The capture-image option is unknown

I'm trying to capture the C drive to a Image.
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Booted OS: WinPE 3
Command: Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:R:\WinRE\restore.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:"Win 7 Home Premium Restore"
But I get the following error:
The capture-image option is unknown
Although this is the EXACT way as described in the Documentation from Microsoft.
What's going on here?

The error "The capture-image option is unknown" may be due to you not using a absolute path to DISM.EXE in your batch file. DISM is the replacement for IMAGEX (I use it all of the time). It will capture and apply an image along with all of the other
IMAGEX functionality. Since it is already installed in Windows 8 and on the Install media, you can run it and image a folder or your entire drive directly from the Windows 8 install media without having to create your own WinPE CD (from the Windows 8 install
media:   REPAIR - TROUBLESHOOTING - ADVANCED - COMMAND PROMPT). Below is the batch file I use. You just need it on a logical drive which isn't in the folder path you are capturing, preferably a different logical drive than the target. It
is pretty generic and it will prompt you for your selections. It will format your target drive during an APPLY if you select yes. It names the WIM image based on the current date and time. DISM needs a scratch directory to write to and it is created in
the folder you save your image to. Use at your own risk (I am not entirely sure the formatting in this thread left things alone, but it does appear to have). Let me know if you have any questions.
Enter the imaging action you want to execute
(Capture, Apply). . . . . . . . . capture
Enter the target location (drive\directory) where you want to CAPTURE your
backup image. . . . . . . . . . . d:\images\a780lw800
Enter the path (drive\directory) you want to backup (CAPTURE)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c:\
Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . capture
LOCATION WHERE IMAGE WILL BE SAVED . . . d:\images\a780lw800
IMAGE NAME OF BACKUP (CAPTURE) . . . . . 20121122_0819.wim
Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
@echo off
::    This batch file was created by Curtis Tittle Sr.
::    Last updated on 11-22-2012 at 6:20am
set today=
set now=
set now2kf4=
set now2kl1=
set newnow=
set newnowf2=
set newnowl2=
set newnow=
set now1=
set now12=
set now2=
set now3=
set mltryhour=13
set mltryhour=14
set mltryhour=15
set mltryhour=16
set mltryhour=17
set mltryhour=18
set mltryhour=19
set mltryhour=20
set mltryhour=21
set mltryhour=22
set mltryhour=23
set mltryhour=12
set mltryhour=
set mltrytime=
set currentdaytime=
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET today=%%L%%J%%K
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:-. " %%G IN ('time /t') DO SET now=%%G%%H%%I
::  Last 1 characters of the time
set now2kck=%now:~-1%
if /I "%now2kck%"=="a" goto w2k
if /I "%now2kck%"=="p" goto w2k
goto wxp
::  First 4 characters of the time
set now2kf4=%now:~0,4%
::  Last 1 characters of the time
set now2kl1=%now2kf4:~-1%
if /I "%now2kl1%"=="a" goto add0
if /I "%now2kl1%"=="p" goto add0
goto noadd0
set newnow=0%now:~0,3%
set newnowf2=%newnow:~0,2%
set newnowl2=%newnow:~-2%
set newnow=%newnowf2%:%newnowl2% %now2kck%m
set now=%newnowf2%%newnowl2%%now2kck%m
goto noww2k
set newnow=%now:~0,4%
set newnowf2=%newnow:~0,2%
set newnowl2=%newnow:~-2%
set newnow=%newnowf2%:%newnowl2% %now2kck%m
set now=%newnowf2%%newnowl2%%now2kck%m
goto noww2k
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:-. " %%G IN ('time /t') DO SET now=%%G%%H%%I
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET today=%%L%%J%%K
::  First 2 characters of the time
set now1=%now:~0,2%
::  First 4 characters of the time
set now12=%now:~0,4%
::  Middle 2 characters of the time
set now2=%now12:~-2%
::  Last 2 characters of the time
set now3=%now:~-2%
if /I not "%now3%"=="pm" goto skpmltryhour
::  Setting the military hour
if "%now1%"=="01" set mltryhour=13
if "%now1%"=="02" set mltryhour=14
if "%now1%"=="03" set mltryhour=15
if "%now1%"=="04" set mltryhour=16
if "%now1%"=="05" set mltryhour=17
if "%now1%"=="06" set mltryhour=18
if "%now1%"=="07" set mltryhour=19
if "%now1%"=="08" set mltryhour=20
if "%now1%"=="09" set mltryhour=21
if "%now1%"=="10" set mltryhour=22
if "%now1%"=="11" set mltryhour=23
if "%now1%"=="12" set mltryhour=12
goto setmltrytime
::  Setting the military hour
set mltryhour=%now1%
if "%now1%"=="12" set mltryhour=00
goto setmltrytime
::  Setting the military time
set mltrytime=%mltryhour%%now2%
goto setcurrentdaytime
::  Setting the current day with the military time
set currentdaytime=%today%_%mltrytime%
set dismaction=
set scrtchdir=
set captureimgloc=
set capturepath=
set vercptrinput=
set sourcepath=
set sourcewim=
set applypath=
set frmtdrv=
set verapplinput=
echo=Enter the imaging action you want to execute
