Parse a line of string to double

Hi all:
I have a file that contains a matrix of double values, and I need to parse each of this value and store them in double format. Each line in the file contains the same number of values, and each value within a line is seperated by a space character. Currently, what I am thinking is first read in a line, then use regular expression to find matches one by one, then parse each of the matched string to double using Double.valueof(String string). I wonder is there any better method to do this?

Use String.split() with a whitespace regex, and then parse each result.

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    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="750" border="2" bgcolor="#ffffcc">
    <tr bgcolor="lightblue"><td colspan="4" align="center">Year 2000 Demographics of <br><b>ZIP Code 90041</b><br><b>LOS ANGELES, California</b><br><a href=mapzipv.asp?zip=90041>Map of ZIP Code</a></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>TOTAL POPULATION [1]</td><td >P001</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P001</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>URBAN AND RURAL [6]</td><td >P002</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P002</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total:</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Urban:</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Inside urbanized areas</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Inside urban clusters</td><td align=right ><b> 0</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Rural</td><td align=right ><b> 0</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Not defined for this file</td><td align=right ><b> 0</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>RACE [8]</td><td >P007</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P007</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total:</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         White alone</td><td align=right ><b> 13,429</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Black or African American alone</td><td align=right ><b> 630</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         American Indian and Alaska Native alone</td><td align=right ><b> 242</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Asian alone</td><td align=right ><b> 7,123</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone</td><td align=right ><b> 42</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Some other race alone</td><td align=right ><b> 4,738</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Two or more races</td><td align=right ><b> 1,660</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>HISPANIC OR LATINO BY RACE [17]</td><td >P008</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P008</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total:</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Not Hispanic or Latino:</td><td align=right ><b> 17,109</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           White alone</td><td align=right ><b> 8,468</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Black or African American alone</td><td align=right ><b> 555</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           American Indian and Alaska Native alone</td><td align=right ><b> 105</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Asian alone</td><td align=right ><b> 7,053</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone</td><td align=right ><b> 30</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Some other race alone</td><td align=right ><b> 73</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Two or more races</td><td align=right ><b> 825</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Hispanic or Latino:</td><td align=right ><b> 10,755</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           White alone</td><td align=right ><b> 4,961</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Black or African American alone</td><td align=right ><b> 75</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           American Indian and Alaska Native alone</td><td align=right ><b> 137</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Asian alone</td><td align=right ><b> 70</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone</td><td align=right ><b> 12</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Some other race alone</td><td align=right ><b> 4,665</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Two or more races</td><td align=right ><b> 835</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>SEX BY AGE [49]</td><td >P012</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P012</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total:</td><td align=right ><b> 27,864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Male:</td><td align=right ><b> 13,324</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Under 5 years</td><td align=right ><b> 862</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           5 to 9 years</td><td align=right ><b> 974</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           10 to 14 years</td><td align=right ><b> 872</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           15 to 17 years</td><td align=right ><b> 525</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           18 and 19 years</td><td align=right ><b> 511</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           20 years</td><td align=right ><b> 