WIM.
    The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002; Source: Windows)
    The execution of the group (capture Image) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)
    Failed to run the last action: Create WIM. Execution of task sequence failed.
    The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002; Source: Windows)
    Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005
    <![LOG[Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 6.1.2373.0]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[The task sequencer log is located at X:\windows\TEMP\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG.  For task sequence failures, please consult this log.]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context=""
    type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[OriginalPartitionIdentifier is set, find disk: SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size = '299999686656' and VolumeName = '' and VolumeSerialNumber = '2A688632']LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup"
    context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Search for Drive: OriginalPartitionIdentifier  SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size = '299999686656' and VolumeName = '' and VolumeSerialNumber = '2A688632']LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014"
    component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Found Drive: C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Property OSDTargetDriveCache is now = C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Property OSDisk is now = C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[BackupDrive not specified searching for backup drive]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[BackupDrive defaulting to Destination Logical Drive: C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Checking to see if we can store the backup locally]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Drive C: 160595120]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Local store path = C:\StateStore]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Total used space: 160595120]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Available space at C:\StateStore: 132373320]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Local store not permitted]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Network store path set to blank]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Network store path set to: \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Backup file name already set to: CCB01-8_15_14.wim]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Using the backup path: \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Validating connection to \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Already connected to server OCS-MDT as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[Beginning backup of drive C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[About to run command: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Tools\X64\imagex.exe"  /capture /compress maximum C: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim" "CCB01CDrive" /flags ENTERPRISE]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000"
    date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Command has been started (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 0 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > ImageX Tool for Windows]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Version: 6.1.7600.16385]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Files/folders excluded from image capture by default:]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$windows.~bt]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$windows.~ls]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \winpepge.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Windows\CSC]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Recycled]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Recycler]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$Recycle.Bin\*]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \System Volume Information]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \pagefile.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \hiberfil.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Turning on VERIFY option for network share]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Scanning files and directories...]LOG]!><time="14:01:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   0% ] Capturing progress ]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 17 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   1% ] Capturing progress ]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   2% ] Capturing progress: 2:22:22 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:21:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   3% ] Capturing progress: 2:23:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:22:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   4% ] Capturing progress: 2:23:01 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:24:11.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 23 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:24:11.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   5% ] Capturing progress: 2:39:46 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:27:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   6% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:14 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:28:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   7% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:42 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:30:39.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 29 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:30:39.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   8% ] Capturing progress: 2:41:26 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:32:08.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   9% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:24 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:34:47.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  10% ] Capturing progress: 2:41:57 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:36:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 35 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:36:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  11% ] Capturing progress: 2:38:33 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:37:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  12% ] Capturing progress: 2:35:51 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:39:18.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  13% ] Capturing progress: 2:33:30 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:41:00.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 40 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:41:00.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  14% ] Capturing progress: 2:30:39 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:42:28.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  15% ] Capturing progress: 2:28:39 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:44:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  16% ] Capturing progress: 2:28:06 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:46:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 45 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:46:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  17% ] Capturing progress: 2:30:58 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:50:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  18% ] Capturing progress: 2:42:16 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:57:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 56 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:57:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  19% ] Capturing progress: 2:55:09 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:03:37.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 62 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:03:37.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  20% ] Capturing progress: 3:03:46 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:07:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  21% ] Capturing progress: 3:10:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:11:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 70 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:11:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  22% ] Capturing progress: 3:12:08 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:13:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  23% ] Capturing progress: 3:11:13 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:15:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  24% ] Capturing progress: 3:08:56 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:17:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 76 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:17:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  25% ] Capturing progress: 3:06:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:20:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  26% ] Capturing progress: 3:03:27 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:22:24.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 81 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:22:24.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  27% ] Capturing progress: 3:00:07 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:24:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  28% ] Capturing progress: 2:56:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:25:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  29% ] Capturing progress: 2:54:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:30:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 89 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:30:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  30% ] Capturing progress: 2:52:44 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:32:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  31% ] Capturing progress: 2:50:14 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:34:29.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  32% ] Capturing progress: 2:47:25 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:36:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 95 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:36:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  33% ] Capturing progress: 2:44:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:38:25.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  34% ] Capturing progress: 2:40:58 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:40:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  35% ] Capturing progress: 2:37:40 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:42:17.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 101 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:42:17.