CATS questions

Dear colleagues,
1. In CATS I would like to assign hours to the network activity.  Same time I would like to display the Project description and the network activity description, but when it comes to any descriptions can not find standard fields, only fields for codes.  What is the standard way to show also the object description?
2. For each line in CATS I was asked to have a free text field, where the user can leave a short comment.  Is there anything standard for this and if not what is the standard way to get it?
Many thanks!

Question 1: You have to go for enhancement for display object description.
Question 2: In Field selection you have to activate short text field for your profile. In CAT2 screen double click on each cell then you will get pop up window there you can enter text. The same you can pull through the CATS_DA Report.

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    Hi Experts
    I am trying do UAT in FI box(because of the link between HR and FI box and i was told to like this to do testing in FI box,though configuration of time exists in HR box ) related to CATS and I cannot see any plan hours (Time sheet:Data entry view).I am not seeing any plan hours, could it be the problem of ALE between the two boxes or some mistake on configuration side??
    any help is greatly appreciated.

    The config. regarding plan hours is missing for the employess. You need to maintain infotype 0007 i.e planned working time in PA30.

  • CATS question - remove time columns

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    How can I get rid of two time columns?  I have disabled many fields, but those columns are still there...
    Many thanks for your help.

    If ur using CATS Classic,
    Try this!!
    Time Sheets, Specific Settings for CATS regular,CATS regular,Record Working Time, Define Field Selection, Settings,
    With clock times -
    Hope this will definitely help u  


    Below is a method which reads a specific file and uses xml dom to find some values
    public void createDBFromXML(File file){
           try {
                DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document document = db.parse(file);
                //System.out.println("Root element "+document.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
                NodeList node;
                //node = document.getElementsByTagName("cat");
                node = document.getElementsByTagName("question");
                final int N = 4;
                Question q;
                for (int i = 0; i < node.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node firstNode = node.item(i);
                    if (firstNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element element = (Element) firstNode;
                        String question;
                        String[] selection;
                        int answer; int category;
                        NodeList qElemntList = element.getElementsByTagName("q");
                        Element qElement = (Element) qElemntList.item(0);
                        NodeList qE = qElement.getChildNodes();
                        //System.out.println("q:"+ ((Node)qE.item(0)).getNodeValue());
                        question = ((Node)qE.item(0)).getNodeValue();
                        selection = new String[N];
                        NodeList c1ElemntList = element.getElementsByTagName("c1");
                        Element c1Element = (Element) c1ElemntList.item(0);
                        NodeList c1E = c1Element.getChildNodes();
                        //System.out.println("q:"+ ((Node)c1E.item(0)).getNodeValue());
                        //Node node = c1E.item(0);
                        selection[0] = ((Node)c1E.item(0)).getNodeValue();
                        System.out.println(node == null);
                        NodeList c2ElemntList = element.getElementsByTagName("c2");
                        Element c2Element = (Element) c2ElemntList.item(0);
                        NodeList c2E = c2Element.getChildNodes();
                        //System.out.println("q:"+ ((Node)c2E.item(0)).getNodeValue());
                        selection[1] = ((Node)c2E.item(0)).getNodeValue();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        }the file looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <q>1 question1</q>
    <q>1 question2</q><c1>choice1</c1>
    </question>I get these errors: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence.
            at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(
            at XmlDB.Database.createDBFromXML(
            at MainGame.Main.main(
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    elias85 wrote:
    how can i read those characters? They are greekThey are in a wrong encoding, so at this point there's nothing that you can do. Make sure that the XML is generated correctly in the first place.
    A valid XML file always has a defined encoding. If nothing is defined in the XML header then it's UTF-8. If your XML file doesn't define anything else and still contains non-UTF-8 encoded data, then it's invalid.

  • Is coffee corner equal with a gossip center?

