Capture problem: TCBreak creates 1 frame clip

I am capturing 1080i59.94 DVCPRO HD footage in FCP 5.1.4 from a Panasonic HD1400 via firewire. I use the CAPTURE NOW function. Everytime FCP get to a timecode break, stops and tries to find the break and starts to capture again from that point. The problem is that even if the previus captured (before timecode break)clip was 3 minutes long, it is saved as a 1 frame clip (00:00:00;01)in the bin (browser). When I look at the size of the clip in the Finder, the size match the captured time (3 min) and I can watch the full clip in Quicktime.
When I try to bring back the 3 minute clip in FCP, it still gives a 1 frame clip even if the link file is 3 min long. And it's not me in/out points and I trashed the prefs several times.
It happenned with many tapes shot with the HDX-900 with 1 min, 2 min and 30sec clips.

The timecode break happen 'cause we shoot in freeRun so the 2 cameras start to shoot at 8AM if they stop at 8:30 and start back at 9AM, so will the timecode. And they are linked with a BNC so that they have the same timecode when they shoo
If you can "jam" code to the cameras, then I'm not sure why you are using Free Run code.
2- It would sure work with log and capture but I ain't got time to log everything
Not sure why you're getting the one frame clips but other than going "non-controllable" the only way around the time code breaks is to cut around them in the logging process.

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    x obj1;
          setLayout(new FlowLayout());
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        this.ob = ob;
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    After editing your movie, use the SHARE menu to render the movie. It will export as a single clip with no spaces.

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    Hope this is of some help.
    Thanks to all who pitched in and offered suggestions. Your help has been invaluable!
    I now mark this issue Solved. Or at least as Solved as I plan to get it!

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    You may not be zoomed in enough in the Timeline window, the more you zoom in, the more detailed edit you can perform. Zoom out too much, and you won't have the sensitivity.

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    anyone see this before?
    thanks ~
    imac g5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)   Sony HDV -HC1 firewire camera

    Thanks for the reply ~
    although i'm not sure i get it entirely. what are you referring to "stream" ? timecode?
    the material breaks seemingly arbitrarily, not when the camera stopped, etc.
    and it does this on various tapes. i have tried "capture now" and it still does it. timecode starts 2 frames later on the next clip, which i find strange. If this happens all the time for everyone using HDV footage, it seems like an incredibly f'ed up glitch in the program.
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    Thanks, Ally

    Well quite. I have just tried it in the internal hard drive and it works fine now. I am going to have to capture everything to my small hard drive and move it across to the external. Then, when I have finished I am going to bang my head against the wall and buy an external HDD with Firewire.

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    Ken Summerall, Jr. wrote:
    Do I need to export this as a movie before I can use it to be allowed to Multiclip with the DV footage?
    How else are you going to use it?
    I thought somehow there was a way to use the sequence itself into the multiclip.
    Like a nested sequence used as a clip.
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    few forum guys have offered help but nothing that's solved the issue and the question is now buried so... here 'tis again. thanks.

    Some basic questions:
    Have you upgraded to iMovie HD 6.0.3 (v6.0 had jerkiness in its PAL export)?
    Have you set iMovie video preference to the same standard as your camcorder (PAL = 25 fps or NTSC = 29.97 fps)?
    Is FileVault turned off?

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    You need to give a lot more information about the media specifications and the project properties you're using in the different projects.

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    All your help & insights will be much appreciated.
    Take care.

    you can go into your user preferences and on the first page, stop the create new clip on timecode breaks,
    or you can drop all 50 shots on a new timeline then export as a self contained QT movie, then import that back in as one clip (you could even export a copy with the TC reader burnt in)
    or when you are capturing do capture now and have device control set to non controllable, but you will lose the camera tape timecode on this one

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    You can capture the complete clip and then apply Mark > DV Start/Stop Detect over the captured clip. You could get the best of two worlds so: smooth capture and clips creation.

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    The operation could not be completed because an error occurred when creating frame 30256 (error -1).
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    Many Thanks

    Switch your FCP preferences to show frames and see what's happen at that frame number. Try trash any render files. Switch off background rendering. Don't render. Try replacing the clip at the problem area.

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    I also meet the same problem.
    I have created a 'Export Controller' plug-in. when export media using this plug-in, and choose the preset 'DV 25 NTSC', MXF OP1a.
    Confirm that sequence setting is 29.97 drop-frame.
    But export mxf file is always NDF.
    However, using Export->Media, and choose MXF OP1a  +  DV 25 NTSC, will export DF mxf file.
    Could you help to double check it?
    I have check from code,  it will get correct result (DF or NDF) after call function 'GetTimecodeDropFrame' in 'Sequence Info Suite' , so what's the problem would be?

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