Capturing response from Campaigns

Any expert worked on the campaigns(internet) for capturing the response from campaigns.
Running the campaign with HTTP and exposing it to the external customer, therefore how the external customer will make use of CRM application server in filling the surveys.
Any advise or document is highly appreciated.

Hello Dinesh,
Thanks a lot for the reply, but this is not as simple was metioned.
As mentioned by you:
In the questionnaire, you have to enter your web-id in the XML. you will find this setting in the Best practice.
Apart from that XML, there are two programmes that are required:
Get Option:This specifies how the survey is sent to the recipient.
Send Option:This specifies how the results are later sent back when the recipient submits the survey.
My process starts after this when the customer clicks on the survey and answers the questions, this response we need to capture automatically in CRM by creating an activity at back end.
In order to achieve this SAP recommend to implement WEBDISPATCHER and the URL which the users are going to generate will be in https:
The problem I am facing is when i generate the URL and test it, it is giving me the message that the service is not reacheable, kindly see the screen shot below.
When i am investigating this and asking SAP for help they are asking to install the EXTERNAL CAT server. Dont know about this.
If you have done an end to end solution for email campaign for the external world with the following steps then can you please provide me the doc.
1 - User runs the campaign with  Mail Form: Mail form will have the link of questionnaire.
2- When the customer is clicking on the link from his yahoo or gmail address this will launch the CRM page for the questionaire where the customer should be able to answer the questions and click on SAVE.
3 - this will be captured in CRM and creates an activity back end(which in turn we can expose it to BIBW).
I hope this is clear, needs some urgent advise.
For your information:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Method="post" Enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Screen shot:

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    This is standard functionality, as the printed copy is circulated to the suppliers.
    Sent from my iPhone

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    below are my hadler configurations and properties file
    <handler type="" >          
                        <parameter name="action" value="Signature"/>
                        <parameter name="user" value="signverf"/>
                        <parameter name="passwordCallbackClass" value="client.PWCallback"/>
                        <parameter name="passwordType" value="PasswordDigest"/>
                        <parameter name="signaturePropFile" value = ""/>
                        <parameter name="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
                   </handler>properties file
    commands i used to generate keystore:
    keytool -import -alias signverf -file privCert4Sign.cer -keystore signverf_pubkeystore -storepass password
    keytool -list -alias signverf -keystore signverf_pubkeystore
    i tried goggling for this error,in one thread i got this is because of some issue in axis 1.4 which i'm using and if i try using axis 1.2, this will not come,
    for the time i'm not able to download axis 1.2 from any of the apache mirrors :( ,
    if some one can provide me the link,it will be really helpful.
    also if anyone as faced similar issue or can see whats going wrong here, please reply.
    also below is my soap response capture using tcpmon
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""><ds:Signature Id="Signature-18290758" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:Reference URI="#id-13753285" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:Transforms xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:Transform Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:DigestValue xmlns:ds="">jAaM4xp/2ZOch7iqyyLynojMpV0=</ds:DigestValue>
    <ds:SignatureValue xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-20631690" xmlns:ds="">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STRId-5317380" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""><wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType="" ValueType="">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</wsse:KeyIdentifier></wsse:SecurityTokenReference>
    <soapenv:Body wsu:Id="id-13753285" xmlns:wsu="">
    <mesa:processData xmlns:mesa="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <transport-session-id>Fri Aug 31 14:04:57 IST 2007:110</transport-session-id>
    <sql>SELECT * FROM MBX_MAILBOX</sql>
    <PrimaryDocument SCIObjectID="blrgislin13:"/>
    sorry for this long mail, but we are really stuck and need to move forward,
    looking for your help.

    The Service Control Manager will generate an event if a service does not respond within the defined timeout period (the default timeout period is 30000 milliseconds). You could modify the registry to increase the default time-out value for the service control
    For more detailed information, please see:
    Event ID 7011: Service Timeout
    The Event 12362 indicates that a destination LUN could not be located or could not be restarted. You could refer to the article below to troubleshoot the issue:
    Event ID 12362 — VSS Shadow Copy Provider Operations
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • I want to send a response from the servlet and then call another servlet.

    I want to send a response from the servlet and then call another servlet. can this happen. Here is my scenario.
    1. Capture all the information from a form including an Email address and submit it to a servlet.
    2. Now send a message to the browser that the request will be processed and mailed.
    3. Now execute the request and give a mail to the mentioned Email.
    Can this be done in any way even by calling another servlet from within a servlet or any other way.
    Can any one Please help me out.