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    now days...when i open this section is ..always about...talking other sdn member ( ex : this thread not polite, this thread is a copy cat,questioning about someone or a group moral and behaviour ) or about demanding something ( where is my shirt, can i have a t-shirt ) , at first i really interesting at this section...but moore and moore reading it..nothing new come out...and this moore like a mass gossip center.
    so....what do i do ( ofcourse i still reading it , im a woman..its my nature to gossip...:> )
    but  i kinda dissapoint.....because i really hope something new and fresh come out from this place....or maybe a revolution. still waiting....something new and interesting to come come on people...bring out your best topic in here.
    best regards
    Indah Puspita

    Hi Indah.
    Yeah I think this is also about gossip cause coffee and gossip does fit well
    But you are right ... this fingerpointing on certain members like: Be careful with members like this .... Is something I do not like neither!
    Anyway .. Christopher is rite: The revolution starts with you.
    By the way, not all threads are about gossip

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    My earbuds got chewed up by my cat and they are brand new just got the phone 4 days ago

    If you charge your cat rent to live with you (assuming your cat has a job), then you can add the cost of replacement to the rent or take it out of the security deposit. With your new funds, you can go to Apple and buy a new pair of headphones. Hope this helps.

  • CATS User exit Question

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    I have two custom fields in my CATS time sheet called Zclock1 and Zclock2. For a record that already exists I need to pre-populate these fields when I open the time sheet for an employee using CAT2, Which user-exit should I use?
    I tried CAT0002 but this one will trigger only at the time of creating a new record or modifying an existing record.

    hi Avisek Bhardwaj,
    i want to change the data when i use CAT7 to transfer data to CO, before CO document created i must delete some dummy WBS element in a certain user-exit, so i need to find  this user-exit to process the data,
    i've checked the enhancement CATS0002, but it isn't what i want,
    i've found one user exit  PCA00001--EXIT_SAPLPC02_001(EC-PCA: Changes to Document when Transferring CO Actual Data)
    i do delete dummy wbs element in this user exit but when transferring is finished, i find that the dummy wbs element still appears in the co document. it looks like that user exit doesn't work.
    i don't know why,

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    Are there any plans to incorporate Inline Mode (5.x) under Cat IOS in the future, or am I missing something here?

    An upcoming version of CatIOS code will definately support inline mode.
    The IPS 5.0 code, as you're aware, was the first version of IDS code to support inline mode. With the standalone sensors, running it inline requires a physical cabling change. With the IDSM-2 in particular though, you need to be able to configure the Cat-IOS code to push traffic through the device in inline mode.
    Unfortunately getting new versions of CatIOS code out the door is not that easy, since there are about 10,000 other features (not just IPS) in the code that are also wanting to be updated, plus other new features, plus all the testing and re-testing that needs to go on before a release. Supporting inline IPS is just one of many major features scheduled for the switch software.
    The Release Notes for IPS 5.0 code do say the following:
    IDSM-2 only supports inline mode for Catalyst Software 8.4.4(1) with Supervisor Engine 1a, Supervisor Engine 2, Supervisor Engine 32, and Supervisor Engine 720. Inline support for Cisco IOS will be added at a later date.

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    cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch should tell you wich one is powered. Do not forget to restart X whenever you switch cards.

  • Posting on Sales order?  Maybe not really a cProject direct question.

    We have a process that we normal post against the internal order.
    But some project are billable to the customer so sender is the cost center (of the reaource) but receiver should be a proper item on the sales order.
    We use CATS to report the time for project.
    What is by your opinion correct procedure , if I record  the activity on some taska  in cats, how to get them posted to the correctt line of the sales order. Vice versa how I transfer costs back from the sales order to cProject?
    Line items on the sales order are maintained as materials and price is maintaned in Sales view of material on a custom field.
    Any best practice or suggestions for that ?
    Thanks for all your help

    Hi Jan,
      Data from the Sales Order can be pulled into cProjects by creating Object Links from cProjects to the Sales Orders. You can also do it by have a cProject integration with PS Project. PS Project can be integrated with the Sales Order easily since you are on the same system.
      Regarding posting on the Sales Order, well that is a question that has to be addressed to SD and CO.
    Best Regards,

