Catalog Conversion on a New Computer & version 5 to 9

I backed up my catalog to an external hard in anticipation of installing version 9 on a new computer.  I was using vesrion 5.  The restore on my new computer did not go well.  I am unable to find many pictures because the catalog structure is different and I can't find many of the tags.
Any help will be appreciated

Thanx for asking.
I followed the approach in the online website.  Basically I made a backup
(file - backup catalog etc.) of my tags and catalogs and saved it to an
external hard drive.  I accessed the back up file after I installed version
10 using the restore catalog (file - restore etc.).  My initial attempt was
unsuccessful.  I uninstalled version 10 and reinstalled it.
Maybe I am using the word terminology.  When I say catalog I mean the
structure I set up to organize my pictures.  Tags might be a more correct
term.  My catalog/tags were recognized after my second attempt.  But the
pictures that I tagged got messed up.  For example, I had a tag titled "The
Kids" and a sub-category titled M&T.  When I open the M&T sub-category I see
pictures that I placed in my bridges sub-category and I never linked M&T to
I hope this makes sense.  I appreciate your asking and taking the time to

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    The 'normal' procedure is to do a PSE organizer backup (not a copy or a backup from external tools) to an external drive, then a restore to the new location.
    The advantage is that you have a backup of both catalog and media files and you don't have all disconnected files, which would happen with external backup tools. Also, if you restore with a more recent elements version, the catalog will be automatically updated to the new format.
    The drawback in your situation is that you'll have either to overwrite all your files or restore to a custom location, creating a duplicate photo library (which supposes you have enough free space).
    It would be possible to simply use the organizer in the old PC to move the catalog to a new 'custom' folder just under your C: root drive. The catalog would be accessible once the drive will be installed in the new PC. Then you would have all files 'disconnected' due to the fact that all your media files are now on a drive with a different letter. Reconnecting a whole library is a hard job with PSE6, less so with PSE11/PSE12.
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  • Unable to open My Catalog after transfer to new computer

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    Am in process of moving to new computer with Windows 7 - 64bit version. Have used original disc to load Elements 7 on new machine and Elements Organiser opens OK but with just a blank My catalog - and all tags are missing.
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    C:\ProgrammeData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog
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    Thanks. Might be making some progress. As I said before I had followed the path suggested by Help > System Information. Had also done amendment to Show Hidden Files, which the database seems to be.
    But have now taken your advice and unticked the box relating to "Hide file extensions for known file types".
    Using Windows Explorer on the old computer I now find that My Catalog folder includes a file named "catalog.pse7db"
    File size is approx 19,500Kb - so this would appear to be the relevant file.
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    Not sure if this might be relevant but have just noticed a slight difference in the locations indicated by Photoshop
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    On new machine this is C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My catalog
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    You can directly install Lightroom 3 on the new computer but will need the SN's for the previous versions since the installer may ask for them(only if Lightroom 3 has been purchased as an upgrade).

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    Would appreciate your help (in simple precise terms - not very computer literate! ) as I don't want to lose my Catalog as it has a lot of collections.
    Thank you!

    First make sure you've got a precise record of what your key is and who it's registered to. (I usually just print out a screenshot of the existing "Register" tab in my QuickTime preferences.)
    Now on the old PC, go into your QuickTime control panel. In the "Register" tab, clear the key from the QuickTime Registration section and click OK.
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    I have read how to tranfer the catalog to a new computer
    Please tell us what you read so we can be sure we have the same understanding.
    Is it also true that the albums would also be transferred when backing up the catalog and restoring it to the new comoputer?
    Yes, if you do it properly.
    Since the catalog references the previous image files in the original computer where do you put the image files on the new computer(Windows 7)?
    Well that depends on my comment earlier. If you are using the PSE Organizer commands File->Backup Catalog followed by (on the new computer) File->Restore Catalog, you can tell PSE to put the photos anywhere you want. (By the way, since your question is "where do you put...", let me say that YOU don't put the photos anywhere, PSE puts the photos where you tell it to put them. "YOU" are not moving the photos yourself. I realize this is a minor point and comes up perhaps because of your choice of words, but I want this to be clear.)
    The image files on the original computer were stored in the my pictures folder in the document directory.  I am assuming that the images should be put in the Windows 7 pictures folder.
    If you are using the PSE Organizer commands File->Backup Catalog  followed by (on the new computer) File->Restore Catalog, you can tell  PSE to put the photos anywhere you want. Oh, but I said that already.
    Also, what do you do about the xmp files?
    If you are using the PSE Organizer commands File->Backup Catalog  followed by (on the new computer) File->Restore Catalog, then PSE will handle this for you. Advice: if you let PSE manage your photos, you never ever ever have to worry about the xmp files, because PSE takes care of that for you.

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    When I restore my catalogs to Photoshop Elements 10 will that procedure restore not only my images but also my albums & tags etc that I had created in version 8?
    Thanks to anyone who can help.