    Maybe that will help you (This is registration sample):
    1.You have Registration.html;
    2.You have Registration servlet;
    3.You have CheckUser servlet;
    4.And last you have Dispatcher between all.
    See the code:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <TITLE>Hello registration</TITLE>
    <FORM ACTION="helloservlet" METHOD="POST">
    User: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="login" SIZE=10><BR>
    Password: <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="password" SIZE=10><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="logon" VALUE="Entry">
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="registration" VALUE="Registration">
    package mybeans;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Dispatcher extends HttpServlet {
        protected void forward(String address, HttpServletRequest request,
                               HttpServletResponse response)
                               throws ServletException, IOException {
                                   RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().
                                   dispatcher.forward(request, response);
    package mybeans;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Registration extends Dispatcher {
        public String getServletInfo() {
            return "Registration servlet";
        public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
            if(request.getParameter("logon") != null) {          
                this.forward("/CheckUser", request, response);
            else if (request.getParameter("registration") != null)  {         
                this.forward("/registration.html", request, response);
    package mybeans;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CheckUser extends Dispatcher {
        Connection conn;
        Statement stat;
        ResultSet rs;
          String cur_UserName;
        public static String cur_UserSurname;;
        String cur_UserOtchestvo;
        public String getServletInfo() {
            return "Registration servlet";
        public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
                ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci:@eugenz","SYSTEM", "manager");
                stat = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
               String queryDB = "SELECT ID, Login, Password FROM TLogon WHERE Login = ? AND Password = ?";
                PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(queryDB); 
               User user = new User();
            String cur_Login = user.getLogin();
            ps.setString(1, cur_Login);
            String cur_Password = user.getPassword();
            ps.setString(2, cur_Password);
         Password = admin");
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
                 String sn = "Zatoka";
            String n = "Eugen";
            String queryPeople = "SELECT ID, Surname FROM People WHERE ID = ?";
           PreparedStatement psPeople = conn.prepareStatement(queryPeople);
                      if( {
                int logonID = rs.getInt("ID");
                psPeople.setInt(1, logonID);
                rs = psPeople.executeQuery();
              FROM TLogon, People WHERE TLogon.ID = People.ID";
                       ctx.setAttribute("user", user);
                this.forward("/successLogin.jsp", request, response);
            this.forward("/registration.html", request, response);
            catch(Exception exception) {
    } maybe incorrect, but it's not serious, because see the principe (conception).
    Main is This class is dispatcher between all servlets.

  • Survey response in campaign automation

    Hi Experts,
    I have set up a campaign automation scenario in CRM 7.0 but am not able to trigger next campaign element based on survey response. The campaign automation scenario is as below.
    Campaign u2013 Campaign Element 1 -> Decision Node -> Campaign Element 2
    u2022     Campaign element1 has a target group assigned. Workflow "Send target group to Channel" is selected. The Channel is set up to create Business activity.
    u2022     Set up a standard u201CQuestionaireu201D rule in the decision node to send all those BP to u2018campaign element2u2019 who have responded u201CYesu201D to the survey.
    u2022     In the u2018campaign element 2u2019 selected workflow u201Ctransfer Responder to Channelu201D and selected sales order in the communication medium.
    When I u201CStart processu201D from campaign, it creates Business activity for u2018campaign element 1u2019. The survey is also created in business activity. But, when I update survey response within the activity, it does not trigger next campaign element.
    I have even tried maintaining an empty target group in u2018campaign element 2u2019 and selected workflow as u201CAdd BP to target groupu201D. Even in this scenario, BP are not updated in the empty target group after responding to survey.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Umesh,
    When you send printed letter, the automation scenario is broken there.
    Complete automation will work only if you are sending the campaign with E-mail and survey(trackable). Only these values can trigger the follow up steps (workflows).
    If dont opt for the above mehod, you will have to creae campaigns for each step. You cannot have campaign automation. You can optimize the steps by choosing ELM to create mass Lead and TG at one shot. Later you can use this TG for next campaign.
    Automation is not possible without trackkable URL.
    BR, Sathish R