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  36% ] Capturing progress: 2:34:21 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:44:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  37% ] Capturing progress: 2:31:09 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:46:18.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  38% ] Capturing progress: 2:28:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:48:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 107 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:48:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  39% ] Capturing progress: 2:25:45 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:51:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  40% ] Capturing progress: 2:23:10 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:53:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 112 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:53:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  41% ] Capturing progress: 2:20:18 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:54:44.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  42% ] Capturing progress: 2:17:13 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:56:48.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  43% ] Capturing progress: 2:14:21 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:59:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 118 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:59:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  44% ] Capturing progress: 2:11:48 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:01:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  45% ] Capturing progress: 2:09:52 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:07:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 126 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:07:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  46% ] Capturing progress: 2:09:09 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:10:37.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  47% ] Capturing progress: 2:08:08 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:12:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 131 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:12:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  48% ] Capturing progress: 2:06:21 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:15:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  49% ] Capturing progress: 2:04:12 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:17:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 136 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:17:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  50% ] Capturing progress: 2:01:44 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:20:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  51% ] Capturing progress: 1:59:26 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:22:36.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 141 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:22:36.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  52% ] Capturing progress: 1:57:05 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:24:21.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  53% ] Capturing progress: 1:54:22 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:26:15.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  54% ] Capturing progress: 1:51:34 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:28:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 147 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:28:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  55% ] Capturing progress: 1:48:56 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:30:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  56% ] Capturing progress: 1:46:05 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:33:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 152 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:33:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  57% ] Capturing progress: 1:43:42 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:35:25.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  58% ] Capturing progress: 1:41:18 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:37:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  59% ] Capturing progress: 1:38:41 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:38:57.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 157 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:38:57.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  60% ] Capturing progress: 1:36:02 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:40:19.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  61% ] Capturing progress: 1:33:11 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:41:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  62% ] Capturing progress: 1:30:13 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:43:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 162 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:43:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  63% ] Capturing progress: 1:27:20 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:46:48.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  64% ] Capturing progress: 1:24:48 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:49:52.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 168 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:49:52.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  65% ] Capturing progress: 1:22:51 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:51:34.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  66% ] Capturing progress: 1:20:36 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:52:56.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  67% ] Capturing progress: 1:17:48 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:55:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 174 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:55:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  68% ] Capturing progress: 1:15:29 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:56:51.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  69% ] Capturing progress: 1:12:55 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:58:32.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  70% ] Capturing progress: 1:10:29 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:59:44.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  71% ] Capturing progress: 1:07:56 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:00:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 179 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:00:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  72% ] Capturing progress: 1:05:07 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:02:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  73% ] Capturing progress: 1:02:13 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:04:24.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  74% ] Capturing progress: 59:21 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:07:21.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 186 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:07:21.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  75% ] Capturing progress: 57:19 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:08:59.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  76% ] Capturing progress: 54:21 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:12:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 191 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:12:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  77% ] Capturing progress: 52:42 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:14:16.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  78% ] Capturing progress: 50:16 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:16:48.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  79% ] Capturing progress: 48:22 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 197 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  80% ] Capturing progress: 46:27 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:18:47.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  81% ] Capturing progress: 44:11 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:19:20.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  82% ] Capturing progress: 41:31 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:20:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  83% ] Capturing progress: 38:07 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:23:49.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 202 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:23:49.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  84% ] Capturing progress: 35:48 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:26:06.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  85% ] Capturing progress: 33:25 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:28:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 207 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:28:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  86% ] Capturing progress: 31:18 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:30:54.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  87% ] Capturing progress: 29:37 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:31:54.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  88% ] Capturing progress: 27:55 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:32:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  89% ] Capturing progress: 25:04 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:34:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 213 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:34:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  90% ] Capturing progress: 22:52 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:35:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  91% ] Capturing progress: 20:47 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:36:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  92% ] Capturing progress: 18:33 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:37:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  93% ] Capturing progress: 16:14 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:38:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  94% ] Capturing progress: 13:54 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:39:40.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 218 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:39:40.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 224 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:45:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Return code from command = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Error creating an image of drive C:, rc = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="3" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTIBackup COMPLETED.  Return Value = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI ERROR - Non-zero return code by ZTIBackup, rc = -1073741819  0xC0000005]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="3" thread=""