257</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           21 years</td><td align=right ><b> 287</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           22 to 24 years</td><td align=right ><b> 569</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           25 to 29 years</td><td align=right ><b> 969</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           30 to 34 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,024</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           35 to 39 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,140</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           40 to 44 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,077</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           45 to 49 years</td><td align=right ><b> 987</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           50 to 54 years</td><td align=right ><b> 822</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           55 to 59 years</td><td align=right ><b> 647</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           60 and 61 years</td><td align=right ><b> 215</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           62 to 64 years</td><td align=right ><b> 270</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           65 and 66 years</td><td align=right ><b> 155</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           67 to 69 years</td><td align=right ><b> 258</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           70 to 74 years</td><td align=right ><b> 320</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           75 to 79 years</td><td align=right ><b> 252</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           80 to 84 years</td><td align=right ><b> 183</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           85 years and over</td><td align=right ><b> 148</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Female:</td><td align=right ><b> 14,540</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           Under 5 years</td><td align=right ><b> 864</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           5 to 9 years</td><td align=right ><b> 949</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           10 to 14 years</td><td align=right ><b> 875</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           15 to 17 years</td><td align=right ><b> 534</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           18 and 19 years</td><td align=right ><b> 592</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           20 years</td><td align=right ><b> 285</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           21 years</td><td align=right ><b> 264</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           22 to 24 years</td><td align=right ><b> 600</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           25 to 29 years</td><td align=right ><b> 932</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           30 to 34 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,035</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           35 to 39 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,026</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           40 to 44 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,131</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           45 to 49 years</td><td align=right ><b> 1,038</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           50 to 54 years</td><td align=right ><b> 970</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           55 to 59 years</td><td align=right ><b> 689</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           60 and 61 years</td><td align=right ><b> 261</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           62 to 64 years</td><td align=right ><b> 327</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           65 and 66 years</td><td align=right ><b> 208</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           67 to 69 years</td><td align=right ><b> 307</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           70 to 74 years</td><td align=right ><b> 482</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           75 to 79 years</td><td align=right ><b> 450</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           80 to 84 years</td><td align=right ><b> 331</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>           85 years and over</td><td align=right ><b> 390</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>MEDIAN AGE BY SEX [3]</td><td >P013</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Total population</td><td >P013</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Median age--</td><td >P013</td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Both sexes</td><td align=right ><b> 35.3</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Male</td><td align=right ><b> 34.0</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td>         Female</td><td align=right ><b> 36.6</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>HOUSEHOLDS [1]</td><td >P015</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Households</td><td >P015</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total</td><td align=right ><b> 9,375</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>POPULATION IN HOUSEHOLDS [1]</td><td >P016</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Population in households</td><td >P016</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total</td><td