SET /P dismaction=(Capture, Apply). . . . . . . . .
if /i "%dismaction%"=="capture" goto capture
if /i "%dismaction%"=="apply" goto apply
if /i "%dismaction%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter an imaging action & goto end
echo. & echo You entered an invalid choice. You must enter Capture or Apply & goto end
goto %dismaction%
echo=Enter the target location (drive\directory) where you want to CAPTURE your
SET /P captureimgloc=backup image. . . . . . . . . . .
if /i "%captureimgloc%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a target location where you want to CAPTURE your backup image & goto end
if not exist %captureimgloc% echo. & echo You entered an invalid target location & goto end
::  First 2 characters of SCRATCHDIR
set scrtchdir=%captureimgloc:~0,2%
if not exist %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir md %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
echo=Enter the path (drive\directory) you want to backup (CAPTURE)
SET /P capturepath=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if /i "%capturepath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a drive\directory to backup (CAPTURE) & goto end
if not exist %capturepath% echo. & echo You entered an invalid drive\directory to backup (CAPTURE) & goto end
echo Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
echo IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . %dismaction%
echo LOCATION WHERE IMAGE WILL BE SAVED . . . %captureimgloc%
echo DRIVE\DIRECTORY TO BACKUP (CAPTURE). . . %capturepath%
echo IMAGE NAME OF BACKUP (CAPTURE) . . . . . %currentdaytime%.wim
SET /P vercptrinput=Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="yes" goto startcapture
if /i "%vercptrinput%"=="no" goto end
goto end
@echo on
%systemroot%\system32\Dism.exe /capture-image /ImageFile:%captureimgloc%\%currentdaytime%.wim /CaptureDir:%capturepath% /LogLevel:3 /LogPath:%captureimgloc%\%currentdaytime%.log /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity /Verify /ScratchDir:%scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
/Name:"DISM WIM image of %capturepath%"
@echo off
goto end
echo=Enter the path to the drive\directory where the image is you want to APPLY
SET /P sourcepath=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if /i "%sourcepath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a path where there is a valid WIM image file & goto end
if not exist %sourcepath%\*.wim echo. & echo You entered an invalid path & goto end
dir %sourcepath%\*.wim /b /on
echo Enter a WIM image filename from the above available captured images to APPLY
SET /P sourcewim=(exclude the WIM file ext.) . . .
if /i "%sourcewim%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a WIM image filename to APPLY & goto end
if not exist %sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.wim echo. & echo You entered an invalid WIM image file [%sourcewim%.wim] & goto end
::  First 2 characters of SCRATCHDIR
set scrtchdir=%sourcepath:~0,2%
if not exist %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir md %scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
echo Enter the target restore path (drive\directory) where you want to APPLY
SET /P applypath=the image . . . . . . . . . . . .
if /i "%applypath%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter a path where you want to APPLY the image & goto end
if not exist %applypath% echo. & echo You entered an invalid path to APPLY the image & goto end
echo Do you want to FORMAT the target drive where you will APPLY the image?
SET /P frmtdrv=(yes, no) . . . . . . . . . . . .
if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="yes" goto applyverify
if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="no" goto applyverify
echo Verify the below selections prior to beginning . . .
echo IMAGING ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . %dismaction%
echo SOURCE IMAGE LOCATION. . . . . . . . . . %sourcepath%
echo IMAGE FILENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . %sourcewim%.wim
echo IMAGE RESTORE PATH . . . . . . . . . . . %applypath%
echo FORMATTING TARGET DRIVE. . . . . . . . . %frmtdrv%
set /p verapplinput=Does the above selections appear correct? (yes, no)
if /i "%verapplinput%"=="" echo. & echo You must enter yes or no & goto end
if /i "%verapplinput%"=="no" goto end
if /i "%verapplinput%"=="yes" echo. & goto formatdrive
goto end
if /i "%frmtdrv%"=="no" goto startapply
::  First 2 characters of APPLYPATH
set frmtpath=%applypath:~0,2%
if not exist %frmtpath%\bootmgr echo The folder selected is not a SYSTEM folder & goto end
echo The SYSTEM drive has been verified for FORMATTING & echo.
%systemroot%\system32\ %frmtpath% /fs:ntfs /q /v:SYSTEM /x /y
@echo on
%systemroot%\system32\Dism.exe /apply-image /imagefile:%sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.wim /index:1 /ApplyDir:%applypath% /LogLevel:3 /LogPath:%sourcepath%\%sourcewim%.log /ScratchDir:%scrtchdir%\images\scratchdir
@echo off
goto end

