Catch raiserror via java

i have procedure
create procedure sp_raiserrorSample()
declare num integer;
set num=1;
if num = 1 then
raiserror 99999 'I raised this error';
end if;
set num=2;
if num = 2 then
//execute code
end if;
I call procedure from java via this method:
public void sampleCode() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
Connection _con = null;
//create connection ------------------------------------------------------------
String url = String.format("jdbc:sybase:Tds:%s:%s", "","xxxx");
Properties prop= new Properties();
_con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, prop);
//after connection is created ------------------------------------------------------------
CallableStatement cst = _con.prepareCall("{call sp_raiserrorSample()}");
rs = cst.executeQuery();
System.out.println(" in while ");
if (rs != null)
catch (SQLException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
if(_con != null)
}//end sampleCode()
Problem is: when execute
raiserror 99999 'I raised this error';
, executing of procedure continue.
When execute
set num=2;
if num = 2 then
//execute code
end if;
after that I get raiserror .
How to stop executing of procedure when is execute raiserror 99999 'I raised this error';
When set option continue_after_raierror = off
result is equal;

ti6o wrote:
I use Adaptive Server Anywhare 9 .
Interactive SQL is use for sending SQL statements to the database server and browsing the information in a database.Well then perhaps you had better ignore my previous advice or test it thoughly. I thought you were using MS SQL Server.
And since this is the first time I have even heard of that particular database you are probably going to have to figure out the specifics on your own (although as a sybase relative it is might be related to what I said.)

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    I have recently looked at athe code for Image Processor.
    To avoid bailing on errors it uses two techniques.
    1) It turns off all PS error reporting in addition to just turning off dialogs with:     app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;  (it restores the original settings when exiting)
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    Try the following code:
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    IdcClient client;
    try {
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        dataBinderReq.putLocal("dDocName", "DEV2_001509"); // as string
        dataBinderReq.putLocal("renditionKeys", "addRendition0"); // as string
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        dataBinderReq.putLocal("addRendition0.description", "theFileDescription");
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                        imgs1 = rs1.GetValueAt(y,"Images").GetValueArray();
                        int id = imgs1.GetValueAt(0).GetIntValue();
                        //int id = rs1.GetValueAt(0, "Product_Color").GetIntValue();
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    I suggest you check password policy on the AD LDS server.
    If the server is under workgroup mode, then local password policy is applied; if it is domain-joined, domain password policy over-rides local password policy, you may also need to check if there is any PSO configured.
    More information for you:
    AD DS: Fine-Grained Password Policies
    Step 4: View a Resultant PSO for a User or a Global Security Group
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    So you are reading this file in a standalone version of Acrobat? If so then use the PDF Open Parameters /a option via the command line.
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat>Acrobat.exe /A "zoom=1000=OpenActions" "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\SimpleSubmit.pdf"
    Path to Acrobat: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat>Acrobat.exe
    Note: The example starts in the Acrobat application directory
    Switch: /A
    Parameter Syntax: "zoom=1000=OpenActions"
    Path to file: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\SimpleSubmit.pdf"
    Note: The quotes are very important for the syntax to work appropriately.

