Catalog Deployer - Migrating Agents . . . wheres the Dictionary?

Catalog Deployer - Migrating Agents . . . wheres the Dictionary?
With version 2008, we are able to migrate the agents from one environment to another, however I have not been able to find a way to migrate the Dictionary that each agent uses.  Is there a method to migrate the agent dictionaries?     Service dictionaries are migrating when you assemble a service package,  but the Agent package doesnt include the dictionary.

No. If it's a standard adapter and you made some changes to its properties (possible but not usually recommended), you would need to re-enter the properties in the target environment.  If it's a custom adapter, use the same procedure you used to install the adapter in the initial environment in the target environment.

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  • How to update a large (over 4 million item) List(Of Byte) quickly by altering indexes contained in a Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte) where the Dictionaries keys are the indexes in the List(Of Byte) that need to be changed to the values for those indexes?

       I'm having some difficulty with transferring images from a UDP Client to a UDP Server. The issue is receiving the bytes necessary to update an original image sent from the Client to the Server and updating the Servers List(Of Byte) with the
    new bytes replacing bytes in that list. This is a simplex connection where the Sever receives and the Client sends to utilize the least amount of bandwidth for a "Remote Desktop" style application where the Server side needs image updates of whatever
    occurs on the Client desktop.
       So far I can tranfer images with no issue. The images can be be any image type (.Bmp, .Gif, .JPeg, .Png, etc). I was working with sending .JPeg's as they appear to be the smallest size image when a Bitmap is saved to a memory stream as type
    .JPeg. And then I am using GZip to compress that byte array again so it is much smaller. However on a loopback on my NIC the speed for sending a full size screen capture is not very fast as the Server updates fairly slowly unless the Clients screen capture
    Bitmap is reduced in size to about 1/3'd of the original size. Then about 12000 bytes or less are sent for each update.
       Due to .JPeg compression I suppose there is no way to get the difference in bytes between two .JPegs and only send those when something occurs on the desktop that alters the desktop screen capture image. Therefore I went to using .Bmp's as each
    .Bmp contains the same number of bytes in its array regardless of the image alterations on the desktop. So I suppose the difference in bytes from a second screen capture and an inital screen capture are what is different in the second image from the initial
       What I have done so far is save an initial Bitmap of a screen capture using a memory stream and saving as type .Bmp which takes less than 93 milliseconds for 4196406 bytes. Compressing that takes less than 118 milliseconds to 197325 bytes for
    the current windows on the desktop. When that is done PictureBox1 is updated from nothing to the captured image as the PictureBox's background image with image layout zoom and the PictureBox sized at 1/2 my screens width and 1/2 my screens height.
       Then I save a new Bitmap the same way which now contains different image information as the PictureBox is now displaying an image so its back color is no longer displayed (solid color Aqua) and the cursor has moved to a different location. The
    second Bitmap is also 4196406 in bytes and compressed it was 315473 bytes in size.
       I also just found code from this link Converting a Bitmap to a Byte Array (and Byte Array to Bitmap) which gets a byte array
    directly from a Bitmap and the size of that is 3148800 for whatever is full screen captured on my laptop. So I should be able to work with smaller byte arrays at some point.
       The issue I'm having is that once the Client sends an image of the desktop to the Server I only want to update the server with any differences occuring on the Clients desktop. So what I have done is compare the first screen captures bytes (stored
    in a List(Of Byte)) to the second screen captures bytes (stored in a List(Of Byte)) by using a For/Next for 0 to 4196405 where if a byte in the first screen captures List is not equal to a byte in the second screen captures List I add the index and byte of
    the second screen captures list to a Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte). The Dictionary then only contains the indexes and bytes that are different between the first screen capture and second screen capture. This takes about 125 milliseconds which I think is pretty
    fast for 4196406 byte comparison using a For/Next and adding all the different bytes and indexes for each byte to a Dictionary.
        The difference in Bytes between the inital screen capture and the second screen capture is 242587 as an example which changes of course. For that amount of bytes the Dictionary contains 242587 integers as indexes and 242587 bytes as different
    bytes totaling 485174 bytes for both arrays (keys, values).  Compressed the indexes go from 242587 to 43489 bytes and the values go from 242587 to 34982 bytes. Which means I will have to send 78, 481 bytes from the Client to the Server to update the display
    on the server. Quite smaller than the original 4196406 bytes of the second Bitmap saved to type .Bmp or the compressed size of that array which was 315473 bytes. Plus a few bytes I add as overhead so the server knows when an image array ends and how many packets
    were sent for the array so it can discard complete arrays if necessary since UDP is lossfull although probably not so much in current networks like it may originally have been when the internet started.
        In reality the data from the Client to the Server will mostly be the cursor as it moves and updating the Server image with only a few hundred bytes I would imagine at a time. Or when the cursor selects a Button for example and the Buttons
    color changes causing those differences in the original screen capture.
       But the problem is if I send the Dictionaries Indexes and Bytes to the Server then I need to update the original Bitmap List(Of Byte) on the server by removing the Bytes in the received informations Index locations array from the Servers Bitmap
    List(Of Byte) and replacing those Bytes with the Bytes in the received informations Byte array. This takes so long using a For/Next for however many indexes are in the received informations Index array to update the Bitmap List(Of Byte) on the server using
    "Bmp1Bytes.RemoveAt(Index As Integer)" followed by "Bmp1Bytes.Insert(Index As Integer, Item As Byte)" in the For/Next.
        I've tried various For/Next statements including using a new List(Of Byte) with If statements so If the the integer for the For/Next ='s the Key in a Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte) using a Counter to provide the Dictionaries Key value then
    the Dictionaries byte value will be added to the List(Of Byte) and the counter will increas by one Else the List(Of Byte) adds the original "Bmp1Bytes" byte at that index to the new List(Of Byte). This takes forever also.
       I also tried the same For/Next adding to a new Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte) but that takes forever too.
       I think I could use RemoveRange and AddRange to speed things up. But I don't know how to retrieve a contiguous range of indexes in the received indexes that need to be updated in the servers "Bmp1Bytes" List(Of Byte) from the received
    array of indexes and bytes which are in a Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte).  But I believe this would even be slower than some realistic method for replacing all Bytes in a List(Of Byte) when I have the indexes that need to be replaced and the bytes to replace
    them with.
       Even if I just used AddRange on a new List(Of Byte) to add ranges of bytes from the original "Bmp1Bytes" and the changes from the Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte) I think this would be rather slow. Although I don't know how to do that
    by getting contiguous ranges of indexes from the Dictionaries keys.
       So I was wondering if there is some method perhaps using Linq or IEnumerable which I've been unable to figure anything out which could do this.
       I do have some copy and pasted code which I don't understand how it works that I am using which I would guess could be altered for doing something like this but I can't find information that provides how the code works.  Or even if I did
    maybe I can't understand it. Like the code below which is extremely fast.
       Dim strArray() As String = Array.ConvertAll(Of Integer, String)(BmpComparisonDict.Keys.ToArray, Function(x) x.ToString())
    La vida loca