  • No Response from Server at end of day:  4.03

    We're using Weblogic 4.03 on Solaris. At the end of a busy day, users
    start submitting their transactions and some users start calling the
    help desk saying that performance is very slow and I believe they are
    getting "No Response from Server" from their browser.
    We think it's the number of Execute Threads defined. I have provided
    the settings when we received HelpDesk calls. We have also modified the
    settings as mentioned below.
    Some questions.
    When does an Execute thread get used?
    Can an execute thread be used for a long period of time (many seconds)
    based on weblogic property settings?
    Do the keepAlive properties keep a thread alive?
    Does a connection keep a thread alive?
    Does anyone know a way to monitor thread usage in 4.03?
    In what situations can a connection use more than 1 thread?
    Does anyone think we're on the right track?
    We have defined the JRE to have a 64 meg heap.
    We looked at the T3AdminMain console and at one point and saw 27
    connections being used. It's hard for us to determine if this was the
    high point for the day. We're not sure how to capture this type of
    info. We're thinking if there were 27 connections and each of those
    connections was somehow using 2 threads, this might explain the problem.
    About our application, we have HTTP and HTTP requests coming through a
    browser client and we also have a Java UI client executing T3s
    The browser version sees a user login to the application without being
    timed out for 20 minutes (1200 seconds). We have reduced this to 900
    Basically, we're not sure how Weblogic handles threads based on the
    properties we've used. We have looked for documentation on this, but
    have not found any. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Please reply to my email id as well, if that's not too much trouble.
    Thanks in advance for any help...
    Here are some of our property file settings when we received the
    weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs: 60
    weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs: 360
    weblogic.httpd.session.cacheEntries: 1024
    weblogic.httpd.session.invalidationIntervalSecs: 60
    weblogic.httpd.session.jdbc.connTimeoutSecs: 120
    weblogic.httpd.session.swapIntervalSecs: 10
    weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs: 1200
    weblogic.system.executeThreadCount: 42
    weblogic.system.percentSocketReaders: 33
    We have changed the settings below and restarted the server. We have
    not received any feedback yet.
    weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs: 30
    weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs: 180
    weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs: 900
    weblogic.system.executeThreadCount: 60

    I've read previous threads about the problem with 4.5 and the rebuilding of the
    bean cache on each method call resulting in slowdown of the system over time. I
    also see that patches have been provided. Is this also an issue with 4.0.3 and
    have fixes been made there? We also are seeing significant degradation of
    performance over time during our load testing and have been unable to determine
    the cause. We are running on a 4 processor NT machine with 1 gigabyte of RAM.
    When we see the degradation of performance, one processor is operating at 100%
    and memory is maxed out.
    Jim Gish
    Venkatesh Iyer wrote:
    To begin with, can you
    a) please check the access.log to determine the the "arrival rate" of the
    HTTP request. If the requests are not arriving fast enough, tuning WLS will
    not help.
    b) monitor the WLS server through the console to check the # of requests in
    the queue waiting to be processed. This will give an idea of the potential
    source of the bottlenecks in the system.
    Mike Upton wrote:
    We're using Weblogic 4.03 on Solaris. At the end of a busy day, users
    start submitting their transactions and some users start calling the
    help desk saying that performance is very slow and I believe they are
    getting "No Response from Server" from their browser.
    We think it's the number of Execute Threads defined. I have provided
    the settings when we received HelpDesk calls. We have also modified the
    settings as mentioned below.
    Some questions.
    When does an Execute thread get used?
    Can an execute thread be used for a long period of time (many seconds)
    based on weblogic property settings?
    Do the keepAlive properties keep a thread alive?
    Does a connection keep a thread alive?
    Does anyone know a way to monitor thread usage in 4.03?
    In what situations can a connection use more than 1 thread?
    Does anyone think we're on the right track?
    We have defined the JRE to have a 64 meg heap.
    We looked at the T3AdminMain console and at one point and saw 27
    connections being used. It's hard for us to determine if this was the
    high point for the day. We're not sure how to capture this type of
    info. We're thinking if there were 27 connections and each of those
    connections was somehow using 2 threads, this might explain the problem.
    About our application, we have HTTP and HTTP requests coming through a
    browser client and we also have a Java UI client executing T3s
    The browser version sees a user login to the application without being
    timed out for 20 minutes (1200 seconds). We have reduced this to 900
    Basically, we're not sure how Weblogic handles threads based on the
    properties we've used. We have looked for documentation on this, but
    have not found any. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Please reply to my email id as well, if that's not too much trouble.
    Thanks in advance for any help...
    Here are some of our property file settings when we received the
    weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs: 60
    weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs: 360
    weblogic.httpd.session.cacheEntries: 1024
    weblogic.httpd.session.invalidationIntervalSecs: 60
    weblogic.httpd.session.jdbc.connTimeoutSecs: 120
    weblogic.httpd.session.swapIntervalSecs: 10
    weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs: 1200
    weblogic.system.executeThreadCount: 42
    weblogic.system.percentSocketReaders: 33
    We have changed the settings below and restarted the server. We have
    not received any feedback yet.
    weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs: 30
    weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs: 180
    weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs: 900
    weblogic.system.executeThreadCount: 60

  • Response from webservice needs to send as Mail content

    i have to configure a scenario as given below
               IDOC --> JDBC --> WebService and response from WebService to SMTPmail receiver.
    now i got strucked at Webservice response. after i got the response from WebService(SOAP), i need to send the both Request and response to Mail Receiver. So Please let me know how to capture request and response both to my SMTPmail adapter(as content or attachment).let me know the steps to proceed for SMTPmail Receiver

