Cartoon effect option in illustrator

I noticed there are a ton of features for tracing bitmap graphics images. However, I often have trouble turning real pictures into actual cartoons.
Perhaps Adobe can do us all a huge favor an we'll love you forever if you do. Create a carton tracing option and specifically made for turning real human people into cartoons. Perhaps this new cartoon effect feature can have tons of adjustment features that we can play with to get ANY image into a cartoon????
please oh please,
fitness models

Jeremy, can you unambiguously define for us (human-to-human) what exactly you mean by "cartoon"?
Then how is software supposed to do it?
Some mainstream drawing programs (Flash, Corel Draw, Corel Designer) are beginning to do a very modest amount of shape recognition (simple geometric primitives). But as it is, Illustrator's autotrace feature doesn't even know "sky" from "tree", let alone "eye" from "hair". It just detects color areas and tries to draw paths around them.
compute. That presupposes clearly defined, unambiguous numerical values and consistently-applied algorithms.
interpret. If Adobe created software that could transform any given photograph into whatever any given user defines as a "cartoon", Adobe would be onto something much more profound than drawing software.
Plus, you're asking for this from a company which, after over 20 years of development, still hasn't figured out how to give Illustrator a proper cutting tool. ;-)

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    Message was edited by: Sujay Sarma
    Change: Added Muse Version info

    That's worse. If I set Stroke to 1 (you can only do that on the Text Frame and not the text itself), then the Text Effects do get enabled. BUT, the effect is applied to the entire text frame instead of just the text. See this:
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    Quote from »photoshop_reference.pdf«:
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    Hi Kingmonkey,
    The Illustrator team is currently investigating the cause of this issue which is MAC only.
    Uninstall Illustrator
    In the menu bar, click Creative Cloud ().
    Click Settings (), and then click Quit Creative Cloud.
    Restart Creative Cloud, and reinstall Illustrator CC from the Apps tab.
    A second workaround which worked for few other users is to disable all the non-system fonts and then Launch AI CC 17.0.1
    Please refer to the knowledgebase article Update causes Illustrator CC to crash | Mac only for more information.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    In cases like this, the first guess is Align to Pixel Grid
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    You may avoid document types with that as default (RGB for web and the like) or change the default for such documents.

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