Carte gpib pour labview

Je dois utiliser 2 appareils en même temps, gérés par le pc en même temps.
Le premier est un vieil appareil fluke Helios, utilisant le port RS232. le 2eme est un agilent assez recent, donc je dois passer via GPIB vu que le rs232 est déjà pris.
J'utilise Labview 8.6 pour commander ces 2 appareils (le premier déjà vu que pour le 2eme il me faut une carte gpib).
Cependant, je ne sais pas quelle carte choisir, j'ai jeté un coup d'oeil, sur le site de NI pour les cartes GPIB, mais il est marqué que le support Labview RT n'est pas pris en charge par la plupart des cartes.
Je dois faire une acquisition de tension durant des essais qui dureront au maximum 1h, j'aurai une tension continue et lorsqu'il y a une erreur cette tension disparaît.
Auriez-vous un conseil de carte à me donner? Je suis étudiant en dernière année, c'est pour mon projet de fin d'étude que je dois faire cela.
merci d'avance

Je n'utilise pas de controleur PXI.
Je souhaite monter un système temps réel sur un PC avec une carte d'aquisition analogique et une carte GPIB dont les communications ne seront pas déterministes bien sûr.
Mon inquiètude sur la compatibilité vient du faite que d'une part NI stipule que ses cartes GPIB PCIe ne sont pas compatible RT (voir carte ici) et d'autre part le second message de ce fil qui va égallement dans ce sens.
Fabrice D

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  • Demande aide pour LabVIEW

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    Bonjour L'ETUDIANT,
    Pour donner quelques pistes :
    - J'imagine que tu parles des boucles cadencées (Timed Loop). Ces boucles se configurent en double-cliquant sur l'entête de la boucle en haut à gauche. Tu pourras ainsi fixer le cadencement de ta boucle, mais aussi sa priorité entre autres. Ces boucles sont largement utilisés dans les VIs Temps Réel car elles permettent de mieux maitriser l'exécution.
    - Les module se configurent effectivement dans ta fenêtre de projet. Une fois ton cRIO ajouté au projet, tu as la possibilité de "découvrir" tes modules. Une fois ceci effectué, tu auras accès à tous les modules connectés sur ton cRIO, et leurs propriétés pourront être modifiées.
    Un petit tour sur ce tuto pourra probablement t'aider.
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    Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

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    Bonjour habibahamri,
    Merci de ne pas prendre les gens pour des columbidés. 6 posts pour le même sujet c'est (vraiment) beaucoup. C'est de plus complètement contreproductif dans la mesure ou tout le monde ne lis pas tous les posts et les réponses peuvent se superposer.
    Les sujets incriminés sont:
    De plus, quand on demande de l'aide, on essaie de se montrer poli: on dit bonjour dans son premier post et on remercie les participants qui prennent de leur temps pour aider (je fais notemment références aux réponses presque rudes formulés à Bastauss qui a essayé de vous aider en vous programment un VI d'exemple).
    (signé le redresseur de tort)
    Florian Abry
    Application Engineer Group Leader
    NI Germany

  • Installation 2 cartes GPIB dans Sun Ultra5

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    Que faut-i faire ? La réinstallation des drivers est-elle nécessaire dans ce cas ?
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Je vous invite à déconnecter les deux cartes GPIB, redémarrer, effectuer une nouvel installation des drivers, rebrancher vos deux cartes, et redémarrer à nouveau, cela devrait régler votre problème.

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    Assurez-vous que NI-VISA est bien installé en allant dans MAX >> Système >> Logiciels.
    NI-VISA, depuis sa version 2.5, peut travailler avec les contrôleurs GPIB et VXI de chez HP. Cependant, par défaut, il n'est pas configuré pour cela.
    Il faut aller dans MAX >> Outils >> NI-VISA >> VISA Options... et cocher l'option "NI-VISATulip.dll - VISA library Passport for Tulip".
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    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Je cite :
    Application Development Environments (ADEs)
    LabVIEW 8.2.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 (32-bit), or 2009 (64-bit
    Pour LabVIEW 2010 il vous faut la version 3.0.3 que je n'ai pu trouver que dans le Driver Set de Juillet (
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    Would you please help me to download the screen image of AG86100A DCA thru GPIB via Labview ? Thank you very much for your help.

    If you are looking to grab the screen dump from the instrument (output to an HPGL device like the 7470A plotter) then you could use Printcapture, IntuiLink,  Plottergeist  or features of the GPIB toolkit.
    These will capture a screenshot, not transfer the data that created the image. The alternative is to download the data using the drivers mentioned and then create your own chart/graph using LabVIEW.  You could save the image to a file using the indicator's methods and properties from the block diagram.
    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
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    Sinon on attend toujours soit un compilateur labview pour adruino, soit une carte équivalente à faible coût compatible labview  (une évolution du MyDaq)
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  • Simulation d'un appareil avec une carte GPIB standard

    Je dispose d'un réseau GPIB controlé par un carte IOTech contenant plusieurs appareils de mesure. Je souhaiterais simuler (logiciellement) l'un de ces appareils. Je dispose d'une carte NI GPIB-USB-HS. Est-il possible d'utiliser cette carte comme client (ou esclave) sur le bus GPIB en lui attribuant une adresse. De cette façon, le controleur IOTech pourrait dialoguer avec mon logiciel de simulation de façon transparente.