    Thank you very much for the reply. I'm relieved that the albums & tags are part of what I backed up so they'll be restored to Photoshop Elements 10.
    I've looked at the Adobe document to which you gave me the link. Thanks for that too.
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    I just got a new computer and want to move my Adobe PSE catalog over to the new internal hard drive. I don't know where to put it since Vista's directories look different than XPs. All of my photos are on an external hard drive, but my guess is that the letter will change when I move it to the new computer. How do I handle this migration so that I can see all of my information (photos, tags, titles) on the new PC? Thanks for any advice.

    The entire process of making a backup, including backups of photos, via the PSE Backup Catalog command, makes moving catalogs and photos as successful as possible. Doesn't depend on what version of PSE you own.
    If you are using PSE5, and the drive letter of the external HD remains the same, you can simply move the catalog file to the new computer. You can put the catalog anywhere you want on the new computer, and then double-click on it the first time to open it. Really doesn't matter where you put it.
    i But
    , if the drive letter where your photos are stored changes ... oops, that makes things a whole lot more difficult. Best to go back to the solution in paragraph 1.
    If you are using PSE6 or later, you need to speak to a PSE6 or PSE7 expert.

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    OK one last question - I moved the catalog file to the new computer, but I put it on the desktop. I double-clicked it and it all worked like a charm. And now all the temp files and such live there.
    Is there a good way to move it into the Adobe folder? I tried moving it all into the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 9 Organizer, but there isn't a "Catalog" folder like there was on the old computer. So I just moved it in the C:\Program Files\Adobe folder and double-clicked it; i got an error saying the catalog was corrupt or something. So I moved it back to the desktop and all is fine.
    So how do I move it off the desktop - and where should i put it?

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    > A search of the hard drive shows the files are there. Is there an easy way to fix this?
    Well, you haven't provided enough details (such as in what folder were/are your files and catalog on the old/new computer, have you preserved your folder hierarchy etc.), so they might be on your hard drive, but not quite 'there'.
    You can use the Locate Missing folder command on your top-level folder. This will link images in the catalog with the respective files on your drive.

  • Moving photos and associated tags, etc. to a new computer

    I have just updated APE-7 to APE-11 on my old computer which is running Windows 7.    The transition went well.   All photos and tags moved seamlessly to the new programs format.   I need advice on how best to transfer all of that to a new computer which is also running Windows-7.    You can think of the new computer as a clean slate, other than the fact that I installed APE-11 on it as well.
    Question 1:   Should I begin by manually transfer all photos from the "My Pictures" folder on the old computer to the "My Pictures" folder on the new computer prior to using the "Restore Catalog" function or does that automatically happen when I use the "Restore Catalog" function within APE-11 to transfer Keywords and Tags?
    Question 2:   I would appreciate it if someone would provide a link to an Adobe document that might give a detailed explanation as to how to use the "Restore Catalog" function, to a new, computer.   Or, perhaps a detailed step-by-step description of how to accomplish it in a way that all Keywords and Tags will remain associated with each picture.

    All your questions are answered here
    You need to perform a backup in PSE7 and then move the backup you create in PSE7 (which includes photos and the catalog and associated files) to the new computer, then restore.

  • I am using Adobe Photshop Elements 11, I just transferred all of my data from an old computer to a new computer, all my pictures and documents transferred fine but, my albums are missing and the date and time that is usually under the picture are missing.

    I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I just transferred all of my data from an old computer to a new computer, all my pictures and documents transferred fine but, my albums are missing and the date and time that is usually under the picture are missing.. How do I get them back?

    Which operating system are you running on?
    The date & Time can be displayed by going to the View menu and checking Details - also File Names if you want them displayed.
    The Album information is saved within the catalog so it sounds as though you didn't do a catalog backup on the old computer and a catalog restore on the new computer which is the recommended way of transferring elements data. Did you just copy the photos over?

  • How do I transfer pix in Elements 7 from old computer to Elements 9 in new computer?

    Old PC crashed but I can operate in safe mode and get to files. Elements 7 won't open, though. New laptop has Elements 9 preinstalled.  How do I transfer photos to new laptop so Elements 9 recognizes them?  Do I just copy photo files from old computer and paste them into same folder in new computer and then open Elements 9 and import them all or is something else required?  Will I need to set up new albums or can I get old albums to transfer somehow. 

    Being able to retrieve media files is a good thing, but what would be still better is to find the catalog itself where the database and accessory catalog files are stored.
    If you can do a search for a 'catalog.pse7db' file (probably hidden in explorer, you could be able to retrieve everything.
    The process would be to copy the media files in the exact same folders as the original, and to copy the whole folder containing the catalog somewhere on the new computer. From PSE9 you could open the organizer and use the catalog manager to convert the old catalog : you'll have to navigate to the folder where you have copied the catalog.
    Tell us if you need more details.
    Another way would be to install the old drive in an external USB housing : if the procedure stated above is not adequate, that could be worth a try.

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