    Not sure what's going on here. Possibly a corrupt drive? Or the target drive is full?
    Try running the imagex command manually from a F8 cmd window (in WinPE)
    "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Tools\X64\imagex.exe" /capture /compress maximum C: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim" "CCB01CDrive" /flags ENTERPRISE
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

  • Unable to capture images since upgrade to MDT 2013

    I recently updated MDT 2012 to MDT 2013 to enable support for Windows 8.1. Under MDT 2012 I was able to both capture and deploy images without an issue. Since upgrading to MDT 2013 I've had nothing but grief. When I launch my Sysprep and Capture task I am
    returned with the following error:
    Error creating an image of drive D:, rc=2ZTI ERROR -Non-zero return code by ZTIBackup, rc=2Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005
    Failed to run the action: Create WIM.
    The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002; Source: Windows)
    The execution of the group (Capture Image) has failed and the execution has been aborted.
    An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source Windows)
    Failed to run the last action Create WIM.  Execution of task sequence failed.
    The system cannot find the file specified.  (Error 00000002; Source: Windows)
    Task Sequence Engine Failed!  Code: enExecutionFail
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    Error TAsk Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence.  Code 0x80004005
    Once the machine boots up again I check the BDD log located in C:\Windows\Temp\DeploymentLogs and notice the following error:
    <![LOG[  Console > Error opening file [\\rmh-vm-mdt2012\DeploymentShare$\Captures\WINDOWS.8.1.REF.wim].]LOG]!><time="10:23:55.000+000" date="02-06-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1"
    thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Access is denied. ]LOG]!><time="10:23:55.000+000" date="02-06-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    My issue appears to be a permissions problem.  For troubleshooting purposes I've given Everyone full access to \DeploymentShare$ however the problem continues to persist. 
    I'm not sure where to go from here.  Hoping someone can help. 

    Additionally, ensure that the share itself is marked R/W access.
    As a test, boot to WinPE and try to create a file, any file on the share.
    However, Lordy86 may have the correct solution :^).
    Keith Garner -

  • WDS capture image on a Windows 2012 R2 server fails with a winload error

    I have been fighting with this problem for days now. I have to install
    30 Win8.1 Pro PC's with  WDS. The WDS service is running on a Win2012 R2
    server. I added the Win 8.1 Pro boot and install images and created a capture image.
    Now when I boot the reference computer I get  a Boot Manager message saying that winload.exe is missing or corrupt. The original boot wim works
    correctly.I removed and added the WDS role a couple of times, I tried the procedure with a 32 bit Win7 boot image, and that worked, But when I added the capture image created from the original Win8.1 boot.wim, that spoiled both capture images.  I tried
    the same thing with a Win2012 R2 Standard server after removing and adding the WDS role again, but the capture image generated the same error as above. .I see that since about mid-April many people has the same problem.Different solutions are suggested, but
    none of them   worked for me.  One of them is to mount and unmount the capture image, that didn't help for me.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Do I understand correctly that if you deploy original wim file to your testPC1 it works all right, but if you deploy an image that you captured on buildPC to testPC1 then you get the winload.exe error ?
     Are you formatting (deleting all the partitions) on testPC1 during the
    deployment of captured image ? Can you check and confirm if the HDD seting for AHCI or IDE (yes, its still around) is the same option on both stations?

  • Deploying captured image of reference computer - WDS & MDT

    Hi, yesterday I set up MDT 2012 Update 1 on Windows 7 computer and WDS on Windows Server 2008 R2. I completed the following tasks:
    Create New Deployment Share
    Import Operating System (Windows 7) into Deployment Share
    Import network drivers for HP Compaq Pro 6300 Small Form Factor into Deployment Share
    Create Sysprep and Capture Task Sequence for capturing image of reference computer
    Update Deployment Share
    Prepare reference computer for imaging - install OS, drivers, apps, patches . . .
    Run Sysprep and Capture Task Sequence from reference computer
    Import captured image of reference computer into Deployment Share
    Create Standard Client Task Sequence for deploying captured image to bare-metal computer
    Use Lite_Touch wim file as WDS boot image
    Run PXE boot on bare-metal computer
    Enter necessary information - computer name, domain name, time zone and so on
    I took more than 2 hours to complete deployment of captured image to bare-metal computer. Everything worked well but after this process finished I noticed that computer name was not the one I entered in TS nor computer was joined to the domain. Time zone
    was not set. It seems that computer name, workgroup membership, time zone can not be altered in TS - they remain the same as they were on sysprepped computer.