  • Questions, Suggestions, Bugs - results from 7-day workshop

    Last week we (AMIS that is) finished yet another JHeadstart workshop with one of our customer’s development teams. In this workshop we focused on Struts, BC4J and both JSP and UIX. (so no Toplink this time). By the way: we used JHeadstart in conjunction with JDeveloper 9.0.4.
    Over the course of this 7 day workshop we had several discussions, most of these the result of our customer’s ambition to generate all or most of an application they had already developed manually using the Web PL/SQL Toolkit and integrated with Oracle Portal. These discussions resulted in several questions/suggestions/enhancements requests. I list them below to inspire future releases.
    ·     Why does JHeadstart not make use of the UIX-Struts integration (see Chapter 15 of the UIX developer’s Guide)?
    ·     How do you specify which columns/attributes in a Table Layout are sortable?
    Suggestion/Enhancement Requests:
    ·     Offer the possibility to generate Regions “Side by side” instead of always below each other
    ·     Could you provide the same kind of “nested navigation” on persistentAttribute for BC4J as you offer for Toplink, e.g. through the use of Jakarta Commons BeanUtils in DataObjectImpl.getAttribute()?
    ·     Allow Master-Detail with Detail Table-Form layout style and same page is true (at least a recipe, preferably full generation) (I do understand that having multiple Child-table-layouts with Details-buttons on the same Master-page could be an issue due to the conflicting details-events, but surely one can be arranged?)
    ·     Generation of breadcrumbs for JSP
    ·     Allow us to specify for a file upload which attribute will hold the filename; allow us to specify for download which attribute will provide the filename (for the save as dialog in the browser) and possibly the mime-type.
    ·     Allow an Alt-text property to be defined for attributes with Display Type = Image; this alt-text property can refer to another attribute.
    ·     In Jsp: Display Type displayField should generate a <bean:write> instead of a disabled <html:text> field. For domain-based attributes that are normally rendered using a pop-list (Choice), a displayField requires additional logic to display (bean:write) the meaning rather than the value
    ·     Allow the prompt to be empty (if you leave the prompt property empty, the generator will use the attribute name; you can not explictly leave it empy; the workaround is to type a single space for the prompt)
    ·     Provide a way to preview the defaults that the generator will use for properties that are not explicity set OR provide a way to explicitly set those defaults as values on the Entity Object’s attributes
    ·     Allow the Domain and Region-properties to be set through a Combo-box with a list of the available Domains and Regions
    ·     Make the private members in oracle.jheadstart.model.bc4j.handler.DataObjectImpl protected, so that a subclass can access those variables
    ·     Allow us to specify a “split prompt” , for example Weight|kg that would display as Weight …. (field) kg; make the JDG pick up split prompt from Designer and set accordingly in the VO Attribute.
    ·     Allow the definition and generation of separate prompt and hint values for Find, Table and Form-page
    ·     Provide a utility to copy VO Attribute properties between ViewObjects (or even to copy entire ViewObjects)
    ·     Documentation: provide a JDG Reference “to-from” in addition to “from-to”: it is very convenient when trying to generate an application using the JDG if you can easily find out what you have to do set in Oracle Designer in order to achieve some result in the generated application. For example: how do I generate a Table-Form layoutstyle?
    ·     Provide a shortcut to run the JDG again, with the exact same settings as the previous run; this makes incremental development using the JDG a lot more convenient; having to walk through the entire wizard for every little change in Designer is rather a pain.
    ·     Provide properties in the Group, Lookup and Region elements in the Application Structure File (editor) for recording post-generation changes
    ·     Generate Regions (minus Table Summary items) in Detail Disclosure
    ·     Provide (style)Class property on ViewObject Attributes and generate the styleClass property for UIX elements or a class property for JSPs (if the Struts tags do not cater for a Class property, you can also generate a <SPAN class=””> around the JSP items)
    ·     Provide a shortDesc or altText property for VO Attributes; these are turned into popup texts on items and can for example provide popup hints in a Table Layout; generate the UIX shortDesc property.
    ·     Provide preComment and postComment properties on VO Attributes, Groups and Regions; the values of these properties should be generated into the UIX or JSP pages as <!-- preComment value --> and <!-- postComment value -->. Not only does this allow better documentation of the generated sources, it also provides hooks for post-generation utilities.
    ·     Support displayType numberField/numberItem; this in UIX would render a right-aligned input-item
    ·     Allow specification of dateFormat at VO Attribute level (in addition to Service Element)
    ·     Switch to JSTL from the Struts tags – at least for bean:write (c:out) and all logic tags; configure new JHeadstart projects for JSTL (libraries, taglibs, web.xml etc.)
    ·     Allow multiple values to be returned from a List of Values
    ·     Allow an onBlur property on VO Attributes; this property includes a piece of JavaScript to be executed on leaving the item; the code may refer to other items in the same record. Ideally also provide other event-triggers such as onFocus, onMouseOver etc.
    Bugs?? We ran into some issues that may indicate bugs
    ·     The Master-context in UIX pages for Detail Group, Table-Form (same page false) is missing
    ·     Master context in JSP voor Detail Group, Form page (same page false) is missing
      Watch this Topic      Copyright 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. About OTN I Contact Us I About Oracle I Legal Notices and Terms of Use I ·     A ViewObject Attribute with displayType File Upload seems to result in a html:file element that pastes the contents of the file into the HTML Page: <input type="file" name="PublisherLogo" maxlength="100" size="30" value="ÿØÿà JFIF H H ÿÛ C ? $.&#39; &quot;,# (7),01444&#39;9=82&lt;.342ÿÛ C etc It would seem that the value attribute of the <html:file> element should explicitly be set to an empty string
    ·     (I am not absolutely certain that this is really the case, but we have seen this behavior several times) The JDG seems to generate a faulty BC4J Design for JDeveloper 9.0.4: when running the JDG for the second time for a Module, a second, similar ViewLink is created where the JDG should overwrite a previously created one. In the BC4J Tester we could still see the data, but in the generated application, we could not find the children of the masters through this duplicated ViewLink. Removing the second viewlink did not solve the problem. Creating the ViewObjects and ViewLinks from scratch in Jdeveloper (i.e. not through the JDG) worked fine.