align=right ><b> 26,409</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE [1]</td><td >P017</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Households</td><td >P017</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Average household size</td><td align=right ><b> 2.82</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>FAMILIES [1]</td><td >P031</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Families</td><td >P031</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total</td><td align=right ><b> 6,326</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>POPULATION IN FAMILIES [1]</td><td >P032</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Population in families</td><td >P032</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Total</td><td align=right ><b> 21,653</b></td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>AVERAGE FAMILY SIZE [1]</td><td >P033</td></tr>
    <tr bgcolor="#bbffff"><td>Universe: Families</td><td >P033</td></tr>
    <tr><td>   Average family size</td><td align=right ><b> 3.42</b></td></tr>
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    The numbers I wanted to extract are the age groups of "Under 5 years," "5 to 9 years," "10 to 14 years," and "15 to 17 years," from both male and female groups, which should add up to 8 numbers total. Here is the backup server portion of my program as well, so you can see what i'm doing.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class TriParser
         static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
         public static int[] findValues(String text, String gender, String[] labels)
                Matcher m = Pattern.compile("<td>(.*?)</td>",
               Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(text);
                String allValues = m.find() ? : null; // TODO: handle if 'null' is returned!
                int[] values = new int[labels.length];
                for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
                  m = Pattern.compile(labels[i]+"[^>]+>(\\d+)").matcher(allValues);
                  if(m.find()) values[i] = Integer.parseInt(;
                return values;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
            int zip;
            boolean validInteger;//indicates if zipcode is valid (has to be 5 digits)
                    System.out.print("Enter a five-digit zipcode: ");
                    zip = sc.nextInt();
                    validInteger = true;
                    if((zip < 10000) || (zip > 99999))
                            validInteger = false;
                            System.out.println("Invalid Entry.  Please re-enter zipcode.");
            //String requestPart1 ="";
            //String requestPart2 = "" + zip; // zipcode goes here
            //String requestPart3 ="%3E+census%3Adetails+%3Fdetails+.+%0D%0A+%3Fdetails+census1%3AtotalPopulation+%3Ftable+.+%0D%0A+%3Ftable+dc%3Atitle+%22SEX+BY+AGE+%28P012001%29%22+.+%0D%0A%7D%0D%0A&outputMimeType=text%2Fxml";
              String requestPart1 = "" + zip;
            String response = "";
            URL url = new URL(""+requestPart1);
            URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
            // Set connection parameters.
            conn.setDoInput (true);
            conn.setDoOutput (true);
            conn.setUseCaches (false);
            // Make server believe we are form data…
            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream (conn.getOutputStream ());
            // Write out the bytes of the content string to the stream.
            out.flush ();
            out.close ();
            // Read response from the input stream.
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new
            InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream ()));
            String temp;
            while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null)
                 response += temp + "\n"; // needs to be parsed to calculate the 4 numbers
            temp = null;
            in.close ();
              //System.out.println("Server response:\n" + response);
              // how to call the method:
              String[] ages = {"Under 5 years", "5 to 9 years", "10 to 14 years", "15 to 17 years"};
              String[] ages1 = {"Under 5 years"};
              String[] ages2 = {"5 to 9 years"};
              String[] ages3 = {"10 to 14 years"};
              String[] ages4 = {"15 to 17 years"};
              String female1 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "female", ages1));
              String female2 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "female", ages2));
              String female3 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "female", ages3));
              String female4 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "female", ages4));
              String female = female1 + "+" + female2 + "<" + female3 + ">" + female4 + "&";
              String male1 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "male", ages1));
              String male2 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "male", ages2));
              String male3 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "male", ages3));
              String male4 = Arrays.toString(findValues(response, "male", ages4));
              String male = male1 + "+" + male2 + "<" + male3 + ">" + male4 + "&";
            //Simplified string response, makes use of regular expressions
            //Start manipulation of numbers inside string
