CBO (10g): unable to estimate the good NL join cardinality

Hi all,
In my database, the CBO does not choose the good execution plan for the following query:
AND INSTR(',' || T.LIMAR || ',', ',' || I.COMAR || ',', 1) != 0
The execution plan chosen by the CBO is the following:
SQL_ID  762utndb7xxsa, child number 0
TPOOIN_TT T, IAVOPE I, NATACF A  WHERE T.POTMP IN (:"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01", :"SYS_B_02",               
    :"SYS_B_03", :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")    AND INSTR(:"SYS_B_06" || T.LIMAR || :"SYS_B_07",
:"SYS_B_08" || I.COMAR || :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10") != :"SYS_B_11"    AND T.COINT IN (I.COINC,I.COINF)  
Plan hash value: 1994655966
| Id  | Operation                      | Name        | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |
|   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                  |             |      1 |      1 |    100 |00:02:16.62 |      20M|    203K|
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                 |             |      1 |      1 |   6757K|00:02:35.45 |     585K|    203K|
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL           | NATACF      |      1 |   2919 |     61 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | IAVOPE      |     61 |      1 |   6757K|00:02:35.47 |     585K|    203K|
|   5 |     BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS|             |     61 |        |   6757K|00:00:00.02 |     771 |    589 |
|*  6 |      BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE | IAVOPE9_BMP |     61 |        |   1145 |00:00:01.92 |     771 |    589 |
|*  7 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL            | TPOOIN_TT   |   6757K|      1 |    100 |00:01:51.64 |      20M|      0 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   6 - access("A"."ID_CNACT"="I"."ID_CNACT")
   7 - filter((INTERNAL_FUNCTION("T"."POTMP") AND INSTR(:SYS_B_06||"T"."LIMAR"||:SYS_B_07,:SYS_B_08||"I".
              "COMAR"||:SYS_B_09,:SYS_B_10)<>:SYS_B_11 AND ("T"."COINT"="I"."COINC" OR "T"."COINT"="I"."COINF") AND
              "I"."DATRA">="T"."DATRA" AND "I"."DATRA"<="T"."DAMAX"))
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement
if I use the hint ORDERED, the query runs instantly.
Apparently, the CBO is mistaken when it estimates the join cardinality for NATACF and IAVOPE tables.
Indeed, it estimates that the NESTED LOOP is going to return only a single row (column E-Rows) instead of 6757K rows (column A-Rows).
By looking at the 10053 trace file we can see that the CBO is unable to estimate the join cardinality:
Join order[4]:  NATACF[A]#1  IAVOPE#2 TPOOIN_TT[T]#0
Now joining: IAVOPE[I]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 2919.00 Cost: 26.27 Resp: 26.27 Degree: 1 Bytes: 24
Inner table: IAVOPE Alias: I
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 793981231.57 Resp: 793981231.57 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 775301479.00 Cost_cpu: 553603549165062
Resp_io: 775301479.00 Resp_cpu: 553603549165062
****** trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)
resc_io: 2.00 resc_cpu: 15293
ix_sel: 0.016667 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.016667
NL Join: Cost: 5865.78 Resp: 5865.78 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5864.00 Cost_cpu: 52626084
Resp_io: 5864.00 Resp_cpu: 52626084
Access path: Bitmap index - accepted
Cost: 5892.05 Cost_io: 5890.00 Cost_cpu: 60612251 Sel: 0.0000e+00
Not believed to be index-only
****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
Best NL cost: 5892.05
resc: 5892.05 resc_io: 5890.00 resc_cpu: 60612251
resp: 5892.05 resp_io: 5890.00 resp_cpu: 60612251
Join Card: 0.00 = outer (2919.00) * inner (62632660.00) * sel (0.0000e+00)
Join Card - Rounded: 1 Computed: 0.00
The cardinality of the inner and the outer table are well estimated but the CBO is using ZERO as the selectivity.
Does someone know why the CBO is making this estimation?
Is it a bug ?
thanks for your help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

