Capture Windows system messages using RegisterWinMsgCallback()

Hello ,
I have programmed a socket server  to capture the socket message, this code phase using the Windows API "WSAAsyncSelect()" to register some specific messages, and when the client connect the server, it can trigger some events. the code phase as follows:
int main ()
    net_addrs.sin_family = AF_INET;
    net_addrs.sin_port = htons(CTRL_PORT_PAS);
    net_addrs.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr("");               
    res = bind(sockt, (struct sockaddr *)&net_addrs, (int)sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    listen(sockt, NUM_THD);
    hwnd = (HWND)GetCVIWindowHandle();
    wmsg = RegisterWinMsgCallback(WindowsMsgProc, NULL, NULL, 0, &res, 1);/* Register windos call back*/
    res = WSAAsyncSelect (sockt, hwnd, wmsg, FD_READ|FD_ACCEPT|FD_CLOSE);
    DisplayPanel (dumyPanel);
    RunUserInterface ();
    DiscardPanel (dumyPanel);
 The callback function code :
void CVICALLBACK WindowsMsgProc (WinMsgWParam wParam, WinMsgLParam lParam, void *callbackData)
    if (wParam != sockt)
        MessagePopup("Winsock callback error", "Not for the socket");
        return ;
    switch (lParam)   
        case FD_READ:
        case FD_ACCEPT:
            MessagePopup("ooook", "have a connect request");
        case FD_CLOSE:
        case WM_DESTROY:
        case WM_QUIT:
        case WM_CLOSE:
The question is , if in the windows task manager to kill the process, Windows should send a WM_DESTORY or WM_QUIT message, but I find the message is never to capture by the callback function, because GenLog() never worked. Please give a support what is wrong in the above code. thanks.

In order to catch an event like WM_QUIT, you would want to use installWinMsgCallback instead of registerWinMsgCallback. InstallWinMsgCallback will look for windows messages while registerWinMsgCallback will look for user defined messages. Having said that, installWinMsgCallback cannot be used to capture WM_QUIT or WM_DESTROY. To catch an event of your application closing under normal circumstances, you should use the EVENT_CLOSE in the panel callback. Terminating the process with the End Process function of the task manager will not send a WM_DESTROY or WM_QUIT that can be caught by your application. Terminating the process is not a normal exit condition for an application and typically is not expected to be handled.
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer

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    From your description, do you mean that after remapping the fb to ctrl, then only the button down and up are being sent?
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       at System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(String source, String prefix, CompareOptions options)
       at ?A0xfe36268f.ConvertToNtPath(String path)
       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.CbsSessionAdaptor..ctor(String bootDrive, String imageWinDir, String servicingPath)
       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.OfflineImageImpl.InitializePackages()
       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.OfflineImageImpl..ctor(OfflineImageInfo imageInfo)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeConstructor(Object[] args, SignatureStruct& signature, IntPtr declaringType)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.Cpi.PlatformImplementation.CreateOfflineImageInstance(OfflineImageInfo imageInfo)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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    Starting: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\Microsoft.BDD.Catalog35.exe" "D:\Windows8.1 TEST3\Operating Systems\Windows8.1 x64\Sources\install.wim" 1 > "C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\3\Microsoft.BDD.Catalog.log"
    No existing catalog file found.
    PROGRESS: 0: Starting.
    PROGRESS: 0: Creating mount folder: C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\3\IMGMGR_install_Windows 8.1 Enterprise_njegg3ph.con.
    PROGRESS: 5: Creating temp folder: C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\3\IMGMGR_install_temp_qj0x3ga5.obv.
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       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.WimImageInfo.PreCreateCatalog()
       at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.OfflineImageInfo.CreateCatalog()
       at Microsoft.BDD.Catalog.Program.DoCatalog()
    Non-zero return code from catalog utility, rc = 2002

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    Messaing 6.1 is available NOW for Redhat Linux AS2.1 u2 and Solaris X86. I have installed both, and find them both good.