    That was quite a bit to read, but still a bit unclear. Could you put a specific list of goals/questions, asked in the smallest possible form?
    It seems like either you're making a program that monitors activity on your computer, or you're writing some kind of remote pc app.
    When you do get your bytes from using lockbits, keep in mind all the files header info would be lost. I think retaining the header info is worth the extra bytes.
    The other, thing: I'm not sure if you're taking 32bpp screen shots, but also keep in mind that the "whole desktop" is the final destination for blended graphics, if that makes sense. What I mean is that there is no need to capture an "alpha"
    channel for a desktop screenshot, as alpha would always be 255, this could save you 1 byte per pixel captured... Theres nothing "behind" the desktop, therefore no alpha, and every window shown above the desktop is already blended. I suggest using
    24Bpp for a full screen capture.
    Your X,Y information for the mouse could be stored as UINT16, this would save you a measly 2 bytes per location update/save.
    When you update your byte arrays, maybe you can turn the array into a stream and write to whatever index, however many bytes, that should prevent a "Shift" of bytes, and instead overwrite any bytes that "get in the way".
    Dim example As String = "This is an example."
    Dim insertString As String = "was"
    Dim insertBytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(insertString)
    Dim bytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(example)
    Dim modifiedBytes As Byte() = {}
    Using ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes)
    ms.Position = 5
    ms.Write(insertBytes, 0, 3)
    modifiedBytes = ms.ToArray
    End Using
    Dim newString As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(modifiedBytes)
    'Notice how below there isn't the word "is" anymore, and that there isn't a
    'This demonstrates that you overwrite existing data, versus shifting everything to
    'the right.
    'Returns: This wasan example.
    “If you want something you've never had, you need to do something you've never done.”
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    *This post does not reflect the opinion of Microsoft, or its employees.
    Well it's too much to read. I was really tired when I wrote it. Even the below is too much to read but perhaps gets the point across of what I would like to do which I think
    Joel Engineer may have answered but I'm not sure. As I'm still too tired to understand that yet and research what he said in order to figure it out yet.
    But maybe the code below can provide the concept of the operation with the comments in it. But seeing as how I'm still tired it may be confused.
    Option Strict On
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.IO.Compression
    Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
    Dim Bmp1Bytes As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim Bmp1BytesCompressed As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim Bmp2Bytes As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim BmpComparisonDict As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte)
    Dim BmpDifferenceIndexesCompressed As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim BmpDifferenceBytesCompressed As New List(Of Byte)
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub SomeSub()
    ' Pretend this code is in UDP Client app. A screen capture is performed of the desktop. Takes about 90 milliseconds.
    Using BMP1 As New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
    Using g1 As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BMP1)
    g1.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, BMP1.Size)
    Cursor.Draw(g1, New Rectangle(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y, Cursor.Size.Width, Cursor.Size.Height))
    Using MS As New MemoryStream
    BMP1.Save(MS, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
    End Using
    End Using
    End Using
    ' UDP Client app sends Bmp1BytesCompressed.ToArray to UDP Server which is the entire image of the desktop that the UDP
    ' Client is on. This image takes awhile to send since compressed it is about 177000 bytes from over 4000000 bytes.
    ' I will be using different code just to get the bytes from the actual Bitmap in the future. That is not important for now.