I think there is a bug with DBMS_XPLAN beacause there are 2919 rows in NATACF table. This tabe is static.
My post concerns the fact that the CBO estimates 0 rows as the result of the join between IAVOPE and NATACF.
That's what I want to understand.
Join Card:  0.00 = outer (2919.00) * inner (62632660.00) * sel (0.0000e+00)The issue is not located on the temporary table since when I run a query with only NATACF and IAVOPE and I get the wrong estimation
I.DATRA = to_date(:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1") AND A.ID_CNACT = I.ID_CNACT
Plan hash value: 2748866919
| Id  | Operation                     | Name        | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | IAVOPE      |      1 |      1 |    100 |00:00:00.24 |    9506 |      7 |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                |             |      1 |      1 |  43580 |00:00:00.08 |      14 |      0 |
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL          | NATACF      |      1 |   2919 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       4 |      0 |
|   4 |    BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS|             |      1 |        |  43579 |00:00:00.02 |      10 |      0 |
|*  5 |     BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE | IAVOPE9_BMP |      1 |        |     15 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |      0 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("I"."DATRA"=TO_DATE(:SYS_B_0,:SYS_B_1))
   5 - access("A"."ID_CNACT"="I"."ID_CNACT")
Join order[1]:  NATACF[A]#0  IAVOPE#1
Now joining: IAVOPE[I]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 2919.00 Cost: 26.27 Resp: 26.27 Degree: 1 Bytes: 24
Inner table: IAVOPE Alias: I
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 900314800.50 Resp: 900314800.50 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 875835670.00 Cost_cpu: 725477142751961
Resp_io: 875835670.00 Resp_cpu: 725477142751961
****** trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
Access Path: index (AllEqJoin)
resc_io: 39.00 resc_cpu: 293786
ix_sel: 0.021477 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.021477
NL Join: Cost: 113896.21 Resp: 113896.21 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 113867.00 Cost_cpu: 865547968
Resp_io: 113867.00 Resp_cpu: 865547968
Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)
resc_io: 2.00 resc_cpu: 15293
ix_sel: 0.016129 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.016129
NL Join: Cost: 5865.78 Resp: 5865.78 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5864.00 Cost_cpu: 52626084
Resp_io: 5864.00 Resp_cpu: 52626084
Access path: Bitmap index - accepted
Cost: 5892.05 Cost_io: 5890.00 Cost_cpu: 60612251 Sel: 0.0000e+00
Not believed to be index-only
****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
Best NL cost: 5892.05
resc: 5892.05 resc_io: 5890.00 resc_cpu: 60612251
resp: 5892.05 resp_io: 5890.00 resp_cpu: 60612251
Join Card: 0.00 = outer (2919.00) * inner (1408783.43) * sel (0.0000e+00)
Join Card - Rounded: 1 Computed: 0.00