    Hi Raj,
    Thanks for teh reply.
    i have already configured teh above mentioned scenario.but i am not able to get Request and response.
    Could you pelase provide teh steps how to configure BPM in this scenario..(as ia m not handson with BPM)

  • Capturing Microphone from Client- Side using C# Webform

    Is their any way to capture audio from any device  through a web form using C# and HTML5 ?   
    Rogelio Rios

    Hi Roger,
    According to your description, your case related to Html5 and it is a web application. So i guess you are doing  ASP.NET application. This forum is to discuss problems of C# development. You are more likely to get more
    efficient responses to ASP.NET issues at where you can contact ASP.NET experts. Thanks for your understanding.
    Have a nice day!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Creation of service order from campaign element

    We have a requirement where service orders are to be created for all those business partners who responded to the campaign. We are using standard service order type SVRO. We have set up campaign automation by creating campaign and element, assigned target group, set decision point (rule & condition) to split target group in two; one for those who have replied to campaign and others who have not replied. These target groups are also linked to other campaign elements within the campaign.
    The question is, how to create a follow-on transactions such as service orders through campaign, so that one service order gets created for each successful BP from campaign result?
    Thanks in advance for your advice / suggestions.
    Edited by: Umesh Singh on Sep 30, 2009 6:36 PM

    Hi Shatnhala,
    Thank you for your help. I'll try this and will come back to you.
    My further requirenment is to re-trigger pricing to upade latest price information on these service orders and then to create and send letter to all those customer with price informations. Can I use the same workflow with different steps to complete all these task?
    Also, how will these service orders (created through workflow) be linked with the campaign? Is their a way to link one campaign with many orders?

  • Unable to capture video from VHS through DAC-200

    (Running Final Cut Pro 5.1.4)
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    I've triple-checked every cable hook-up, the G5 recognizes the converter box, the video tape plays fine to a tv. I've even had our IT-guy here at work come check out my set-up for help and he can't figure out what is wrong either. (He did get my log&capture window to get white fuzz in the black screen at one point though. Does that mean anything?)
    Any help is greatly appreciated! (I'm happy to answer any other questions too.) Thanks!

    I had difficullty with the X.4.10 plus QT7.2 and put my info on the Forum as well as sending feedback to Apple. Shortly afterwards, Apple brought out a short security update which I downloaded and, hey presto, I was then able to use QT7.2 with OSX.4.10. It may be that you missed out on the later small update to QT7.2..... ? Another factor I found was that some little while later I again had a problem so I again installed QT7.2 and over-installed FCP5.1.4 which has resolved my problems for the time being. Worth a try if you still can't get through on the DAC.

  • Unable to capture data from drop down list in custom added field in migo tcode at item level

    Hi guys,
    need bit help in resolving query related to custom added field in Tcode migo.
    i have added a field in migo at item level ,in this i have used drop down list
    to get data but unable to capture data from drop down list.gown through
    many blogs in scn but unable to resolve.
    Please help me out in this.

    U can use following code to fill the list box
    write this code in PBO
    In layout editor please select listbox in dropdown attribute of input field and put some fctcode attribute
    TYPE-POOLS vrm.
      DATA values TYPE vrm_values WITH HEADER LINE.
      TABLES: <ur custom Database table>.
      clear values, values[].
      SELECT * FROM <ur custom Database table>.
        values-text = <TABLE FIELD TO DISPLAY IN DROPDOWN> .
        APPEND values.
          id              = '<SCREEN INPUT FIELD NAME>'
          values          = values[]
          id_illegal_name = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
    Also please define the following before accessing the listbox value
    data: <listbox input field name> type <table field name>,
            <inputfield name where text to display> type string  in top include
    In PAI, select the text from the table into <inputfield name where text to display>  depending on value selected which will be called when enter key is pressed or any vale is selected

  • Unable to capture video from webcam in JMF in xlet

    I am unable to capture video from webcam in an Xlet. I am using Xletview to run Xlet. The method CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(vidformat) returns empty array. Which videoformat should I use and why do I get empty array?

    MHP and OCAP only use JMF 1.0, which does not include support for capturing video. You will not be able to do this in any current MHP/OCAP imlementation that I know of.

  • Unable to capture video from webcam in JMF

    I am unable to capture video from webcam in an Xlet. I am using Xletview to run Xlet. The method CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(vidformat) returns empty array. Which videoformat should I use and why do I get empty array?

    MHP and OCAP only use JMF 1.0, which does not include support for capturing video. You will not be able to do this in any current MHP/OCAP imlementation that I know of.

Maybe you are looking for

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