            int left = female.indexOf("[");
              int right = female.indexOf("]");
              // pull out the text inside the parens
              String parsed = female.substring(left+1, right);
              double parseddub = Double.parseDouble(parsed);
              //divide the group Under5Years into Under12Mo and 1to4Yr
              double Group1Adub = parseddub*.25;//25% for Under12Mo
              Group1Adub = Math.ceil(Group1Adub);
              int Group1A =(int)Group1Adub;
              double Group1Bdub = parseddub*.75;//75% for 1to4Yr
              Group1Bdub = Math.ceil(Group1Bdub);
              int Group1B =(int)Group1Bdub;
              int left2 = female.indexOf("+");
              int right2 = female.indexOf("<");
              // pull out the text inside the parens
              String parsed2 = female.substring(left2+2, right2-1);
              double parsed2dub = Double.parseDouble(parsed2);
              //divide the group 5to9Yr into 5Yr, 6to7Yr, and 8to9Yr
              double Group2Adub = parsed2dub*.2;//20% for 5Yr
              Group2Adub = Math.ceil(Group2Adub);
              int Group2A =(int)Group2Adub;
              double Group2Bdub = parsed2dub*.4;//40% for 6to7Yr
              Group2Bdub = Math.ceil(Group2Bdub);
              int Group2B =(int)Group2Bdub;
              double Group2Cdub = parsed2dub*.2;//20% for 8Yr
              Group2Cdub = Math.ceil(Group2Cdub);
              int Group2C =(int)Group2Cdub;
              double Group2Ddub = parsed2dub*.2;//20% for 9Yr
              Group2Ddub = Math.ceil(Group2Ddub);
              int Group2D =(int)Group2Ddub;
              int left3 = female.indexOf("<");
              int right3 = female.indexOf(">");
              // pull out the text inside the brackets
              String parsed3 = female.substring(left3+2, right3-1);
              int Group3A = Integer.valueOf(parsed3).intValue();
              int left4 = female.indexOf(">");
              int right4 = female.indexOf("&");
              // pull out the text inside the brackets
              String parsed4 = female.substring(left4+2, right4-1);
              int Group4A = Integer.valueOf(parsed4).intValue();
              int left5 = male.indexOf("[");
              int right5 = male.indexOf("]");
              String parsed5 = male.substring(left5+1, right5);
              double parsed5dub = Double.parseDouble(parsed5);
              //divide the group Under5Years into Under12Mo and 1to4Yr
              double Group5Adub = parsed5dub*.25;//25% for Under12Mo
              Group5Adub = Math.ceil(Group5Adub);
              int Group5A =(int)Group5Adub;
              double Group5Bdub = parsed5dub*.75;//75% for 1to4Yr
              Group5Bdub = Math.ceil(Group5Bdub);
              int Group5B =(int)Group5Bdub;     
              int left6 = male.indexOf("+");
              int right6 = male.indexOf("<");
              // pull out the text inside the parens
              String parsed6 = male.substring(left6+2, right6-1);
              double parsed6dub = Double.parseDouble(parsed6);
              //divide the group 5to9Yr into 5Yr, 6to7Yr, and 8to9Yr
              double Group6Adub = parsed6dub*.2;//20% for 5Yr
              Group6Adub = Math.ceil(Group6Adub);
              int Group6A =(int)Group6Adub;
              double Group6Bdub = parsed6dub*.4;//40% for 6to7Yr
              Group6Bdub = Math.ceil(Group6Bdub);
              int Group6B =(int)Group6Bdub;
              double Group6Cdub = parsed6dub*.2;//20% for 8Yr
              Group6Cdub = Math.ceil(Group6Cdub);
              int Group6C =(int)Group6Cdub;
              double Group6Ddub = parsed6dub*.2;//20% for 9Yr
              Group6Ddub = Math.ceil(Group6Ddub);
              int Group6D =(int)Group6Ddub;
              int left7 = male.indexOf("<");
              int right7 = male.indexOf(">");
              // pull out the text inside the brackets
              String parsed7 = male.substring(left7+2, right7-1);
              int Group7A = Integer.valueOf(parsed7).intValue();
              int left8 = male.indexOf(">");
              int right8 = male.indexOf("&");
              // pull out the text inside the brackets
              String parsed8 = male.substring(left8+2, right8-1);
              int Group8A = Integer.valueOf(parsed8).intValue();
              int Group1 = Group1A;
              int Group2 = Group1B + Group2A;
              int Group3 = Group2A + Group2B + Group2C;
              int Group4 = Group2C + Group2D + Group3A + Group4A;     
              int Group5 = Group5A;
              int Group6 = Group5B + Group6A;
              int Group7 = Group6A + Group6B + Group6C;
              int Group8 = Group6C + Group6D + Group7A + Group8A;
              System.out.println("Server response:\n" + "\n" + "Female");
              System.out.println("Under 12 Months:    " + Group1);
              System.out.println("1 to 4 Years Old:   " + Group2);
              System.out.println("5 to 8 Years Old:   " + Group3);
              System.out.println("8 to 17 Years Old:  " + Group4);
              System.out.println("\n" + "Male");
              System.out.println("Under 12 Months:    " + Group5);
              System.out.println("1 to 4 Years Old:   " + Group6);
              System.out.println("5 to 8 Years Old:   " + Group7);
              System.out.println("8 to 17 Years Old:  " + Group8);
    }Currently it functions using a regex, and executes, but doesn't return any numbers, only returns zeros...If you could help me out with this, that would be amazing! Thanks so much.