    My doubts and yours Keith were right, sysprep was not performed well at all via Sysprep and Capture Task Sequence so I did
    sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown on reference machine and then booted it into WinPE with ImageX tool (if I am right in newest ADK dism is main tool for capturing online images instead of ImageX which is deprecated). I captured
    image of Windows 7 OS partition and copied it to MDT technician computer, imported it as operating system in MDT deployment share and selected it as .wim image to deploy to new bare metal machine via Standard Client Task Sequence. During deployment entered
    values for computer name, time zone were applied successfully and computer was joined to a domain. After restart message was shown with info that built in local administator account was disabled with switch user option where I could choose local account that
    existed on sysprepped machine or domain account.
    Conclusion: Sysprep step in Sysprep and Capture TS in MDT does not work at all. I will try this on newest version of MDT (MDT 2013) since I am testing now on MDT 2012 Update 1 version. If sysprep does not work again MDT is useless for capturing images thus
    I have to use sysprep manually and then dism for capturing sysprepped image.
    Thank you very much for your time and patience.

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 fails to install OSD of Captured Image

    I installed Windows Server 2012, Visual Studio Pro 2008, 2010, 2012 and SQL Server 2012 onto a machine. Configured the settings on Windows Server 2012 and SQL 2012 to how the Developers requested to be configured. Ran the Capture Media from SCCM 2012 SP1,
    saved to the designated network share. Capture was successful.
    I create a TS to deploy the image to the other Dev Servers but it reboots to say no valid operating system found. I checked Monitoring for the Deployment I see the Task sequence but has the following error: Device - Unknown, MessageID - 11170, Description
    - The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence.
    I see in the Apply Operation System from a captured image shows 1-1, 2-2, or 3-3. Does it matter which one I select and if so what does the numbers mean?
    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    Hi Blacksuit,
    Those numbers of the captured image stand for the indexes that are part of your WIM.  And yes, it does matter which one you select.  In the ConfigMgr console, go to your Software Library > Operating Systems > Operating System Images and select
    the image you imported into ConfigMgr.  Then at the bottom, click the Details tab to display your indexes.  The index that contains your OS will have an OS Version and a description.  The other indexes will be data images and not contain any
    information in the Details tab.  You'll need to choose the index (number) that contains the OS for the Apply OS step.  To apply the data image indexes, use the Apply Data Image task sequence step and specify the partitions to apply the images
    too before the Apply OS step.
    Good luck!

  • WDS Capture Image Blank Screen with Cursor

    Hey everyone, happy Friday and Happy Sysadmin Day!
    Not super happy for myself unfortunately! I'm having a problem with a Capture Image in WDS. I have a Sysprepped Dell 6440 running Windows 7 x64.I've created a Capture Image in WDS from a boot image with drivers injected and without drivers injected, but every time I boot from PXE, it gets to the windows loading screen, and then it just shows a blank screen with a cursor.I'm using Microsoft's OpenLicense ISO as a base for the boot.wimI can't find any solution that works. I've tried mounting and unmounting the WIM, restarting WDS, etc. This is getting really frustrating as I'm so close to having these images ready.The blank screen won't do anything, won't open a cmd with Shift+
    F10 or anything. I've also tried booting on a different machine and it does the same thing.Any suggestions are...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    HI @Moonrod ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    It is a super place to find answers and information!
    For you to have the best experience in the HP forum I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide Learn How to Post and More
    I grasp you were unable to do a refresh you PC as you received the message that the drive was locked.
    Please refer to my post Re: Can't refresh or reset windows 8.1 because drive is locked
    Here is a link from the that may also be informative.
    Fix: The drive where Windows is installed is locked.
    Best of Luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • About capturing images by MIDLET ....

    I've tried to capture images by creating a player object .
    But after capturing, there is an information message that
    asks if " it's OK to record an image or audio clip , is OK to record? "
    The toolkit hangs after pressing ' , and the part of code are as following:
    // Start Player object
    Player = Manager("capture://video");
    mVideoControl = (VideoControl)mPlayer.getControl("VideoControl");
    Canvas canvas = new CameraCanvas(this, mVideoControl);
    // Ready to save image and make it smaller
    raw = mVideoControl.getSnapshot(null);
    Image image = Image.createImage(raw, 0, raw.length);
    Image thumb = createThumbnail(image);
    // Flip back to the main form.
    // Shut down the player.
    Where is the problem ?
    Thanks in advance : )

    Can you provide this info:
    Are there Timecode breaks on the tape?
    What audio rate was the camera set to for recording?
    Type of camera?
    What is the current East Setup in FCE?

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