    In the meantime, I can answer to your questions:
    · Why does JHeadstart not make use of the UIX-Struts integration (see Chapter 15 of the UIX developer’s Guide)?This has been done to allow the same page to be run both with Struts and MVC Framework, without needing to change the page. Using the UIX-Struts integration would have made the pages 'controller aware'.
    · How do you specify which columns/attributes in a Table Layout are sortable?As far as generation is concerned, you can only specify the whole table to be sortable. In case of UIX you can post-gen modify the <sortableHeader> tag of each column separately. In case of JSP you can remove the <a href> tag for each column that you do not want to sort on.
    Jan Kettenis
    JHeadstart Team

  • How to on a MacBook Pro-some switcher questions

    I bought my first Mac in March of this year but i am still learning all the time about it.
    I have some questions about Mac OSX at the moment i am designing a website for my sister she has bought her own domain with Fasthosts and i have been designing her website mainly in Windows XP via bootcamp because i do not know how to save in html on my Mac. Do i need to buy software so that i can design websites on my Mac so that i can save in html? I want to hand encode and then save in html? Is there a application in Mac that will allow me to do this? In Windows i can encode by hand in notepad and just save in html very simply. Also, Is there a way to edit what i have already done in Windows on my Mac. I tried using Text-edit and that does not bring up a plain text version of the code when i open up what i have already done.
    Also, how do i resize a picture using my Mac. I often use Paint to do this because i have not figured how to do this on a Mac yet?
    I have been wondering about this for a while also but how do i refresh a page using Mac OS. In windows you press F5 to refresh a page but what do you do with a Mac?
    I am finding that the Mac does not cater as well for people who do not want to buy extra software to use it for example to have a Paint programme that is decent you need to buy extra software wheras on Windows XP Paint comes free of charge.