    ' Pretend the UDP Server has received the bytes, decompressed the array received into a List(Of Byte) and is displaying
    ' the image of the UDP Clients desktop in a PictureBox.
    ' Now the image on the UDP Clients desktop changes due to the mouse cursor moving as an example. Therefore a new Bitmap
    ' is created from a screen capture. This takes about 90 milliseconds.
    Using BMP2 As New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
    Using g1 As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BMP2)
    g1.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, BMP2.Size)
    Cursor.Draw(g1, New Rectangle(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y, Cursor.Size.Width, Cursor.Size.Height))
    Using MS As New MemoryStream
    BMP2.Save(MS, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
    End Using
    End Using
    End Using
    ' Now I have the original images bytes in Bmp1Bytes and the new images bytes in Bmp2Bytes on the UDP Client. But I don't
    ' want to send all of the bytes in Bmp2Bytes to the UDP Server. Just the indexes of and the bytes that are different in
    ' Bmp2Bytes from Bmp1Bytes.
    ' This takes less than 100 milliseconds for what I've tested so far where over 500000 bytes in Bmp2Bytes are different
    ' than the bytes in Bmp1Bytes. Usually that amount would be much less. But during testing I was displaying the image
    ' from Bmp1 bytes in a PictureBox so a large amount of data would change between the first screen shot, the PictureBox
    ' then displaying an image on the same PC and then the second screen shot.
    For i = 0 To Bmp1Bytes.Count - 1
    If Bmp1Bytes(i) <> Bmp2Bytes(i) Then
    BmpComparisonDict.Add(i, Bmp2Bytes(i))
    End If
    ' So now I have all the difference bytes and their indexes from Bmp2Bytes in the BmpComparisonDict. So I compress
    ' the indexes into on List and the Bytes into another List.
    BmpDifferenceIndexesCompressed.AddRange(Compress(BmpComparisonDict.Keys.SelectMany(Function(d) BitConverter.GetBytes(d)).ToArray()))
    ' Now pretend the UDP Client has sent both those arrays to the UDP Server which has added both decompressed arrays
    ' to a Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte). And the server has the original image decompressed bytes received in a List
    ' called Bmp1Bytes also.
    ' This is where I am stuck. The UDP Server has the Dictionary. That part was fast. However there is no
    ' fast method I have found for creating a new List(Of Byte) where bytes in the originally received List(Of Byte) that
    ' do not have to be altered are placed into a new List(Of Byte) except for the indexes listed in the
    ' Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte) that need to be placed into the appropriate index locations of the new List(Of Byte).
    ' The below example for doing so is exceptionally slow. Pretend UpdateDictionary has all of the decompressed indexes
    ' and bytes received by the UDP Server for the update contained within it.
    Dim UpdateDictionary As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Byte)
    Dim UpdatedBytes As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim Counter As Integer = 0
    For i = 0 To Bmp1Bytes.Count - 1
    If i = UpdateDictionary.Keys(Counter) Then ' Provides the index contained in the Keys for the Dictionary
    Counter += 1
    If Counter > UpdateDictionary.Count - 1 Then Counter = 0
    End If
    ' So what I'm trying to do is find an extremely fast method for performing something similar to what the
    ' above operation performs.
    End Sub
    Private Function Compress(BytesToCompress() As Byte) As List(Of Byte)
    Dim BytesCompressed As New List(Of Byte)
    Using compressedStream = New MemoryStream()
    Using zipStream = New GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Compress)
    zipStream.Write(BytesToCompress, 0, BytesToCompress.Count)
    End Using
    End Using
    Return BytesCompressed
    End Function
    Private Function Decompress(BytesToDecompress() As Byte) As List(Of Byte)
    Dim BytesDecompressed As New List(Of Byte)
    Using DecompressedStream = New MemoryStream()
    Using zipStream = New GZipStream(DecompressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)
    zipStream.Write(BytesToDecompress, 0, BytesToDecompress.Count)
    End Using
    End Using
    Return BytesDecompressed
    End Function
    End Class
    La vida loca