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    Try adding the following line in your code before scheduling:
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    Hi Eric,
    Just choose the UI element Table from Form Library and drag and drop it on the form. now choose the no. of rows and columns and other settings you want about table from the wizard initiated through this process. This all is what you have to do to create the table. Now to bind it to the fields of the data source bind the individual colums to individual attributes of the node in the datasource.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- JNLP File for Pensionsrechner -->
    <homepage href=""/>
    <description> test test test</description>
    <description kind="short">Test creatin of log file on client </description>
    <j2se version="1.4"/>
    <jar href="test2.jar"/>
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      <bpelx:exec import="java.util.logging.Logger"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="java.util.logging.Level"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="oracle.fabric.logging.LogFormatter"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="org.w3c.dom.*"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="java.util.*"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="java.lang.*"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="java.math.*"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="*"/>
      <bpelx:exec import="oracle.soa.common.util.Base64Decoder"/>If I do this, my bpel compiles fine:
            <bpelx:exec name="Java_Embedding_1" version="1.5" language="java">
                  Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("oracle.soa.Logger");
            </bpelx:exec>Now, if I do this (in order to cast the getVariableData(...) to Element or String, to get it logged):
            <bpelx:exec name="Java_Embedding_1" version="1.5" language="java">
                  Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("oracle.soa.Logger");
            </bpelx:exec>my BPEL won't compile. I get the error
    Error(55,33): Failed to compile bpel generated classes.
    failure to compile the generated BPEL classes for BPEL process "BPELProcess" of composite "default/JDeveloper_BPEL_Project!1.0"
    The class path setting is incorrect.
    Ensure that the class path is set correctly. If this happens on the server side, verify that the custom classes or jars which this BPEL process is depending on are deployed correctly. Also verify that the run time is using the same release/version.
    Not much help in my scac.log. No error, just warning:
    2012-11-13 14:59:40 com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger info
    INFO: LibClasspath=/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/../oracle_common/modules/commonj.sdo_2.1.0.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/../oracle_common/modules/oracle.fabriccommon_11.1.1/fabric-common.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/../oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xmlparserv2.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1/orabpel-thirdparty.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1/orabpel.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1/orabpel-exts.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1/orabpel-common.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.bpel_11.1.1/orabpel-validator.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1/fabric-client.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1/oracle.soa.fabric.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1/fabric-runtime.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1/soa-infra-tools.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric_11.1.1/fabric-ext.jar:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1/classes/:/opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/../oracle_common/soa/modules/oracle.soa.mgmt_11.1.1/soa-infra-mgmt.jar
    2012-11-13 14:59:40 com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger info
    INFO: validating "BPELProcess.bpel" ...
    2012-11-13 14:59:41 com.collaxa.cube.CubeLogger warn
    WARNING: CubeProcessor.compileGeneratedClasses() classpath is: /opt/Oracle_Middleware_Home/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/ it missing something? What it is missing?

    Actually I got it to work, and I'm not sure why it hasn't worked before.
    Where are the compiler complaints stored?

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    Is there a focus event associated with a canvas? Is there a way to control the canvas color via Java?

    Hi Dave,
    Is there a reason you don't use SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY(BACKGROUND_COLOR, ...)?
    In Java on the client, the canvas is not one of the objects we expose. However you can do what you want in Java and using some getParents() to get to the canvas, and then do a setBackground() on that. But note that this isn't supported, and the hierarchy could change at any time...
    Robin Zimmermann
    Forms Product Management

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    i have a problem calling a stored procedure in my java code. I found an example at OTN which seems not to be correct. I know there had been a lot of posting regarding this isue but i did not find the solution.
    I had the following VB-code to translate to java:
    Set k = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.command")
    With k
    .activeconnection = Db
    .CommandType = 4
    .CommandText = "Get_SK"
    Set vret = .createparameter("vRet", 131, 2) 'Output
    .Parameters.append vret
    End With
    In my java code:
    CallableStatement sproc_stmt = null;
    try {
    sproc_stmt = lsession.connection().prepareCall("{ ? = call TCSDBOWNER.Get_SK}");
    The call generates an id for inserting new rows in the DB. executing the code shown above i got the following error:
    wrong number or types of parameter/arguments
    Is there anybody who can help me? Best regards,

    Hi again,
    this was really ugly:
    Re: Executing stored procedure via java
    Thanks all, regards,

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    thank you,

    Okay, now I've used the ProcessBuilder class for that
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    public class Main extends JFrame implements
    Command com;
    public Main()
    com=new Command(1,this); // this class
    class implements ActionListener and handles the
    actions happening in the Main class.
    /* from the Command class the ProcessBuilder is
    der is started returning the instance proc of the
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    public void window.....(WindowEvent evt){}....

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    many thanks in advance.

    Hi Diep,
    have done as requested via Oracle TAR #3308936.995. As it happens the problem is resolved. The resolution has been not to create the file via; before adding content via an outputStream. if the File creation is left until the content is added as shown below the problem is resolved.
    Another quick question is link creation via 'ln -fs' and 'ln -f' supported against and nfs mount point to iFS ? (at Operating System level, rather than adding a folder path relationship via the Java API).
    many thanks in advance.
    public void createFile(String p_absolutePath, InputStream p_inputStream) throws Exception
    File file = null;
    file = new File(p_absolutePath);
    // Oracle TAR Number: 3308936.995
    // Uncomment line below to cause failure Operation not supported on transport endpoint
    // at Method)
    // at
    // at com.unisys.ors.filesystemdata.OracleTARTest.createFile(
    // at com.unisys.ors.filesystemdata.OracleTARTest.main(
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int noOfBytesRead = 0;
    while ((noOfBytesRead =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1)
    fos.write(buffer, 0, noOfBytesRead);

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