    I bought my first Mac in March of this year but i am
    still learning all the time about it.
    Welcome to Macs!!! I hope you're enjoying them!
    I have some questions about Mac OSX at the moment i
    am designing a website for my sister she has bought
    her own domain with Fasthosts and i have been
    designing her website mainly in Windows XP via
    bootcamp because i do not know how to save in html on
    my Mac. Do i need to buy software so that i can
    design websites on my Mac so that i can save in html?
    Two sided question - yes and no. I have never purchased any but there are some for purchase... I forget their names and I'm sure another user will chime in with them.
    You can use both iWeb or Nvu. iWeb is more drag and drop, but you can publish your site to a folder, and then send that to your ftp server using a program called Cyberduck. Nvu is a free HTML editor... very similar to Microsoft Frontpage. It's decent, i've had it a while ago, but it's a bit slow and has a few bugs still. But what do you expect for free?!?!
    I want to hand encode and then save in html? Is there
    a application in Mac that will allow me to do this?
    As a new web designer, I don't know what you mean by hand encode... But I think NVU will help you out with that.
    In Windows i can encode by hand in notepad and just
    save in html very simply.
    Yes - NVU you can edit the html code inside the program, or you can open the html codes in Text Edit and edit them that way.
    Also, Is there a way to
    edit what i have already done in Windows on my Mac.
    I tried using Text-edit and that does not bring up a
    plain text version of the code when i open up what i
    have already done.
    Again, you can open the html in NVU and do it there.
    Also, how do i resize a picture using my Mac. I often
    use Paint to do this because i have not figured how
    to do this on a Mac yet?
    Paint?!?!?!?! Oh boy! In many programs there is the "inspector" button (like iWeb) and you can do it easily.
    In iPhoto you can click on File-->Export--> And rescale the image in the size you want.
    I have been wondering about this for a while also but
    how do i refresh a page using Mac OS. In windows you
    press F5 to refresh a page but what do you do with a
    Refresh? You mean like safari? Apple+R
    I am finding that the Mac does not cater as well for
    people who do not want to buy extra software to use
    it for example to have a Paint programme that is
    decent you need to buy extra software wheras on
    Windows XP Paint comes free of charge.
    Really?? Paint is terrible. Any program that windows gives you for free, apple has a better counterpart available for download on the internet for free as well.
    You can also try GraphicConverter. This was previously free on powerbooks but was forgotten on Intel Macs... probably because they didn't have a universal binary at the time. There is a free trial, give it a shot.