  • I recently migrated my MacBook from 10.5.8 to 10.6.8, using the Snow Leopard CD I purchased from Apple. Since then I have noticed a strange ozone smell coming from the MacBook in the area where the hinges are to open and close the unit. I was told by Appl

    I recently migrated my MacBook from 10.5.8 to 10.6.8, using the Snow Leopard CD I purchased from Apple. Since then I have noticed a strange ozone smell coming from the MacBook in the area where the hinges are to open and close the unit. I was told by Apple that it probably is not serious and is coming from the fans in the MacBook. It is true that the smell/odor is more intense when the fans are working. Apple said I should take the MacBook to an Apple Store to have the hardware checked out. Everything seems to be working correctly. I am backing up automatically wirelessly to a Time Capsule, which I had not done until recently, although I had purchased the Time Capsule in 2009. I have not noticed this odor before. Does anyone suspect something more serious that may be going on?

    You may be smelling it because with the new OS the processor is having to work harder causing it to get hotter then it would with the other OS.  I can't say there is nothing wrong, but what could be happening is just that, it's getting hotter so the fan is spinning faster and moving more air so you are getting more of the smell then you would before.  I would still continue to back it up, and take it to the Apple Store at a Genius Bar and have them look at it to make sure.  Was the computer ever in a smoky environment??

  • HT4796 after transfering data froAm my pc to mac using windows migration assist, where do the data go to on my mac please?

    after transfering data froAm my pc to mac using windows migration assist, where do the data go to on my mac please?

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    By default, Migration Assistant creates a new user account where it puts all the transferred data. Just go to  > Log Out, and log in the new user that Migration Assistant has created, so you will be able to access to the transferred data.
    If you want to merge the data into the first user account, use the Shared folder (it's in /Users/Shared) to put the transferred files there, and then, on the first user, go to the Shared folder and put all the data in the folders you want

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    does anyone have idea where the structure of created table is stored in data dictionary.
    I have idea like where constraints are stored,indexes are stored etc. But I am looking if there is any data dictionary table which has this information too..
    create table tablename (colname datatype ..........

    check built in dictionary view called dictionary or dict
    SQL> desc dict
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TABLE_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMENTS                                           VARCHAR2(4000)
    SQL> Explore it or SQL Reference and you'll find necessary info.
    Gints Plivna

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    You should have used Library > Convert Photos to DNG. That removes the NEF from the catalogue, but not from the hard drive, and puts the DNG in its place.
    You are also making life hard for yourself by fragmenting the control of your picture collection across multiple catalogues. Each catalogue is totally independent and as you have images referenced in more than one, here you're going to have to fix the problem in each catalogue. Get everything into one catalogue, and subdivide your pictures into subjects or your other themes by using metadata such as keywords, and smart and dumb collections.

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    You can ask Apple to add this via

  • HT4796 I did all of the above and the migration was successful, but I don't know where the files are.  It says they're under a different user, 'owner' .  I tried to access via sys pref/system/users&groups, but it asks for a password for owner which I don'

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    My experience is with MS PC's I'm new with the MAC Book Pro.

    Then, see if this works:
    Mac OS X 10.6 Help- If you forget your administrator password
    If you are running Lion or Mountain Lion you may need to do the following to access the same utility:
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu. Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
    Or see Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password and OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.