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    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:296: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) TransportProperties.TransportProperties():markerbasedpoll=false;file.receiver.wallet_location=/etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/ows/ewallet.p12;file.receiver.polling_interval=5;file.receiver.path=/wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound;file.receiver.marker=false;marker=false;ccc=false;filename_separator=-;file.receiver.channel_mask=None;port=21;file.receiver.minimum_age=0;filename_format=%TO_PARTY%-%SERVICE%-%ACTIONNAME%-%INREPLYTO_MSG_ID%.xml;file.receiver.van=false;keep_connections=false;file.sender.channel_mask=None;file.receiver.user=gsb2bdA;file.receiver.archive_dir=null;file.receiver.markerbasedpoll=false;file.receiver.password=******;file.receiver.preserve_filename=false;transport_callout_waittime=30;preserve_filename=false;file.receiver.keep_connections=false;file.receiver.ccc=false;van=false;polling_interval=5;
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:336: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) initialize TransportReceiver: [PG_Transport_Server_new < ftp > < CIT >]
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:338: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FileReceiver.init() started ....
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:375: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Enter
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:377: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:484: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:486: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:488: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:903: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:908: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Exit
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:910: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) Disconnecting from hwspxv006
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:00:979: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 disconnected.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:003: B2BStarter thread: (DEBUG) FileReceiver.init() completed.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:004: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Enter
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:006: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:077: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:079: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:080: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:356: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:357: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Exit
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:359: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASV
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:361: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASV, reply:
    227 Entering Passive Mode (147,149,200,111,175,184)
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:362: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Passive: ip =, port = 44984
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:364: Thread-13: (STATUS) Connecting to hwspxv006:44984
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:366: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: NLST //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:368: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: NLST, reply:
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:375: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Disconnecting from hwspxv006
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:377: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 disconnected.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:380: Thread-13: (DEBUG) [IPT_FileRecMonitorProcessFile] Processing file BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml in transport layer.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:381: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Enter
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:383: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:447: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:448: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:450: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:726: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:731: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPAgent.login(): Exit
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:732: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: CWD //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:771: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: CWD, reply:
    250 CWD command successful.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:773: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASV
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:775: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASV, reply:
    227 Entering Passive Mode (147,149,200,111,72,215)
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:776: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Passive: ip =, port = 18647
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:778: Thread-13: (STATUS) Connecting to hwspxv006:18647
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:787: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: TYPE I
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:789: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: TYPE, reply:
    200 Type set to I.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:790: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: RETR BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:793: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: RETR, reply:
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml (2257 bytes).
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:796: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Disconnecting from hwspxv006
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:798: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 disconnected.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:01:834: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Conversion of file BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml to TransportMessage is completed.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:355: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Move file to archive null
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:356: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FileSourceMonitor.moveFile(MessageOrigin): begin to move BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml in //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound to null
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:359: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:462: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:464: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:17:466: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:051: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:055: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: CWD //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:081: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: CWD, reply:
    250 CWD command successful.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:083: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: RNFR //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound/BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:084: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: RNFR, reply:
    350 File exists, ready for destination name
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:086: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPClient.renameFrom(): 350 File exists, ready for destination name
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:087: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: RNTO null/BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:090: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: RNTO, reply:
    550 rename: No such file or directory.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:091: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTPClient.renameTo(): 550 rename: No such file or directory.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:092: Thread-13: (ERROR) FTPClient.renameTo(): Unable to RNTO file null/BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml', reply code = 550
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:093: Thread-13: (DEBUG) File has been already archived BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml in //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound to null
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:094: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Moved file BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml in //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound to null
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:109: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:190: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:193: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:194: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:471: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:474: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASV
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:475: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASV, reply:
    227 Entering Passive Mode (147,149,200,111,171,164)
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:477: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Passive: ip =, port = 43940
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:478: Thread-13: (STATUS) Connecting to hwspxv006:43940
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:480: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: NLST //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:482: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: NLST, reply:
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:483: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Disconnecting from hwspxv006
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:485: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 disconnected.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:489: Thread-13: (DEBUG) [IPT_FileRecMonitorProcessFile] Processing file BTGS-bcRequestIncidentReportv1-rsConfirmIncidentReport-2008Dec15_12_12_12_122-Conversation-Id-READY-2009Jun23_16_37_43_625-1295541858750.xml in transport layer.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:492: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host name is 'hwspxv006'.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:557: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: USER gsb2bdA
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:559: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: USER, reply:
    331 Password required for gsb2bdA.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:561: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: PASS
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:833: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: PASS, reply:
    230-Please read the file README-btwlutils.txt230- it was last modified on Wed Jul 1 17:09:58 2009 - 1071 days ago230 User gsb2bdA logged in.
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:836: Thread-13: (DEBUG) Host hwspxv006 FTP command: CWD //wls_domains/gsb2b/gsb2bdA/ART/oraclePickupPath/outbound
    2012.06.06 at 13:46:18:840: Thread-13: (DEBUG) FTP Command: CWD, reply:
    250 CWD command successful.