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    I have a UFD

    The information here didn't help much in resolving the issue, as Mr. Arnav Sharma suggested, could you please have a share with the full error messages?
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    Hehe. What's wrong with seeing a little bit of the world?
    As for Grab, you won't get the correct resolution out of your footage that way. Even if you capture a full screen preview of your footage, your monitor resolution will either be higher, resulting in unnecessary upscaling, or lower, resulting in screen caps that are smaller than your footage resolution. If you export to an Image Sequence in Quicktime you can be sure that your images will be the exact same resolution as your footage.

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    Try Settings > Display > Image Enhancement, and turn off X-Reality and Super-vivid mode.
    The standard capture method is Superior Auto, which I find annoying. You may get better results using Manual mode, or using another camera app altogether (I often use the Google camera app, free on the App Store)

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    Do I understand correctly that if you deploy original wim file to your testPC1 it works all right, but if you deploy an image that you captured on buildPC to testPC1 then you get the winload.exe error ?
     Are you formatting (deleting all the partitions) on testPC1 during the
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    - Captured (2nd page)
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    I do appreciate any tips.

    LFSwiss wrote:hpholm:
    I do not have a card reader [I transfer with PC Suite]. I have tried the SDHC from my other phone, but this makes no difference.
    I do respect your comment on Forum rules (however, "On a repairability scale from 0-10 where 10 is the easiest to repair, the N8 scores 8." has piqued my interest (all the internet searches I have done only say "take it to Nokia Care", which is not an option for me - warranty has long expired). Am I right in thinking I should take it to a "generic" repair shop...
    Many thanks (and happy end to your weekends).
    If changing the SDHC does not help, that would point towards corruption on the C or E drive - which the software recovery tool should have solved. Since you have presumably backed up everything already and the N8 is in a risk-willing state, I suggest safe eject the SDHC from the Files app and then physically remove the memory card from the phone. Now in the Files app format the E drive on the phone (Notice that you lose off-line maps and apps installed on E) Then in the Camera app reset to defaults. Try and snap some photos and see how it goes without the memory card?
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    All the above is just off the top of my head. I have never experienced this particular error on my N8 (knock on wood!) - My N8 has lost the notification LED functionality on the button and the small charge indicator LED a year ago. The rest of the phone does what it is supposed to do, and there are no obvious mechanical issues inside after a clean-up, so I decided to ignore it.
    The xenon trouble is either the "bulb" itself failing or the array of spring connectors from the motherboard failing.
    An N8 is built like a tank. Teardown instructions are found elsewhere. Whatever you decide, do not spend too much money on it. A second-hand N8 in fair condition is worth €50-80 in Denmark, perhaps even less now that Skype and the social app stopped working, and some of the root certificates expired. It still wakes me up in the morning every day - a simple task that the Lumia failed several times.

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    - The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence.
    I see in the Apply Operation System from a captured image shows 1-1, 2-2, or 3-3. Does it matter which one I select and if so what does the numbers mean?
    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    Hi Blacksuit,
    Those numbers of the captured image stand for the indexes that are part of your WIM.  And yes, it does matter which one you select.  In the ConfigMgr console, go to your Software Library > Operating Systems > Operating System Images and select
    the image you imported into ConfigMgr.  Then at the bottom, click the Details tab to display your indexes.  The index that contains your OS will have an OS Version and a description.  The other indexes will be data images and not contain any
    information in the Details tab.  You'll need to choose the index (number) that contains the OS for the Apply OS step.  To apply the data image indexes, use the Apply Data Image task sequence step and specify the partitions to apply the images
    too before the Apply OS step.
    Good luck!

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    Anyone else seeing this? Is it a known bug with Yosemite or just on my side?

    I'm actually experiencing the same thing, i asked my officemate and he is also getting the same error when using capture on mac mail

  • Administrator account is disable when deploying windows 7 x64 captured image

    I’m using MDT 2012 update 1. I create one deployment share with two task sequence.
    The task sequences are: one for windows 7 x86 and the other one is windows 7 x64.
    Both are working fine until I try to sysprep and capture with all the windows updates.
    Sysprep and capture windows 7 x86 with all windows update work fine. I’m able to deploy the captured image without an error.
    My problem is with the windows 7 x64 captured image. I’m able to sysprep and capture the windows7 x64 with all the windows update. Once the capture is completed, I change the .win file in my windows 7 x64 task sequence to point to the new .win file (capture
    image with all the windows update). When I deploy windows 7 x64 on a pc, the OS get install but boot up to the sign on screen. The Task sequence does not complete. No error message. Cannot log in as local or domain administrator, account is disable.
    Why does it work with my windows 7 x86 image and not with my windows 7 x64 image?
    With my windows 7 x86 image the task sequence completed successfully with no error and it logon automatically in windows but not with my windows 7 x64 image.
    Both task sequences are the same.
    Let me know if any info for this please.