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    Writing in pages in Afrikaans. Spellcheck keep on correcting to dutch. Switched off spell check and also looked in System preferences - keyboard. this stops the "Auto-correct" but does not help me with Afrikaans or other language spell check.  Where do I get languages other than what Apple offer and where is the dictionary, Library, spelling files.

    You are basically limited to what Apple deigns to offer.
    Try LibreOffice [free] which has a huge selection of languages.

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    See this -

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    After installing IOS 6 on my iPad 2 the dictionary for iBooks and New York Times is lost. I've done the recommended forced app restart and shut down of the iPad without result. I have also turned off the voiceover to no help. I see others are complaining about the same Issue. Does anyone know the status on this? Is it going to be fixed or are we going to be left without dictionary? Apple should tell us whether it is going to come back or if it doesn't fit into their business plan.

    You should have the dictionary for all Apple apps.  If you type a word in Notes and then select it, do you not get a "define" option?  Have you also done a Reset of your iPad?  Is your active Keyboard the one for English?
    Nobody in these forums can tell you anything about Apple's plans, but you can tell them what you want via

  • Error while creating the dictionary in netweaver

    Dear sirs,
    I am taking part in the process of migrating a J2ee application from JBoss to SAP Server. I have imported the ejb project.
    I have an entity bean with 79 CMP fields. i have created the bean and created the table for the same also in the dictionary. But when i tried to build the dictionary, i am getting an error message as given below,
    "Dictionary Generation: DB2:checkNumberOfColumns (primary key of table IMP_MANDANT): number of columns (79) greater than allowed maximum (64) IMP_MANDANT.dtdbtable MyAtlasDictionary/src/packages"
    Is it mean that we can not create tables with fields more than 64 in the dictionary?
    I was able to create the table in the DB directly with more than 79 fields.
    So i hope it is because of some settings in the Dictionary.
    Do you know whethr any options are avilable in the netweaver developer studio to change the default column limit of the table
    Kindly help,

    Hi Sudheesh,
    If u want to Display database default values as a column in the table editor:
    choose window>preferences>dictionary>Table Editor>check it for default valus that is being used in the DB.
    Just try this.
    Also check on to this link u will find lots of stuffus regarding this issue.
    Message was edited by: Nagarajan Kumarappan

  • Unable to read the dictionary of the application or extension...

    I had previously installed the HP Color LaserJet 3600 driver from the install CD under Tiger. I recently did an archive and install of Leopard, then ran all the system updates. (Currently at 10.5.5)
    When I insert the 3600 CD, though, I get a bunch of jibberish (parts of images, etc.) and a MAC OS X directory. The installer inside that directory attempts to be opened with Script Editor, though, and gives an error: "Unable to read the dictionary of the application or extension because it is not scriptable." followed by "The document 'HP Color LaserJet v5.6.1.069' could not be opened."
    Previously this would launch the HP installation program that would install the driver. Now, it's like it's not a recognized program or something. I downloaded the driver from the HP website to try it that way (clj3600MacOSX.dmg) with the same result. The .dmg file opens a disk image with the "HP Color LaserJet v." file in it...same result. Cannot open.
    I know this program ran fine under Tiger...and a co-worker got it to run after doing an upgrade to Leopard (instead of archive and install.)
    When I downloaded the HP 4300 installer dmg, it launches a .mpkg file and Get Info says it's set to open with "Installer (default)". The 3600 file, though is set to open with "Script Editor (default)". I've looked to set it to Installer, but don't know where it's not in Applications or Utilities folder.
    I then right clicked on the installer file and selected "Show Package Contents". In the window that was displayed, there was a Contents folder. Inside that folder was a file called "HP Color LaserJet v5.6" with no file extension (Get Info doesn't show an extension either,) but it has a VISE logo. Opening that file launches the VISE installer and performs the setup.
    So, by jumping through hoops and getting lucky, I was able to install the driver.
    The bigger issue, though, is why the installation CD and/or .dmg file downloaded from HP's website cannot run the installer as usual...why are they set to open with Script Editor as the default application...and how can I fix it so that other disks won't have the same problem?
    [I originally posted this in the Printers forum, but it appears it's not a printing's an OS problem...] is in /System/Library/CoreServices/

  • Reporting (Project Publish) job is failing with 'The given key was not present in the dictionary'