    La meilleure manière de réaliser ce que vous souhaitez est d'utiliser NI-Device. Vous devez de plus avoir une édition "Plus" pour l'émulation PAD/SAD. Je vous invite à visiter la page produit ci dessous:​1
    Ansi que la documentation suivante:​F5788A6C3486256E6D005187F7
    Manuel R
    AE dans une autre vie

  • Créer un "client" GPIB avec labView

    Bien qu'il existe passablement de docs sur le bus gpib et son utilisation, je n'ai rien trouvé qui efface mes doutes à propos de ma question.
    Voilà ma problématique:
    Une application d'un client veut contrôler ma machine (qui execute un VI donc) à travers le bus GPIB. C'est un peu stupide, au jour d'aujourd'hui, d'utiliser un tel bus mais on ne choisit pas ...
    Pour moi, ce qui est flou, est de savoir comment aborder la programmation d'un client "esclave" gpib. D'abord, est-ce vraiment un esclave à part entière? Est-ce que un clent doit réagir aux commandes du master ou il peut avoir une initiative? et surtout, comment acquérir un ordre? par un read?
    Merci pour vos réponses à ces questions générales.¨

    Quelque soit le bus de communication lors d'une conversation maître/esclave, le client (l'esclave) ne pourra pas agir sans commande, c'est à dire il ne pourra pas prendre d'initiative. Sauf si le Master lui donne l'ordre d'avoir des initiatives, et lui définit les initiatives.
    On pourra utiliser les fonctions "GPIB read" et "GPIB write" pour établir la communication.
    Christophe S.
    FSE East of France І Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer І National Instruments France

  • How can I set the SRQ bit on GPIB with LabView ?

    I am developping an application with LabView RT on a PXI RT system. This application acts as an instrument (non controller GPIB), and I need to assert the SRQ line. How can I do that ?
    I know the ibrsv function, but I can't find it in LabView, and I can not use it through a DLL call since GPIB DLLs are not compatible with Real-Time.
    Thank you.

    Hello Alfonso,
    It sounds like you might be getting errors -200279 and -200278.  (In the future, if you post the actual error codes, it helps us to know exactly what is happening).  Error -200279 happens when you are performing a hardware-timed acquisition (meaning the data is sampled according to a clock signal on your board), but your LabVIEW program is not reading the values from the buffer allocated for that task in computer memory fast enough.  Basically it's a buffer overflow error.  It means older samples have been overwritten before you attempted to read them out.  As the error message suggests, "increasing the buffer size, reading the data more frequently, or specifying a fixed number of samples to read instead of reading all available samples might correct the problem."  For more information on this error, please see the KB (DAQmx) Error -200279 During a Continuous, Buffered Acquisition.
    Error -200278 happens most often when you have configured a finite acquisition, but are calling the DAQmx Read function in a loop.  If you want to perform a finite acquisition, you should only call DAQmx Read once.  For more information on this error, see the KB Error -200278 at DAQmx Read.
    Finally, please refer to Abhinav's earlier post about the sample rate on the 9237 module.  As he described, the NI-DAQmx 8.3 driver will only allow you to set the sample clock to integer divisions of 50k (50,000/n, where n can be 1, 2, 3...13).  Since the maximum divisor is 13, the smallest sample rate that can be used is 3.846 kS/s.  You can check what value the driver is actually using for the sample clock by reading from the SampClk.Rate property of the DAQmx Timing property node.
    I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any questions about what I've described.
    Best regards,

  • Old transient recorder, new GPIB-card (+Labview) How?

    Hi, we have an old 12 channel 200kHz transient recorder
    (Krenz TRC 6410). Until now, the software is still MSDOS. Since we have a GPIB NI card, I wondered if we can't get this to work together, but I'm a complete newbie. I had a look at some other VI's for a Yokogawa Freq. generator, but the recorder's documentation looks
    quite different. Here's what I found out:
    1. Once I managed to find the device in MAX. It registered under PA 4, SA 0, like the manual said. But after some trials (which got me nowhere) and a reboot, the device won't show up anymore.
    2. In IBIC, when I use ibln 4 0, it says Listen: True,
    so this device is there.
    3. I would be very glad if I could somehow switch the Voltage selector remote!
    To do that I have to transmit two bytes, e.g. 129 and 4 (129 is adc-channel, 4 is new voltage level). But before the first byte, I have to send GET, and after the first byte, SDC.
    Help, I failed miserably so far :-)
    Any help is appreciated, e.g. ibic sequences, labview examples, whatever. I what to make sure that this works
    before investing to much work into it.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Dirk,
    1. Please go to Then celect GPIB and after that, select Interactive Control Utility. Here you will find a list of command sequences.
    I hope I have understood your problem.
    2.Regarding LabVIEW examples, please go to>>NI Developer ZONE>>Development LIbrary>>GPIB. There are a lot of examples. And I hope this will help you.
    I could not understand what do you mean by trials. Because how can the trials prevent the device from showing up.
    In IBIC where you did ibln, also try ibwrt and ibrd and see if it works.
    Please do get back if you have any further questions.
    Sastry V

  • Quick Start Guide. GPIB in LabView . HW drivers. Applicatio​n deployment

     What hw driver to install?   488.2,  VISA or both for LabView to start with GPIB . each driver is 300MB !!?
    1.) Does VISA installation include 488.2 ?      2.)  What application will need for  deployment ? 
     3.) How to assert deassert GPIB REN with GOTOLOCAL using VISA in LV ?
    Go to Solution.