    hmm, is there a way to do it without an external API? Of course there is.
    looks like i have to download the API and the idea behind the program is to make it so multiple people running only java can run the program, without having to download APIs, ect, to make it run. Not sure if that is what JTidy entails, but is that what you were suggesting?Personally, I don't understand the resistance to using well-tested tools already in existence as opposed to trying to rewrite a shallow facsimile of said tools. You can distribute the JTidy library along with your application and save yourself a great deal of development and debugging effort.

  • Strange outputs while parsing String to Double

    Hi All,
    I am writing a simple MIDlet on MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1, where I need to convert two strings into Double calculate their difference and then display the result back on the screen.
    The code I am using is:
        double difference = Double.parseDouble("1235.7") - Double.parseDouble("1234.5");
        String result = (String)Double.toString(difference); The output generated is : 1.2000000000000455 which should be only 1.2
    If I replace the values with "1235" and "1234.1" the output is 0.900000000000091 which should be 0.9
    However, if I change the values to "1235.6" and "1234.1" the output generated is 1.5 which is perfectly fine. Means this happens only for some specific set of values.
    Has anyone ever faced such a situation or if anyone knows a proper workaround to fix this please help me out.

    Is this normal? does this also happens in case of J2SE I have never tried a similar
    program on j2se.If you are talking about the innaccuracies in the calculations then yes. Look at the url I gave in my previous post, some guy was asking the same thing and it wasn't about J2ME.
    In fact, this happens in every other language as well. It a limitation of the format doubles are stored in.

  • How do I convert a String to double~?

    The contents of a file named data.txt are shown below:
    1.2402 .7930 .3254 -.0994 -.2930 -.4233 -.4539 -.1423
    -.0007 -.3118 -.6208 -.9524 -1.3694 -1.3870 -.9214 -.3621
    .1633 .9746 2.0815 2.5352 1.8879 1.0037 .3276 -.2085
    I want to read these data from data.txt.
    Below are the code I use to read file:
    //read file
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(objFileReader);
    //lstrLine contains one line data,
    String strLine = br.readLine();
    Question:How can I convert String strLine to double [ ] dbLine ?
    For example,convert String strLine=" 1.2402 .7930 .3254 -.0994 -.2930 -.4233 -.4539 -.1423" to dbLine[0]=1.2402,dbLine[1]=.7930,dbLine[2]=.3254,dbLine[3]=-.0994,dbLine[4]=-.2930,dbLine[5]=-.4233,dbLine[6]=-.4539,dbLine[7]=-.1423

    String.split(), DecimalFormat

  • Splitting CSV file; output a simple tokenised string of doubles - HELP

    Okay here it goes? I have a file that contains comma delimited double values in the form;
    I am trying to get the values in to the a simple string of "2 3 2.8 9.0 4.8 9.0". Therefore i have tried to replace all commas with a space and then split on whitespace? no success there?
    Th other way is to split on white space string.split("\\s+") and creat a string [] array and then loop through each element of the array creating a multi dimensional array of seperated values. These i could then concatente to form a string?
    My question is where is my code going wrong for spliting the string???
    package LineGraph;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ReadData extends Thread {
         private Cdf cdf = null;
         private String fileName = null;
         String rawData = "";
         double[][] data = creatData();
         static double[][] creatData() {
              String rawData = GUI.jta.getText();
                System.out.println("rawData: " + rawData);
                String dataSet = rawData.replaceAll(",","\\s+"); 
                String [] point = null;
                point = rawData.split("\\s+");
                for (int i=0; i < point.length; i++){
                     System.out.println("point:" + point);
              //for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++){
              //System.out.println("dataSet: " + dataSet[i]);
              //String [] point = null;
              //if (dataSet.length > 0) {
              // point = dataSet[0]; // start with the first element
              // for (int i=1; i<dataSet.length; i++) {
              // point = dataSet[i];
              //System.out.println("point:" + point);
              //String[] CoOrd = point.split(",");
              String result = "";
              if (point.length > 0) {
                   result = point[0];
                   for (int j=1; j<point.length; j++) {
                        result = point[j];
              StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(result);
              List list = new LinkedList();
              while (tokens.hasMoreElements()){
                   String number = "";
                   String token = tokens.nextToken();
                   for (int i=0; i<token.length(); i++){
                        if (Character.isDefined(token.charAt(i))){
                             number += token.substring(i, i+1);
              if (!number.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
                   boolean add = list.add(number);
         System.out.println("list:" + list);
              double [][]data = new double[list.size()/2][2];
              int index = -2;
              for (int i=0; i<data.length;i++){
                        index += 2;
                        data[i][0] = Double.parseDouble(
                        data[i][1] = Double.parseDouble(
                                  (list.get(index +1).toString()));
              System.out.println("data.length: " + data.length); //** add this -- see how much data is being created
              return data;
              //cdf = new Cdf(data, fileName, PrintMessage);
         public Cdf getCdf(){
              return this.cdf;

