Carlo chirichella

iphone 4 bloccato su cavo usb e logo itunes faccio ripristino da itunes e mi da errore 21 ho un pc windows7 e l'iphone è bloccato su aggiornamento ios 6.0

As all of you, i'm disappointed with the the iphone / scala combination, but let me make this clear - iphone is the "guilty" part not scala:
The Good: phone is pairing and working "ok", no voice dialing is possible
The Bad: no music or gps instructions can be heard in the headphones
However, everything was working fine with pre 3.0 versions of the iphone software
Yesterday, while on the phone with somebody, I've selected the ipod icon then hit play and ... what do you know, i was able to hear the song loud and clear in my headset, together with the guy i was talking to (he didn't hear the music, only me). Unfortunately the music stopped as soon as the call stopped. I was able to recreate the situation several times.
So what this proves is that, even with the 3.x version installed (A2DP), regardless of iphone generation (3G or 3gs), the headset can receive the bt music stream from the phone, but the phone is not sending it to the headset (only while a call is on)
Can somebody do something about this, it looks as a simple programming glitch or something?

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    Can somebody do something about this, it looks as a simple programming glitch or something?

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    Please take a look at the attached spreadsheet. This calculation is based on the sample RLC Circuit which is located in the Samples Folder >> Analysis >> Monte Carlo Analysis.
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    Mr Analog,
    You are doing everything correctly, that feature is having problems but it is already addressed for our next summer update. Once your software gets updated in summer you will be able to enter expressions.
    National Instruments

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    Please take a look at the attached spreadsheet. This calculation is based on the sample RLC Circuit which is located in the Samples Folder >> Analysis >> Monte Carlo Analysis.
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    capncalyx –
    Thank you for visiting our forums. I encourage you to
    visit your local Best Buy® store to speak more about this with a Mobile Audio
    Sales Associate or a Geek Squad® Auto-Tech. They’ll be happy to address any
    questions or concerns you may have.
    Jesus|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
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