  • Question on a safari symptom that implies dns wierdness

    This question is posted here because to problem shows up best in Safari. However, as I understand the process, I do not believe the core of the problem is specifically Safari.
    When I try to browse to a nonexistant domain (for example, typing in into Safari's browser), I am shown a Network Solutions page which reads among other things:
    This Site Is Under Construction and Coming Soon.
    This Domain Is Registered with Network Solutions
    It's not as robust as the usual Network Solutions Under construction page.
    A screen shot of this can be seen at
    I also get this when I type in partial urls. For example, if I simply type in ford to the address bar in Safari, I get the same page. Once upon a time, the browser would assume I meant to add a .com to the end of the url if I did not do so. While showing as a sign of laziness, I must admit I like this "feature."
    I NEVER see the standard Safari page saying "Safari can't find the page you are looking for."
    Some details:
    - Network consists of a DSL connection to Verizon.
    DSL modem - Linksys router = iMac G5, iMac G3
    Router is connecting to modem via PPPoE
    Router is configuring local network (192.168.1.x) via DHCP
    - I see the same results from IE5 on the OS9 Imac G3
    - I know I did not have these results until recently. Recent changes include:
    - upgrading firmware on linksys
    - changing internal network range from 192.0.1.x (wsa a typo) to 192.168.1.x
    Here is my thinking:
    There are two "problems" going on here.
    1) I'd like the browser address bar to assume I mean .com when I do not include a standard TLD
    2) I'd like to know how Network Solutions is rerouting my browser when my dns resolver falis to find an ip when searching on behalf of my browser.
    (1) is admitedly a behavioral preference.
    (2) is getting me worried. Doesn't this mean some local process is doing this?
    Here's a simplification of the entire process as I understand how dns and web browsing works...
    1) In Safari, I enter a bogus url domain, like ""
    2) the Safari process realizes I have not entered an IP number, and goes to the network stack in search of my dns resolver
    3) I've entered no custom host information, so the dns resolver on my system must go to whatever dns servers I have configured for use on my ethernet connection. (The only active connection, by the way). There are two dns servers, both in Verizon's space (they are my ISP)
    4) My system makes a query on port 53 to their first server. Let's assume they are playing by the rules and not proxying without my knowledge. Let's also assume there is nothing in their dns server cache for After all, why should there be? Finally, let's assume their dns servers are recursive.
    5) Their dns server checks it's cache and realizes it has nothing for It also quickly realizes it has no zone for, so it goes out on the quest. It hits the root servers, gets directed to the GTLD-SERVERS, gets directed to, which finally answers no such host.
    6) Verizon's dns server tells my computer's dns resolver no such host
    7) My computers dns resolver tells Safari no such host
    8) Safari should display the typical site not found page.
    As far as I can tell, when I do the search from a purely dns query standpoint, I get the expected results. Here's a clip from the terminal. Comments in italics:
    xxxxx:~ xxxxx$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
    ........these are the correct names servers as provided by my isp........
    xxxxxx:~ xxxxxx$ dig @ +trace
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> @ +trace
    ;; global options: printcmd
    . 197789 IN NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    .........skipping a bit.........
    . 197789 IN NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    ;; Received 436 bytes from in 55 ms
    com. 172800 IN NS A.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    .........skipping a bit.........
    com. 172800 IN NS M.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    ;; Received 493 bytes from in 40 ms 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS
    ;; Received 274 bytes from in 34 ms 86400 IN SOA 2006032800 1800 900 2016000 86500
    ;; Received 88 bytes from in 94 ms
    In other words, it got what you'd expect - the host does not exist.
    So what I want to know is, how is it that Safari is set to shown a Network Solutions page instead of the default Server not Found page? As far as I can tell, that page is not on my system, so Safari must be retrieving it from elsewhere.
    But how? When the local process trying to resolve the bogus host is dig, host, nslookup or the like, I get the correct host not found. How then is that information being changed between my local dig process and the safari process, so that Safari then shows the Network Solutions page? Remember that the only processes which "know" this query was originated by a browser and not by a dns utility like dig are local to my box. So, how can this substitution be done without local access?
    Wouldn't this imply a local security problem?
    I've tried (although I cannot imagine how some of these would affect a resolution):
    - Reset Safari
    - emptying cache and history
    - manually entering the dns information in system prefs (allowing the system to be configured via dhcp does work - according to network utils, the dns info is there - but they do not show up in the network prefs panel.
    - adding ".com" "com" or a few other variations to the default domain in the network prefs.
    - Deleting Safari's prefs (~/Library/Safari/)
    I did find some discussion about something similar from back around 2002 complaining that similar action could potentially cause host verification problems for email servers and the like. Though, I'd guess most of these kinds of verifications would be for the reverse lookups. Still, I dould not find an exmplanation of how it was done, or more importantly, how to stop it, short of petitioning the ISP's to upgrade their version of BIND.
    I'd love to be able to stop this annoying free ad for Network Solutions from appearing whenever I'm wither lazy or sloppy typing in the url. But more importantly, I want to know how this process works. The fact I see similar results on my OS9 ImacG3 strongly implies I'm not looking at a security issue - it's unlikely my conclusion there is a local process intercepting the dns results between my resolver process and my safari process is correct, as the same thing seems to be happening there as well. But I gotta know. How is this happening? How did Network Solutions do this?

    What you're describing sounds suspiciously like
    VeriSign's SiteFinder from ... the
    fall of 2003, which is when it was up and running.
    That's one thing I did find from my searches. What I didn't find was an understanding of how they did it then, and by inference how they're doing it now, assuming we're seeing a recurrance.
    I find thousands of similar hits by searching on the text in the page, though it's unclear how many of these are legit - some of these pages are truthful. Hitting and being told "This Domain Is Registered with Network Solutions" is another matter entirely.
    This looks like your page doesn't it:
    You know what would be interesting? The output of
    this Terminal command:
    curl -I what headers get
    returned from whatever server is answering the
    I'll do you one better... from terminal:
    notnAP:~ notnap$ curl -Iv
    * About to connect() to port 80
    * Trying * connected
    * Connected to ( port 80
    HEAD / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.13.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin8.0) libcurl/7.13.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7i zlib/1.2.3
    Pragma: no-cache
    Accept: /
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Age: 7
    Age: 7
    < Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:13:09 GMT
    Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:13:09 GMT
    < Content-Length: 30692
    Content-Length: 30692
    < Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Type: text/html
    < Expires: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:18:09 GMT
    Expires: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:18:09 GMT
    < Cache-Control: max-age=300
    Cache-Control: max-age=300
    < nnCoection: close
    nnCoection: close
    < Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) PHP/4.3.10
    Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) PHP/4.3.10
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Closing connection #0
    notnAP:~ notnap$ curl -Iv
    * About to connect() to port 80
    * Trying * connected
    * Connected to ( port 80
    HEAD / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.13.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin8.0) libcurl/7.13.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7i zlib/1.2.3
    Pragma: no-cache
    Accept: /
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1
    Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1
    < Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 02:59:12 GMT
    Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 02:59:12 GMT
    < Content-type: text/html
    Content-type: text/html
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Closing connection #0
    I'll save you the trouble:
    VeriSign Infrastructure & Operations NSI-NETBLK1 (NET-216-168-224-0-1) -
    Network Solutions, Inc. NETSOL-SWIP-216-168-224 NET-216-168-224-0-2) -
    So what does it mean, and can anyone tell me how they're doing this? I hate not understanding how this is being done, and it directly proves my understanding of dns and the network stack on my iMacs is wrong, or at least incomplete. Inconceivable!