    They should both work, perhaps you missed a step when creating the x64 image.
    1. Verify that the Windows 7 x64 image was created cleanly, with no errors. Sysprep ran with no errors.
    2. Verify that you created the windows 7 deployment task sequence cleanly. I would do a windiff of the TS.xml and unattend.xml file from both folders in the deployment share.
    3. Try running without a domain. Some domain's have a GP set to disable the local administrator account.
    Keith Garner -

  • Why aren't my CSS and div tag boxes displaying the background images I'm plugging in?

    I'm using the CSS dialog boxes to places images via the background image option into my dreamweaver site. Everything looks fine in dreamweaver but when I view it any of the browsers, two of the images I've place as div tag background images don't work....the overal background image of the site works, but these don't show up ....
    here's my code if it helps to answer
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-image: url(images/realgrade.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    text-align: center;
    html, body {
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    padding-top: 25px;
    #wrapper {
    width: 930px;
    text-align: left;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    margin-left: auto;
    position: relative;
    background-image: url(file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/jimmymoreira/Unnamed%20Site%204/images/possible%20image. jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    #header {
    height: 192px;
    width: 237px;
    background-image: url(images/logo_fill.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    left: 35px;
    top: -25px;
    #mainNav {
    background-color: #33F;
    height: 200px;
    width: 272px;
    float: left;
    margin-top: 233px;
    #maincontent {
    height: 600px;
    width: 608px;
    float: right;
    margin-bottom: 45px;
    padding-right: 25px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center 270px;
    background-image: url(file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/jimmymoreira/Unnamed%20Site%204/images/opaqueMaincontent .png);
    #sidebar {
    background-color: #F36;
    height: 250px;
    width: 272px;
    clear: left;
    float: left;
    #footer {
    height: 525px;
    width: 870px;
    clear: both;
    padding-top: 45px;
    padding-right: 30px;
    padding-bottom: 30px;
    padding-left: 30px;
    background-image: url(images/footer_image.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    margin-top: 45px;
    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="header">
        <p> </p>
        <p> </p>
        <p> </p>
      <div id="mainNav">
    <p> </p>
      <div id="maincontent"></div>
      <div id="sidebar"></div>
      <div id="footer"></div>
    here's what I'm going for
    here's what I'm getting in the browser
    Please help!

    Your image files are pointing to your hard drive, not your server.  You have this
    background-image: url(file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/jimmymoreira/Unnamed%20Site%204/imag es/opaqueMaincontent.png);
    and you should have this
    background-image: url(imag es/opaqueMaincontent.png);
    Also, is your images file named imag es?

  • Files not showing captured images after belle upda...

    after belle update i cant see the images i have captured with n8's camera in files(file manager of phone) even though i can see them in gallery.......only the captured images after update are not showing..does anybody else have the same could i resolve it?????
    Go to Solution.

    I have the similar problem after updating to Belle on my N8. My photos, previously taken with the phone are still somewhere on the memory card and are visible if I want to add them to the contact profile, but otherwise, can not locate them? Tried thru attach to e-mail, MMS, connected to PC and browsing .... It must be some hidden folder. Does anybody can help me? Thanks!

  • Windows 7 Professional PC hangs at "Loading files" when trying to boot with custom capture image on Windows Deployment Services.

    I have created a custom capture image in WDS. Now when I try to boot my reference PC into this image the PC hangs at "Loading files". The reference PC is running Windows 7 and I am using Windows Server 2012 Standard on my server.
    I have followed the instructions on how to create the custom capture image on the server to a fault. I PXE boot the PC and it shows the capture images after I hit F12. The problem is that it starts to boot and then hangs about 2/3 way through the progress
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Derrick Logan,
    We need know the detail phases your client hang, if it is irregular status, please collect the WDS log then post it. You can refer the following similar thread solution first.
    How to enable logging in Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and in Windows Server 2012
    Windows is loading files... Hangs on WDS
    WDS hangs at "Windows is loading files..." on a LAM jhl91 laptop
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  • Where is my captured image/ file saved?

    Captured images appear in the Sprout Gallery.
    These are saved to the Captured Images folder in the Pictures library: This PC/Pictures/Captured Images.
    I work for HP, supporting the HP Experts who volunteer their time and technical knowledge to help others.

    What an amazing product!
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
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    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
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