    the point being there are 2 delimiters to split, the first being the comma the second being the line break thus creating an array of single digits
    I have solved the issue by using replaceall to replace all commas with spaces and then split on the spaceStill makes no sense. A line break doesn't not contain spaces. So how does replacing commas with spaces allow you to split on the line break.
    If you are appending each line to a string (to build one long string) then append the data with a comma, not a space.
    I really get the idea you guys are not enjoying my code?Its your requirements we don't understand. You obviously aren't explaining them correctly.

  • Parsing big decimal's string

    I'm trying to get BigDecimal class parsing "monetary" strings like "1.000,23" as "one-thousand euro and 23 cents" but I got am exception when I try to execute:
    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("1.000,23");
    /on the other side BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("1000.23"); does execute with no errors; unfortunately, EU currency should be written as 1.000,23...)
    This looks very strange to me, since using plain double or float variables and the suitable DecimalFormat object, the string "1.000,23" gets parsed and its value (1000.23) assigned to a double with no errors.
    (I suppose BigDecimal is quite clever than double... isn't it?)
    On the other side I cannot first translate string to double and then double to BigDecimal since this gets rounding errors: try with 0.10...
    Is there any way to force BigDecimal instances to parse input strings using a specified NumberFormat instance? Am I misusing somehow the BigDecimal class?
    Any hep /code fragment will be appreciated

    When Java 1.5 is released you'll be able to make DecimalFormat.parse parse to BigDecimals instead of Long or Double by calling the [url]setParseBigDecimal method.
    Maybe until then you can use some simple hackish workaround like replace and remove characters in the input string so that "1.000,23" becomes "1000.23"

  • Pre-parsing user-entered query strings

    I'm looking for a robust PL/SQL (or other) script for pre-parsing user-entered query strings, so I can make intermedia work like familiar search engines. (Think Yahoo/Alta Vista.) It has to deal gracefully and intuitively with embedded special characters, boolean constructs, quoted literals, etc.
    Has Oracle released anything like this?

    There's example code in "The Button" download from in the file "".
    Putting the query directly into ABOUT() also works if you don't need to clean up end-user input.

  • Convert a string to double with precision

    I am getting a value amount of say $45.00 from a jsp and set this value as a string for my other work. then i am changing this string to double by using this statement
    my precision is lost when i get this amount it just shows 45.0 how can I get the precision of 45.00
    I would appreciate if any assistance is provided for the problem.

    JSP's can use NumberFormat.
    However you should never use float/double to represent monetary values. Money has an absolute value (in terms of units used to purchase). Float and double do not (actually they do but they are in base 2 NOT base 10 like most money is). In most cases representation errors due to float and double do not really matter (if you have suitably analysed the usage of them) however people get very upset about errors when it comes to money

  • StringTokenizer class problem with strings in double quotes

    Hello Technocrats,
    I have a problem with tokenizing following string enclosed in (). (abc," India, Asia", computer engineer). My separator is ",", thus StringTokenizer class gives me 4 tokens namely abc, "India, Asia" and computer engineer. But I require that String in double quotes should be a single token. How to achieve this using StringTokenizer class? Or is there any other way?
    Thanks in advance.

    String[] str="abc,\" India, Asia\",computer engineer".split(",",1);
              for(String s: str)

  • How to read a line of string?

    Hi, I am very new to java programming. Can anyone show me a method of a simple way to read a line of characters into a string? I look over the internet but all seems awfully complicated like easyReader..etc which you have to import more other classes to make it to work. I just need it to be as simple as just to read a line into string.
    Thank you...