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    Edited by: Tamir-L on Jan 5, 2010 5:11 PM

  • Unable to post the goods issue document

    when i try to post goods issue after creating the transfer order i am getting the error as "Posting only possible in periods 2010/01 and 2009/12 in company code LU09" . so could you please tell me  where i have to change the posting period for my company code.
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Hi Kesav,
    Use the transaction MMPV and close the previous period for ex the last period  open for your transaction is DEC 2009 so close it in the transaction MMPV so automatically next period will get open.

  • Unable to do the PGI for Returnable Packing Goods

    Dear Guru's
             I have posted a Returnable packing goods in MB1C with movement type 561, Stock indicator  is V  But it was posted in
    Returnable Packing Cust Unrestricted .
              while i am raising the Delivery with Reference to order i am unable to  do the PGI. It is getting with Deficit of SL Unrestricted is nil .
    How to go further . pls help me
    Thanks in Advance.

    Dear Guru's
      I have completed the PGI for material with Returnable Packing Goods
    while in MB1C with Movement Type 561 & With out mention the Special Stock ' V ' .
         But in which case we use the SPECIAL STOCK  Indicator . can anybody Brief me.
    Thank you in Advance.

  • Reports 10g vs the good old days

    Having been running reports from forms since the good/old client-server days, reports 10g is both a blessing and a curse. While it's certainly nice not to have to install software on each and every client box, since reports are now kept in cache on the middle tier app server until the cache hits its max size limitation, other users can issue a ?getjobid=nnn and just fish around for reports that others have run. In the good old days, a user would run a report locally on their desktop, that could be printed, and no one else could look at it. Does anyone out there know how or if a report run on the app server can be run just for the user who has access to it, and not be available to anyone who is "fishing" with getjobid? I'd really like to specify, if I could that the report be cached for just a few minutes. Essentially most of our users generate reports only needed by them and they are very dynamic in nature, so storing them isn't really necessary. Any ideas out there?
    Thanks in advance.
    Phil McDermott
    University of Illinois

    Use the EXPIRATION parameter to specify how long a report is kept in the cache. See the online help.

  • Opening my Ipad I have an exchange window asking me my password. I'm (almost)sure I type the good one but it doesn't accepIt it. Unable to go around that window so IPad useless. How can I check/change my password with my IPad (stuck) or my home computer ?

    Opening my iPad2 I have an "Exchange " window asking me my password. I'm (almost) sure I type the good one, but it doesn't accept it. Unable to go around it, so iPad useless... How can I recover/check my password on my home PC (or make that window disappear ?

    That's one of the weird things.. it recognizes it maybe 10% of the time. And usually, only after I do the two-button reset. Problem is.. since it won't charge above 2%, anytime I try to do a restore or anything like that using iTunes, my device shuts off and I lose whatever progress I'd made.
    So, an update... after reading through a bunch of similar complaints (there are literally 1000's of them so there's NO WAY this isn't somehow ios7 related, thanks a lot APPLE ) I decided to try a restore in recovery mode. After 3 hours and several disconnections... I ended up having to just set it up as a new iPad, as the restore did nothing. Weirdly though... as I was doing the restore in recovery mode.. I noticed I'd gotten up to a 10% charge.. higher than it's been since September, so after setting it up as a new device, I turned it off and plugged it in using the wall charger. 2 hours later and I was up to 38%. Still not great, as my iPad, before ios7 could've fully charged twice in the amount of time it took for me to now get 28% more of a charge. And that's with a fully cleaned out device.. so that really ***** and I'm now more confused than ever.
    But I'm gonna leave it overnight charging and see what I come up with tomorrow. Sadly, when I paid $600 for it in February, I never expected to have to play "wait and see" with it...

  • In spite of good wifi connection, I am unable to download the latest ios 6.1 on my iPad. Is there a solution?

    In spite of good wifi connection, I am unable to download the latest ios 6. Is there a way out? While I can access my mail, web and do other internet-related activities, I can't access Updates page on App store.

    Try again.  It is possible Apple's update server was overloaded when you tried before.