    I am using Project Server 2010 with SQL Server 2008 R2.
    I have a PWA Instance which was running fine. I have a big number of projects and I do not keep site for all the projects as we do not need project site in our business.
    Everything was running fine but during last few days, some of the jobs like Reporting (Project Publish) and Reporting (Project Delete) job is failing with the same error details for all the projects. I am not able to trace where the data is wrong/corrupt
    and how to resolve it.
    The error detail and ULS Log is given below anod I would appreciate if someone can guide me where the problem is and suggest me any solution.
    General Reporting message processor failed:
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='4f36afe0-43dc-4143-befc-0452da416e69' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='071aeb7b-540e-45fa-b40b-a94a5d2e8e04' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='55445e77-51e3-40d8-a62f-e6db0b897444' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='3ab5a1ba-0915-45bb-a078-4b4b7c38af51' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='b27acd8f-6cde-47d4-bd53-5930e84dc940' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='b7250544-2a11-4887-8dcd-378b34b33ae1' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ReportingProjectPublish.ReportProjectPublishMessageEx. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='0706d212-f737-43ea-b694-c420488d57bb' JobUID='ca238fcf-d91b-46d6-a9c2-15f2cc35230d' ComputerName='WebSrv1' GroupType='ReportingProjectPublish'
    MessageType='ReportProjectPublishMessageEx' MessageId='1' Stage=''. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine WebSrv1 for entries with JobUID ca238fcf-d91b-46d6-a9c2-15f2cc35230d.
    ULS LOG:
    Timestamp               Process                                
     TID    Area                           Category                     
     EventID Level      Message  Correlation
    01/19/2015 19:05:07.44 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x23FC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=117.485513497555 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:07.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2C94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=192.534598230475 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:08.16 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1CFC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=448.362263674397 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:08.36 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x17E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=162.22152253546 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.00 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0898 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=557.699412860413 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.36 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1F20 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=253.695754010613 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.67 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0D68 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=239.76302803952 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:10.64 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3324 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=973.469925841736 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:11.92 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2DB8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=1275.5063556303 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:12.96 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0A1C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=1041.55499409959 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:13.15 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0518 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=133.891034879385 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:13.35 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x14EC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=207.250205426327 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:14.69 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x10B4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_PUBLISH_PROJECT). Execution Time=267.137845971639 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:14.93 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x14E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_PUBLISH_PROJECT). Execution Time=209.552772167485 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:16.10 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResultWithOutputParameters -- MSP_SRA_ValidateServerLevelSRA).
    Execution Time=717.808222684698 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:16.67 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (FillTypedDataSet -- MSP_SRA_GetData). Execution Time=307.24482978413 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:17.58 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResultWithOutputParameters -- MSP_SRA_ValidateServerLevelSRA).
    Execution Time=123.306566048297 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.12 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x25F4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResult -- MSP_WEB_SP_QRY_CreateSavedTasksForProject). Execution
    Time=111.699445284922 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.61 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AC8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResult -- MSP_WEB_SP_QRY_Statusing_BuildTaskHierarchy). Execution
    Time=449.279962592357 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.79 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x26D0 Project Server Server-side Project Operations 8tci Monitorableser1 PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1,
    PSI: [QUEUE] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The site could not be found in the Web application SPWebApplication Name=SharePoint - 80.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken
    userToken)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(String requestUrl)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Project.OpenProjectWeb(Guid projectUid)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Project.SetPwsProperties(Guid
    projectUid)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Queue.ProcessPublishMessage.ProcessMiscellaneousPublishMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.79 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x26D0 Project Server Server-side Project Operations 8tcj Monitorable PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1,
    PSI: [QUEUE] MiscellaneousPublishMessage failed on project b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:27.42 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3088 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:27.42 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3088 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:28.47 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x31F8 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:28.47 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x31F8 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:29.51 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2B00 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:29.51 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2B00 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:30.56 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1D20 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:30.56 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1D20 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:31.60 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2170 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:31.60 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2170 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:32.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x24DC Project Server Reporting atwj Critical Standard Information:PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d 
    PWA Site URL:  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) RDS: The request to synchronize change(s) to project Project
    UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'. PublishType='ProjectPublish' failed.  Message: 'ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed'. Message Body: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Error:(null) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:32.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x24DC Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d

    Without seeing the history, one possibility might be some corruption in the reporting database. Assuming that you are following best practices for SQL DB management, and this is not a DB neglect problem, then I would try to force a refresh to see if that
    helps. You can do this by executing a custom field backup and then restore. Note: Do not do this during production hours. Let us know if that provides any therapy.
    Gary Chefetz, MCITP, MCP, MVP msProjectExperts
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