Cast string to double? how?

I have a JTextField in swing that takes a string. I have a method that takes a double.
premise: User enters 2.0 and I feed it to the method.
problem: type mismatch
I just tried myParam = (double) myTextInput; but the javac didnt like it.
Is there a toDouble()? I looked in the API under String and Double and didnt see one.

Here are a few examples of convesions

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    Yea, the Double.parseDouble method came in a later release (first time in 1.2).

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    Another option is to combine Generics with this.
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    public FormGraph<T>(string title, string name1, IEnumerable<T> data1)
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    Muthukrishnan Ramasamy
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    }Ouch, why do you do all of that? Why first cast obj to String, and then call obj.toSTring. Why add 30000 to the int? What do you expect errorCode to be?
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    JSP's can use NumberFormat.
    However you should never use float/double to represent monetary values. Money has an absolute value (in terms of units used to purchase). Float and double do not (actually they do but they are in base 2 NOT base 10 like most money is). In most cases representation errors due to float and double do not really matter (if you have suitably analysed the usage of them) however people get very upset about errors when it comes to money

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    cupofjava666 wrote:
    Need to know how to pass strings to doubles and strings to ints
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    Check the Wrapper classes (Double, Integer) in the api.
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    String s = null;
    if(s == null) should do the trick!
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    Thanks for replying.
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    Thanks again,
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
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    //double d = 4.6;
    double d = Double.parseDouble(str);
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    package LineGraph;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ReadData extends Thread {
         private Cdf cdf = null;
         private String fileName = null;
         String rawData = "";
         double[][] data = creatData();
         static double[][] creatData() {
              String rawData = GUI.jta.getText();
                System.out.println("rawData: " + rawData);
                String dataSet = rawData.replaceAll(",","\\s+"); 
                String [] point = null;
                point = rawData.split("\\s+");
                for (int i=0; i < point.length; i++){
                     System.out.println("point:" + point);
              //for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++){
              //System.out.println("dataSet: " + dataSet[i]);
              //String [] point = null;
              //if (dataSet.length > 0) {
              // point = dataSet[0]; // start with the first element
              // for (int i=1; i<dataSet.length; i++) {
              // point = dataSet[i];
              //System.out.println("point:" + point);
              //String[] CoOrd = point.split(",");
              String result = "";
              if (point.length > 0) {
                   result = point[0];
                   for (int j=1; j<point.length; j++) {
                        result = point[j];
              StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(result);
              List list = new LinkedList();
              while (tokens.hasMoreElements()){
                   String number = "";
                   String token = tokens.nextToken();
                   for (int i=0; i<token.length(); i++){
                        if (Character.isDefined(token.charAt(i))){
                             number += token.substring(i, i+1);
              if (!number.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
                   boolean add = list.add(number);
         System.out.println("list:" + list);
              double [][]data = new double[list.size()/2][2];
              int index = -2;
              for (int i=0; i<data.length;i++){
                        index += 2;
                        data[i][0] = Double.parseDouble(
                        data[i][1] = Double.parseDouble(
                                  (list.get(index +1).toString()));
              System.out.println("data.length: " + data.length); //** add this -- see how much data is being created
              return data;
              //cdf = new Cdf(data, fileName, PrintMessage);
         public Cdf getCdf(){
              return this.cdf;

    the point being there are 2 delimiters to split, the first being the comma the second being the line break thus creating an array of single digits
    I have solved the issue by using replaceall to replace all commas with spaces and then split on the spaceStill makes no sense. A line break doesn't not contain spaces. So how does replacing commas with spaces allow you to split on the line break.
    If you are appending each line to a string (to build one long string) then append the data with a comma, not a space.
    I really get the idea you guys are not enjoying my code?Its your requirements we don't understand. You obviously aren't explaining them correctly.

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    I would like to do a program that have one string control and one string indicator, any character that I type in the string control in the same time it will be appear in another string (indicator). How can help me?

    Why not use an event
    Add a While Loop, inside the loop add the Event Sructure.
    Now in the event structure selecd the String Controls.value change event to
    and the new value inside the event that you get,( connect to the String
    indicator box.
    On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:58:47 -0500 (CDT), WiltonFilho wrote:
    > I would like to do a program that have one string control and one
    > string indicator, any character that I type in the string control in
    > the same time it will be appear in another string (indicator). How can
    > help me?
    > I would like to do a program that have one string control and one
    > string indicator, any character that I type in the string control in
    > the same time it will be appear in another string (indicator). How can
    > help me?
    Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

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    The iPod is not a storage device, all songs should reside on a computer and you can only sync to one machine. However, if these songs were purchased from iTunes you can reload them (see link). If not, and you have no backup, then they are gone.

  • Parse a line of string to double

    Hi all:
    I have a file that contains a matrix of double values, and I need to parse each of this value and store them in double format. Each line in the file contains the same number of values, and each value within a line is seperated by a space character. Currently, what I am thinking is first read in a line, then use regular expression to find matches one by one, then parse each of the matched string to double using Double.valueof(String string). I wonder is there any better method to do this?

    Use String.split() with a whitespace regex, and then parse each result.

  • Help needed (converting string to double)

    keep getting an error someone give me a hint
    public class q1d
        public static void main(String [] args)
            String whats;
            double x;
            x = (String)whats;

    Then study this tutorial
    Specifically, this part
    You need some basic knowledge. These forums are not suitable for teaching Java. The tutorial is.

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    String a = "Hello";
    How to print the address of a;

    How about the address a points to?Please try to answer the question in reply 1: why?
    You can't get the address to which a variable points (except with JNI, but that again begs the question: why?) Also the address can change at any time as garbage collection moves objects around in memory.

  • Strange outputs while parsing String to Double

    Hi All,
    I am writing a simple MIDlet on MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1, where I need to convert two strings into Double calculate their difference and then display the result back on the screen.
    The code I am using is:
        double difference = Double.parseDouble("1235.7") - Double.parseDouble("1234.5");
        String result = (String)Double.toString(difference); The output generated is : 1.2000000000000455 which should be only 1.2
    If I replace the values with "1235" and "1234.1" the output is 0.900000000000091 which should be 0.9
    However, if I change the values to "1235.6" and "1234.1" the output generated is 1.5 which is perfectly fine. Means this happens only for some specific set of values.
    Has anyone ever faced such a situation or if anyone knows a proper workaround to fix this please help me out.

    Is this normal? does this also happens in case of J2SE I have never tried a similar
    program on j2se.If you are talking about the innaccuracies in the calculations then yes. Look at the url I gave in my previous post, some guy was asking the same thing and it wasn't about J2ME.
    In fact, this happens in every other language as well. It a limitation of the format doubles are stored in.

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