  • I am a residential appraiser and recently purchased an ipad4 to use for my home inspections.  Some homes are foreclose without power and I am unable to get a good picture without a flash.  Does anyone know of a flash attachment for the ipad4?

    I am a residential appraiser and recently purchased an ipad 4 to use for my home inspections.  Some homes are foreclosed poperties without power and I am unable to get a good interior picture without a flash.  Does anyone know of a flash attachment for the ipad 4? I found a flash attachment for the ipad 2, but it does not work with the ipad 4.

    I'm sorry to hear that.
    I'm not affiliated w/ the developer, just a happy user that gave up fighting the apple podcast app a while ago.  I used to have a bunch of smart playlists in itunes for my podcasts, and come home every day and pathologically synced my phone as soon as I walked in the door, and again before I walked out the door in the morning.
    Since my wife was doing this too, we were fighting over who's turn it was to sync their phone.
    Since I've switched to Downcast, I no longer worry about syncing my phone to itunes at all.  I can go weeks between syncs.
    Setup a "playlist" in downcast (ex., "Commute") and add podcasts to that playlist.  Add another playlist ("walk" or "workout") and add different podcasts to that one. 
    Set podcast priorities on a per-feed basis (ex., high priority for some daily news feeds, medium priority for some favorite podcasts, lower priority for other stuff).  Downcast will play the things in the priority you specify, and within that priority, it will play in date order (oldest to newest).
    Allegedly, it will also sync your play status to other devices, although that is not a feature I currently use and can't vouch for.  It uses apple's iCloud APIs, so to some extent may be limited by what Apple's APIs can do.

  • Good morning, my photoshop stopped working, it gives error when started, what can it be?  This is the message that appears: Unable to start the program it took a unexpected end of file  I hope answer

    Good morning, my photoshop stopped working, it gives error when started, what can it be?
    This is the message that appears:
    Unable to start the program it took a unexpected end of file
    I hope answer

    Could not initialize Photoshop because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered. | Mylenium's Error Code Database

  • Jolly Giant gave good advice re. ITunes and unable to download the latest version on my older Mac Mini.  I downloaded ITunes 9.2 as he suggested but came to a standstill at the place where we "agree" w Couldn't open  without Iwork (don't have)  Help!

    Jolly Giant gave good advice re. ITunes and unable to download the latest version on my older Mac Mini.  I downloaded ITunes 9.2 as he suggested but came to a standstill at the place where we "agree" with terms. Couldn't open  this without Iwork which I don't have.  Help!  Carolyn

    Hello, no way you should need iWork to "Agree"!?
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    And if you're really at 10.4.2, then get this and apply it...
    The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...
    Repair Permissions afterwords, reboot.

  • Unable to open the physical standby in read only  (10g)

    I m trying to create physical standby using RMAN to another server . But at the last step when trying to test Real Time Apply i m unable to open the standby in read only mode.Can Anyone please let me know whats the issue and how to resolve it
    SQL> select status from v$instance;
    SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session;
    Database altered.
    SQL>  alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
    Database altered.
    SQL> alter database open read only;
    alter database open read only
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery
    ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
    ORA-01110: data file 1:

    This is a newly created standby. I created just now. Below the o/p requested
    In Primary
    SQL> set line 200                                                                                                             
    SQL> set pagesize 200
    SQL> col message format a90
    SQL> select severity, error_code, to_char(timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), message from v$dataguard_status where dest_id=2;
    Error              12541 04-MAR-2012 11:55:05 PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test1'. Error is 12541.
    Error              12541 04-MAR-2012 12:00:12 PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test1'. Error is 12541.
    Error               1034 04-MAR-2012 12:06:25 PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test1'. Error is 1034.
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:21:24 ARC1: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (3113)
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:21:24 ARC1: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned
    Error               3113 04-MAR-2012 13:21:24 PING[ARC1]: Error 3113 when pinging standby test1.
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:33:29 ARC1: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (3113)
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:33:29 ARC1: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned
    Error               3113 04-MAR-2012 13:33:29 PING[ARC1]: Error 3113 when pinging standby test1.
    Error               1034 04-MAR-2012 13:39:50 PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test1'. Error is 1034.
    Error               1034 04-MAR-2012 13:45:29 PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test1'. Error is 1034.
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:57:56 ARC1: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (3113)
    Warning             3113 04-MAR-2012 13:57:56 ARC1: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned
    Error               3113 04-MAR-2012 13:57:56 PING[ARC1]: Error 3113 when pinging standby test1.
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select     ds.dest_id id
    ,       ad.status
    ,       ds.database_mode db_mode
    ,       ad.archiver type
    ,       ds.recovery_mode
    ,       ds.protection_mode
    ,       ds.standby_logfile_count "SRLs"
    ,       ds.standby_logfile_active active
    ,       ds.archived_seq#
    from    v$archive_dest_status   ds
    ,       v$archive_dest          ad
    where   ds.dest_id = ad.dest_id
    and     ad.status != 'INACTIVE'
    order by
    /   2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
            ID STATUS    DB_MODE         TYPE       RECOVERY_MODE           PROTECTION_MODE            SRLs     ACTIVE ARCHIVED_SEQ#
             1 VALID     OPEN            ARCH       IDLE                    MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE           0          0            64
             2 VALID     UNKNOWN         ARCH       UNKNOWN                 MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE           3          0            64In standby
    SQL> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES' group by thread#;
             1             64
    SQL> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#;                    
             1             64
    SQL> select message from v$dataguard_status;
    ARC0: Archival started
    ARC1: Archival started
    ARC1: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
    ARC1: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
    ARC0: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
    Attempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery process
    MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started
    Managed Standby Recovery starting Real Time Apply
    Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 63
    Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
    -- Connected User is Valid
    RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 9880
    RFS[1]: Identified database type as 'physical standby'
    Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/archive/test1/1_63_776981781.arc
    Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/archive/test1/1_64_776981781.arc
    Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 65
    16 rows selected.

  • Unable to Access the home page of oracle  10g express edition.

    I have installed enterprise manager 10g and also express edition 10g .But after installing the enterprise manager 10g and trying to access the url .The xdb username and password is prompted.I deleted the entry in init.ora for the xdb parameter to avoid the userid prompt but still the xdb login credentials are prompted.How can I avoid this message in order to access the 10g express edition home page.

    It appears you've got two things listening on port 8080, or more accurately two things that want to listen on port 8080. The winner is probably the Enterprise Manager. The easiest way to check this would be to connect as SYSDBA and run the following to reset the 10gXE XDB listener port:
    EXEC dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8181);
    Then, attempt to reconnect to the 10gXE on the new port. I suspect a new attempt to connect at the old port 8080 will return the same message. If it doesn't fix it, you should probably inspect the configuration file for XDB. You can do that by running the following:
    SET LONG 10000
    SELECT dbms_xdb.cfg_get() FROM dual;
    You'll find the template for configuration in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/xml directory. Hope this helps.

  • 10g - write back - The system is unable to read the Write Back Template

    I enabled write back on a report.
    the button (write back) is enabled (not grey)
    but when I click the button, there is a message
    The system is unable to read the Write Back Template 'UPDATETESTWRITEBACK'. Please contact your system administrator.
    I put UPDATETESTWRITEBACK.XML in C:\OracleBI\web\msgdb\customMessages
    the syntax in the xml is correct.
    what is the result? any log to check?

    Its not mandatory to have the same template name as your xml file name.
    But the <WebMessage name= "UPDATETESTWRITEBACK"> should be same what the templetae you are using in the webcat.
    Please find sampel xml which can have any xyz name in the folder "OracleBIData\web\msgdb\customMessages'
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web.messageSystem">
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBackTemplates" table="Templates">
    <WebMessage name= "ResourceAllocation">
    <writeBack connectionPool="--your connection pool name">
    <insert> Insert statement </insert>
    Rajeev A

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