  • Start time/end time columns in the weekly overview of CATS regular

    Does anyone know if it is possible to have the start and end time columns in parallel of the duration column in CATS regular (iView "record working times" in ESS) in the weekly view. Those columns are available in the daily view but we want them in the weekly view. This is possible on the backend but the question remains for the ESS.
    Thanks a lot for your help

    Dear Gaëlle,
    My client have this requirement as well. So have you found your way to configure it?
    Please let me know..
    Thanks in advance

  • E71x problem, and a question about 'physical damag...

    Soooo I got the E71x in June, and I loved it, until about a month ago, it started frustrating me non stop.
    The phone will tell me that its battery is low after I've charged it completely, and have seen 5 bars worth of power for 30 mins;
    it will turn off without shutting down, without alerting me
    it will freeze, and won't turn off with the power button--the only thing to do is pull the battery out;
    it will tell me the sim card isn't registered and then turn off
    the screen will go blank, turn white, and display a message that says 'Insert SIM card' when the sim card is already in, and hasn't been moved or anything;
    the phone will die when I try to send text messages, call someone, or the first 30 seconds into a call;
    whenever the phone dies on me, I have to pull the battery out & then turn the phone back on, and when I do so a ghost image of whatever i had been doing before the phone died (the text i was about to send, for instance, or the home screen, or the 'insert sim card' screen) will appear for a second, pixelate, then vanish.
    I called AT&T, they do not believe that it is a charger or battery issue, since I've checked those anyway. My software is up to date, I've tried all the online troubleshooting tips. I've obviously dropped my phone before, who hasn't, but it was never anything *huge*, the phone never turned off because I dropped it, the battery never popped out, etc. It has fallen from my jeans to the floor, for example, that's about it. So there's no physical damage because of that. I have never gotten the phone wet;---the circle on the back of my battery is white, so it hasn't been exposed to liquid or heat or anything extreme. I don't think my warranty would be turned down for physical damage due to the above mentioned.
    However, I have a question if anyone who works for Nokia reads these boards; my parrot removed the 'p' key from the keyboard--just the key, the pad underneath works fine and is untouched, i can still type the letter p and everything--but the 'p' key, just that one, is missing. I can't find it. Would I really be denied my 1 year warranty because of that? is there anyway I can buy a key to replace the 'p' key so that I could send my phone to AT&T? all it would need to be fixed is a tiny dab of glue. That's it. I will be very frustrated if I can't get my phone fixed within warranty because of that key; I would be forced to get another phone, and I don't think my choice would be another Nokia. Please let me know what I can do about this problem, it's getting ridiculous, I can't even answer phone calls without my first rushed sentence being 'my phone might hang up on you but i'll call you back' anymore.
    Go to Solution.

    hahaha no, it's not the e71x, it is a piece of popcorn she DEVOURED. She LOVES popcorn. MMMmmmmMMMM she says. Haha.
    @FastTortoise, I think a parrotlet might be a good fit for you, they were my pick because they have the same personality as a parrot (spunky, loving, fun, funny, etc) but they're TINY, and VERY quiet (comparatively::they've got nothing on cats). Check out this site for more info my name on there is brittany_lynn, you might be able to get my email from that site or from this, lemme know if you have ?'s or anything
    P.S. All birds need a cage, a parrotlet just needs a smaller cage.

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