CAPWAP header size

I did a capture with wireshark on the port where our 3500 AP is connected and I have a ton of errors for the CAPWAP header.
The "Expert Info" Message is (Warn/Malformed): Wrong Calculate length (11) =! header lenght (15) ! (May be try to use Cisco Wireless Controller Support Preference ?)
I did a capture at the end of the day when I was the only one in the office (PC, iPhone, a couple of iPads) and I did it during the middle of the day with a good number of clients connected a lot more Apple products. It seems to have a lot more of those errors with apple devices. In fact, that is how I fist noticed it. I was trying to trouble shoot an AP that was dropping apple products.
Has anyone here encountered this problem and if so do you have a fix?

In Wireshark, go to the Edit Menu -> Preferences -> Protocols
Select CAPWAP and tick the box Cisco Wireless Controller Support.
Wireshark cannot decode the CAPWAP messages and will always throw a malformed error without this turned on. It's likely that it's not a real error.
You were most likely only seeing this with capwap-control plane traffic.
**Please rate if this answer was helpful. Thank you**

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    Pls Reduce Header Size

    Would please provide more information about your question so we can resolve it more efficiently?
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    Size of the header between portal and remote applications, depends on userinfo that are configured for specific portlet.
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    Best Regards
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    Go to Solution.
    Header Size.PNG ‏57 KB

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    Best Regards,
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    user12211346 wrote:
    perhaps you didn't understand what I am saying...
    The file size is (1000*1048576+65536)/1024 = 1024064K = 1G + 64K (for the bitmap header) . In 9i and 10g I get a datafile of 1G without any extent as the bitmap header uses the additional 64K of the data file. In 11g I get a file of 1G with one extent used by bitmap header. If I add 1M instead of 64K [(1000*1048576+1048576)/1024 = 1025024K = 1G + 1M ] to the datafile there is no extent created into the datafile...
    So, it seems the bitmap header size is 1M in 11g (
    Am I correct?If you want to check - then execute
    select * from dba_free_space where tablespace_name = 'your new tablespace';Since you have one file and no objects created there should be one free extent, and the block_id will be the first block of free space. If the block_id is 9 then (with your 8KB blocksize) the bitmap size if 64KB; if the block_id is 129 then the bitmap size is 1MB. Bear in mind that 64KB is not the only possibility - the initial size of the bitmap depends on the initial file size even in earlier versions of Oracle. I'm fairly sure that I wrote something about larger bitmap sizes in Practical Oracle 8i ... possibly because I tested what happened when creating a file of 4GB or 16GB. Possibly it also depends on whether you've configured your system for "large files."
    Jonathan Lewis

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    I just noticed that the bitmap header size of a datafile on 11g for uniform size tbs is not 64K as it used to be on previous versions. After many trials I found that the header size should be 1M.
    I created a tbs with uniform size 200MB and a datafile of size 1024064K = 1GB + 64K (space for bitmap header)
    Then I noticed that an extent of 200MB was created in the datafile before creating any other object and datafile free space was 800M. (probably the extent was used from the datafile header).
    When I resized datafile to 1025024 = 1G + 1M the datafile free space increased to 1G.
    Am I right or I missed something here?
    datafile header size is 1M on 11g?

    user12211346 wrote:
    perhaps you didn't understand what I am saying...
    The file size is (1000*1048576+65536)/1024 = 1024064K = 1G + 64K (for the bitmap header) . In 9i and 10g I get a datafile of 1G without any extent as the bitmap header uses the additional 64K of the data file. In 11g I get a file of 1G with one extent used by bitmap header. If I add 1M instead of 64K [(1000*1048576+1048576)/1024 = 1025024K = 1G + 1M ] to the datafile there is no extent created into the datafile...
    So, it seems the bitmap header size is 1M in 11g (
    Am I correct?If you want to check - then execute
    select * from dba_free_space where tablespace_name = 'your new tablespace';Since you have one file and no objects created there should be one free extent, and the block_id will be the first block of free space. If the block_id is 9 then (with your 8KB blocksize) the bitmap size if 64KB; if the block_id is 129 then the bitmap size is 1MB. Bear in mind that 64KB is not the only possibility - the initial size of the bitmap depends on the initial file size even in earlier versions of Oracle. I'm fairly sure that I wrote something about larger bitmap sizes in Practical Oracle 8i ... possibly because I tested what happened when creating a file of 4GB or 16GB. Possibly it also depends on whether you've configured your system for "large files."
    Jonathan Lewis

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