    Sorry, I was not asking about C#   I am asking about LV concept .  I want to buit application in LV using my knowledge of VISA 
      I installed both VISA and 488 and get this  
    I installed both VISA and 488 .... however I get this :
    Error -1073807202 occurred at VISA Open in
    LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFF009E) VISA or a code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded.  This is usually due to a required driver not being installed on the system. ========================= VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF009E) A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded.

  • Questions re: GPIB-ENET, LabView 5 and 7, license and Win XP

    We have a full development version of LabView 5.0 on a Win 98 SE machine, and just acquired a GPIB-ENET box that came with Solaris drivers. I loaded the GPIB and VISA software on LabView 5.0 and tried to connect to test the setup to no avail. It appears that all of the drivers are present. I believe that my problem is that I can�t get the IPAssign network driver bound to the 3Com ethernet card. When I load it in network properties, it doesn�t offer any hardware to bind to it. If I run IPAssign anyway, it claims the only networking hardware available is dialup, and sits forever (probably waiting to connect to a dialup line).
    The ultimate plan is to upgrade to LabView 7, and install it with the GPIB-EN
    ET box on a Win XP system. I have a demo version of 6.1, so I loaded that on the XP machine and tried again. LabView 6.1 appears to be missing drivers for GPIB-ENET, and looking through the knowledge base tells me a driver bug leaves Win XP incapable of assigning an IP address to GPIB-ENET anyway.
    My questions are:
    1. Should it be possible to get LabView 5.0 with 98SE talking to the older GPIB-ENET box, at least to set the IP address? Is this failing because I need to download the license (p/n 778258-02)?
    2. If I order LabView 7 and install it on Win XP, will I still need to download the license to run it, or is that included in version 7?
    3. Once I get LabView 7 and the driver and the license (if necessary) will I be able to assign the IP address with this setup?
    4. If the answer to #1 is �yes, with a license� and to #3 is �no�, then can I download the license, use it to assign an IP address on LabView 5 and transfer it to LabView 7/ Win XP when I get it to use the GPIB-EN
    ET box?

    Which version of the GPIB drivers are you using? We recommend using NI-488.2 v2.0 for your GPIB-ENET device (for Windows XP and Windows 98).
    1. Should it be possible to get LabView 5.0 with 98SE talking to the older GPIB-ENET box, at least to set the IP address? Is this failing because I need to download the license (p/n 778258-02)?
    A: If you have version 2.0 of the drivers, you should be able to assign the IP okay. Do you see a pattern in the LEDs flashing? Check the READY LED and see if you see a pattern, as this indicates an error code. The following formula can be used to find the error code:
    error code= (long flashes-1)(short flashes-1)example: 3 long flashes, and 9 short flashes = (3-1)(9-1) = 28
    If the READY LED does not stop flashing, it indicates that the GPIB-ENET does not have a valid IP address assigned to it. According to this KB:
    The problem is the Ethernet address. The field for the Ethernet address in the IPAssign Utility is meant for the last four digits of the Ethernet address on your GPIB-ENET (the first part of the address is the same for all GPIB-ENETs, so it is pre-filled for you). If you run the IPAssign Utility again and fill in the last four digits of your GPIB-ENET's Ethernet address (in the format: xx:xx), then you should be able to assign it an IP address successfully.
    More details: The Receive LED flashes because the Ethernet header for the packet is correct and the GPIB-ENET recognizes that; However, the header was actually duplicated when you entered the Ethernet address in the IPAssign Utility, so it did not match the exact Ethernet address of that particular GPIB-ENET. The only numbers that need to be entered into the Ethernet address field in the IPAssign Utility are the last 4 numbers in the format: xx:xx.
    Note: The user must decide what the IP address is going to be. Your IT department could probably help.The Ethernet Address however, is statically programmed into each ENET. It's usually labeled at the bottom of the unit.
    Also, refer to this KB regarding some IP issues we've had with some of the older GPIB-ENET devices.
    2. If I order LabView 7 and install it on Win XP, will I still need to download the license to run it, or is that included in version 7?
    A: You should uninstall and reinstall NI-488.2 v2.0. If you already have this driver, you will not need to re-license it. The driver is not included with LabVIEW 7.0 by default.
    3. Once I get LabView 7 and the driver and the license (if necessary) will I be able to assign the IP address with this setup?
    A: You should be able to assign the IP fine. Look at the response for first question above to make sure you are assigning the IP correctly.
    Anu Saha
    Academic Product Marketing Engineer
    National Instruments

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