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    Hi Chris.
    That error message comes from Direct3D, which is part of the DirectX software in Windows. It appears that part of the DirectX environment on your computer is corrupt. Microsoft provides a diagnostic tool that should help you sort this out. Please see
    If that does not solve the issue, you may want to reinstall the device driver for your graphics adapter.
    When all's running smoothly, you can reinstall HP Photo Creations to print again. Our customer support team would be happy to help with the reinstallation. You can reach them at
    Hope this helps,
    RocketLife, developer of HP Photo Creations
    » Visit the HP Photo Creations Facebook page — news, tips, and inspiration
    » See the HP Photo Creations video tours — cool tips in under 2 minutes
    » Contact Customer Support — get answers from the experts

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    Hi Megha,
    CALL TRANSACTION tcode USING i_bdcdata
                              MODE lws_mode
                            UPDATE lws_update
                          MESSAGES INTO <b>i_messages.</b>
      CLEAR wa_error.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        cnt_failed = cnt_failed + 1.
        wa_error-status = c_fail.
        LOOP AT i_messages . "WHERE msgtyp EQ 'E' OR msgtyp = 'A'.
          flg_fail = c_x.
    *---Calling FM to get for Error Message Text
          <b>CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGE_PREPARE'  </b>                     "#EC *
              language               = 'E'
              msg_id                 = i_messages-msgid
              msg_no                 = i_messages-msgnr
              msg_text               = lws_text
            function_not_completed = 1      " Invalid Date Error Description
              message_not_found      = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3.
    <b>Reward points if this helps.

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    parameter to specify the id of the message to be captured. I have
    for windows an integer constant, but the nid param expects a GUID
    number ...

    Thanks for the reply Tom. (BTW I'm not the original poster.)
    You are correct- It is a USB drive formatted FAT 32 . After my original post, I erased the drive and started over with a clean slate. This was successful for tape one (about 60 minutes). About twenty minutes into tape two though, it was deja vu all over again. FC froze, I force quit, and lost all of what I had captured from tape one in the process. I unsuccessfully tried to recapture tape one. Same problem again.
    Although this is the first time I've tried to capture through FC onto an external drive, I've got three other USB drives full of video I've captured from VHS with the same computer through a DV encoder. When you say USB is not supported by Apple for video applications, does that mean video editing applications? As for complete information, apologies but I'm not exactly sure what other info. you mean. Please let me know. Thanks again. I appreciate the time.

  • Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system. I have a wndiws 7 system and use a Intel core processor. I have restarted several times and still ge this

    Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system. I have a wndows 7 system and use a Intel core processor. I have restarted several times and still ge this error. I have also tried to reinstall firefox and get the same error
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == today ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; MDDS; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C; AskTbUT2V5/

    <u>'''Kill Application'''</u>
    In Task Manager, does firefox.exe show in the <u>'''Processes'''</u> tab?
    See: [ Kill Application]
    '''<u>Causes and solutions for Firefox hanging at exit:</u>'''
    [[Firefox hangs]]
    [ Firefox hangs at exit]
    [[Firefox is already running but is not responding]]
    <u>'''Safe Mode'''</u>
    You may need to use '''[[Safe Mode]]''' (click on "Safe Mode" and read) to localize the problem. Firefox Safe Mode is a diagnostic mode that disables Extensions and some other features of Firefox. If you are using a theme, switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes <u>'''before'''</u> starting Safe Mode. When entering Safe Mode, do not check any items on the entry window, just click "Continue in Safe Mode". Test to see if the problem you are experiencing is corrected.
    '''[[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]'''
    '''[[Troubleshooting plugins]]'''
    '''[[Basic Troubleshooting]]'''
    If the problem does not occur in Safe-mode then disable all of your Extensions and Plug-ins and then try to find which is causing it by enabling <u>'''one at a time'''</u> until the problem reappears. <u>'''You MUST close and restart Firefox after EACH change'''</u> via File > Restart Firefox (on Mac: Firefox > Quit). You can use "Disable all add-ons" on the Safe mode start window.

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