    Hi, try this..
    public class rt
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              String s = r.readLine();
    }hope this helps,

  • Parse a Date to String

    i would use this to parse String to Date :
    public Date parseFromString(String dateString){
          try {
              java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter
                  = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
              return formatter.parse(dateString);
          catch (Exception e) {
          return null;
      }how can i parse a Date to string?

    check the API Docs for SimpleDateFormat - particularly the format method. public StringFormatFromDate(Date date){
          try {
              java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter
                  = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
              return formatter.format(date);
          catch (Exception e) {
               // You really shouldn't catch Exception - and you really should do something in your catch
               // blocks so you don't post a question like "my code executes no problem, but nothing happens...
          return null;

  • Kinda urgent    please help pass strings to doubles and strings to ints

    Need to know how to pass strings to doubles and strings to ints
    and to check if a string is null its just if (name == null;) which means black right?
    like size as a string and then make the string size a double

    cupofjava666 wrote:
    Need to know how to pass strings to doubles and strings to ints
    and to check if a string is null its just if (name == null;) which means black right?
    like size as a string and then make the string size a doubleThink he means blank.
    Check the Wrapper classes (Double, Integer) in the api.
    parseInt() parseDouble() both take a string and return a primitive.
    String s = null;
    if(s == null) should do the trick!
    Edited by: Boeing-737 on May 29, 2008 11:08 AM

  • How to change String to double ?

    I want to change String to double in Applet program, but for the run time, error is occurred.
    It can not find the method parseDouble.
    Error -> Double.parseDouble("7.5");
    I try to test String to Integer, it works fine.
    OK -> Integer.parseInt("7");
    How to change String to double in Applet ?

    Yea, the Double.parseDouble method came in a later release (first time in 1.2).

  • Extract/Scan for numbers from multiple lines of strings

    Hi All,
    I would like to extract numbers (the data) obtained from a serial acquisition which will be shown in multiple line of strings:
    $#pressure 20
    !@temperature 100
    #voltage 1.2
    I want to extract 20,100 and 1.2 so that I can do further data manipulation. Should I use match regular expression ? I could not get a proper regular expression to extract the numbers.
    Thank you !
    Go to Solution.

    pokerprof wrote:
    Hi there! Yes your method works, but it would be better if we can keep all the data into an array separated to pressure, temperature and voltage since we are continuously acquiring data. 
    Can we put it into array ?
    Pressure   Temperature   Voltage
    20                    100          1.2
    21                    101           1.2
    Whose method? You don't say who you are referring to (and if you don't quote at least part of a message, we don't know unless you tell us).
    This is no time to keep your cards close to your chest, pokerprof .
    To err is human, but to really foul it up requires a computer.
    The optimist believes we are in the best of all possible worlds - the pessimist fears this is true.
    Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
    An expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes.
    To learn something about LabVIEW at no extra cost, work the online LabVIEW tutorial(s):
    LabVIEW Unit 1 - Getting Started
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  • Convert String to double with two digits

    How can I format "String" type of numbers (eg. 199.0, or 199) to return a "double" type of nubmers like 199.00, or 199.00. It should have two digits.
    For example, the input is String of 199.0, how can I get "double" 199.00. Always format as two digits.
    Thanks for your help,

    Thanks for replying.
    Here is my code. For some reason, when convert the returned String back to double in main, it cut the "0".
    What's wrong with my code? How can I get that 4.60 in double type.
    Thanks again,
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class NumUtils
    // Convert Double to 99.99
    public static String format(String str)
    //double d = 4.6;
    double d = Double.parseDouble(str);
    NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    String s = formatter.format(d);
    return s;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    String myDouble = "4.6";
    String mynewdouble = format(myDouble);
    System.out.println(" --- formatDouble = " + mynewdouble);
    double my_d = Double.parseDouble(mynewdouble);
    System.out.println(" --- Double = " + my_d);

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